After listening to Lilith's introduction, Los was a little surprised: "Kara people? Telekinesis? Do they have some sacred F2 connecting them?"

Lilith was a little confused, then shook her head and said: "Xina didn't say this."

Los smiled: "Just kidding, but it means that there are aliens from other worlds behind the Augustus Empire helping them."

"Now the three empires are standing side by side. Since the Augustus Empire has such aliens, there should be such aliens behind our Rosas Empire and the Viscu Empire in the north, right?"

"Why do you think so?" Lilith felt that there was no logical relationship between them.

Los touched her hair and said, "With that kind of alien technology, it is easy to form a technological crush. If the two empires of Rosas and Viscu did not have any trump cards, they would have been swallowed up by the August Empire long ago."

"Now they are still so cautious to come here to explore, which shows that the August Empire is still very afraid of the official strength of the Rosas Empire."

Lilith immediately understood: "Yes, after I saw Elizabeth yesterday, I did feel some inharmonious feelings in her body. She should be an individual who has undergone acquired transformation."

Speaking of Elizabeth, Los asked: "What was the result of meeting her yesterday?"

Lilith smiled and said: "This little girl is very interesting. She is the kind of person who naturally has no darkness in her heart."

Los said casually: "From a noble family, now the good sister of Her Majesty the Queen, she can get whatever she wants. , even this kind of body transformation is tailor-made for her, it is the safest and most advanced technology, and she won't even feel any pain. "

"What kind of dark side can such a person have?"

Lilith said with a smile: "Master, it seems that you still don't understand women's minds at all."

"What do you mean?"

"Women are very face-conscious creatures, born to like self-improvement, and this young lady is even more so. She was born noble and has been living in constant comparison and oppression since birth. She wants to prove herself all the time and doesn't want to be compared with others all the time."

"My master, she does not have the darkness and resentment accumulated like Hina, but there are still many negative emotions in her heart. And the brighter the person, the more thorough the fall into darkness. "

"You said you can completely control Elizabeth?" Los raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Since there is no such thing as soul and mental power in this world, even Los does not have that kind of mental control function.

And Lilith's psychological control is only useful for ordinary people. If you are like Hina who has been professionally trained, it will take more time.

Lilith smiled and said, "Not yet, but give me some time, I can gradually erode her psychology. When all this is ready, I only need an opportunity to make her completely turn around."

"Very good! If that's the case, it's great!" Los was very happy, and reached out to pick up Lilith and put her on his thigh.

"Lilith, I really like you more and more."

These words made Lilith feel like she was about to fly. This was what she wanted to hear the most, and it was also the goal and source of her full efforts.

After planning this matter in the long-term plan, the two returned to the topic.

Lilith sat comfortably on Los's lap and explained happily: "Elizabeth was very surprised and delighted by this fat inhibitor. She said that if there is no problem with this fat inhibitor, they will also give us enough help according to the previous agreement."

"In addition, she also asked about other blood that can strengthen the body and treat diseases. I answered that it is still under development and did not tell her the actual situation."

Los nodded: "Well, you did a good job. It is best not to tell them now. It is best for them to never see our details."

After this matter was over, the topic of the two came to the most critical part, about the monster called the sinner.

"According to your order, I conducted a detailed investigation and research on him last night and found that he still has a good impression of me. He behaved very docilely in front of me, like a dog."

Lilith said, her face full of interest.

Los sighed: "Perhaps, you are the real innocent person."

Lilith's eyes lit up: "Master, have you discovered it?"

Los nodded: "Well, he seems to have different reactions according to the darkness and degree of sin in the target's heart."

"Yes, that's right. According to my research and the information just given by Xina, the following information can be obtained now."

As she said, she turned around and picked up her previous notebook, and recited to the densely packed records on it:

Code name: Sinner.

Appearance: Humanoid.

Physical strength: Currently indestructible.

Detailed description:

The sinner will react according to the purity and sin of the target's heart, thus bursting out different powers and desires to attack.

The effective distance perception radius of the sinner is five meters. In the normal form, the sinner will not move and will keep crying. When someone approaches, he will show different levels of desire to attack.

When his anger reaches the critical value, the liquid on his head will turn black, and the chains on his body will fall off. At this time, his body strength will increase by 100 to 150 times. The black substance flowing out has a strong ability to pollute the mind and has the ability to mutate autonomously.

And it will absorb all the biological energy around it, which is extremely threatening.

The guilty person has no special abilities, and the only means of attack is physical contact. He cannot launch things or deform his body.

The duration of the current rage of the guilty person is unknown. If the target of the crime continues to contact, it is unknown whether the rage will last forever.

After the rage subsides, the guilty person has no weak period and will return to normal form.

Special features:

The red liquid flowing out of the guilty person has strong biological energy, which can promote human healing and even promote some special evolution and mutation.

The black liquid flowing out of the guilty person has strong aggressiveness and predatory nature as well as terrifying vitality, which cannot be analyzed at present.


The guilty person currently has no weaknesses. How he obtains energy is unknown. The creatures formed by the black liquid can be evaporated by high temperature of flame.

Existence time and history:

Through the analysis of the chains and clothing of the guilty man, the guilty man's attire can be traced back to the ancient Hu people about 1,500 years ago, but the records about the ancient Hu people are very rare and cannot be analyzed at present.

After saying this, Lilith put down the book and said, "Master, that's all."

Los nodded with satisfaction and said, "Twist it twice more."

Lilith blushed and twisted her body left and right twice.

"Well, it's amazing elasticity and touch." Los said with approval.

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