Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 67: The Redemption Society drives the tiger to devour the wolf

After fully understanding the situation here, Los stood up and said: "The guilty person will be detained in the current situation for the time being. Prepare a container. You can take out the red blood regularly and give it to Morsi for study."


"Give me the historical information and patterns related to the guilty person."

"Have you done any research on the history of the ancient Hu people?" Lilith was a little surprised.

Los smiled and shook his head: "I haven't done any research, but my teachers have done some research."

"Teacher?" Lilith was stunned.

Los said: "I haven't been back to my alma mater since I became mayor. It's time to go back to my alma mater."

The trademarks of Miskatonic University are ancient languages ​​and history, as well as an extremely rich historical library. In the past two years, archeology has gradually improved a lot, and it is ranked among the best in the empire.

"You stay here for the time being, and then leave after you are sure that the guilty person will not have any problems. By the way, teach Sheena that this is a "good girl."" When Los said about the good girl, there was a weird look on his face. smile.

Lilith affirmed: "Master, she will definitely become a "good girl" loyal to you in the future."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Los had just returned home. Carrington said: "Sir, Dr. Laban has been waiting for you for an hour."

Ross nodded and walked directly into the living room.

"Hello, mayor." Seeing Lose back, Dr. Laban stood up hurriedly.

His appearance is not good-looking, but paired with the dark sunglasses, he gives people a cold temperament. Even if he is smiling at this time, he gives people a dangerous feeling.

Lose naturally saw the eyes without eyeballs behind the sunglasses at a glance.

"Sit down, my dear city councilor." Ross sat down with a smile on his face.

Dr. Laban represents the North District, which is adjacent to the Central District and is twice the area of ​​the Central District.

There are the best private clinics, the best law firms, the best dentists, the best plastic surgeons, the best clinics and hotels. It is a place with good security and where most of the elite live. .

At the same time, in the future construction of reservoirs and transfer of water houses, large-scale construction will be carried out in the North District.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. You also know that the central area is not peaceful now. There are still some remaining forces of the Hand of Chaos. I am slower." Lose said.

Dr. Laban nodded hurriedly and said: "Understand, understand. You are doing all this for us citizens, and for the better development of Arkham."

"I'm glad you can understand my good intentions." Lose said happily.

After the two exchanged simple greetings, Ross cut to the chase and asked, "You seem to have something urgent, Dr. Laban."

Laban nodded: "Mayor, some cultists have appeared in our North District recently. They are most likely the remnants of the Hand of Chaos, or some other cult organization. They seem to be planning something secretly. What are we still doing? I suspect they are doing something to the water house.”

"I hope to get your help and attention. All drinking water in Arkham flows out from the North District. If there is a problem with the water room in the North District, it will harm the entire Arkham."

Hearing this, Los asked with a solemn face: "Then this is indeed a very important and serious matter for you."

"I think that if we want Arkham to develop normally, we must eradicate all those superstitious cults. They are a stumbling block to Arkham's development."

Dr. Laban said seriously: "You are right, those crazy cults are the worms of this society. Mayor, can you send your heroic police officers to the North District to maintain our law and order? You also know, The annual Arkham Chamber of Commerce is about to start, and businessmen from all over Massachusetts will gather here. You don’t want anything to happen to the North District, right?”

Ross smiled slightly: "Don't worry, you are all my citizens. I will not give up any citizen, let alone damage Arkham's reputation. However, if we want to completely eradicate this matter, we need Dr. Laban's help." Help, after all, our police are not very familiar with the situation in the North District."

"You can rest assured that as soon as the heroic police arrive, all of us in the North District will fully cooperate with your work." Dr. Laban assured.

Los stood up and said, "That's good. Don't worry, I will let our people enter the North District to investigate tomorrow. Dr. Laban doesn't have to worry."

Dr. Laban stood up and nodded happily: "You becoming the mayor of Arkham is a blessing to all our citizens."

After the two shook hands again, Dr. Laban left in a hurry.

"This guy has evil intentions." Carrington whispered.

"Master, do you want to kill him?"

Los shook his head: "No, killing is indeed a shortcut to solving the problem, but under the current situation, killing cannot solve the problem."

"Laban's purpose is simple. To lure us into taking action on their territory, re-evaluate our strength, and at the same time use our hands to suppress the forbidden door."

"Witches of the French Highlands?"

The corners of Ross' lips curled up: "If you want to join the Redemption Society, you must be an elite, successful man. Women cannot enter."

"The Forbidden Gate specializes in recruiting influential women and training them into witches. These two organizations have been fighting each other in Arkham for more than a day or two."

"As long as we investigate, the clues will definitely point to the forbidden door."

Carrington clenched his fists and whispered, "Then Lilith and I will go together to kill the people of the Redemption Society and the Forbidden Gate?"

Loss laughed and said, "This is really a good decision."

"We still have to kill them, but how and when to kill them is a technical problem."

"Don't worry about this matter. I have another important thing to do next."

"Important thing?"

Loss nodded: "Revisiting the old place, I haven't seen my dear Dr. Armitage for a while, and I miss his great library."

The college district centered on Miskatonic University is the core part of his future strategy. Dr. Armitage's great library is very useful to him, and the talents from all walks of life gathered there are also what he urgently needs in the future.

This trip back was not a formal visit. Loss wore a very casual casual suit, put on sunglasses, drove his customized sports car, and went out directly.

The college district is adjacent to the commercial district in the north, the rich district in the south, and the French Mountain District in the east. It is the real core area of ​​the south of Arkham City.

Radiating outward from Miskatonic University, it includes the best high schools, upper-class clubs, the largest gymnasium, the best hospitals and science and technology museums, and is considered the science and technology center of the entire Arkham.

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