Arkham's college district is not large, and its actual area is not even as large as the sparsely populated rich area, but it gathers too many professionals and scientific talents in various fields.

70% of the area of ​​the college district is occupied by Miskatonic University, and the remaining 30% is also supporting facilities related to the university.

For example, the residences of school professors and doctors, as well as the clubs formed by these intellectuals, including the Miskatonic Senior Sports Club, the Stargazing Club, etc., and the most famous of them is the Miskatonic Automobile Club.

This club has mastered many technologies for improving cars, and the shadow of this club can be seen in various racing competitions throughout the empire, and it has achieved good rankings in many cases.

Los drove his sports car along Garrison Street from the north to the south, turned at College West Street, and headed west.

Then he stopped in front of the main entrance on the south side of Miskatonic University.

Strictly speaking, Miskatonic University does not have a clear concept of gates, because the university occupies three blocks.

Outside the east, west, south and north walls of the entire university are four main roads that run through the entire southern city of Arkham.

This also makes the entire Miskatonic University not just a university, but also an important landmark building in the entire Arkham.

There is a saying here that as long as you follow the avenue, even if you close your eyes, you can find Miskatonic University.

It is surrounded by four main roads in the city on all sides, and these four roads continue to extend outward, as if the other streets in Arkham are prepared for people to come to Miskatonic University.

When the car arrived at the school gate, it was stopped by the guard.

Los, who was sitting in the car, took off his sunglasses and asked with a smile: "Uncle Tom, how long have I been gone, you don't recognize me?"

The guard Tom is a slightly fat and strong man, 42 years old this year, and is also a veteran. He is generous and enthusiastic.

When Tom saw Los, his face was immediately filled with joy and surprise: "Oh! My God! Look! Look! Who is here!"

Tom's loud voice immediately attracted the attention of students passing by.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Los's smiling face.

"Our great mayor, it's my honor to meet you." Tom said with a smile.

Los smiled and said, "Okay, Uncle Tom, stop teasing me. Is Dr. Armitage here?"

Tom nodded, "Yes, Dr. Armitage has no classes today and tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you, Uncle Tom."

Tom naturally did not stop him and turned around to let him go. When Los was about to start the car, Tom suddenly said seriously, "Mayor Arkham, thank you."

"My comrade's widow lives in the slums of the central district. Thank you for improving the environment there and for fighting the cults and gangs there."

As he said that, he bowed deeply to Los.

The brotherhood of comrades, especially those who have been on the battlefield together, is almost the same as that of brothers.

But his ability is limited, and he really can't help that family too much.

This time, Los's rectification made the family live a good life. He went there twice during this period, and the smiles on the family's faces were much brighter than before, and the haze that had not dissipated for a long time also disappeared completely.

Los smiled deeply: "Uncle Tom, this is the responsibility of a qualified mayor."

After that, he waved to him and drove into the campus.

Miskatonic University is not a place that everyone can drive into. It can be said that it is quite a privilege for Los to drive in.

Coming in from the south main gate, the first thing you see is a park with verdant vegetation. At this time, in this park, you can see young talents walking in groups of three or two, talking and laughing with each other with sincere and innocent smiles.

In the middle of the park, there is an eight-story Gothic stone tower. This stone tower is the tallest building in the entire town of Arkham. It was built to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives to build the town of Arkham.

There are 2,200 names on it, the first of which is Los's ancestor, Lawrence Arkham.

This is not only the symbol of Miskatonic University, but also one of the honors of the entire Arkham family.

Today's Miskatonic University is built around this memorial tower.

Entering from the gate, following the street all the way east, after passing two teaching buildings and two dormitory buildings, we came to the southeast corner of the entire university.

Here is a quaint building, a three-story Gothic building made of granite, which is the famous Miskatonic University Library.

If Miskatonic University is the symbol of the entire city of Arkham, then this library is the symbol of this university. It is hailed as a treasure that cannot be measured by value in the entire academic community.

This classical library stores more than 400,000 books, a large number of which are secret orphans that have disappeared in history, and they hide the history that has disappeared in the long river of time.

Stopping the car, Los took off his sunglasses and got out of the car and walked in.

During this process, many students set their eyes on him, but soon, they put their eyes on his car.

For boys, apart from beautiful women, the most fatal attraction to them is luxury cars.

A young man wearing glasses couldn't walk immediately after seeing the car. He murmured in shock, "Oh my God! Who is this guy? This is the latest flagship model of Fowles Company using clay molding method, worth 10,000 Rosa coins. I heard that only 60 of this car were produced in the whole empire. It is a real limited edition!"

Another tall blond young man next to him looked unhappy, because he just bought a sports car yesterday and just drove it here to show off today, but was completely outshined by this car.

"Who is this guy?" The blond young man asked with some displeasure.

At this time, a girl passing by said, "Don't you even know the mayor?"

"Mayor? Is he Los Arkham?" The blond young man's eyes were a little surprised, and then his mouth corners slightly curled up. He didn't expect that he would meet his target so quickly.

On the other side, Los had come to the inside of the library.

The lobby on the first floor of the library is built with marble. Although such a structure is cold and windy, the large windows allow the library to have very good lighting. The tall arched windows allow the sun to shine in to the greatest extent.

"I really miss it." Standing here, Los's previous memories came flooding back.

He used to love to read in the sun in that corner, and he also confessed to the girl he liked here, and was ruthlessly rejected.

"Is this the taste of youth?" Los said reminiscingly.

I'll write one chapter today. I have had a herniated lumbar disc these two days and can't sit for a long time. I looked up a lot of information for this chapter. I can say that I just glanced at the information and wrote a few sentences, because the buildings and names mentioned today will have important roles in the future. It took me an hour and a half, and my waist couldn't stand it.

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