The Miskatonic University Library has three floors, each with a large collection of books and desks.

Dr. Armitage, the librarian who manages this library, has a separate office here, located in the southwest corner of the second floor.

Today is Wednesday at 12 noon. There are many students who come here to read and kill their lunch time. Looking at the energetic faces of their junior students, this atmosphere is formed by the antiquity and chaos of Arkham. A sharp contrast.

"This is really the last pure land in Arkham City!" Ross sighed and arrived outside Armitage's office.

Knocking on the door, an old voice soon came from inside: "Come in."

Los then pushed the door open and walked in, just in time to see this old doctor with excellent knowledge and extraordinary talents looking down at a book in his hand.

"Dear Dr. Armitage, it makes me happy to see that you are as healthy as ever." Ross said with a smile.

Armitage's heart skipped a beat when he heard Los's voice, and he slowly raised his head, just in time to see the mayor, who was in the spotlight and loved by everyone, walking towards him with a smile on his face.

"Mayor Arkham, why are you here?" Armitage stood up hurriedly, walked out from behind the desk, and greeted him warmly.

Ross reached out and held Armitage's hand and said happily: "Dr. Armitage, you don't have to be like this. I'm not here as a mayor, but as your former student."

At this time, Armitage held Ross's hand and looked at the young mayor again.

He did seem to have changed somewhat from before, becoming brighter and more easy-going.

Through the eyes of this young mayor, he did not see any madness or coldness, let alone chaos and evil. He looked like a handsome, young and promising boy who was sunny and easy-going.

Armitage smiled and said: "Even if you are not the mayor, you still deserve my respect. In the past twenty days since you took office, I have been paying attention to the situation in the central district. You are more courageous and executive than your father." I’ve heard many people speak highly of you since you took office, and the citizens also like you very much.”

Ross became happy: "Getting your affirmation and approval is a recognition of me. To be honest, I was under tremendous pressure when I first took office. You also know that I was so reserved and shy before. My first day on the job, I couldn't even have a normal conversation with my city manager."

Armitage said: "But you survived, you are George's child, you have the perseverance of the Arkham family, and at the same time you are better than your father and grandfather."

"I feel very happy to see you grow."

During the conversation, the two men sat down.

Armitage asked: "Are you busy these twenty days?"

Ross nodded: "Yes, Arkham is full of waste now. After getting rid of the Hand of Chaos and the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce in the central area, there are many things that need to be dealt with. The reconstruction of the slums has begun, and I also need to adjust government personnel. The water house in the North District also needs to be renovated, as well as the expansion of the police force and the publicization of related industries..."

Listening to Ross talking about his daily work, as well as the difficulties and tediousness in it, Armitage has been observing this important surveillance object in detail.

But after listening to these words, he didn't find any problems in Los. He even found that Los was more responsible than previous mayors and had to take care of the poor people. It could be heard from his words that this young man The mayor was involved in all efforts and was fully involved in planning and execution.

He does almost every big thing personally, otherwise he would not be able to understand the details.

And from his few sighs, Armitage discovered that Ross was really doing practical things. He actually didn't touch the funds confiscated by Rhodes Guild, but used them all to improve the current situation of Arkham. .

This immediately made him feel a huge contrast. During this time, he was worried about how crazy this young mayor had become. Even in his imagination, this young man had turned into a weird and crazy existence. , all this is just a superficial project, just like those mayors before it.

But after today's conversation, he discovered that this guy has not done anything extraordinary in the past twenty days. Judging from the work he mentioned, his work intensity far exceeds that of anyone else. He seems to really They are working hard to improve this chaotic city.

"Doctor? Dr. Armitage?"

While deep in thought, Armitage heard Ross's voice.

Armitage recovered from his daze and sighed: "This is really not easy. It's really hard for you."

Ross smiled: "The process may be boring and difficult, but when everything succeeds, you will get a huge sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Did you know that the new government I have formed now has an approval rating of 85% in the people's survey? This has shattered my great-grandfather’s approval rating of 78%.”

"Every day when I have breakfast, people greet me with a sincere smile after seeing me. I believe they really like me."

Speaking of this, Los's face was full of comfort and satisfaction.

Armitage looked at the details and eyes on Ross's face. The weird monster that had formed in his heart was completely shattered, and was completely filled by the sunny boy in front of him.

"Ah! I'm so sorry. I came here to ask some questions, but ended up complaining to you."

Loss smiled and scratched his head and said, "Don't mind me. I've been too busy lately."

Armitage waved his hand hastily and said, "This is not a complaint. It's my honor that you are willing to share your inner thoughts with me. You have given me hope and light for the future of Arkham again. I hope you can keep it up."

Loss nodded, "Don't worry, I will keep working hard for Arkham."

Armitage nodded with satisfaction and asked, "Do you need any help this time?"

Loss nodded, took out some documents from the file bag and said, "Dr. Armitage, I found some special things when I was clearing out the remnants of the Hand of Chaos. They are very old. I want you to help me take a look."

Armitage was a little surprised to hear this. He thought that Loss came here this time to seek help and support from him based on the previous teacher-student relationship. Unexpectedly... he was just here to seek knowledge?

He lowered his head and opened the document bag. When he saw the words and pictures on it, his face gradually became solemn: "Ancient Hu people?"

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