Seeing Armitage's look, Ross knew he had found the right person.

"Your erudition amazes me. My experts and I studied it all night before confirming that these patterns and incantations are from the ancient Hu people." Los said in admiration.

Armitage looked at the document in his hand, his eyes gradually brightened and he said: "The ancient Hu people have been extinct for almost a thousand years, and among the cultural relics unearthed now, there are only a few words about the ancient Hu people! "

"My God, such complete patterns, such clear incantations, and the styles of these chains are of great significance to the entire archaeological world and history!"

Armitage became gradually excited at this time: "Where did you get these?"

Ross smiled and said, "This is not easy to explain. You'd better help me see what's written on it."

Armitage didn't care. He returned to his desk with these documents, then turned around and took over a dozen books to compare and study them carefully.

For the next half hour, the office was very quiet.

Armitage seems to be very familiar with every book. When he needs some information, he can open a book at random and find exactly what he needs among the hundreds or thousands of pages.

"What a terrible memory, what a terrible amount of reading." Seeing this scene, Los secretly admired the professor.

This Armitage is also a real genius. After discovering the incident of the descendants of the evil god in Dunwich, he spent a night studying in the library. Not only did he decipher the key content, but he also developed the method to expel the evil god. Methods.

Then the next day, he led a few people and rushed over to start a group battle with the Evil God's Descendants on Sentinel Ridge. The most important thing was that he actually won!

After learning it overnight, he took a few ordinary people with him and expelled the descendants of the evil god the next day.

After half an hour of silence, Armitage took off his glasses and said with excitement on his old face: "Loss, what you brought here this time is really crucial. Do you know what is recorded on it?" "?"

Ross shook his head: "I don't know."

Armitage said: "The content recorded here is a detailed record of a religion called the Sun God."

"Sun God Cult?" Ross said he didn't know. There was no such thing in his setting.

Armitage walked over with a document full of marks and said: "The Cult of the Sun, a special religion that has been lost in history. Legend has it that this religion saved the entire world from the fall of the sun, and then because of the unknown Because of this, the entire religion suddenly disappeared."

"For many years, many people have been studying the Sun God Cult, but they have always been unable to find the focus and key. I have been studying it for almost ten years, and I have never understood the core theory and system of the Sun God Cult. Now through these I finally understand the information.”

The surprise and excitement displayed by Armitage at this time were not inferior to any young man in his twenties.

"Can you explain it to the students?" Ross asked for advice.

Naturally, Armitage knew everything, and immediately explained: "The Sun God Cult believes in the bright sun. Their teachings are relatively extreme, and they believe in an idea of ​​neither good nor evil."

"In their teachings, the sun, warmth, and light are all good and righteous, and the opposite is evil. In his teachings, the sun breeds all things, and their enemies symbolize the filthy abyss. They claim to be Guardian of the world, guardian of the abyss.”

"So the most core existence in their system has appeared, and that is the Sun Knight."

Ross was stunned: "Is there really a Sun Knight!?"

Armitage did not understand the meaning of Ross's words, and nodded and said: "Indeed, the legendary Sun Knights are the embodiment of justice, courage, and light. They replace the sun to clean up all evil in the world, and at the same time guard the abyss. "

"Later, as the abyss gradually grew and began to erode the sun's territory, people's hearts gradually became filthy and evil."

"At this time, they believe that they can purify themselves of evil and filth through the sun and fire. They will hold a ceremony to gather everyone together and expose them to the sun to let the evil leave their bodies."

"But they believe that the evil in this world is conserved. If they leave here, they will transfer to another body. At this time, the Sun Knights have another responsibility. They are responsible for carrying the evil and evil that appear from the bodies of believers. Sin, use your own body as a carrier to carry these sins into the abyss.”

"Gradually, those bright and righteous Knights of the Sun gradually turned into guilty people who bear countless sins and filth in the world. The Knights of the Sun became the Knights of Guilt, and then they directly evolved into the fallen. The knight is a believer in the abyss."

Ross sneered: "What a stupid and ignorant theory."

Armitage nodded: "Yes, but it was very useful at the time and greatly helped the stability of society."

"And the pattern you brought this time, this chain belongs to a guilty knight. These guilty people have different inscriptions on the chains depending on the sins they carry. Can you tell me the chain you saw? How long is it approximately?”

Ross thought about it and smiled and said: "About ten meters, it wraps around the body tightly, and it is covered with inscriptions."

Armitage said with a slight sigh: "I know that this poor man should be a Guilty Knight in the late Sun God Cult, and he is very likely to be the last one."

"Why do you say that?" Ross asked.

Armitage explained: "In the Sun God Cult, the limit under normal circumstances is nine. There is no ten, because ten represents the world."

"The chains on the corpses we found before only ranged from one meter to three meters. From now on, when the entire doctrine cannot be maintained, those crazy believers believe that the world has been completely polluted, and everyone is Already fallen."

"Then they want someone who can take all the evil in the world and make them good."

After hearing this, Ross sighed: "Being burdened with all the sins in the world? No wonder."

No wonder people are called guilty, no wonder they are so sensitive to sin.

"There were no demons in the world, and then people believed that there were demons, so the demons appeared in their spirits. It's really ridiculous." Lose sneered.

Armitage looked at Los's appearance at this time and clearly felt his dissatisfaction and disgust with the Sun God Cult.

Armitage pondered for a moment and asked tentatively: "Can I go see that cultural relic?"

Ross's eyes flashed and he said sternly: "Doctor, this matter is a little weird. You'd better not get involved."

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