Hearing Los's warning, Armitage came back to his senses and remembered his other identity. He took a deep breath, suppressed his curiosity, and sighed with the last trace of vigilance towards Los: "Thank you for your reminder, I shouldn't ask so many questions."

Los' eyes were shining, and from this sentence he could be completely sure that Dr. Armitage was indeed now a member of an organization related to the extraordinary.

Otherwise, with his normal character, he might be a little hesitant at this time, but he still couldn't suppress his curiosity about knowledge.

But he completely refused, which means that he still has some special vigilance and scruples about himself, so he dare not have too much contact with himself.

Then Los didn't say more, and directly changed the topic to chat with him first.

He didn't need Dr. Armitage to join now. This kind of talent is best to be the kind that is gradually lured by subtle temptation and falls in. It is the most perfect.

The two talked for about two hours. At 4:30 in the afternoon, Los left the library with a satisfied smile and took the information.

After about ten days, the whole city of Arkham seemed to fall into a frighteningly calm development.

Los was still working hard every day, and the renovation project of Slum Street had officially begun.

This renovation was very thorough. The ground was completely dug up, and the drainage system, gas system and water supply system of Slum Street had to be reorganized.

Such a thorough project immediately made the poor people, who accounted for 60% of the population of the entire central area, grateful and wanted to worship this great mayor as a god.

Los worked day and night with super high efficiency. In these ten days, he had completely completed the public ownership and reorganization of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, and the relevant key personnel were also in place.

At the same time, the messy public security problem in the central area was also solved by the huge efforts of the police. In less than a month, the crime rate became the second lowest area.

The prosperity of the central area does not mean that other areas are as stable as the central area.

Recently, there have been some very serious injuries in the North District and the East District, and even explosions occasionally, which made people in the two places panic.

Ivan was one of them, and he was even more frightened than everyone else, because two of the explosions were related to him.

"Damn it! Those lunatics! Lunatics!" In the early morning, Ivan knelt on the ground with a pale face, his head kept hitting the wall, and he murmured in a low voice, and his condition was very bad.

Recently, he has been hiding during the day and going out at night, investigating the batch of drugs that were robbed in the East District. He also fought with the pirates of the Tide Pirates several times, and he was almost caught twice.

Although he felt that he was gradually approaching the truth, he was the first to feel that his spirit could not support it.

Those crazy Innsmouth people, they would turn back into that hideous and disgusting appearance at night, and just approaching would make him nauseous.

Those monsters were extremely fierce and crazy, especially the two times he hid in the shadows. When he turned around and saw that pale and hideous face, he was scared to death, and his hands and feet were cold.

However, the most critical thing is that in the past ten days, three investigators have died tragically in their hands.

And these guys who died tragically couldn't even get a complete body burial. They had a special method to turn the bodies of their companions into dog food, and the dogs that ate the dog food would get a weird evolution and become crazy.

Looking down at his left arm, there was a circle of deep wounds on his left forearm that could see the bone. It looked like he was bitten by some monster with ferocious teeth.

Yellow pus kept flowing out of the pale flesh. Although the bleeding had stopped overnight, there was no sign of healing.

The most important thing was that some of the bacteria in the wound were completely useless for ordinary medicines.

At this time, with those ferocious bites as the center, the pale flesh was gradually spreading, and even in the center of the wound, you could faintly see the completely rotten flesh, and you could smell a disgusting smell just by getting close.

"Damn it! Damn it! It's just one step away! Just one step away!" Ivan didn't dare to go to the hospital. The power of the group of monsters was very strong. After so many contacts, they already knew him very well and even started a full-day search.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on his door.

This ordinary knock scared Ivan so much that his clothes were soaked with sweat and his heart couldn't help beating faster.

"Who?" Ivan tried to keep his voice normal and asked.

A steady voice came from outside the door: "Police, we need your help in the investigation."

Hearing this, Ivan immediately thought of the policemen in the central area who were called monsters. He tied his arms in a hurry. Ivan walked over and carefully opened the door, revealing a gap.

Through the gap, he saw a burly policeman wearing a police uniform and bronze skin.

He knew this policeman. He was Detective Jike, who was now famous in the central area.

"Officer, what's the matter?" Ivan asked lazily, which was more suitable for his current complexion.

Jike asked: "Last night, there was a gunfight on Derby Street, and then the gunman fled to this area. Did you see it?"

Ivan shook his head and said, "Sorry, officer, I haven't been feeling well these two days. I slept very soundly. I didn't even hear the gunshots."

Jike stared down at Ivan's face. After a few seconds of silence, he said, "Okay, take care of yourself."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Watching the oppressive police officer leave, Ivan locked the door and breathed a deep sigh of relief: "This guy is at least level 20!"

"The streets are full of level 20 police officers? What the hell is this place!" Ivan cursed and once again determined that he wanted to leave.

"The gun battle last night? This North District is the territory of the Redemption Society. The people causing trouble here are probably those witches from the Forbidden Gate. Stay away from me!"


In the office of the Central District City Hall.

Daryl Hui reported: "The renovation of slum streets has gone very smoothly, the integration of core industries in the central area has been completed, and the salary adjustment and grade classification of public employees have begun to be formally implemented."

Ross nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, Daryl."

Daryl then reported: "Mayor, the battle between the Forbidden Gate and the Redemption Society has become increasingly fierce. People in the entire North District are now in panic. Are we really not ready to take action?"

Los said with a smile: "Of course I won't give up on my lovely citizens, but we need a suitable opportunity now, and I don't plan to leave this time."

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