After hearing this, Daryl understood Lose's intention in an instant, and turned to ask, "I see that you are also tracking the batch of stolen medicines recently."

Los: "This is our best opportunity to enter the North Division."

"The Tidal Pirates... have nothing to do with the Redemption Society!" Daryl was a little confused.

Ross smiled: "Not yet, but there will be soon."

While the two were talking, there was a knock on the door.

Then Xina, dressed as a doctor and wearing twin ponytails, walked in, followed by Jike.

"Is the target's spirit about to collapse?" Los asked.

Jike nodded: "As you expected, Target plans to leave here tonight."

Ross smiled, but there was teasing and playfulness in the smile: "My Arkham, do you want to come when you want and leave when you want?"

"Xina, how are your preparations going?" Los asked.

Xina was very happy when she heard her master asking her, her mouth gradually opened, revealing a very scary and twisted smile and said: "Great master, please rest assured, I have made preparations here."

"Go ahead, it's time to show your worth." Ross said with a smile.

"I obey your orders."

For more than ten days, she had been following Morsi, conducting various bizarre research.

A completely mutated spirit possesses a vision and knowledge capacity that are completely non-existent for ordinary people.

She learned very quickly in these ten days, and she seemed to be very talented in studying medicine.

With her help, Morsi's previous problematic potions were continuously improved and repaired.

However, with the deepening of knowledge, the knowledge directions of the two people deviated.

Morsi specializes in research on various types of blood, while Hina is more obsessed with the structure of the human body.

Then...she developed severe necrophilia.

She was very obsessed with dissecting those corpses and believed that the internal organs and bones were extremely outstanding works of art and a gift from the world to her.

It is precisely because of detailed research on the human body that Morsi can more accurately observe the reaction and variation of the drug on the human body when conducting experiments.

Of course, it was not just Sheena who was studying medicine together, but also the two poor children who were frightened, Rum and Debbie.

The two people were frightened and temporarily entered the Arkham Sanitarium to rest after being discharged from the hospital.

Inadvertently, Kurwin discovered that the two of them were working hard to learn medical-related knowledge. After detailed questioning, he introduced the two children to Morsi and became his apprentices.

Of course, the two children can't help much now. They spend more time learning the basic theories there and cleaning the house every day.

But even cleaning is a very happy thing for these two children, because they are exposed to many surprising and incredible things here.

These two children are not very old, one is fourteen and the other is twelve. Since they have not learned much, they are still in the hazy guessing about the world view, which also makes their spirits more malleable.

After the two children entered the inhuman laboratory, they quickly integrated into the extraordinary experiments, which was very natural and smooth.

Los is very satisfied with this matter. Children's worldview has not yet been formed, and it is easier to transform and tolerate.

"Where is Lilith now?" Daryl suddenly asked.

He found that he seemed to have not seen Lilith for three days.

Los smiled: "She is running her own business."

"My own career?" Daryl was stunned.


Darkness gradually fell, and Ivan had almost packed all his things. He planned to leave here directly after the sun completely set.

He now lives in the northernmost part of the North District, close to the suburbs. From the apartment, he only needs to walk less than a kilometer to completely escape the scope of Arkham. As long as he leaves here, he will be completely safe.

The pain in his left arm was now more obvious, and even though it was wrapped in a bandage, he could smell the rotten smell.

After it was completely dark, when Ivan just opened the door, he suddenly heard a harsh barking.

Hearing the barking of the dog, he trembled instinctively. He was now afraid of being bitten by those crazy dogs. The last thing he wanted to encounter in his life was those crazy dogs.

"Damn it! Why did those lunatics come here? This is the territory of the Redemption Society!"

Just as he was thinking in his mind, a bright fire suddenly came from about two blocks away.

And in the firelight, he vaguely saw two women in robes flying past.

"Witches of the Forbidden Gate? Why are these guys making trouble here at this time! The Redemption Society's attention will be completely attracted!" Ivan felt like he was about to collapse when he saw this.

"Am I going to die here today?" Despair suddenly rose in Ivan's heart.

Woof woof woof!

The barking of those mad dogs came closer, and Ivan immediately held his breath and squatted in the corner of the house, his forehead and back covered with sweat.

In the dead silence, he gradually heard the heavy breathing, the impact of the mutated claws on the floor, and even the ticking sound of the saliva dripping on the ground.

"God bless! God bless! God bless!" Ivan kept chanting in his heart at this time.

He was now frightened and had completely lost the desire to fight.

It seemed that God had taken care of Ivan this time. The sounds of the mad dogs outside the door gradually faded away, and it seemed that they did not notice his existence.

After feeling that the sound had completely disappeared, Ivan did not dare to delay any longer. He stood up carefully and wanted to see the situation outside along the edge of the window.

But just when he just showed his head, he suddenly saw a pair of extremely cold and sinister eyes looking at him.

This was a pair of indifferent vertical pupils, and this was a head that was much larger than a normal person's head.

The rotten skin, hideous teeth, strange bone horns on the head, and the hideous claws and purple-black skin on the side clearly declared that his identity had nothing to do with humans.

Ah ah ah!

The superhuman, battle-hardened investigator was frightened out of his wits by this sudden attack. He screamed and kept retreating, but found that he seemed to have hit something.

In horror, he turned back suddenly, and in an instant he saw an extremely creepy human face.

This person has pale skin, pale hair, and a huge difference between the dead skin and scarlet lips.

This is indeed a human, but at this time her eyes are wide open, her mouth is grinning, revealing her white teeth, and her two faces are torn into an inhuman appearance by invisible forces.

He even feels that this face is more terrifying than those monsters.


Ivan, crazy.

A kind smile scared a superhuman crazy.

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