September 1, 1930, bimonthly calendar, No. 561 Central Street, Commercial District, the former Rock Church, now the Beauty Flower Club.

This church, built with carefully selected stones, has a history of 130 years this year.

The church has been through wind and sun for 130 years, but it is still very solid today. It is hard to imagine what kind of craftsmanship makes this church so solid.

The church is a traditional Gothic building. The overall building below is very regular. There are exquisite reliefs on the outer walls, and there are three tall spires on the top of the church, making the whole church look very narrow and long.

The church only served clergy for 70 years in 130 years. It was purchased by a businessman named Sham Goddard 60 years ago and turned into a wax museum on the commercial street.

That time Sham completely renovated the place, overturned all previous church designs, and turned the building into a three-story building today. The interior decoration was luxurious at the time.

With the excellent geographical location and exquisite craftsmanship, Shamu quickly gained a great reputation in Arkham, and celebrities at that time had contact with him.

People were proud to have their own wax statues in the church.

Then something strange happened.

Five years after Shamu moved in, strange cases of missing people began to occur in the commercial district, and finally people found that those missing people were made into wax statues.

Even a large number of strange spells were found in them. Only then did people know that Shamu was an evil wizard. He killed a total of twelve citizens in half a year for his evil sacrifices and experiments.

Legend has it that when people found him, he was lying in a stone coffin. When people opened it, they saw him lying in it like crazy, and it was filled with the bones of those missing people and blood from nowhere.

And those missing people, after he hollowed out their internal organs, became wax statues like guards, guarding around his sarcophagus.

That horrific incident shocked the entire town of Arkham (it was still a town at the time), and the residents were panicked.

Finally, the Empire sent some religious people to baptize the church, and executed Sham by burning, and burned all his evil wax statues.

After this incident, the castle was completely sealed. It was not until these few days that people knew that it was reopened, and the person who reopened it was the young mayor who had recently taken office.

When everyone felt strange, after ten days of cleaning and decoration, the classical church was completely renewed.

The external walls were renovated and painted with white paint. It is said that the floor and the inner walls inside have been completely renovated.

Even the soil of the underground foundation was dug out and replaced, and these projects were carried out in the sight of the surrounding merchants.

According to the mayor's plan, a special club for women will be built here to enrich women's lives and improve their social status.

The person in charge of this matter is a very mature, dignified and beautiful woman. When this woman full of special brilliance just appeared, she immediately captured the sight and attention of all the men around.

It is rumored that this woman is the mayor's secretary and a very outstanding strong woman.

The ten days of contact also made the residents around her understand her to a certain extent. This fascinating lady is indeed very powerful. She led the decoration engineering team in one hand, her subordinates in the other hand, and a group of beautiful girls.

Soon, someone recognized this woman as the mysterious woman who rescued those girls from the dark place of Rhodes Chamber of Commerce.

And those young and beautiful girls are the girls who were rescued!

A group of beauties suddenly landed here, and immediately attracted the attention of almost all men in this commercial street.

So many beauties gathered here, even if they just looked at them, it was very pleasing to the eyes, not to mention that these once lonely and pitiful girls were ignorant of the world. As long as they showed some financial resources and said some sweet words, they could easily be coaxed into their hands.

The stunning beauty who led the group has become the dream lover of these men. Many single and wealthy men expressed their feelings for her, but they only received one sentence: "Not interested."

Ten days later, the gloomy and dilapidated church of the past has disappeared, and it has become a Gothic building with white as the background and some gray and silver embellishments.

At the same time, the sign on the door has also changed, becoming the current: Beauty Flower Club.

These ten days of hot construction naturally attracted not only men, but also more women.

On the one hand, it is the function of the club itself, and some women are the wives of married men from nearby merchants. They want to come and see what these vixens who have just moved in look like and whether they will pose a threat to their families.

Today, the club has been completely renovated. Just when everyone was waiting to see how the club would open, Los came with Daryl and relevant government officials.

The arrival of the newly appointed and popular mayor immediately attracted a large number of curious people, including local merchants, citizens who came from other districts to buy things, and tourists who came here from other places.

Yes, there are tourists in Arkham, and there are quite a few every year, about 20,000, but they mainly visit the wealthy areas and Miskatonic University, and rarely visit other places.

The gimmick of the opening of this club is naturally the groups of beauties, which has attracted many people to begin with, and with the arrival of Los, this attraction has been raised to the top.

On the other side, in the top-floor office of Clover Transport Company, about thirty meters away from the Beauty Flower Club.

Danny O'Banion, who had his hair parted in the middle and a muscular body, looked down expressionlessly through the window at the crowds of people on the street, as well as Los, who was surrounded by them, and slowly clenched his fists.

In a daze, his memory returned to ten days ago.

That day, he and one of his mistresses had just finished venting and wanted to have a drink at the bar. They happened to see Los with a smile on his face at the door of the bar, about to enter the bar.

He was still full of curiosity about the newly appointed mayor, so he greeted him enthusiastically, and then the two of them drank wine and chatted happily.

After drinking for three rounds, Ross asked directly: "When will the mine on the north side of the city be returned to the government? Have you made enough money from it?"

Danny sneered in his heart after hearing this, knowing that meeting this guy was definitely not an accident.

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