"Mayor, are you drunk? Why can't I understand you?" Danny asked with some confusion.

Ross, who was shaking his wine glass, said with a smile: "You must not have drunk too much. I saw a report when I was cleaning out the city government documents today. It said that you are mining coal in the mine on the north side of the city."

After hearing this, Danny immediately showed a look of understanding: "Ah! You are talking about the mines in the north!"

As he spoke, he sighed and said, "Mayor, you have misunderstood. The mine is not mined by our Clover Company. You also know that our company is a legal company engaged in transportation. How could we do such a thing."

Los was a little surprised when he heard this: "So that mine has nothing to do with you!"

Danny patted his chest and said, "Of course it doesn't matter. You can investigate at any time. I, Danny O'Banion, have been doing business in Arkham for so many years, and my integrity is obvious to all."

Ross immediately reached out and patted Danny on the shoulder and said seriously: "Danny, I believe you, you are a warm and good guy."

As he spoke, Los raised his glass and said with a smile, "Any man who is good at tasting wine is not bad."

Then he drank the wine in the cup.

Danny followed Ross and drank the wine without smiling, and then asked: "Why did the mayor suddenly mention this?"

Los sighed: "The city government's finances are tight. No matter how hard we try, we won't be able to pay wages. Hey! It's really not easy to be the mayor."

Danny sneered in his heart: "You just ate the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce, and now you tell me that you have no money? Are you a liar?"

Then the two of them exchanged words with each other, and I chatted for a while. When leaving, Ross hugged Danny happily and said, "O'Banion, my good drinking buddy, thank you for your company tonight."

Then, Ross seemed to be talking to himself while drunk: "It's great that the illegal coal mines on the north side are not yours."

"What? Do you have any plans?" Danny asked with excitement in his heart.

Loss smiled in favor, and then he gradually opened his mouth, revealing a very weird smile, and said to Danny: "Tell you a secret."

Danny couldn't help clenching his fists when he saw Ross's smile.

The moon was dark and windy, and under the moonlight, he looked at Los's smile that became more and more weird and terrifying.

"You say."

Ross laughed weirdly: "I'm going to kill everyone in the coal mine!"

After saying that, he laughed loudly, as if he was drunk.

Carrington on the side was holding Ross up and said to Danny, "I'm sorry, my young master is drunk."

After saying that, he turned around and left with Los on his back.

Watching the two people leaving, Danny gradually clenched his fists, his face gloomy.

"Boss, what do you think that guy wants to do?" Golden Monkey Vic asked in a low voice.

Danny came back to his senses, brought his memories back to reality, and looked at the Arkham Flower club with regained focus.

Vic continued: "The coal mine has been strengthening its defenses for ten days, but he has never taken action. Why did he suddenly open such a club near our company?"

Danny sneered: "Of course they are monitoring our every move."

"But it's a pity that this Clover Company is just a cover. Does he really think that opening a club here and filling in a group of beauties can become a nail in our business district? Naive!"

After saying that, Danny said with a trace of sarcasm on his face: "There is no reason to reject the beautiful women who come to your door. Vic, go and prepare and give them a surprise tonight."

Vic immediately laughed after hearing this, nodded and said, "Yes, boss."

The brothers in the underground gang have been coveting those beautiful girls for a long time, and today they finally have the opportunity to do it.

"Boss, what should I do with the woman who takes the lead?" Vic suddenly asked.

Danny frowned slightly after hearing this and fell into silence.

Although this woman's current temperament is completely different from that of ten years ago, and even her appearance has changed a bit, he can still feel that this woman is Lilith from ten years ago.

"After all, he is just a mutated ordinary person. Just take care of those little girls. Someone from Lilith will take care of it."

In ten years, he has grown beyond what he used to be. Now he not only possesses the abilities of a 19th-level super human, he has also joined the Black Goat Egg and has seen many powers far beyond ordinary people.

In this organization, Lilith's original ability is no longer worth mentioning.

At the same time, Ross, Lilith, and Daryl stood together on the street, and Ross was giving an impassioned speech.

"I find that the way our women live today is too monotonous. I think the lives of women in our city can be richer. I think women can achieve many great things just like men!"

"So, Arkham Flower was born. This is a club that only allows women to join. This club can enrich the joy of life for all female citizens. You can talk about life together, beautify and do fitness together, and say goodbye to obesity and those flabby... Skin, you can learn the knowledge and skills you want to learn here..."

Hearing these words, the women watching around suddenly felt their hearts pounding.

In this era, the status of women is still at a relatively low level, and the daily life is very boring. Even those wealthy ladies can only go out for a stroll, watch movies, or go shopping.

There are many high-end clubs in Arkham, but most of them are only open to men. A few women can participate, but there are very few women.

When they heard that there was a club that only women could participate in today, and they could even learn knowledge and exercise together, no woman would not be moved.

Especially when they looked down at their now out-of-shape figures, the swimming rings around their waists, and the skin that was getting looser due to age, they couldn't help but think of their youth, that beautiful period full of youth and beauty.

Then, they turned their eyes to Lilith and other girls, and there was obvious desire and yearning in their eyes.

Loss naturally saw the eyes of these people, so he stepped back and gave the right to speak to Lilith.

Lilith stepped forward and began to preach the daily content and projects in this club.

The projects were formulated by Loss, which was a combination of a gym and a beauty salon.

When he originally formulated this plan, he certainly did not aim to enrich the daily lives of the women in Arkham.

His purpose was simple, which was to sell drugs and then spread them through these women, so that he could naturally open up the market and make his various drugs more famous.

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