Let’s not talk about whether what Lilith said was effective or not. Here, women of this era had never heard of similar facilities with such functions. This made them feel extremely surprised and novel, and more expected.

You know, this era is not friendly to the status of women, let alone providing them with a special venue for activities.

Now hearing that there is such a novel place, the women around them suddenly showed a wolf-like look.

The men around them felt a sense of novelty. In their eyes, this thing has no market at all. Those women, apart from doing housework and talking about family matters together every day, where do they have time for beauty and so-called weight loss and fitness?

The whole introduction process was not long, only one hour.

But the content of this one hour can be said to be a knife to the flesh, deeply piercing the hearts of these women, awakening them to some things they have always ignored.

They found that they could live more excitingly and more comfortably than now, and there are still many beautiful things in this world waiting for them to dig.

After the introduction, Lilith smiled and said, "If you ladies feel good, you can come in and take a look. Please note! This is a women's club. Gentlemen, please be conscious."

As the door opened, everyone in front of them was silent, and no woman took a step forward.

The conventional morality of this era is still restraining them, and no one wants to be the first to come forward.

"Let me try!" At this time, a female voice sounded, and a good-looking woman walked curiously to the inside of the door.

"Let me take a look too." At this time, another woman also came out and walked in quickly, as if she was a little embarrassed.

With the first and second, the third and fourth are easy, and then it's out of control.

In less than ten minutes, dozens of ladies present walked in.

Other men who couldn't go in were full of curiosity, but they were embarrassed to go in.

In their imagination, this is just a bathhouse for women, and it is indeed not appropriate for men to go in.

Los outside didn't go in either, and chatted with these men very friendly.

These people have been curious about this legendary young mayor for a long time. After all, he got rid of the two behemoths, the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce and the Hand of Chaos.

After about an hour, the men who stayed outside felt that it was boring. When they were about to leave, the women who had entered before came out one after another.

They came out with a comfortable look on their faces, their faces were red, and their eyes were bright, as if a brand new door was opening to them.

Seeing their appearance at this time, the men around them were suddenly surprised.

The husband of one of the women, Tony, a watchmaker not far from here, hurriedly walked up, took his wife's hand and whispered: "What is inside?"

Tony's wife, Abe, is a woman in her thirties. She has given birth to two children and her body has been out of shape.

Abe said with a comfortable look: "Just like Ms. Arkham said, after we go in, they will explain to us how to control our bodies and make us healthier and slimmer."

Lilith Arkham, this is Lilith's current identity. Her household registration has been completely bleached by Los and added to Arkham's household registration.

The first impression given to everyone was that this beautiful woman had married the young mayor.

Abe continued, "The girls under her have special skills. She gave me a full-body massage. It was really comfortable. I felt relaxed all over my body, as if I was floating."

As he spoke, Abe's face was full of intoxication.

Tony listened to it and asked, "Did they charge you?"

Abe shook his head, "No, the first time is free, it's an experience."

"Oh! Then let's go home." Tony said.

Abe wanted to say something, but he hesitated, and finally went home with her husband.

As more women came out, their husbands quickly understood the situation, and left after understanding that these women were not going in to put hats on themselves.

Their shop was nearby, and it couldn't be empty all the time.

At noon, Los returned to Arkham Sanatorium.

"Master, this debut is perfect!" Kurvin said happily.

Los nodded: "These women can no longer escape Lilith's clutches."

"But what I don't understand is why those women are so obsessed? Even Jess couldn't bear to leave after she returned home."

Jess is his wife, and the second person to lead the way into the club today.

The first one, of course, is Daryl's wife, Leila.

Loss smiled: "You still don't understand women's psychology."

Culvin smiled awkwardly: "Young Master is still amazing."

When he discovered the fat inhibitor, Loss had been thinking about how to push the drug out in a relatively natural way, and then he thought of opening a women's club.

Ten days ago, he made two preparations. He first told Lilith about the plan, and Lilith was excited at the time, because she felt that only an inhuman genius like the young master could think of this plan.

Then he began to prepare for the renovation of the rock church according to Los's instructions.

On the other hand, Los took action himself. He began to train those girls who still didn't know what to do and Hina.

Los combined his absolute understanding of the human body with the Chinese massage techniques, and began to teach these girls about the human body, and then performed body massage based on this.

Although ten days is a short time and it is impossible to teach them completely, it is still very easy to teach these girls how to serve these women comfortably.

Especially their boss, Hina, who has studied the body in depth.

During the teaching process, Los suddenly found that Hina, who had completely turned black, could get along well with this group of pure girls, and could show the kind of innocent smile from the heart in front of them.

The results of ten days are not bad. Judging from the feedback from these women today, this group of girls has done a good job.

Of course, opening a club in that place, on the one hand, is to harvest the wallets of those rich people, and another more important reason is naturally the Danny Gang.

Since the central area is a long way from the commercial area, Los' tentacles cannot reach there now. If this nail is inserted, he can start to gather the merchants in the entire commercial area from the inside.

In the end, it can be said that the Danny Gang was dealt with without bloodshed.

"Of course, the premise is that you are honest enough." Los said with a smile.

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