The excitement of the club lasted until five o'clock in the afternoon. With the departure of the last two women, the whole club returned to silence.

The girls who had been busy all afternoon let out a long breath and touched the sweat on their foreheads.

Although they were very tired, they were very happy.

Since being rescued by the great mayor, they have been worried about their own value.

The girls who have experienced these cruel things are very realistic. They know very well that there is no free lunch in the world, and naturally there is no unrequited kindness.

They have been looking for their own positioning and their own value.

The mayor talked to them a lot before, saying that they were positioned according to their hobbies and specialties.

But their education is really not high, and they don’t know many words. It is almost impossible to quickly reflect their value.

Just when they were eating unearned food every day, living in free rooms, and being anxious all day long, everything ushered in a turnaround.

Ten days ago, the perfect woman who saved them from hell found them and brought them a new opportunity.

Lilith brought them to the great mayor, who chose to share his knowledge, allowing them to enter a new world and master powers that ordinary people could not master.

According to the mayor's description, as long as they work hard according to his knowledge, they can be continuously improved and become superhumans. At that time, those hateful human traffickers and gangs will no longer pose any threat to them.

At the same time, they were given new tasks and missions.

In the future, they will be the mayor's personal guards, powerful warriors surrounding the entire Arkham, and superhumans with extraordinary powers.

These goals were all things they had not dared to imagine before, but now they have the possibility of being realized, which makes them think that this is their greatest gift, which makes them excited and grateful.

In the next ten days, the great mayor will take two hours every day to explain new knowledge to them, those powerful knowledge that subverts their worldview.

Those meridians and acupuncture points that they had never heard of, as well as those complex but grand body structures, joints, ligaments, internal organs, muscles, fascia, etc.

They did not dare to slack off when they seized the opportunity. After studying hard every day, they put in 120% of their efforts to review and practice.

With their efforts, they found that they had new changes every day, and their previously weak bodies became stronger.

All kinds of hidden diseases in the body were repaired, and their physical fitness would be significantly improved every three days on average.

How to make people feel comfortable through relaxing massage of muscles and fascia, how to make people feel refreshed through acupuncture points, and how to attack key internal organs and acupuncture points to make the enemy lose their ability to move, or kill them with one blow...

With the gradual deepening of learning, they suddenly found that those vicious gang members before did not seem so terrible.

Of course, their learning is not only about knowledge theory, but also very bloody practical classes. Xina led them to perform human anatomy and deeply understand the real structure and composition of the human body.

Although it made them feel sick and scared at first, their determination and will pushed their minds to mature quickly and get used to it.

When the store opened today, when they found that these women showed the kind of refreshing and addictive feeling under their own techniques, a great sense of accomplishment burst out in them.

The anxiety and inferiority in their hearts were filled with confidence and hope.

Because today, they showed their own value.

"Gather, the mayor is here." Xina said.

The thirteen girls came back to their senses after hearing this, and thirteen little faces were full of excitement and hope and walked to the meeting room on the second floor.

In the small meeting room on the second floor.


Los, who was sitting in front, looked at the group of girls with a smile, with a satisfied look on his face.

At this time, the expressions of these girls were completely opposite to the previous trembling, full of confidence.

"It seems that this massage technique is very suitable for you." Los said with a smile.

The knowledge he gave to these girls was not something too profound, but the massage technique of the outer gods based on the human body.

Yes, it was Yog-Sothoth's messy knowledge again.

There are many kinds of massage techniques for the Outer Gods, including the body structures of almost all creatures, clans, and Outer Gods.

These include:

"The Right Way to Pet a Dog: The Hound of Tindalos".

"Maintenance Techniques for the Tentacles of the Ancient Gods".

"Massage Techniques to Improve the Sleep Quality of the Outer Gods".

"Bayaki's Breeding Manual".

"Flying Hydra Breeding Techniques".


Having all these things, it is natural to understand the human body structure and analysis.

By mastering this structure, you can easily deal with any species.

Whether it is a fatal blow in battle or a technique to gain the other party's favor in non-combat situations, you can fully master it.

At present, he has only taught some knowledge about humans, and this knowledge is enough to make each of them a massage master and a martial arts master.

After mastering the key to the limit of human beings, Los continued to give them the red blood of the guilty people during these ten days to provide their bodies with incomparably sufficient evolutionary energy.

The result is that in ten days, the general level of these girls has reached level 13, and two girls with high talent have reached level 15.

These girls have unknowingly broken through the limits of the human body and become superhumans.

"Your performance today is very good, and you have lived up to my expectations of you." Los said with satisfaction.

Hearing the mayor's words and looking at the mayor's satisfied look, the thirteen girls were extremely excited and excited. They first hurriedly thanked him and expressed their gratitude, and then swore to be loyal to the mayor forever.

Los nodded and said: "The early evolution is very obvious, but it will become more and more difficult as time goes on. I hope you will not be complacent, but keep working hard to learn and make yourself stronger and more perfect. Only then will you truly come into contact with the truth and beauty of this world."

"Yes! Mayor! I will follow your orders!" The girls said enthusiastically.

Now in their understanding, the great mayor is omnipotent, and the great mayor's decisions are always correct.

Los was very satisfied with the response of these girls, and then she turned to look at Lilith standing beside her.

"Danny's gang is expected to take action tonight. Are you ready?"

Lilith and Hina immediately showed a very kind expression after hearing this.

"If they come, I will definitely give them a "service" they will never forget!"

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