At about six o'clock in the afternoon, Los left the Arkham Flower Club, and this news was immediately captured by Danny.

Danny nodded with satisfaction after hearing it: "Arkham is still cautious, leaving Lilith behind."

Golden monkey Vic asked with a little fear in his eyes: "Boss, how should we deal with that witch?"

Danny said lightly: "Old rules."

Vic smiled and nodded after hearing it: "Understood."

The new store has just opened, and there are still many things to deal with. Lilith and her little sisters have been busy until ten o'clock in the evening and finally completed all the goals for today.

"You must remember that our club mainly serves middle and high-end women. We must always keep this room clean, all utensils neat, and our own appearance perfect."

In the lobby on the first floor, Lilith was giving a lecture to a group of girls.


Lilith continued: "Ruixue, you are the oldest here, you should restrain and help your sisters more."

The leader was the oldest girl with fiery red hair, Ruixue, who nodded vigorously and said: "Manager, please rest assured, I will not let you down."

Lilith turned around and said: "Xina, you have the best professional ability, you should help them more and correct their mistakes."

Xina nodded: "Yes, master."

"In addition, there is Nancy, you have better talent, don't keep the secrets you have summarized."

Nancy, a beautiful girl with chestnut hair, nodded: "Don't worry, mine is everyone's."


While Lilith was giving a speech inside, more than 20 people had quietly appeared in the darkness outside.

These more than 20 people were all wearing black clothes that blended with the night, and they were holding various sophisticated weapons in their hands.

At this time, they quietly surrounded the entire church, sticking to the wall and listening to the content inside.

"Manager, this group of women is really stingy. No one joined the club today." Ruixue's somewhat dissatisfied voice came.

Then Lilith's voice came: "Although there is no one today, it does not mean that they are not tempted. Didn't you see the reluctant expressions when they left?"

Listening to the conversation inside, the people outside nodded to each other, confirming that everything was normal inside.

Then the whole team was divided into two teams, one team of 20 people and one team of four people.

The captain of the four people was Danny's current gold medal fighter, John.

John has a level 13 strength and is a famous fierce fighter in the entire commercial street.

They have all stuffed their ears with cotton, so that they can completely block Lilith's terrifying demonic voice.

After everything was ready, John and his men kicked the door open, and a cry of surprise suddenly rang out in the whole house.

On the other hand, while John led his men to rush in, Vic and his men outside directly cut off the circuit outside the church, directly plunging the church into endless darkness.

In the moment of falling into darkness, John's body rushed directly into the crowd, grabbed a girl at random, carried her on his shoulders and turned around to run.

"Looking for death!" Lilith was furious and shouted suddenly.

However, her voice had no effect on the four people at this time. The four people seemed to have heard nothing and ran all the way.

Lilith was furious and said, "You wait here, I'll go find Nancy!"

After that, Lilith ran out directly.

Vic, who was hiding in the shadows, saw this and showed a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

This strategy of luring the tiger away from the mountain and attacking the west has been tried and tested by him.

Watching Lilith's figure gradually disappear in the night, Vic and the others took off their earplugs and turned to look at the inside of the church.

At this time, there was a dead silence in the darkness, as if this incident had frightened all the girls.

Vic raised his hand, revealing his exclusive weapon, four golden claws extending from the outside of his wrist.

The claws have very sharp blades, like Wolverine's claws.

There were at least 70 or 80 people who died under the claws. If the interrogation was included, his claws had cut the skin of at least 200 people.

Because of the two pairs of golden claws, he was gradually called the Golden Monkey by the gangsters.

With a smug smile on his face, he led the remaining people directly into the church from the main entrance. In the darkness, he whispered in a gloomy and filthy voice: "Dear little sheep, your uncle is here to find you."

In the moonlight, the girls gathered in the hall were frightened to death when they saw this scene, and then hurriedly turned around and ran to the second floor.

Vic was not in a hurry at this time, and said with a smile: "Since you like to play hide-and-seek, then the uncle will play with you for a while today, brothers, search slowly, play slowly!"

When the others heard this, they immediately let out a disgusting and filthy laugh.

As the girls ran to the second floor, the group also went up the stairs to the second floor.

When they came here, they found that the space on the second floor was much larger than they imagined, and there were many rooms in a long and narrow corridor.

"Spread out and search each room." Vic said, walking towards a half-closed door with greed in his eyes.

"Little sheep, the master is here!" Vic pushed the door open and found a woman with twin ponytails squatting in the corner with her back to him.

"I actually won the special prize."

He had noticed this woman with eye-catching silver-white hair during the day. Her name was Xina. Although she was a little older, she was definitely a high-quality beauty.

"My little sheep, what happened? Come, let me see."

Vic walked over with a silver smile (not a typo) and stretched out his hand to gently put it on Xina's shoulder.

After he touched her shoulder, Xina's trembling body suddenly stiffened, and then slowly turned her head.

Vic also put his face over at this time. He liked to see the frightened look of these beauties.

Under the dim moonlight, Vic just put his face over, and Xina's face just turned over.

At this moment, he did not see a frightened face, nor did he see Xina's beautiful and dignified face during the day.

Although the face he saw at this time was Xina, it was distorted beyond recognition.

Her eyes were wide open, full of evil and madness.

Her mouth was wide open, like a devil's smile, full of gloom and blood.

It is hard to imagine that such a beautiful woman's face can be distorted like this, so horrifyingly distorted.


Seeing this face that was a hundred times more terrified than a demon, Vic was so scared that he sat down on the ground.

At this time, Xina turned around, stuck out her scarlet tongue, showing her white teeth, and said with uncontrollable ecstasy in her tone: "The toy is finally here."

"No!" Feeling something was wrong, Vic exclaimed and turned around and ran away.

Xina immediately stepped forward like a ghost, grabbed his hair and whispered: "Uncle, don't leave!"


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