When the golden monkey Vic screamed, Sina covered it with one hand, and then she stretched out her arm and strangled his neck directly, and said in a terrifying voice in his ear: "Don't be anxious, the night has just begun."

Vic's eyes widened at this time, his body kept struggling, and he kept shaking his head, not wanting to hear this horrible inhuman voice.

But at this moment he found that the woman's physical strength was surprisingly strong, and the strong roundness was beyond his imagination.

"What the hell is going on! Is this damn woman... still a human?"

At the same time, Ruixue and others have changed into a special outfit at this time.

Wearing a white windbreaker on the upper body, and wearing a variety of hideous masks of ghosts in mythology on the face.

These masks were specially prepared by Lilith for them. These poor girls were once kidnapped because of their beautiful faces, and their lives fell into the darkness of despair.

And this mask represents that these girls have completely abandoned their beautiful appearance, everything about themselves, and turned into the reverse form of evil ghosts.

Wearing these masks, they are no longer those kind and weak women who are at the mercy of others, but the ghost guards of the great mayor.

When the two thugs from the Danny Gang pushed open the door with pistols, they did not find any beautiful girls. What was waiting for them was a woman wearing a creepy white dress and a scary mask.

"Who!?" The two raised their guns and asked loudly.

But just as they raised their guns, the creepy white figure came to the two people with great speed.

Then, before they could react, they only felt that their arms seemed to be hit by something, and then they lost consciousness and strength.

The guns in their hands fell to the ground with a clang.

"What's going on?" Faced with such a scene, although the two people were a little unaware, their years of combat experience told them that there was an enemy.

So they directly pulled out the spare daggers from their waists with their other hands.

Just when they thought they were moving very fast, the creepy white figure was even faster.

The two people only felt that the figure was swimming around them like a devil, and then stretched out his hand and tapped their chest and back twice.

Then they felt a suffocation first, and then their bodies softened and collapsed at the door.

"What on earth is going on?" The two people were about to collapse at this time.

They had no idea how they were hit at that time, and how they lost control of their whole body in two encounters.

Looking at the two gang members collapsed on the ground, Ruixue's mouth under the mask gradually revealed a burst of joy and excitement.

She remembered her childhood experience, she remembered her family being bullied by those gangs, she remembered her father who was beaten to death by the gangs, and her brother who was killed by the gangs.

She was even kidnapped by those hateful gangs in the end, and then sold.

Thinking of this, the primitive hatred completely broke out in the depths of her calm heart.

Although the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce was dead, she did not spit out the evil in her heart. Now that she found a suitable substitute, Ruixue immediately couldn't control herself.

Ruixue is not the only one who has the same experience. Everyone here has suffered from the bullying and abuse of the gang.

It's time to show your determination and strength now.

At this time, Xina pulled Vic's hair and came to the corridor, and then lifted up Vic, who was terrified but couldn't scream at all. Xina smiled and said, "Dear sisters, you can start your performance."


Then the piercing screams of bullying rang out, echoing throughout the church, one after another.

On the other side, Lilith, who was chasing the four people, felt that it was almost done, so she said, "Nancy, it's enough."

At the same time, the running speed increased by 5 times in an instant.

Nancy, who was carried on the shoulders in front, stretched out her hand directly, clenched her fist and punched John on the temple.

John, who was just triumphant in front, was completely confused at this time.

At this time, he felt that his head seemed to have suffered a huge impact, as if he was hit hard by a hammer, and the whole person was dizzy and couldn't tell the east, south, west and north.

Before they could come to their senses, countless strange hairs suddenly appeared in the dark night, trapping them all and lifting them in the air in their confusion and struggle.

Lilith turned around and looked towards the church with a smile: "My toys seem to be ready!"

After that, she walked briskly, jumping and skipping, like a little girl, back to the church.


Danny slept extra sweetly last night. After getting up in the morning and enjoying breakfast, he was used to Vic holding the newspaper and reading the daily news highlights to him.

But today, Vic was not standing by his side.

"What's going on? Where's Vic? It's not a difficult task to deal with a group of little girls." Danny asked lightly.

At this time, a man hurriedly ran in and said to Danny: "Boss, something bad has happened. Vic... Vic is crazy."

"What? Crazy? Impossible!"

This thought was Danny's first reaction. Vic was a superhuman and had a deep understanding of Lilith. Under normal circumstances, they could easily resist Lilith's magic sound.

"What happened?" Danny asked hurriedly.

The subordinate said with sweat on his forehead: "Boss, all the members of the team we sent out last night are now lying naked on the street. They are tied together and keep muttering."

Hearing this, Danny stood up suddenly, walked out of the building door in two steps, and looked at the street.

At this time, outside the church, 24 people were naked and chained like dogs outside, and they had a sign on them.

The combined meaning was: "This is the end of plotting against the club."

The crowd around them recognized at a glance that the young man who was kneeling on the ground, shivering with his head down, was the golden monkey Victor who often followed Danny.

His cunning and ferocity were widely known throughout the business district.

Seeing such people kneeling there naked, like fools, sometimes laughing, sometimes extremely scared, their eyes were full of pleasure and gloating.

At the same time, everyone also understood what kind of story and hidden secrets were hidden in it.

"Great mayor, have you finally come to save our business district?" Many businessmen prayed in their hearts.

Today, I got up at five in the morning to take the driving test in the driving school, and now I can't open my eyes.

Fortunately, I passed the driving test. I paid the money and passed the test in 2016. It took four years and finally got the driver's license.

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