The story of Arkham Flower quickly spread throughout Arkham City, and immediately dominated all the headlines in Arkham.

Not to mention this bizarre crime method, the identities of those people alone are worth highlighting.

After all, the leaders are the golden monkey Vic and the vicious thug John. These two are Danny O'Banion's right-hand men and the true core figures of the Danny Gang.

Many people know that this is an important message. The great mayor is finally going to take action against other gangs.

Miskatonic University, College Library.

Dr. Armitage adjusted the glasses on his nose and said with some approval in his eyes: "Loss Arkham does not seem to be what we imagined."

Sitting opposite him was Francis Morgan, the pillar of the archeology department.

Morgan looked at Armitage cautiously and asked tentatively: "Professor, since you saw Arkham two days ago, your attitude towards him has changed a lot."

Armitage put down the newspaper and said calmly: "Morgan, you don't need to test me. I am not controlled by him, and he has not done anything to me."

"I'm just talking about the matter. You can read the newspapers in detail. After Los Arkham came to power, the approval rating in the polls has reached the highest level. The things he has done are also things that are beneficial to people. Through the last conversation , I can confirm that he is a pragmatic and hard-working mayor.”

"You should have discovered that all his special powers are used on these gang members who persecute the people."

After hearing this, Morgan said: "Maybe he is paralyzing us in this way and gaining our trust at once. Professor, you should know that that kind of power is not something that normal people can control. Such people are destined to be lost in the world." With power, he becomes a terrifying monster.”

Armitage was silent for a moment after hearing this: "I don't rule out the possibility. What did the headquarters say?"

Morgan said: "The headquarters has dispatched relevant personnel, an A-level team."

"A-level team? This incident has not reached an A-level incident, right!?" Armitage asked full of surprise.

Green Covenant rates different incidents based on their severity.

It is divided into five levels: D, C, B, A, and S. Level A incidents represent large-scale incidents that can threaten the security of a city and are very serious.

The two have been members of the Green Covenant for more than six years, and the highest level of incident they participated in was only C-level, which can lead to the death of hundreds of people.

Morgan explained: "They seem to be here just to solve the problems we reported. Their real goal now is Innsmouth."

"Innsmouth? What's going on there?" Armitage asked.

His impression of the place wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either, but it just always gave people a weird feeling.

Morgan whispered: "According to a certain investigator's report, a large area of ​​mixed-race monsters was found there, but the specific situation is not clear."

Armitage sighed: "I hope the higher authorities will continue to observe Los Arkham for a while."

"Professor! Let's not be fooled by the appearance of those madmen!" As a fighter for justice, Morgan has no good impression of those madmen and does not think there is any possibility of redemption for those guys.

While the two were talking in low voices, a blond young man outside the door quietly left.

"Los Arkham seems to have been exposed to that kind of super power. The Green Covenant is already going to attack him. It would be best if you can be dealt with like this."

The young man walked out of the library with a smile.

The young man's name is Belot Katz, a freshman who just came to Miskatonic University last year.

Bellot was born into a noble family and was the third son in his family.

The Katz family is a famous family in the empire today. Its contemporary owner, Willy Katz, his father, is the deputy commander of the imperial army and holds a lot of real power.

Willy's younger brother, Haywood Katz, is the deputy director of the Imperial Research Institute. Both of them are real power factions and core figures in the military power faction.

Many people believe that if the Queen of the Empire is overthrown one day, the Kaz family must be among them.

And now Bellot is one of the thorns planted here by the military power faction. His core purpose is to keep an eye on Elizabeth Cragg's movements.

And now that Elizabeth has been in contact with Ross, Ross has naturally become one of his targets.

"Bellot, you are still in the library!" Two female students from a distance came over happily.

"Come on! We want a ride in your car!"

After hearing this, Bellot smiled and said, "Of course it's no problem, my beautiful lady."


On the other side, Los in the office had just finished reading the newspaper and said with a satisfied look, "I can rest assured that Lilith is doing things."

"Mayor, I got a tip here that the batch of goods stolen by the Tide Pirates is about to be transferred." Daryl reported.

Ross was stunned: "Transfer? Are you ready to take action?"

Daryl shook his head and said: "No, that batch of medicines has been unpacked and remixed. Even the original containers have been broken and moved to some larger containers."

Hearing this, Ross raised his eyebrows: "Does that mean they robbed this batch of high-concentration nutrient solution not to sell it, but for other purposes?"

Darryl: "It is very likely that if it is a banned drug, the scope of use is very narrow, and they can only resell it. But now that Xina has confirmed that the batch of drugs is a high-concentration nutrient solution, this thing has many uses."

After hearing this, Los pondered for a moment, and then took off the head and put it on the table.

Darry, who was standing opposite, twitched his eyes. He had seen this scene several times, but every time he saw it, he felt a shudder.

After a while, Los' voice came from nowhere and said, "Is there anything going on in Innsmouth recently?"

Daryl was stunned: "I don't know about this yet. Innsmouth is not under our jurisdiction."

Loss said: "Send someone to check it out."


Daryl agreed first, and then asked tentatively: "Mayor, do you think this batch of drugs will be sent to Innsmouth?"

Loss picked up the head and shook his wrist slightly to make the head nod.

Daryl looked at the lifeless head in his hands nodding at him, and even though he knew there was no ill intention, many beads of sweat still oozed from his forehead.

"I'll send someone to check it out right away."

"Ordinary people can't do it, go find Zeke and ask him to send two stealth police officers over."


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