Standing up, Los looked out the window: "The bomb in Innsmouth has not exploded yet."

"Such a huge high-concentration nutrient solution may even contain special alien technology. If it is sacrificed, the actual nutritional value is equivalent to 100,000 people."

At this time, there was a hurried knock on the door of the office.

Los put on the head first, and then said: "Come in."

Then, a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old ran over panting.

The girl looked very pretty, with neatly combed short hair, wearing clean and tidy work clothes, and wearing glasses on her nose, looking quite cute.

This girl was naturally Debbie from the slums. Now she and Rum are apprentices and part-time assistants under Dr. Murthy.

In the past ten days, the two have also learned a lot about the massage of the outer gods like those girls. Although they did not get the blood of the guilty to make them evolve, their physical strength has also undergone a considerable transformation.

"Mayor!" Debbie said with a trembling voice.

This was the first time she saw the mayor alone, and also the first time she spoke to the mayor.

In the past, she always listened to the mayor's talk about all kinds of magical and extensive knowledge, which made her re-recognize this young and promising mayor.

The mayor not only works hard and serves the people wholeheartedly, but also has very magical and extensive knowledge, and has a lecture level comparable to that of a professor. This has changed her feelings for the mayor from respect and gratitude at the beginning to admiration and ideal goals.

Seeing this very restrained little girl, Los smiled and said, "What? Little Debbie?"

Debbie blushed immediately after hearing this, and then asked very happily, "You... you actually know my name?"

Among so many beautiful big sisters, she is the most ordinary one and the one with the least sense of existence.

But what she never expected was that the great mayor actually knew her own name.

Los smiled and said, "Of course I know that you are not only my citizen, but now you are my subordinate."

"Subordinates!" Debbie's eyes suddenly lit up.

These two very ordinary words now give her tremendous encouragement and light.

You know, being poor in this world is not terrible, what is terrible is that you have no value.

But now the mayor said that he was his subordinate, which meant that his existence was valuable!

This made the little guy, who had been neglected since childhood and was said to be useless everywhere, extremely happy and excited.

"Report to the mayor!" Debbie was confident, her voice was loud, and her tone was solemn.

Los looked at this cute little guy, nodded and said: "Report what you know, Debbie."

Debbie was immediately more encouraged and answered loudly: "My teacher, Dr. Murthy asked me to report to you that the fat inhibitor has been successfully refined and the human experiment has been successful!"

Hearing this, Los' eyes suddenly lit up, and then walked over and said: "Let's go Debbie, this information is very critical, let's go to Arkham Sanatorium together!"

"Yes!" Debbie's face flushed, and her heart and face were full of excitement and joy.

Ten minutes later, the two came to Murthy's laboratory.

At this time, Rum, who was two years younger than Debbie, was wearing goggles and a mask, and was carefully debugging a medicine with a dropper.

Dr. Murthy, who was standing by, gave instructions, saying, "Keep your hands steady, hold your breath, and keep the dropper from entering the test tube. At the same time, control the strength of your fingers. This liquid is very dangerous and there should be no splashing."

Rum held his breath and carefully dripped a drop of liquid into the test tube. Then he put the dropper on the shelf in an orderly manner, and then quickly took the bottle stopper to plug the test tube.

After everything was done, Rum exhaled a deep breath.

Murthy reached out and touched his head and said, "Not bad, the control has been significantly improved."

Rum was very happy: "Thank you for your guidance, teacher."

"It seems that everything is going well." Los' voice came from the door.

Murthy heard and hurried over and said, "Master."

Rum also ran over very happily and said with respect, "Mayor!"

"You did a good job just now, Rum." Los said, and turned to ask Murthy, "I heard it was successful."

"Yes!" Murthy was very excited at this time, and happily took Los to leave here.

Before leaving, he said, "Clean up the workbench, and then go learn the general anatomy."

"Yes!" The two children nodded vigorously.

Leaving the basement, Murthy took Los to the second floor of the sanatorium.

"The situation is smoother than I thought. According to the tips you gave me and the effect of the fusion blood, I will first separate the fat suppression function from the muscle strengthening."

"Then rewrite the genes in the fat suppression function and set a bottom limit value."

"After the injection is completed, it will enter the host's body through the effect of the fusion blood and then sneak into the host's genes to give relevant hints to the whole body."

"Hint?" Los raised his eyebrows.

Murthy smiled and nodded: "Yes, the fat suppressor without muscle strengthening is strictly speaking a hint from the gene. This hint is a warning effect."

"I now set the body fat percentage for men at 16% and for women at 25%. If the body fat percentage of the injected person exceeds this limit, the instinct from the gene will give him relevant prompts, telling him that he is too fat. This instinct is like breathing, reminding him all the time."

"At this time, this gene will play a role, and he will have a strong self-discipline through suitable and reasonable methods."

"If used with muscle enhancers, this self-discipline can quickly convert fat into muscle."

Ivan smiled and nodded when he heard this and said, "Yes, this method is very good."

For normal people, there is no condition to never get fat. As long as he is still a human, he will get fat.

The fat suppressor developed by Mursi does not inhibit the formation of fat, but is a warning, which can preserve the individual perfection of the human body to a great extent while also preventing obesity.

When the two people were talking, they came to a ward.

After opening the room, there was a patient with a little weight inside.

At this time, the patient was doing muscle exercises.

"He always overeats for unknown reasons. After injecting fat inhibitors, he began to instinctively develop a diet and fitness plan, and stick to it every day down to the minute."

"As long as he succeeds in losing weight this time, he can say goodbye to obesity completely."

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