Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 82 The difference between oral administration and injection

Looking at the patients who were sweating profusely while exercising, Los said with great satisfaction: "This is the best method. The root cause of obesity is human innate laziness. Having such a warning function can forcefully activate the self-control ability in this regard."

Morsi nodded and then said: "Of course, these are successful cases, and there are three very failed cases."

Morsi then took Los to another room.

"The first experimental subject was relatively miserable, and it was partly my fault."

Dr. Morsi said as he opened a door and immediately found a fat corpse on display in the room.

There were many horrific wounds on this fat corpse, and there was a lot of vomit around it.

Murthy said: “During the first human experiment, because I had not yet understood the working principle of the fat suppressor and the method of intervention, I used oral administration, which resulted in the target having a very extreme reaction after taking the fat suppressor. "

"Due to excessive obesity, his body fat rate has completely exceeded the standard. But after taking the fat suppressor and the alert function started to work, he went completely crazy."

"He developed a crazy hatred for his obesity. He hated the fat on his body, which caused hunger strikes, crazy vomiting, and even used tools to extract the fat from his body. Then This was so extreme that he even tore out his stomach through some method."

Hearing this, Los said calmly: "This can be considered his punishment!"

This fat guy once had a terrifying code name, Man-Eater.

He mutated for unknown reasons and began to kill and eat people crazily.

As he ate humans, his body gradually broke through the limits of human beings and became a preliminary superhuman.

As his strength grew, he became more and more unruly, and finally he became a thug in some gangs.

However, this guy who gradually became crazy gradually gained more and more appetite, and finally ate the gang boss, which immediately aroused everyone's vigilance.

He was eventually found mentally ill during his trial and sent to Arkham Sanitarium.

The good thing is that he won't have that kind of power if he doesn't consume human flesh for a long time.

But even if he doesn't eat people, he is still a weird glutton.

Until now, he died at the hands of fat inhibitors.

"The side effects of taking it orally should be kept. This thing can become a very useful thing when necessary." Lose said very calmly.

The man-eater's death seemed to have no effect on him.

Dr. Morsi asked tentatively: "Do you have any other plans?"

Ross smiled: "I remember that many senior officials in the empire are highly obese, and most of these guys are on the side of the military faction."

Dr. Morsi was very smart. When he heard this, he immediately thought of Ross's plan.

"Master... isn't this a little too cruel?" Dr. Morsi is not bad at heart. Even though he has received a lot of extraordinary knowledge, he is still very humane.

Los said calmly: "Morsi, you have to remember. There is no such thing as cruelty and humanity towards enemies."

Upon hearing this, Morsi trembled in his heart and said hurriedly: "What the young master said is true, I understand."

Los reached out and patted Morsi on the shoulder and said: "The road to the end of knowledge is always full of thorns. We must make the necessary preparations. If we hesitate for a moment, it will not be the enemy who falls to the ground, but ourselves!" "

It can be said that the fat inhibitor matter is all settled. Los asked: "Approximately when can mass production begin?"

"Given the current situation, mass production is difficult, and many of the complex processes require me to operate them manually," Morsi said.

Los was silent for a moment, then took off his head again. As his power grew, Ross found that his head was getting more and more in the way.

If you want to make a sufficiently correct decision, you must use extraordinary thinking in a headless state. After all, human thinking is too narrow.

"Give me the detailed process first," Los said.

Morsi nodded and said: "I still have original cells in my hand. I need to culture them with the red blood of guilty people and then reverse them."

"Then the muscle strengthening agent is extracted through the dialysis separation method I use, and then the muscle strengthening agent is extracted using a double permeability reaction to extract the fat inhibitor, and then the gene module in the fat inhibitor is extracted. Reprogramming and then reordering the fusion with Fusion Blood.”

After hearing about this complicated process, Los, in his headless form, quickly understood the problems and various troubles he would encounter.

Then he began to integrate the knowledge in his mind based on this trouble.

It's just a pity this time that he doesn't have the relevant knowledge in his mind to get the fat inhibitor in place in one step.

"Who can master this process now and how much can be produced in a day?" Los asked.

Morsi said: "So far, I am the only one who has mastered this craft. At my current speed, I can only make five potions a day."

"As for Debbie and Rum, they are not good yet. Their hands are not steady and it is easy for problems to occur."

Los said with a smile: "The problem now is that we still lack people."

"Yes, Master, I am really in need of people now."

Speaking of this, Mursi said excitedly: "You should know that this is just a fat inhibitor, and this is just the most basic byproduct. There are also muscle enhancers on it, and then there are the infinite possibilities of fusion blood, and the healing ability of angel blood that can be called a miracle. There are so many, so magical and wonderful things waiting for me! But! I don't have time! I don't have anyone!"

Los looked at Mursi at this time, and suddenly felt that this old man's anxious look was a little cute, and laughed out loud and said: "Don't worry, I have already started to solve this matter."

"Solve? How to solve it?" Mursi's eyes instantly sparkled.

Los put on the head: "Of course, I will find someone, first from Miskatonic University, and then go to the whole empire."

"Then...are those people reliable?" Mursi knew how precious the things they were studying were now, and how enviable they were.

Los blinked his eyes: "It doesn't matter whether he is reliable or not, what matters is whether he has the ability or not."

"Because no matter what his purpose is, whether he is reliable and loyal, as long as he comes here, he will become reliable and loyal."

At this point, Los's tone was full of confidence.

When Mursi heard this, he suddenly thought: "Master, if you are not worried about the loyalty issue, I know a group of people who should meet your needs."

"Oh? Tell me."

"The Black Hand Alliance."

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