"The Black Hand Alliance? What does it have to do with the Black Hand Clan?" Los asked.

Morsi was stunned, blinked and said, "It shouldn't matter. The members of the Mafia Alliance are mainly black doctors from various regions in the world."

"These people often have very superb medical skills, but are wanted or persecuted for some reasons, lose their relevant medical licenses, and then join the Mafia Alliance."

"Normal doctors wear white gloves during operations, but this group of black doctors all wear black gloves during operations, so they are called the Black Hand Alliance."

This was the first time that Los had heard of such an organization, and he said with interest, "Tell me a brief introduction."

"Mafia doctors are mainly engaged in some shady business, such as helping gang members treat wounds, illegally collecting blood, dealing with some special patients, or helping other women perform abortions, or selling some banned drugs."

After hearing this, Ross said clearly: "They are just a group of medical dealers with real talents and knowledge."

"That's pretty much what it means. The experimental instruments you asked me to prepare before were all purchased from the Mafia Alliance. You also know that many of our current experimental instruments are officially prohibited from sale."

Today's three major empires have a very strong blockade on many core medical device technologies, such as microscopes, high-precision scalpels, infusion needles, etc.

If an ordinary person were to discover this, it would be enough for that person to spend at least fifteen years in prison.

Ross became interested when he heard this and said, "You can try this and then ask them to come over."

As he spoke, Ross showed a somewhat scary and evil smile and said: "Since they are all aliens that cannot be accommodated by the ordinary moral worldview, their true purpose must be found here."

"My paradise of order and madness is open to them at any time!"

Morsi looked at the young master's indescribable smile. Although he was a little frightened, he still agreed.

Although the young master is not a human being, although the young master is ruthless, and although the young master kills without blinking an eye, he believes that the young master is a good person.

At least, he believed that the young master would not do anything detrimental to his own people.

Before leaving, Ross took away the remaining two bottles of fat inhibitor. Now that he had the finished product, he also had the capital to negotiate with Elizabeth.

The same medicine, taken orally and injected are completely different. One is a fatal poison that kills people invisible, and the other is a good medicine that can make people bid farewell to obesity.

When he got home, he directly picked up the phone and dialed Elizabeth's home phone number.

"Hello, distinguished Mr. Mayor, do you need any help?"

After the call was connected, a female voice came from the phone.

The former Arkham Telephone Company was also the property of the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce. Now it has been reorganized by Ivan and created many jobs.

With the increase in the number of people, the service quality and response speed of the entire Arkham Telephone Company have also been greatly improved.

And these people who have obtained these positions are naturally extremely grateful to his mayor.

Ross smiled and said, "Help me pick up Clark Manor."

"Okay, great mayor."

Soon, the call was answered.

Ross asked with a smile: "Is it Ms. Clark?"

"Mayor of Arkham?" Elizabeth's voice sounded hesitantly.

Today's telephone technology has just begun, and the fidelity of sound on the phone is very low.

Ross nodded and said, "It's me, Ms. Clark, are you free this afternoon?"

"What's the matter?" Elizabeth did not agree directly.

The corners of Ross's lips raised slightly and he said, "I want to buy you coffee."

Hearing this, Elizabeth on the other side suddenly twitched at the corner of her eye, wishing she could just drop the phone.

"If you don't have anything else to do, I'll hang up." Elizabeth said.

Ross said unhurriedly: "I already have some finished things here, do you want to take a look?"

"Molded things!" Upon hearing this, Elizabeth trembled in her heart. She knew very well that the molded things Lose was talking about were definitely not ordinary things.

Elizabeth immediately said: "We'll be there in an hour!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

Nowadays, the queen's situation is not good. The military faction has gradually monopolized the entire central government. The queen must have enough trump cards to continue to support her.

Therefore, she urgently needs something that can change the situation.

Ross put down the phone, turned to Carrington and said, "Uncle Carrington, prepare Miss Elizabeth's favorite coffee."

Carrington nodded and said, "Understood."

An hour later, although Elizabeth was dusty, she still tried her best to remain elegant and reserved.

Today, Elizabeth is wearing a pure white strapless lace dress with a sunshade hat on her head. Combined with her exquisite makeup, her look alone gives people a kind of elegance and beauty that can only be seen from a distance but not played with.

"Dear Elizabeth, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you have become even more beautiful." After meeting, Los was very happy to greet her and hug her.

Elizabeth said with a smile: "You haven't changed much. It seems that the tiring work has not caused you any trouble. You are still so full of energy, which is enviable."

After a few simple greetings, the two people walked into the living room.

Just after sitting down, Ross asked, "What would you like to drink?"

Elizabeth was about to say no, but she looked at Ross and smiled and said, "Oh! Look at my memory, I forgot that you like coffee very much."

So before she could react, Ross said directly, "Uncle Carrington, pour Elizabeth a cup of cappuccino!"

Carrington, who had already prepared, came over and poured Elizabeth a cup of coffee.

The young master always comes up with some new and strange names.

Although he still doesn't know what cappuccino means, he knows that this thing represents coffee in the young master's mouth.

Elizabeth looked at the steaming coffee, she felt her stomach churning faintly, and she began to feel involuntarily irritated.

Looking at Elizabeth's appearance at this time, Ross showed a happy smile of a successful prank in his heart.

This move was not to disgust her deliberately, but to disrupt her inner negotiation preparations first and mess up the other party's mood first.

After all, Ross, who is now in a good position, may not be as good at negotiation as Elizabeth in her victorious period.

So Los tried to make her stupider than himself, so that he could have the upper hand.

"How is it? My cappuccino?" Los asked with a smile.

Elizabeth was frowning, and tried to keep herself elegant and reserved and said: "Not bad!"

"Then drink more, Uncle Carrington, pour another cup of cappuccino for Elizabeth!" Los was very warm and hospitable.

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