Although Elizabeth is still young now, she was trained as a future spy leader after all, so she still has very strong self-control ability and summary of experience.

She already knew last time that Los was constantly stimulating her spirit through coffee, so she was somewhat mentally prepared this time.

After hearing this voice, Elizabeth said with a dark look on her face: "No need, let's talk about business directly."

Ross looked at Elizabeth, who looked determined at this time, and knew that this trick was only a auxiliary function now.

Then he stopped smiling, and changed from the amiable and sunny boy to a handsome young man with a hint of melancholy and a rather cold temperament.

I have to say that Los Arkham's foundation is really good. His slightly protruding brow bone, combined with his thick eyebrows, makes the big eyes below him lively and have a special light.

The straight bridge of his nose has a slightly hooked look, and the cheeks on both sides are clean and have obvious lines, as if they were sharpened by knives. As long as he doesn't smile, he is definitely a handsome guy who is cold to the core.

Seeing Los suddenly become like this, Elizabeth, who was still very young, suddenly had her heart beat faster and thought to herself: "I didn't expect this guy to be so handsome in real life!"

Ross here took out two slender boxes, put them on the table and pushed them over and said, "This is our sincerity."

Elizabeth suppressed her inner excitement, carefully opened the box, and saw two tubes of transparent potion inside.

"What is the use of this potion?" Elizabeth asked with gradually burning eyes.

Ross said very bluntly: "Weight loss pills."

"Ha!?" Upon hearing these three words, Elizabeth was stunned and couldn't recover for a long time.

The mysterious metal was promised, the ruling empire was promised, you researched it for almost a month, and then you gave me two weight loss pills! ?

Elizabeth was getting more and more angry thinking about this, and even seeing her fair and beautiful face just now, she couldn't suppress the anger in her heart.


Just when Elizabeth was about to explode, Ross raised his hand and interrupted with a calm expression: "Listen to what I have to say. As the queen's right-hand man here, your main job is not to fight for her interests. But be good at listening.”

Hearing this, Elizabeth's mouth opened wide, but she couldn't speak for a long time. Her ugly face was very funny.

It is hard to imagine that a beautiful young lady like Elizabeth has such a strong talent for beauty.

"You remind me of a goddess at this moment." Los said suddenly.

Elizabeth couldn't keep up with Ross's thoughts at all, and her brain was a little confused, so she asked: "Which goddess?"

"A water goddess named Aqua." Los said in a serious tone while suppressing a smile.

Elizabeth frowned slightly: "I have never heard of this goddess, why do I think of her?"

"Because... emmm, you are very similar to her in some expressions." Lose said seriously.

After saying this, Elizabeth's face immediately turned red, and then she coughed: "Don't try to increase my favor for you through such low-level flattery, give me an explanation quickly."

Ross narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes were filled with light. Although he, the ancient god with two swords, could not see through the other party's spirit and soul, he could still tell from her heartbeat and some subtle changes in her body. The words just said were still very... Useful.

Ross said: "This is not an ordinary weight loss pill. You have to know that all weight loss pills now are fake."

"I know this. Some of my friends not only failed to lose weight after eating it, but their health also became very bad." Elizabeth said.

Los went on to explain: "The real name of this thing is a fat inhibitor, which is a thing that fundamentally solves obesity."

Immediately, he briefly explained the working principle and actual effect of this fat inhibitor.

After hearing this, Elizabeth's eyes suddenly lit up: "Can such a potion achieve this level?"

Ross nodded: "We have done sufficient human trials. The effect is obvious and stable, and there are no side effects."

Elizabeth looked down at the syringe in her hand, thinking of her best friends who had become very obese because they liked to eat desserts. These things could be said to be priceless to them.

Los warned: "Remember, this medicine can only be used intravenously, not orally."

"Once taken orally, it turns into a poison that makes people go crazy." Ross explained another case clearly.

After hearing this, Elizabeth was surprised at first, and then immediately thought of Lose.

"That means..."

Ross nodded: "I remember that many military masters nowadays are very fat. This thing can kill people invisible."

Elizabeth's eyes gradually became hot, and her heart gradually accelerated.

Los said casually: "This is just a meeting gift for me. Strictly speaking, this thing is just a by-product of ours. Our real goal is a muscle strengthening agent."

"Muscles...strengthened!" After hearing these two words, Elizabeth finally heard what she had always wanted to hear.

By strengthening your muscles, you can turn ordinary people into superhuman beings!

Ross said: "The muscle strengthening agent will take some time. On the other hand, we intend to use this agent as the core competition for Arkham's economic development in the future."

Elizabeth seriously commented: "If this thing really has no problems and is very effective, this thing will soon become popular all over the world."

Ross said: "You can go back and try it first. I don't think you are in a hurry. This thing is still some time away from mass production. As for how to use it, it depends on you and the Queen's methods."

"You don't have to worry about this!" Elizabeth said and stood up directly, preparing to leave.

Ross did not continue to tease her and said, "There's nothing unusual in the rich area recently, right?"

"No, these guys have become much more honest since you dealt with the Rhodes Chamber of Commerce."

After a pause, Elizabeth suddenly said: "By the way, you should be careful about the Green Covenant recently."

"Green Covenant?" Ross was a little surprised. What relationship did he have with the Green Covenant?

Elizabeth said calmly: "The green covenant about your anomaly is already aware of it, and now it has begun to dispatch an A-level crisis management team here to prepare to deal with you."

"A-level team? What strength?" Los asked.

"The level is between level 20 and level 40, and the number of people is about seven." Elizabeth said.

Lose touched his chin, combined with his current intelligence and asked: "Are you sure they are here to deal with me?"

The corner of Elizabeth's mouth raised slightly: "You are not stupid, their target is Innsmouth."

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