After bidding farewell to Elizabeth, Carrington quietly walked over and asked in a low voice: "Master, you need to be careful about the Green Covenant. They handled the matter seven years ago, and they also investigated the master and me afterwards. They still have some tricks." of."

Ross smiled confidently: "Don't worry, they won't get anything useful from us. In their eyes, I will be a good mayor who abides by the law."

"Of course, if they are ungrateful and insist on becoming partners of justice and getting rid of me, then don't blame me for being rude."

Although he didn't care too much about the Green Covenant people, Elizabeth's news reminded him that the mine in Innsmouth was about to explode.

"In such a world view, if that thunder really explodes, then it will definitely affect not only that port, but our place will also be the first to be affected."

Thinking of this, Los's first thought was to stop the Tide Pirates and make their plan abort.

But he had a vague feeling that this plan was not good.

So he casually took off the head and thought about it carefully.

"This may be an opportunity, an opportunity to take back all the rights of the entire Arkham at once." Ross had already thought of a complete plan in his mind at this time.

He now needs to help Innsmouth complete their plan, so that after the mine explodes, the entire province of Massa will be affected.

At that time, the city of Arkham will also be in chaos.

He can take advantage of the chaos to complete the rectification of the entire city, and finally push everything to Innsmouth.

As for how many people would die, Lose didn't care about it in this way of thinking.

A perfect plan emerged. At the critical moment, he could lead his people to descend from the sky like a savior to save those people who were in despair.

Not only can they gather enough public support, but they can also take advantage of the situation and win Innsmouth.

"It can be said that I kill four birds with one stone. I am really a little genius!" Los thought happily.

"But before that, I first need to accumulate enough strength. The core problem now is still the lack of manpower!" Lose sighed.

Nowadays, the number of people needed to manage a district far exceeds his previous expectations. It is not easy to build the paradise of madness and order he imagined.

Thinking of this, he issued an order to all senior personnel through Carrington to hold a meeting this evening, and then began to split up.


In the wealthy area, Elizabeth looked at the obese woman on the side who was constantly exercising, and nodded with satisfaction.

This obese woman is her chef. She has been suffering from obesity for a long time due to work reasons. This is also her voluntary experiment.

After the injection, she had a detailed conversation with the woman and found that her sanity was very normal, no different from before the injection.

But she felt very dissatisfied with her body shape, and then she seemed to know some exercise methods and eating habits out of thin air.

She quickly formulated a very detailed and strict fitness plan in front of Elizabeth, and vowed to strictly implement it.

Elizabeth believed that she was not just shouting slogans, because when she said this, her eyes were as cold as a robot.

Then Elizabeth gave her a month's paid leave to exercise, and she immediately agreed gratefully, without any abnormality.

Then Elizabeth walked to the dungeon below her mansion. As soon as she entered, she heard an inhuman roar.

"How is it?" Elizabeth asked.

The guard below looked very unhappy at this time and said seriously: "Miss, the situation is similar to what you expected, but I don't recommend you to watch it. It's really disgusting."

Seeing the guard's face, Elizabeth could imagine the scene.

These people all climbed out from the pile of dead people, and they had never seen anything like this before.

"Okay, continue to observe, don't let him die, I want to see what will happen if he really succeeds in losing weight."


At eight o'clock in the evening, in the living room on the second floor of Ross's home.

Carrington, Daryl, Kurwin, Lilith, Mursi, Sheena, and Jike, the seven people were sitting here quietly.

Los sat down and put his head on the table.

"I'm asking you to come here this time to make arrangements for Arkham's future development plan."

Everyone nodded and looked at Los with their eyes gradually burning.

Los said directly to Daryl: "Daryl, as the municipal manager, go to the capital of the province to solicit investment and post the development plan I prepared."

"Understood." Daryl said seriously.

Los continued: "You will stay there temporarily for some time to come. When the time is right, I need to pass some news through your channels."

Daryl knew something about Innsmouth and nodded.

"Kulvin, speed up the expansion plan of the entire Arkham Sanatorium. The surrounding walls must be reinforced as soon as possible. At the same time, all medical staff should be given combat training, and some spare wards should be cleaned up and prepared to accept refugees."

Kurwin nodded seriously: "I will obey your order."

"Lilith, speed up the training of those girls, and at the same time speed up the influence of Arkham Flower in the city. In addition, you can start your containment plan. We must increase our combat effectiveness as soon as possible."

Lilith nodded with admiration and obsession: "Your order is the meaning of my life."

"Morsi, next you stop your work, contact the Mafia Alliance, recruit talents as soon as possible, and bring as many talents as possible here, saying that we can provide absolute shelter here, and you can leak some of your knowledge when appropriate. knowledge."


"In addition, contact Elizabeth Clark and start purchasing relevant materials and medical instruments in large quantities according to your needs. Ask her to give us a 20% discount no matter what. I don't get my medicine for free."

When Morsi heard that he had been expanded, he nodded hastily: "Understood!"

Then Los turned to look at Sheena: "You know the Green Covenant, right?"

"I know." Xina nodded vigorously.

Los said: "The Green Covenant is here to deal with the problem in Innsmouth this time, but it may come to us to cause trouble. I will leave this matter to you, and then direct all attention to the Tide Pirates. If there is danger, Carrington will help you."

Xina nodded vigorously: "I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Finally, Los turned his attention to Jike.

"I will increase investment in the police. Your goal is to control all nine districts of Arkham in our hands. Don't worry about those special forces. Our target is the people at the bottom. You are the cards for our conquest. ,do you know?"

Jike nodded with a serious face: "Please rest assured, great master, we will definitely live up to your expectations."

The pace of these two days has been a little slower. This is really necessary preparation. The climax this time is the incident of magic reforming Innsmouth. To prepare for the emergence of the real ancient god, please be patient. Thank you to the audience for your support. !

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