Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 8: Attacking the Vital Points

Upon hearing the news, Daryl first felt that the young man was crazy.

"Blood therapy? This is not possible! This is a technology banned by the empire and the church! It has no scientific basis and is illegal! You will only make more people die!" Daryl stood up suddenly and said righteously He spoke loudly and righteously.

There have been two large-scale plagues caused by blood therapy in history, which now scare everyone.

Ross leaned on the backrest and looked at the excited Daryl and said casually: "There is no scientific basis. It is because people's poor thinking is not strong enough. The blood therapy technique that I have improved can not only save their lives, but also make them better." Become strong enough.”

"Daryl, will you help me?"

Daryl replied directly: "This is impossible! Not to mention me, the eight municipal committee members will not agree."

"Don't refuse in a hurry, I think you should listen to my plan first." Lose said with a smile.

Daryl immediately refused: "No! Mayor, you'd better pay attention to your words and actions, otherwise I will use the power of the committee to remove you from office!"

After saying that, he turned and left directly.

Looking at Daryl leaving, Los suddenly asked: "How is your daughter doing lately? She seems to have lost her sight, right?"

"Poor Tracy, she is so beautiful and young." Ross looked regretful.

Daryl's body suddenly froze, he turned to stare at Los, and said through gritted teeth: "If you dare to touch my daughter, I will definitely kill you!"

After saying that, he slammed the door and left.

After Daryl left, Ross put his hands behind his head and sighed: "Sure enough, it is still difficult to tame a servant without enough prestige."

"Well, it's time to use my blood therapy!"

After that, Los did not stay here any longer and went out directly.

While Daryl and the eight city commissioners were still discussing how to deal with this crazy guy Lose, Lose was already humming a tune and came to the front of the Imperial Post Office Building at 487 Peabody Avenue.

This massive five-story building is Arkham's largest postal processing center and the only serious facility capable of delivering letters outside of town.

Of course, Ross came here not to deliver letters, but to a high-end apartment behind the postal building, the Postal Apartments.

Room 305, Building 2, is Daryl’s home.

Daryl works as a full-time municipal manager with an annual salary of 8,000 Rosa dollars, which is a high-level income in Arkham.

His wife's name is Leila Crocombe, a stay-at-home housewife, and his daughter Tracey, who is sixteen years old, has become blind due to disease.

The daughter's illness has added a lot of haze to this wealthy family. Laila became a follower of Los in the first place because Ross promised to cure her daughter's eyes.

Following the clean and tidy stairs to the door of 305, Lose straightened his expression and rang the doorbell.

Then the door opened quietly, revealing a well-kept and pretty blond woman.

Although she is a little older, she can still see the beauty of this woman when she was young.

It’s hard to imagine that an orangutan could marry such a beautiful wife.

"Maybe, this is true love!" Ross sighed in his heart.

"You are...the mayor of Arkham!?" Lyra recognized Los.

Ross smiled and nodded: "It's me, Mrs. Crocham."

Out of etiquette, Laika unhooked the door hanging, welcomed Ross in, and asked somewhat unexpectedly: "Why are you here?"

She heard some things about the young mayor from her husband, and her instinctive impression could be said to be very bad.

Ross said with a hint of sadness: "I heard that Tracy's disease was serious, so I came over to check on her."

When she mentioned her daughter, a gloom suddenly appeared on Laila's face.

Her daughter Tracy is only sixteen years old this year. She is about to enjoy her best years, but due to eye problems she is forced to drop out of Arkham Public High School and transfer to Rice School for the Blind to learn Braille.

Every time she thought about this, she felt that her life was full of darkness and her heart was like a knife.

"Thank you for your concern, but Tracy is not in a good mood recently. She often locks herself in the bedroom for several hours." Lila said with sadness in her tone.

Ross comforted him and said, "Mrs. Crocham, you don't need to worry. I've got a brand new method here that should be able to help poor Tracy."

Lila forced a smile after hearing this: "Thank you for your kindness. Trish's condition has been diagnosed by countless doctors. So far, there is no medical technology that can save her eyes."

Ross looked at Lila seriously and said, "Mrs. Crocham, you can try it. No matter what the effect is, it won't be worse than it is now."

"You should know that the eyes have a huge impact on Tracy. If this continues, she will soon fall into depression or even commit suicide. She should have a similar tendency now, right?"

Hearing this, Laila's face turned even uglier at first, as if Los was right. Then she pondered for a few seconds and asked tentatively: "What is your method?"

Ross then talked about his previous settings for Tracey: "The disease Tracey has is called cranial nerve injury, which is a gradual blindness caused by damage to the nerves in the brain."

"Did Tracey suffer from drooping eyelids, facial numbness and lack of expression along with her blindness during this period?"

After hearing this, Laila was immediately surprised: "Yes, yes! You have obviously never met Tracy, how do you know?"

Ross said: "It is naturally inferred based on the cause of the disease. Mrs. Crocham, a kind mother, please believe me, I can cure Tracy, I am the mayor of Arkham, and I have no reason to frame my municipal manager. 's daughter.

Laila didn’t know Ross very well, but she still believed in his identity. She said this without any hesitation: “Mayor, if you can save Tracy’s eyes... our family will be forever grateful to you. of."

At this time Laila cried excitedly.

Ross said confidently: "Don't worry, Tracy's eyes will definitely recover. Please take me to see her now."

Later, Laila took Ross to Tracy's bedroom inside. At this time, the bedroom door was closed tightly, and faint crying could be heard inside.

"Dear Tracy, please open the door. The mayor has brought the most advanced technology today and said it can cure your eyes." Laila said softly.

"Mom, you don't have to lie to me, my eyes can't be cured at all." A low female voice came, full of gloom and sadness.

Laila said softly: "My child, there is nothing wrong with giving it a try. What if a miracle happens? The mayor of Arkham can clearly explain your condition and say that you have a brain injury. He must be very knowledgeable about this disease." Very understanding.”

There was silence for a few seconds, and then with the sound of groping, the door was opened. Inside was a beautiful girl with golden curly hair and a tall figure.

Sixteen-year-old Tracy is already 1.7 meters tall, with a well-proportioned and slender body. Only her face looks more like Daryl, and the rest of her body is perfectly inherited from her mother.

Tracy has a typical Westerner's big frame, and her soft-edged Chinese face looks elegant and graceful. With her long golden curly hair and green eyes, she is full of youthful vitality.

The premise is that the eyes are normal.

Her eyes had lost their sparkle, their eyelids were droopy, their eye circles were red, and her face was expressionless, full of dullness and gloom.

Seeing her daughter like this, Laila couldn't help crying.

Ross looked at the beautiful girl and sighed: "God is so cruel to let such a beautiful girl suffer such suffering."

Then he changed the topic and said confidently: "However, today we are going to break God's arrangement. Beautiful Tracy, your eyes will be healed today!"

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