Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 9 The First Healer of Blood Therapy

Los' words were filled with strong encouragement and excitement, and the mother and daughter even had some hope after listening to them.

"Madam, you need to wait outside the door for about half an hour. I need to be focused and quiet during the treatment process," Los said.

After hearing this, Laila immediately said: "Okay! No problem."

Then, he hurriedly turned around and closed the bedroom door, and hid in the living room, for fear of disturbing the medical treatment.

Ross helped Tracy lie on the bed. At this time, she could see that her pink pillow was already wet.

"You must be a handsome and sunny gentleman." Tracy said in a hoarse voice as she sat down holding Ross's hand.

Her voice is very special, with a slight nasal sound, which sounds very cute.

Los smiled: "No, I'm ugly. Don't be scared when you see me."

Tracy didn't have high expectations and whispered: "The premise is that it can be cured."

"Okay, beautiful Tracy, you need to lie on the bed now." Lose held her shoulders and laid her flat on the bed.

"How do you plan to treat it?" Tracy asked tentatively.

Ross bent down and whispered in her ear: "I'm afraid your mother will find out, so I can only tell you this, okay?"

Tracy felt the hot air blowing on her ears, which felt inexplicably comfortable and... stimulating.

"Please tell me." Tracy's face couldn't help but turn red.

"This is a taboo therapy called blood therapy. I help you treat and repair the damaged nerves in your brain by injecting special blood into you. Not only can you regain your brilliance, but you may also gain some Special abilities beyond ordinary people.”

Although this way of speaking made Tracy very nervous and her legs could not help but tighten, she still heard the words clearly.

She didn't care if it was taboo or if she had special abilities at this time. She just wanted to restore her eyes, even if she had to pay any price.

"If you can heal my eyes, I will spend my whole life grateful for your kindness." Tracy said with great seriousness.

Ross nodded with a smile: "It may hurt for a while, I hope you can bear it."

"After two years of treatment, I have become accustomed to the pain." Tracey is stronger than Los imagined.

"Very good, I like strong girls." Lose smiled and extended his hand.

The next second, his index finger turned directly into a very slippery tentacle. After playing with it twice, the tentacle turned into dozens of tiny tentacles.

It was much easier to treat Tracy than to resurrect Carrington, but of course his purpose was not just to cure the little girl.

This is a good opportunity to recruit loyal subordinates.

"My current body structure is similar to that of an ancient god. I didn't expect to turn into a tentacle monster so quickly." Loss couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Ross planned to inject Trish with 1 milliliter of blood first, which was the limit her body could hold.

After the injection, and through Ross's deliberate control and transformation, it will not only heal Tracy's eyes, but also allow her to take the first step towards an inhuman form.

"here we go."

"I'm ready!"

As Los said, these dozens of tiny tentacles followed the pores on Tracy's forehead and penetrated directly into her brain.

During this process, Tracy felt dozens of long needles piercing her brain, and the severe pain almost made her scream out.

But her strong will allowed her to endure it.

Then she felt that these long needles were like dozens of soft bugs, running and squirming in her brain. This feeling was very strange and terrifying.

But the desire for her eyes conquered everything.

"What kind of needle did Mr. Mayor use? It feels really weird."

This squirming feeling lasted for who knows how long, and then she felt dozens of strange energies appearing in her brain.

These weird energies had indescribable special power. They first gathered in the brain, then quickly circulated throughout her body along the blood, and were quickly absorbed by her body.

This absorption process was extremely wonderful, even an indescribable feeling of pleasure. She felt like she was about to fly, and her whole body couldn't help but twitch and tremble. It was much worse than the feeling she had after having an erotic dream. Many times more intense and obvious.

She didn't know how long time passed, but she felt a large amount of liquid flowing out of her eyes. At the same time, her eyes, which had always been raw and uncomfortable, felt indescribably cool and refreshing.

"Okay, beautiful Tracy, you can open your eyes." The mayor's familiar voice sounded.

Following the voice, she slowly opened her eyes.

As her emerald-like eyes opened, she saw the ceiling that had been missing for a long time, the light bulb on it, and the sun by the window.

At this time, the fiery red sunset shone through the window into the house, filling her bedroom with the afterglow of the sunset.

Her eyes gradually widened, feeling the incredibleness of it all. At this moment, she felt as if she was in a dream.

"How's it going?" came the gentle voice, always with a slight smile.

Tracy turned her head and looked, and she saw a handsome face with a soft smile, and his temperament was introverted with some aristocratic melancholy.

Part of the rays of the setting sun shone on him, as if covering him in a blood-red robe, making him look like a god descending from the sky.

"You are much younger and more handsome than I thought." Tracy said excitedly.

Loss smiled and said, "Beautiful lady, your aesthetic point of view is very correct."

"Stand up and move around. I will help you cure other diseases, such as the ankle sprain in childhood, your cavities, and the stomach problems and uterine cold caused by eating ice cream frequently."

Tracy stood up in surprise. At this time, she felt that her body was particularly light and strong. She never thought that she would be so healthy, as if she was reborn.

"Thank you! Thank you!" She jumped up excitedly and hugged Los tightly.

Holding the mayor's body, Tracy was full of gratitude and excitement.

Loss hugged her body without rejection, and leaned over to her ear and said, "The treatment just now is a secret between you and me. Don't tell anyone, including your parents, understand?"

Tracy hurriedly gathered her mind and nodded to show that she understood.

"Okay, tidy up your appearance and go see your mother. She has paid a lot for you in the past two years." Los said softly.

Tracy really liked hearing the mayor's gentle voice. She nodded like a cat, then adjusted her expression and turned to open the door.

"Mom! My eyes are healed!"

"Oh my God! My Tracy! My Tracy! You are finally healed."

Without looking, just by listening to the tone, Los knew how happy and excited Leila was at this moment.

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