Hearing the voice that sounded like a ghost from hell, the four bodyguards felt a chill down their spines, and then at the same time they felt a cold gaze staring at them from behind.

At the same time, something rough and slippery was rubbing against his neck.

They didn't know what this thing was, but through their skin, they vaguely felt that it was full of weird suckers and sharp and tiny teeth.

They couldn't tell what that thing looked like, but vaguely from the contact, they knew that it was a terrifying existence that they couldn't understand at all.

"Don't look back! Don't look back! If you look back, you will die!!" At this time, the four bodyguards' foreheads were covered with sweat, and their whole bodies were stiff.

On the other side, Danny, who was sitting in the car, had already noticed that something was wrong. At this time, he turned around and saw a monster with five thick tentacles on its body.

Danny's eyes tightened, and his huge body turned flexibly, kicked the door open and ran out of the car.

At this time, he could finally see what kind of monster it was.

The body seemed to be that of a person, but there was no head.

At this time, ferocious tentacles about five meters long grew from his head and back.

The tentacles were a strange pitch-black color. They were obviously soft tentacles, but there was a metallic cold light shining on them.

On the inside of the tentacles, he saw dense suckers.

However, it was no longer a sucker, because the sucker had densely packed sharp teeth, which looked very scary and scary.

At this moment, the monster seemed to have noticed Danny's presence and turned slightly.

After turning his body sideways, Danny discovered that this guy was holding a head in his left hand. That head happened to be the head of his current henchman, Los Arkham.

"Arkham!" Seeing this scene, Danny was suddenly filled with panic.

He didn't expect that the young mayor who looked restrained and handsome could be such a terrifying monster.


The tentacles swung suddenly at this moment, directly crushing their cervical vertebrae, and they died.

Los turned around, and the unknown voice sounded in Danny's ears: "Dear O'Banion, you knocked my head off, how should you compensate me?"

These words sounded very easy-going and friendly, just like the two people were sitting drinking together more than ten days ago.

But in this situation, Danny looked at the ferocious tentacles and the head held in his hands. He felt like a frightened mouse, showing signs of going berserk.

"Dear O'Banion, please speak!" Ross held his head, with five tentacles squirming in the air. Accompanied by the dim moonlight, it looked extra scary and weird.

After all, Danny is an eighteenth-level transcendent and has seen some scenes. At this time, he faintly put his hands behind his back, preparing to hold his pistol tightly. At the same time, he tried to keep his expression calm and said: "Arkham, we There doesn't seem to be any irreconcilable conflict between them. Since you are planning to take charge of the entire Arkham City, you should be very clear about the real master behind the Danny Gang."

Los raised his arm, shook his head and nodded, saying, "Of course I know the egg of the black goat."

"Then you still insist on going your own way today? Are you ready to go to war with the entire Black Goat Egg?" Danny's voice was very deep and powerful, and he was quite imposing when he spoke like this.

Ross took another step forward and said in a very casual tone: "First of all, don't misunderstand me. I don't plan to start a war with the Black Goat now."

"Second, I didn't come here to kill you."

Hearing this, Danny felt a little relieved. As long as he wasn't here to kill him, everything else was fine.

However, before he could speak, Ross's next sentence directly disrupted all his prepared remarks.

"I just want to borrow your head."

As he spoke, Los shook his head and said, "Look, you knocked my head off, so there's nothing wrong with me borrowing your head, right? After all, I'm just borrowing my head, not killing you."

As he spoke, Lose stretched out his fingers and raised the corners of his head, revealing a very strange smile on his face.

Hearing these words and seeing such actions, Danny felt his whole body begin to tremble, and even his battle-hardened heart began to beat faster.

Because at this moment he already knew clearly that this guy was a complete madman.

This is a lunatic whose worldview and values ​​are completely different from those of ordinary humans!

At this time, his face turned pale: "Are you kidding me? If I give you my head, can I still live?"

Los was stunned: "Why can't you live? Humans won't die if they cut off their heads. Look at me, I'm not dead!"

"You... are not human!!!" A vented roar was squeezed in the throat, and through Danny's teeth, a burst of crazy and violent sounds came out.

Ross seemed to be deep in thought when he heard this, and then he laughed and said: "Dear O'Banion, you are really good at joking. Of course I am a human being, a very normal human being! So, lend me your head quickly. Use it!”

After saying that, Lose took a step forward and walked towards this side.

Danny, who felt his spirit was shaking violently at this time, would not sit still and wait for death. He roared, and all the muscles in his body burst out with all his strength. While taking out the special large-caliber pistol to shoot Los, his body began to retreat frantically.

This pistol was specially made for him, and only three bullets could be placed in a magazine.

This thumb-thick bullet can directly blow up the head of a brown bear. This is the most advanced weapon of the imperial military now.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three shots in a row, very accurately hit Los's body.

Then Danny turned around and ran wildly at a speed that broke the limit of the human body.

At this time, his straight-line running speed was comparable to that of a cheetah.

It is hard to imagine that a man as strong and bloated as him can have such a speed.

"Monster! This damn monster!" Danny cursed in his heart while running.

It took four seconds for Danny to rush a hundred meters away. Another three hundred meters ahead was the Miskatonic East Bridge. As long as he jumped into the river, he could get rid of this monster.

"It will take ten more seconds! Only ten seconds!" Danny calculated in his mind.

But just when he felt that he was about to escape, the haunting voice, like a haunted evil spirit, suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Dear O'Banion, why are you running? Didn't you agree to give me your head as compensation?"

Along with the voice came the terrifying and slippery tentacles.

"My qnm compensation! You monster!"

At this moment, Danny O'Banion completely collapsed.

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