In the dark night, Los sat back on the seat at the back of the car. He moved his head a little and saw Danny's spherical head fall off his neck.

"Tsk, it's uncomfortable if it's not a factory-matched part."

Los sighed. Although the head was cut off at the same position, Danny's body was two circles stronger than his. At this time, it was like putting an adult's head on a child's head. It didn't match at all.

"Your head is not working well. What should I do?" Los turned his head and asked.

On the side, Danny, who was forced to give up his head and put on Los's head, was on the verge of mental collapse.

"You lunatic! You monster!" He screamed harshly, completely without the aura and calmness of the black boss.

At this time, Danny was really going crazy. It's not that he had never seen superhuman abilities, but he had never suffered such a terrifying and weird torture.

Just now, he clearly saw the sharp tentacles like a blade gradually cutting his neck.

The sound of the rough suction cups rubbing against his flesh made his whole body tremble, constantly pushing his reason to the edge of madness.

However, this was just the beginning.

He gradually felt his neck being cut open, and the severe pain made his whole body twitch constantly, but strangely, no blood flowed out.

Then he saw that the tentacle that gradually cut open his head extended hundreds of tiny tentacles, which pierced into his pores and his neck, and squirmed like nematodes drilling into the human body.

Seeing this scene, Danny's whole spirit was completely broken by fear, tears kept dripping from his eyes, he struggled desperately, he wanted to yell, wanted to cry, but he suddenly found that all this was in vain.

As his head gradually separated from his body, he had lost control of his body.

He could only watch his head getting farther and farther away from his body, and then his eyes went black and he lost all consciousness.

When he came to his senses, he still felt the severe pain in his neck. He felt that his consciousness seemed to have entered a brand new container. Then, just as he turned around, he saw that the monster had returned to the normal human form, put on his own clothes, and played with his head.

He tried to put his head on his neck several times, but failed.

Watching his head slip off several times and fall into the car, Danny felt like he was dreaming.

Ross then bent down to pick up his head, patted the dust on it, and blew on his shiny forehead, as if blowing a piece of porcelain that had just been wiped.

Then, he took out a wooden comb to comb the middle part on it, and said with satisfaction: "Well, this is what a gangster should look like."

"Mayor of Arkham... No... Lord Arkham, sir! What do you want to do?" Danny made a pleading voice.

He really couldn't stand such a scene.

At this time, under his gaze, Ross's neck extended a large number of fleshy tentacles covered with barbs and suckers, and then pierced directly into his head like countless chains.

Then he pulled his head and fixed it firmly on Los's body.

"God! What kind of monster are you!" Danny screamed.

Los adjusted the angle of his head, then sighed: "Your big head is really heavy."

After that, he replied slowly: "Just watch it next."

Danny wanted to open his mouth, but found that his mouth seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't speak no matter what he said.

From another angle, you can see that the lips of Los's head seemed to be stuck together, and he couldn't open them no matter how hard he tried.

"It took ten days to focus on the transformation of the head, and the effect is really good." Los said with satisfaction.

Since the last split action, Los found that his head was not just a simple decoration under his own transformation. After his own transformation, it can even become something similar to his own clone.

The head can not only fly now, but also extend a large number of tentacles to possess and control, and can even automatically adjust its surface shape according to Los's will, just like now.

While Danny was whimpering, Los looked up and said to the two bodyguards in front of him, "Let's go!"

Then, the two bodyguards nodded, and their necks suddenly made a sharp sound of bone friction.

They were already dead, and the reason they could still move now was because Los's tentacles were still controlling their nerves.

The time after that was very calm. About thirty minutes later, the car stopped at Danny's single-family villa in the southeast of the wealthy area.

The guard at the door naturally knew the boss's car, and opened the door without saying a word.

The car slowly stopped at the door of the villa, and Los turned around and walked down, and then he could easily lift Danny's body up.

"Boss!" The guard at the door hurried over.

But when he saw Los, he was stunned: "Boss, you..."

Loss said lightly: "I've been losing weight recently. I was just attacked by Los Arkham, and now I have caught him!"

While Loss said this, he raised his head a little.

The subordinate's eyes were full of excitement when he saw this, and he said excitedly: "You are worthy of being the boss! You are so awesome!"

"I'm going to interrogate him tonight. You stay outside and don't come in to prevent Arkham's men from attacking."

"Understood!" The guard nodded vigorously.

"In addition, prepare three large pots, sugar, beef..."

Loss said his ancestral recipe.

The guard was stunned: "Boss, is this for interrogation?"

Loss nodded slightly: "It must be very interesting when this guy watches himself being cooked."

Hearing this, the guard felt cold in his heart, and then said admiringly: "Understood! The boss's wisdom is really not something we can guess."

Woo woo woo!

At this time, Danny, whose mouth was sealed, suddenly made a strange cry and his body kept struggling.

The guard laughed happily: "Boss, this idiot is already afraid of your majesty. Look how scared he is!"

Loss chuckled, walked directly into the hall and closed the door.

Carrying Danny to the second floor, Los smiled and said, "How does it feel? Is it desperate? Don't worry, your mistress is still waiting for me."

Woo woo woo!

Hearing this, Danny's eyes widened and his body began to struggle desperately.

Seeing this expression, Los was very satisfied.

Only by making his spirit completely collapse can he completely control him through the ghoul transformation.

After all, he is an eighteen-level superhuman.

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