Become an Ancient God by starting with blood therapy

Chapter 89 I can tell at a glance that you are not a human being

Danny struggled constantly, and Los took him to the second-floor living room of the villa and threw him to the ground.

He was not worried that Danny would escape, because his own brain had blocked all of Danny's movements, not to mention walking, even crawling like a bug was not possible.

"Dear, you are finally back, I miss you so much."

This was a voice that was charming and moving just by hearing it, and made people feel numb to the bone.

Los turned his head and saw a petite woman who was only 1.6 meters tall wearing a white bathrobe happily running towards him.

The woman had fair skin, a pair of charming peach blossom eyes under her willow-leaf eyebrows, a cute oval face with a small nose and a rosy mouth, which made people feel shocked and lustful just by looking at it.

Although the woman was petite, her figure was extra perfect, and a pair of white thighs were faintly visible under the white bathrobe.

After seeing this petite woman, Los smiled slightly, opened his arms and took her into his arms, stroking her with his hands very dishonestly, and asked: "I haven't seen you for a few days. Have you missed me?"

"Oh! I miss you so much."

The woman said, and asked in surprise: "Honey, why are you a little thinner?"

Los said casually: "I've been busy these two days, and I've lost some weight. It will be fine in two days."

"Come and see, I have caught that damn guy back!"

Los said, hugging the woman and turning to look at Danny lying on the ground.

The woman looked down and said with seductive eyes: "Honey, I have no interest in this guy at all. Let's go quickly. I can't wait."

Los smiled and said: "Seeing how impatient you are, let's try something new today. How about we stay here today?"

"Ah, you are so bad!"

Woo woo woo!

At this time, Danny on the ground kept trying to roar, but couldn't make a sound.

Seeing his favorite woman lying in someone else's arms and he was powerless, this madness made him feel that his spirit was about to explode.

He wanted to scream, but he couldn't scream, he wanted to cry, but he couldn't shed tears.

Everything about him was firmly sealed in this head, and he became a prisoner of this head.

"No no! No no!" Danny screamed madly, but he was completely powerless.

He watched his woman being stripped of her clothes, but he was powerless.

Countless fears, countless pains, countless angers, and countless powerlessness gathered in his already very fragile spirit.

"Why torture me? Why let me go through so much! Why do I still have consciousness to remember all this? No... I want to abandon all this!"


An invisible mental explosion appeared in Danny's mind.

So, he abandoned his miserable life, abandoned everything he had, embraced madness, embraced freedom and liberation without any scruples.

Hehehe... Hehe...

The lips that were just stuck together had been separated at some point, and a dull laugh came from them.

Saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth onto the luxurious and soft carpet.

The once majestic boss of the Danny Gang has now become a dull fool.

I don't know how long it has been, and the living room has returned to silence.

The woman turned her head and looked at Los: "Honey, you are so amazing."

Los looked at her with a smile, leaning over her still red ear and said: "Don't pretend, you recognized me when you saw me for the first time just now, right?"

The woman's body stiffened when she heard it, and asked in confusion: "Honey, what are you talking about?"

"You have killed the real Susanna, right?"

The woman reached out and hugged Los, saying softly: "Honey, don't make such jokes, this is a very dangerous thing."

As she spoke, the woman's nails kept growing longer, like ten sharp sword blades.

Los laughed softly and said, "Now, now! I can tell at a glance that you are not human!"

As soon as the words fell, the woman's skin quickly turned pale, and then her whole body swelled up, and in a few seconds she turned into a monster with fangs, dark red hair, and a pale body.

The monster screamed, and its blade-like claws pierced Los's neck directly, and then tore off his head directly, and then his body turned over flexibly and quickly retreated.

As she retreated, a pair of huge flesh wings spread out behind her.

The sharp claws easily fixed her body on the wall, looking down at the headless Los.

"Saying that I am not human is like you are a human!" Although she turned into a monster, she still made the charming voice just now.

Ross looked at the woman and smiled, "It's not easy for a female vampire to evolve to a high-level vampire."

The female high-level vampire pinched Danny's head, stared at Ross and asked, "Who are you? How do you know what I'm doing tonight?"

She had just sucked the woman dry two hours ago, and then she turned into the woman and waited for Danny's return.

Ross smiled, "This is really a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? Do you think I believe it? Are you from the Black Goat Egg?" The female vampire asked in a low voice.

Ross was stunned: "Can't you tell who I am?"

"I can tell a ghost!" The female vampire's face turned black.

This guy doesn't even have a head! What can he see?

Loss understood at this time and said: "Oh! Sorry!"

He turned around and walked to Danny's body, and directly pulled off the head on it.

Then he picked up the towel beside him and wiped the corners of his mouth: "I kindly let him use my head, but he made my head so dirty."

After wiping the saliva, Loss put the head on his neck, adjusted the angle, and then grinned with a polite smile and said: "Reintroduce, the mayor of Arkham, Los Arkham."

The female vampires who saw this scene were not surprised, because they vampires would not die after their heads were chopped off.

"Are you the mayor who is not afraid of death?" The female vampire was a little surprised.

Loss nodded, smiled and invited: "We can come down and have a good chat."

The female vampire sneered after hearing this: "Can't you see that I was pretending just now?"

"So you were pretending!" Los was a little surprised.

Then he asked with a puzzled look: "Why do I sweat so much?"

As Los said this, a huge tentacle rose up, and there was a lot of sweat on the ferocious fangs and discs on the surface of the tentacle.

The female vampire's face suddenly changed. At this time, she vaguely felt that she was no match for this weird guy.

ps: Please recommend!!!

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