Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 120 Churches Seeking Cooperation

After going round and round, Kevin unexpectedly ended up getting involved with the United Church.

But unlike the original relationship of Deep Sea where he was almost 'enslaved' by the United Church, Kevin now stands on an equal footing with the United Church.

Or even higher.

Even Alister, the leader of the United Church, might not be able to meet Kevin if he didn't invite Kevin over in this way.

After all, the United Church is only a small church now, and may have some influence, but their popularity is not too high.

Kevin is the vice president of Walter Group. If you want to meet Kevin, of course you have to go through some procedures.

After briefly sizing up the superhumans on both sides, Kevin said to Alister:

"There is no need to say anything unnecessary. Tell me the reason why you invited me here. I think... you brought Eagle Shooter and Blind Spot here not just to thank me for letting Havok join the seven-man team."

That's right, the superhumans standing on both sides now are the two superhumans who appeared in the second season.

The prototype is 'Eagle Eye', an eagle shooter who uses bows and arrows as weapons and is a sharpshooter in the black-robed world.

The prototype is "Daredevil", who has four keen senses except his eyes. In the original work, the people of the motherland used a trick to blind his ears.

They sat together on Alister's side, directly opposite Shockwave. One looked at Kevin with a rather anxious look. Although the other could not see his eyes, Kevin could feel his heart beating very fast.

Kevin has basically guessed the reason why they are here.

But he needed Alister to speak out.

Listening to Kevin's inquiry, Alister glanced at the shock wave on the other side.

He thought for a moment and said with a smile:

"It seems that Mr. Wiz, you already knew that Shockwave was one of ours."

"I was just doubtful at first, but after seeing you here, I'm basically convinced."

"It's really strange. Our church's actions are obviously not very big, and most people don't pay much attention to us. Mr. Wiz, you..."

"If you keep talking nonsense, we won't have to continue this dinner today."

Kevin interrupted Alister.

Perhaps it was because the United Church had deceived the original Abyss quite badly. Kevin didn't have much favorable impressions of this church, and the United Church itself was also very dangerous. Kevin was not good at beating around the bush, so he might as well be more direct.

Alister was not angry when Kevin interrupted him rudely. He continued following Kevin's words:

"Okay, Mr. Wisz, you are impatient. I already know it. Let's get straight to the point...Mr. Wisz, are you going to quit the seven-man team soon? I would like to ask, who will be the next new member of the team? Have you made your choice?"

"Well, your 'presumptuousness' is really quite presumptuous. Can I understand that you are now trying to find out the business secrets of our Walter Group?"

"No, no, no, I'm just curious. By the way, I'd like to give you a little suggestion, Mr. Wiz. If you don't have a suitable candidate, what about these two people?"

Perhaps knowing that Kevin didn't like to show off, Alister did not beat around the bush and simply pointed out his purpose.

The two superhumans on the side suddenly puffed up their chests when they heard Alister mentioning themselves, and at the same time they were also wary of each other.

"Eagle Shooter, Blind Spot, I know they are pretty good superheroes, but what makes you think that I will listen to your suggestion and choose them to join the Seven-Man Team? Mr. Adana, any decision by the Walt Group , it’s not something outsiders like you can interfere with.”

Kevin knew what Allister meant, but that didn't mean that he would really accept Allister's suggestion to allow members of the United Church to join the Seven.

To put it bluntly, the United Church is not qualified to get involved in this kind of thing.

Shockwave was just an accident. If Kevin hadn't been able to find a member who could replace Locomotive at this stage, he would definitely not have chosen Shockwave.

Kevin's rejection was within Alister's expectation.

"I know, of course I know, outsiders like us can't get involved in this kind of thing, but with all due respect, Mr. Wiz, you don't seem to be one of their own within the Walter Group. Am I right?"

"Why do you think so?"

"Mr. Wisz, although our United Church is a small organization, we are relatively well-informed. We are all aware of your affairs, Mr. Wisz, including today's attack..."


Kevin instantly thought of the billboard that smashed his sports car today, and almost thought that the United Church was responsible for what happened this time.

But on second thought, Kevin felt that this was impossible.

Because the United Church does not have the courage, and they do not have the ability to do such a thing. Even if they have the ability, it is not in the interests of the United Church.

Maybe they really just wanted to work with Kevin through this message.

"What do you know?"

Kevin asked, slightly interested in the United Church.

A smile appeared on Alister's face and he said:

"I don't know much. I only know that there seem to be disagreements within the Walter Group. And you, who entered the senior management of the Walter Group as a superhuman, don't seem to be liked by them, so I thought..."

"Work with me."

"Yes, our United Church can help you, Mr. Wiz, gain a foothold within the Watt Group, and you only need to arrange one more of our people to join in, and that's it."

The United Church of God is looking to Kevin for cooperation.

They have a lot of dirty information about superheroes, as well as a lot of secret information about senior executives of the Walt Group.

But without a suitable backer, the United Church did not dare to really use this information to deal with the Watt Group.

Kevin is the patron chosen by the United Church.

They will help Kevin deal with the enemies Kevin wants to deal with, and the price Kevin pays is just to let people from the United Church enter the Watt Group.

That's all.

The intention of the United Church was obvious, and Kevin seriously thought about the feasibility of this.

The Watt Group is indeed excluding Kevin from entering the core layer. Coupled with today's attack, these things make Kevin somewhat unhappy.

Originally, Kevin wanted to announce Compound No. 5 to disgust the Walt Group first.

But if the United Church of God can become a tool for Kevin's men to defeat the Vought Group, then there is no need for Kevin to announce the matter of Compound No. 5 now.

Thinking of this, Kevin got a little more serious and went to observe the eagle shooter and blind spots.

After a while, he frowned and said:

"I admit that Mr. Adana's very tempting, but unfortunately, neither Eagle Shooter nor Blindspot has the qualifications to make the seven-man team."

"Why? Now the seven-man team is almost all white, and the Eagle Shooter is African-American, and the blind spot is Asian. It can just create the diversity of the seven-man team..."

"Strength, Mr. Adana, in addition to diversity, strength is also an indispensable part of the seven-man team, and the strength of the Eagle Shooter and Blind Spot..."

To put it bluntly, they might not even be able to defeat the deep sea before Kevin crossed.

After all, Shenhai is also the sixth-ranked student in Godokin Academy.

When Deep Sea said this, he didn't say anything to death. He saved some face for the two superheroes and continued:

"...In short, if you want to cooperate with me, then please let them improve their strength and reputation, or change someone, then I might consider it."

"Mr. Wisz, have you agreed to cooperate with us?"

"Not yet, I'm just waiting and watching. If you can really bring me what I want, cooperation is not impossible."

Kevin didn't mean it.

He had no intention of immediately cooperating with the United Church, but he also had no intention of not cooperating with the church.

In short, it is to hang on to the other party first, and wait until the other party brings tangible and tangible benefits to Kevin, and then Kevin will decide whether to cooperate with the other party.

This sounded very irresponsible, almost like a scumbag hanging a spare tire, but Alister laughed heartily.

He didn't care that Eagle Shooter and Blind Spot were both eliminated in front of Kevin. He showed a hearty smile and said:

"Okay, with your words, Mr. Wiz, I'm satisfied...Mr. Wisz, would you like a bottle of orange soda?"

"No, I don't like soda. That's all for today's conversation. If anything happens in the future, you can ask Shockwave to contact me."

After talking about things, Kevin was ready to get up.

Alister also stood up and asked:

"Aren't you leaving after dinner?"

"No appetite, that's it. See you later."

After talking to Alister very perfunctorily, Kevin left the dinner.

The United Church has a long history, and many superhumans have joined during the period. Even Storm was once a member of the United Church.

Therefore, they have a lot of superhero-related information, or dirty information.

Kevin needs these black materials, and the United Church of England can provide help to Kevin. This is the basis for Kevin's cooperation with the United Church of God.

But other than that...Kevin doesn't think the United Church can do anything to help him.

Cooperation with them can only be said to be better than nothing.

After meeting with everyone from the United Church, Kevin thought for a while and did not go home. Instead, he returned to the office in the Watt Building to let Ashley organize her schedule for tomorrow.

The impact of the attack will not be eliminated so easily. As a person involved, in addition to expressing condolences to the victims of today's accident, Kevin also held a press conference to characterize this incident as a 'super villain' incident.

This is a decision made by the upper management of the group.

Not only that, Kevin will also meet with members of Congress to use this as an opportunity to continue to promote superheroes to serve in important government departments.

This is what he, the vice president, needs to do.

Kevin was busy in the office and turned on the TV to watch the news.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door of the office room, and then someone opened the door and walked in.

Is a native of the motherland.

"It's really strange that you come to see me so late."

Seeing that he was from the motherland, Kevin said casually.

The motherland man walked around Kevin's room with his hands behind his back, sat down on the sofa in the room, and responded:

"Aren't you the same? I've never seen you still working in the company so late."

Kevin adheres to the principle of not working overtime and basically gets off work on time. Even if there is work, unless it is particularly urgent, he will usually leave it until the next day.

It is the first time that people from the motherland have seen people staying in the company and actively working overtime like this.

Kevin smiled when he heard this and said directly:

"Okay, no need to say any polite words. What do you want from me? If it's a question about the selection of the seven-man team, please go to Mr. Edgar. The addition of Storm has been confirmed."

"No, not her."

The motherland man shook his head and suddenly asked:

"Do you know Rebecca Butcher?"


Hearing this name, Kevin's hand typing on the keyboard paused for a moment, and then returned to normal:

"Sounds familiar, what's wrong with this person?"

"She used to be an employee of the public relations department of Walter Group. Something happened between me and her, and then she disappeared."

The people of the motherland talked about Rebecca, and spoke openly about what they had done to Rebecca.

After hearing this, Kevin stopped what he was doing and looked at the people of his motherland.

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