Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 121 More than one attack

"You came to me just to ask about a missing employee? When did you pay attention to such an ordinary person?"

Kevin expressed confusion.

But in my heart, I was thinking about what the people of the motherland had found out.

Unlike the people from the motherland who hated storms at the beginning of the second season in the plot, although the people from the motherland now also hate storms, they are distracted by other things.

That was the death of Madeleine.

In the original plot, Madeleine's death was intentional by the people of the motherland, because he discovered that Madeleine did not love him at all. Not only that, she was deceiving him, trying to control him, and was still afraid of him.

Because of love and hatred, and knowing that he had a son, the obsession and love for Madeleine disappeared in an instant, and he personally killed the person he once loved.

But it's different now.

The people of the motherland knew nothing about what Madeleine had done. He didn't even know that Madeleine didn't like him at all. On the contrary, she was still afraid of him.

I don’t even know that I have a son.

So the people of the motherland were very sad about Madeleine's death. After Madeleine's death, he has been trying to find out the murderer of Madeleine.

During this period, Black was helping him, and the Walter Group's crime analysis department was also helping him.

In this matter, Kevin did not interfere. Kevin was happy to have something to distract the people of the motherland.

But they didn't expect that the people of the motherland, together with Black and the Walter Group's crime analysis department, actually let them find something.

Otherwise the people of the motherland would not think of Rebecca.

Kevin was still thinking, and the people from the motherland seemed to have been prepared to say:

"Yes, if she was just an ordinary person, I would definitely not pay attention to her, but what if...she is related to the murderer of Madeleine?"

"What did you find out?"

"Not much, but I discovered that there seems to be a person who is always targeting me. His name is William Billy Butcher, and his wife is Rebecca Butcher."

The people of the motherland actually found Butcher?

Well, maybe I saw Butcher somewhere and suspected him to be the murderer but I haven't confirmed it yet, otherwise Butcher would have been wanted long ago.

"So you suspect that it was because of his wife's disappearance that he turned his anger on you, targeted you, kidnapped Ms. Madeleine, and did that kind of... inhumane thing?"

Kevin followed the words of the people from his motherland and continued.

The motherland nodded: "Yes."

"Then what do you want me to do? I have no impression of Rebecca at all."

"She used to be an employee of Walter Group and worked under Madeleine, so I think... your employee records there should have information about her."

"Even if I have it here, so what? She has disappeared. Do you think I can find her based on this information alone? Or do you think you can find her based on this information?"

Kevin does have information about Rebecca, and more than that, he now also knows the location of Rebecca and her son.

But Kevin doesn't plan to tell the people of his motherland now about these things.

Ryan, the son of a native of the country, inherited most of his abilities and was in a fairly warm environment.

Kevin wants to train Ryan to be a truly superhuman being, moral and easy to control.

Contact with people from the motherland will make Ryan's character unpredictable, so even if he really wants to tell people from the motherland about this matter, he must at least wait until Ryan is a little older.

not now.

"Check it for me. The rest...I will investigate it myself."

People from the motherland don't want to quarrel with Kevin. Since they made a tacit agreement with Kevin, the people from the motherland rarely quarrel with Kevin in person.

Although he has a bad personality, he has an unexpected spirit of contract. This is probably one of the few advantages of the people of the motherland.

So even if Kevin doesn't know anything now, the people from the motherland didn't say anything else, they just asked Kevin to help investigate.

The people of the motherland would ask themselves, which seemed inconsistent with the other party's personality. However, it was not a big deal, so Kevin nodded in agreement:

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on this. Do you have anything else to do?"

The natives shook their heads and stood up to leave.

But when he was about to leave, he seemed to suddenly think of something, turned to Kevin and said:

"Storm is your man?"


"I know you arranged for Shockwave to come in, but Storm...she doesn't seem to have anything to do with you?"

"Didn't I say before? She was arranged by Mr. Edgar, and she has very senior qualifications. I don't have much power to control her."

"That means that no matter what I do to her, you won't interfere, right?"

The words of the motherland are full of profound meaning.

Kevin knows why.

After Storm's illegal live broadcast that day, Sevens fans already knew about Storm, the new member who was about to join the Sevens.

Even though Kevin said that her joining would be renegotiated, fans believed that Storm was the newcomer who was about to join the Seven.

And some extreme fans also left messages saying that if Storm is not allowed to join the seven-man team, it must be that the senior management of the Vought Group is shady.

Everyone loves storms.

The reason is simple. Feng Feng has created a persona for himself on the live broadcast platform that says anything and speaks outright.

She lashed out at those senior government officials and Vought executives, saying that they only knew how to do superficial things and did not really do anything.

Use sharp language to point out certain mistakes of the Walter Group, and use the tone of a grumpy old lady to scold those guys who do one thing in front of others and behind their backs.

Not to mention, fans will just accept this.

They are fed up with the 'good students' shown off the screen, and are tired of the 'saint' type characters.

Storm's character of saying whatever he wants and scolding anyone he catches immediately gained him a large number of fans, and his upward momentum has been rising all the way, and is vaguely on par with Motherland and Kevin.

It may even have surpassed Kevin. After all, Kevin is now deliberately downplaying the impact of the identity of 'Deep Sea' on himself.

The people of the motherland have always been merciless when facing those who can threaten them.

If Kevin hadn't decided to quit the Seven and stay in the Watt Group as vice president, I'm afraid Kevin would have been targeted by the people of his motherland.

The storm is now so violent that it has naturally attracted most of the attention of the people of the motherland.

The people of the motherland were already unhappy with her, but since Kevin and Edgar were there, and Storm was a newcomer, he didn't do anything.

But since it is now confirmed that the storm has nothing to do with Kevin, the people of the motherland will not let the storm continue to be arrogant.

Who does she think she is?

"I won't interfere. This is an internal matter for the Seven, but you shouldn't go too far. If you go too far... I will have a hard time in front of Mr. Edgar."

"Oh, I won't embarrass you."

Hearing Kevin mention Edgar, the people from the motherland didn't know if they had misunderstood something, and laughed mockingly at Kevin.

Kevin ignored him, and after saying this to the people of his motherland, he continued to work on the next day's work.

But before the motherland people left, they suddenly said to Kevin:

"You know, Deep Sea, compared to you now, you were more pleasing to the eye than you were before."

"The deep sea that bowed to you before? Haha."

Kevin laughed and shook his head, as if the people of the motherland had told some funny joke.

But who knows that the people of the motherland gave a negative answer:

"No, I mean, when you first took over as vice president, at that time you would at least choose to cooperate with me and do things that Edgar didn't like, but now... don't you think you care too much about Edgar? Degas?"


"Deep Sea, no matter what the conflict between you and me is, you must always remember that we are the same kind, not the guy who only knows how to hide on the 82nd floor and give us orders."

After the motherland man finished speaking, he took a deep look at Kevin, then opened the door and left.

After the motherland people left, Kevin took his fingers off the keyboard, leaned back on the chair, and looked at the door with slightly narrowed eyes.

The man from the motherland was no longer here, but his words made Kevin couldn't help but think about it.

After Madeleine's death, no one used 'love' to control the people of the motherland, which led to the character of the people of the motherland seeming to become more extreme.

And now, on the surface, it seems that there is a rift between the motherland and the storm, as if the two are at odds with each other, but in fact... the motherland has been affected by the storm.

He now vaguely had the idea of ​​dividing humans and superhumans into two categories.

In other words, he has always had it, but he has always hidden it.

But now this idea was inspired by the storm.

"...Another trouble."

The people of the motherland have signs of racism, which can easily be exploited by Storm. I think it won't be long before these two guys get together.

How to deal with the two of them then becomes a headache for Kevin.

If the plot still follows the original route, Kevin won't worry, the storm will die in the end anyway.

but now……

The Walt Group has an overall advantage. If Storm is not disabled by Ryan, the group will not be able to give up on her. If Storm is to die, Kevin will have to find a way in the end.

But if Kate could listen to herself, she wouldn't have to let Storm die.

Kevin thought about it and felt a headache after thinking about it, so he simply took out the magic book to relax his mind.

Forget it, if you think about losing your hair so much, you don’t need to think about it so much anyway with your current strength, you can just use the soldiers to block the water and the earth to cover it up.

Compared to this, it is better to study the magic book for a while.

Kevin has basically read through these magic theory books brought from the Marvel world, except for one that he has not yet fully understood.

After understanding it, Kevin can use skill points to return to the Marvel world, learn magic from the Ancient One, and start a second career.

Isn’t starting a second career better than the headache of doing the math here?

Thinking this, Kevin gave up thinking.

At night, in a convenience store, Annie and Kimiko were selecting daily necessities for their new home.

Annie took a roll of toilet paper from where the cleaning supplies were placed and put it into the shopping cart behind her.

Kimiko, who was pushing the shopping cart, looked left and right. When passing by the kitchen and bathroom supplies area, she reached out and took out a cutely decorated hook.

"No, I don't think Kevin's family needs this."

Seeing Kimiko's actions, Anne had no choice but to stop her.

'But it's lovely. ’

Kimiko responded in sign language.

"I know it's cute, but Kevin wouldn't necessarily like this."

'I think girls' opinions are important and he's going to have three girls in his house. ’

Kimiko had a smile on her face and joked with Annie.

Annie turned her head and thought for a moment:

"What you said...makes sense..."

‘That’s it? ’

"Okay, okay, whatever you want, but don't buy too much...I mean cute things, don't buy too many."

'good. ’

Kimiko responded with a smile and quickly threw the items she liked into the shopping cart.

The two of them were selecting household items for the 'new home' they were about to move into. It was supposed to be a very warm scene.

But suddenly, a sudden loud noise completely destroyed this warm scene!

The loud noise interrupted the conversation between the two and caused sharp screams from passers-by throughout the mall.

The shopping mall was in chaos, as if the end of the world was coming.

Anne subconsciously hugged Kimiko to protect her, and looked towards the place where the loud noise came from.

In Annie's sight, at the window of the mall near the street, an out-of-control car crashed into the mall at an extremely fast speed and continued to move forward without slowing down.

And judging from the targets of the out-of-control vehicle, it seems that they are Annie and Kimiko!

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