Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 124 It’s time to act, Black Robe Team

Seeing the captured attacker requires some procedures.

Even if Kevin is the senior vice president of Watt Group, these processes cannot be skipped.

Or it could be that it was precisely because Kevin was the vice president of Watt Group that he had to go through these damn cumbersome processes.

Because the CIA will not just watch important figures from the Vought Group contact criminals, they now suspect that the attacker is related to the Vought Group.

It can only be said that they are worthy of being old rivals of the Walter Group. Although there is no evidence, their suspicions are unexpectedly close to the truth.

In short, Kevin still needs to wait if he wants to see the criminal.

Kimiko's attack method was very brutal. The criminal's eyes were blinded by her, and part of the brain tissue near the eyes was also damaged. He is currently receiving basic treatment in the hospital.

Therefore, if Kevin wanted to see him, he would have to wait for this guy to be escorted from the hospital to the prison before he could be 'interrogated'.

Kevin is now with Kate, waiting in prison for that person's arrival.


While waiting, Kevin looked at Kate who was slightly embarrassed and asked with concern.

Kate shook her head:

"Fortunately, it's not the first time I've done this. It's okay."

Kate had twice erased the memory of the golden boy and Sam. Even because of this incident, she and the golden boy Luke got to know each other and seemed to have a tendency to become good friends.

Therefore, just reading a person's brain memory has no psychological burden on Kate.

Not to mention that this guy is a criminal, Kate has no psychological burden.

The premise is that Kate doesn't know that this guy is from the Walter Group.

Kevin knew that if the attacker was really sent by the Vought Group, even if the relevant members of the Vought Group would not appear in his memory, at least the relevant memories of him undergoing experiments would appear.

Kate, who comes into contact with this person personally, will understand the relationship between superhuman beings and Compound No. 5.

At least it will be concluded that superhuman beings can be created through pharmaceuticals.

It will definitely have a certain psychological impact on Kate.

This is also the reason why Kevin brought Kate here instead of Metzmer, another psychic.

Kevin plans to let Kate know the truth about Compound No. 5 under his guidance.

Then little by little, Kate was allowed to rely on herself and become her own helper.

Children with a sense of justice are best manipulated. Kate now still has the dream of becoming a superhero, so Kevin can stand on the perspective of justice and let Kate do things for him.

When I say this, I feel like I have suddenly become a villain...

I'm a serious person.

Kevin thought about what he was doing now. It was exactly the same as those villains in movies or comics who appeared to be elegant gentlemen and full of charm, but in fact had evil intentions and secretly planned bad things.

I couldn't help but worry about whether I would be attacked by a magical creature named 'Protagonist' in the future.

But when I thought that the protagonists of this world seemed to be under my control, I felt a lot more at ease.

Although when I think about it, he looks more like a villain...

Kevin was chatting with Kate, thinking about all these messy things, waiting for the arrival of the super villain.

But after waiting in jail for two hours, the arrested superhuman villain didn't wait. Instead, he got bad news.

"Sorry... Mr. Wiz, you may not be able to see that super... super villain."

While Kevin and Kate were waiting, the warden came over and said with a sad face.

Kevin raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

"There was an accident on the road..."

"Just say it."

"The escort team... was attacked and has now lost contact. They are afraid..."

After a detailed discussion with the warden, Kevin understood what was going on.

The transportation team escorting the super villain was completely wiped out.

The transportation team, along with the evildoers being escorted, had their heads blown open. The entire scene was covered in blood and brains, and there was not even a place to stay.

When Kevin got this information, he knew the idea of ​​interrogating a supervillain was a dead end.

But Kevin was not disappointed, and instead laughed.

Because he knew the mastermind behind the League of Super Villains.

The person who got the headshot was undoubtedly Victoria Newman.

The only person who can control Newman now is Edgar.

"...Currently we can see that the scene has been sealed off, and even reporters cannot enter, but judging from the traces outside the scene, the scene must have been very tragic. This is another attack by super villains on the official..."

In the base of the Black Robe Team, everyone gathered in front of the TV to watch the current news.

On the TV, news about super villains attacking the escort team was broadcast.

The scene was blocked and reporters could not enter. They had to stand outside and try to keep the camera focused on the interior of the scene.

But even so, there was a thick mosaic in front of the camera, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

However, Butcher was able to determine the identity of the attacker based on some clues.

"It was the metahuman who killed Susan."

"Walter Group...are they really fighting among themselves? Are they even killing their own people now?"

Huey was shocked.

If they had some doubts about the infighting of the Walter Group before, now that they saw such a bloody scene, that doubt disappeared instantly.

Butcher sat on the sofa and said sarcastically:

"Superhumans can now enter the upper echelons of the Vought Group. Naturally, some people can't sit still and want to cause trouble. This is normal."

"You mean... the Walter Group has done so many things to... deal with Deep Sea?"

"Otherwise? Apart from him, who else is worthy of such a large sum of money from the Walter Group? Even now, I still don't know which faction Deep Sea belongs to."

Butcher thought about it, guessing Shenhai's position in the Walter Group.

Now that Watt Group is making such a big move, in addition to planning their strategy, it also has the intention of targeting Kevin, the senior vice president.

"I don't stand for anyone."




Butcher had just finished speaking when a sudden voice appeared among the people in the black robe team.

Butcher reacted instantly, drew his gun and pointed it at the place where the sound came from. Huey was so frightened that he jumped up from his seat. Frankie and Breastmilk each broke out a classic Chinese quintessence.

Everyone jumped out of their seats like frightened birds and turned their attention to the source of the sound.

Then everyone saw Shenhai, who was holding a hamburger in his hand, appearing among the crowd at some point and looking at them with a strange look on his face:

"Even if I come to visit unexpectedly, you don't have to react so much, right? It's like you've seen a ghost."

"I just saw a ghost!"

Butcher stared in disbelief and asked:

"How did you find us?"

The safe house here in Butcher is one of the many safe houses prepared by Frankie. It is located in a hidden location and will not be suspected by the authorities.

As long as no one traces Frankie, this safe house will definitely not be found.

And if someone is investigating Frankie, Frankie's girlfriend Shirley, who has been working as a hacker, will quickly get the news and ask everyone to move before someone finds the safe house.

But now they have not received any news that anyone is investigating French, and they have not exposed their traces. The deep sea can appear quietly in front of everyone. How can this not make people scared?

It's totally fine to say you saw a ghost.

The deep sea is really as elusive as that ghost!

Kevin didn't expect that his sudden appearance would startle the black-robed team.

In fact, it is not difficult for Kevin now to find the black robe team.

Because now Kevin can talk to birds that are close to the sea.

Similar to seagulls and petrels, they can serve as Kevin's eyes in the sky in offshore cities.

For this reason, Kevin even ordered the level one ‘Water Creature Summoning’.

Because of the aquatic creature summoning, the description given after upgrading the skill tree is [can summon all aquatic creatures that talk to it].

Kevin can talk to seagulls, and seagulls can be regarded as aquatic creatures and can be summoned by Kevin.

Kevin thought so, so he focused all the skills he had accumulated in the past two days on summoning water creatures.

I originally thought that it wouldn't matter if the skill points were wasted, just treat it as a small loss.

In the end, I didn't expect that I could really summon creatures like "petrels" and "seagulls".

Although it does not take long to summon, and there is a limit on the number, only two can be summoned at most, but it is still enough for Kevin to develop his own mobile monitor on land.

The traces of the black robe team were found by these seabirds. Kevin just followed the traces they found and sneaked in quietly.

In fact, it seems that the black robe team was too confident in their monitoring equipment and did not realize that Kevin had covered their sensing device with water.

Otherwise, it would not be so easy for Kevin to sneak in here.

Seeing the people in black robes staring at him warily, Kevin smiled slightly:

"It's not important. We are not enemies. Compared to this, there is a small thing I hope you can do for me."

"…What's up?"

Perhaps knowing that Kevin would not tell him anything, Butcher stopped asking. He put away his weapon and asked, and motioned the black robe members to continue doing their own things.

Kevin said nothing, took out an envelope from his pocket and threw it to Butcher.

Butcher caught it and weighed it.

The envelope is very light, and the thing inside is not money. Judging from the feel, it looks more like some small reagent bottles.

Butcher, who had slightly guessed something, tore open the envelope.

A reagent filled with blue liquid appeared in front of Butcher.

"This is... compound No. 5? What do you mean by giving me this?"

Butcher certainly knew what he took out of the envelope. It was the drug that could turn humans into superhuman beings, Compound No. 5.

It’s just that Butcher didn’t understand Kevin’s intention in giving him Compound No. 5.

Kevin finished the burger in his hand in a few seconds, took out a tissue to wipe his hands, pointed at the No. 5 compound in Butcher's hand and said:

“You should have channels to announce this.

"Walter has not been affected all this time. You must be very unwilling, right? Revealing this thing will cause a huge blow to the Walter Group and achieve your goals."


Butcher was silent.

Kevin is right. Once the matter of Compound No. 5 is announced, everyone will know what the Watt Group is doing.

Those superhumans who have been injected with compound No. 5 since childhood, and as a result gained garbage abilities, and were finally discriminated against and thrown into the Red River Welfare Institution, will definitely launch a wave of denunciation against the Vought Group.

Not only that, the CIA and the government will also find excuses to attack the Vought Group.

Most of the top executives of the Vought Group will be charged for this, or even convicted.

And among those who were convicted... Shenhai should also be included...

Butcher was a little confused as to why Shenhai did this, but listening to the news on TV, Butcher vaguely understood something.

"You want to take revenge on the top management of the Vought Group? Because they attacked you and your girlfriend?"

"It's too ugly to say revenge." Kevin's smile continued, "I just think that since they have already reached this point, it's okay for us to make things a little bigger, right?

"Besides, I think you should take action."

Kevin smiled.

But Butcher didn't see any smile in his eyes.

From this moment Butcher knew the Deep was serious.

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