Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 125 Walter’s Collapse Plan

Kevin decided to start his own plan.

In fact, he originally planned to delay it for a while.

Let's maintain the status quo for the time being and don't let things get too confusing. Wouldn't it be better for everyone to live in peace and make money together?

But unfortunately, Kevin wants to do this, but others in the group may not think so.

Edgar plans to cause trouble and even forms an alliance of villains for this purpose.

Kevin didn't intend to take care of it, but he did pose a danger to Kevin and the people around him.

Then Kevin couldn't turn a blind eye to this matter.

So Kevin simply started his own actions and plans.

It's called [Vought Group Collapse Plan].

Orochimaru sent a congratulatory message.jpg

Ahem, in short, the core content of the plan is to first attack the Vought Group in terms of reputation and stock market, so as to make people doubt and be hostile to the Vought Group.

Later, through the United Church, some black materials about superheroes will be released, which will hit the current front-end business of the Walt Group to the greatest extent.

When the Watt Group was extremely busy, they directly took action against Edgar, and through coercion and inducement, other senior executives of the Watt Group chose Kevin as the new CEO of the Watt Group.

Finally, after taking complete control of the Watt Group, Kevin will transform the Watt Group bit by bit into what he wants to see.

You must know that Kevin has not used any of the technologies brought from the Marvel world.

At the very beginning of the plan, in order to deal the greatest blow to the Vought Group, the matter of Compound No. 5 was completely announced.

Let’s first expose the darkness hidden by the Vought Group to the public eye, and then let’s talk about other things.

At this moment, the role of the black robe team was highlighted.

As the vice president of Watt Group, Kevin must not take the initiative to do things that are detrimental to the group, because after doing so, even if Edgar retires from the CEO position due to an 'accident' in the future, Kevin will not receive any benefits. Support from other senior executives.

On the contrary, an imaginary enemy was created that was against the Vought Group. Kevin and other senior executives stood on the side of the Vought Group and severely condemned this imaginary enemy.

Under the premise of having this 'enemy', Kevin would do things for the Watt Group that were in line with Watt's interests, which would make it easier for the senior management to agree.

This is also Kevin's original intention to cultivate the black robe team.

From the moment he met the black robe team, Kevin has been sheltering them for a while, and now it's time for them to play their role.

Butcher played with the No. 5 compound in his hand and thought.

He suddenly turned his head to look at the news on TV.

Because supervillain attacks have such a huge impact, news about supervillains is repeatedly broadcast on television.

Especially the convoy attacked by the headshot maniac, even if it was coded, the news station would play it over and over again.

At this moment, those mosaic corpses flashed across the TV.

Seeing this, Butcher's eyes fell back on Kevin:

"It's okay for us to do this, but how can you guarantee that we won't have our heads blown off by these 'super villains'?"

"I said, I will ensure that she will not take action against you."

"Just talking about it is not very convincing."

"Oh, what else do you want me to do? Protect you guys? Be your bodyguard?"

Kevin stood up slightly amused and walked to Butcher:

"I think I have helped you enough. Do you think you can sit here and watch TV safely without worrying about being wanted by the Vought Group? Who is it because of? Don't push yourself too far, Butcher."

If Kevin said he could ensure that Newman wouldn't blow their heads off, then Kevin would definitely be able to do it.

It was not the turn of everyone in the black robe team to suspect this matter.

And even if you take a step back, even if Kevin fails to stop Newman and someone in the black robe team dies, what does that have to do with Kevin?

From the moment the black robe team decided to go against the Walter Group, they should have known that this was a road of narrow escape.

They should be prepared to die on this road at any time.

Why don't you dare to die with Kevin's help?

So what else does Kevin do to help them?

He's not their nanny!

Whatever he can do, he can do it, and if he can't, Kevin has plenty of ways to reveal the matter about Compound No. 5.

The reason why the Black Robe Team still exists is because they are the protagonists, and Kevin needs to borrow their 'protagonist halo'.

This does not mean that Kevin must protect them from beginning to end.

They have a cooperative relationship, not a father-son relationship!

Kevin and Butcher looked at each other.

Feeling the coldness in Kevin's eyes, Butcher suddenly laughed:

"I just want to ask, after all, I have to be responsible for my team members. Since you said you will ensure our safety, then we trust you. Don't be angry, partner?"

"You'd better really consider me a partner."

Kevin said meaningfully, taking two steps back to distance himself from Butcher.

After sorting his suit a little, Kevin raised his wrist and looked at the time, and decided to leave:

"I came here to see you today just for this matter. Now that the matter is over, it's time for me to leave. In short, I don't care what methods you use. Within three days, I want to see the news of Compound No. 5 occupying the headlines."

"Three days..."

"This is the most generous period I can give, and you have no bargaining terms."

Kevin thought he gave the black robe team plenty of time.

Three days, one day to prepare, and one day to find news newspapers and TV stations that can report on this matter.

In fact, everything Kevin said can be done in two days.

Kevin even thoughtfully prepared an extra day for them to hide his tracks.

If the black-robed team can't even do this within three days, it's better to disband as soon as possible.

If the efficiency is so low, why should we deal with the Watt Group?

There is no fighting spirit at all.

As soon as Kevin finished complaining in his mind, he heard Butcher say:

"No, that's not what I want to say."


"I just want to say, after I finish helping you with these things, can you arrange for me to meet with Beca, just meet once."


Brother, do you know that saying this is like "I will go back to my hometown to get married after this battle", which is setting a flag?

But forget it, you are the protagonist, such a small flag should be no problem for you.

"Okay, I've always been generous to my own people."

As long as this thing is successful, it will increase Kevin's prestige within the group and allow him to successfully control the Watt Group.

Not to mention letting Butcher and Rebecca meet, even letting them live together is not impossible.

The supervillain thing continues to simmer.

It was trending on Twitter for several days in a row.

And this incident also had a great impact on Kevin.


He now earns a skill point almost every day.

That's right, just by doing nothing, sitting in the office and browsing the hot searches for super villains and news about super villains attacking superheroes, Kevin can earn some skill points.

This may be because the League of Super Villains has never appeared in the original work, and it was caused by Kevin. The skill tree generously blames all the reasons on Kevin.

That's why there is a good thing that you can gain skill points just by lying down at home.

This is how Kevin got his level 1 [Water Creature Summoning] skill point.

It was precisely because the fermentation of the Super Villain incident was extremely beneficial to Kevin and allowed him to gain skill points in a steady stream that Kevin allowed the popularity of Super Villain to continue.

I even intend to add fuel to the fire to this topic.

Being able to gain skill points while lying at home, how could Kevin let go of such a good thing.

But even though Kevin really wanted to just go back and get one skill point a day, lie down for a year, directly obtain 365 skill points, and save the skill points needed for the second turn.

But there was no way, Hei Pao's actions were really fast, and within two days, the matter of Compound No. 5 had been made public.

While Kevin gained another skill point, he also had to start getting busy on this matter.

The first thing he faced was Edgar's accusation.

Edgar suspected that the leakage of Compound No. 5 was related to Kevin, but he had no evidence.

"Are you sure you don't know about this?"

In the office on the 82nd floor, all the senior executives were busy. Edgar asked Kevin who was sitting opposite.

As the news about Compound No. 5 leaked out, the group's stock price plummeted, and some smart people began to connect Compound No. 5 to supervillains.

The conspiracy theory began that the super villain was created by the Vought Group.

This has left the Watt Group in a desperate situation. It not only has to quell various rumors on the Internet, but also has to face official court summons.

The most important thing is that many large companies that cooperate with Watt have also canceled their cooperation with Watt because of this incident. This short piece of news has caused at least dozens of losses to the Watt Group in less than a day. Billions of losses.

This is just a day... no, just half a day.

This kind of thing probably didn't even occur to Edgar.

Otherwise, Kevin would not be called here and asked if he knew about this matter.

"Boss, do you think I look like a fool?" Kevin looked at Edgar silently, "Do you think I am the kind of person who will harm his own interests?"

"Well, I think it can't be you. After all, you are the face of the group now."

Edgar seemed to mean something.

Kevin chuckled and said:

"Yes, so once something happens to the group, I will be easily pushed out as a scapegoat. I know this."

The senior vice president of Watt Group does hold a high position within Watt Group, but correspondingly, he must also bear responsibility for anything that happens to Watt Group.

Compound No. 5 is now public. If there is no way to calm down the incident, Kevin will be the scapegoat who will be pushed out to take the blame.

From an outsider's perspective, no matter how stupid Kevin is, he would never do something like this that would push him to a dead end.

"That is related to the group of people who kidnapped Madeleine. It seems that they are not just trying to deal with the people of the motherland."

Edgar made a guess.

The two group executives on the side also walked up to Kevin and Edgar at this time.

They looked at each other, and the male executive among the two said:

"Stan, we have to find a way to deal with this."

Another female executive took over:

"Fraud, assault, personal injury, illegal injection... these are not covered by the insurance, and the insurance company refused to cover us, so now we have two options, the first is to deny it.

"Although there are risks, if the public is willing to trust us, the rewards will be huge."

“But if we deny it, and the official side has conclusive evidence, or there are informants, all of us here will face criminal prosecution, and everyone will be sentenced to ten to fifteen years... or even higher. "

Male executive added.

This is exactly what the senior executives of Vought Group need to face.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Edgar remained calm.

The female executive looked at the tablet in her hand and saw the downward curve on it, and said anxiously:

"Stan, we have to make a decision soon."

"Don't worry." In such a critical situation, Edgar looked at Kevin with a smile, "We have other ways, right, Mr. Moskowitz?"

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