Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 163 Do what you are good at

"It's okay, Logan, I said I will protect this place, you just need to enjoy your current life with peace of mind."

Kevin said to Logan, his smile was a bit serious, and it could be seen that he really wanted Logan and Charles to live here.

But when Logan heard this, he frowned and said:

"Will you protect this place? Boy, I know your mutant ability is very powerful. You can control water flow, right? Can you also control blood?

"But I've seen a lot of people with powerful mutant abilities. You may be able to protect yourself, or Caliban and Laura, but you can't protect everyone!"

Logan believes that Kevin is very capable.

Although he had never seen Kevin use his abilities, just by looking at the situation at the scene and looking at Kevin's unscathed appearance, he could easily guess that his abilities were definitely not weak.

But sometimes protecting others is not just about being strong.

Protection is always more difficult than destruction.

After all, Kevin is only one person. He may be able to deal with the people sent by the Alkali Group. This is true.

But he can't appear next to other people anytime and anywhere.

Once the Alkali group attacks everyone at the same time in several groups, Kevin will eventually have someone he cannot protect.

Moreover, Logan is not weak enough to need a young child to protect him.

Yes, Kevin is just a kid to Logan.

A child like Laura.

Regardless of how old Kevin said he was, in Logan's eyes, he was no different from the old self who was boxing in underground boxing rings.

They are all so naive and ignorant, and they all need someone to guide them.

But it's a pity that Logan doesn't have the mood or time to guide others, including Professor X.

The most important thing for them now is to leave here and continue to escape.

Logan's stubbornness left Kevin helpless.

He sighed and said seriously to Logan:

"I know you don't believe me, but it doesn't matter. I will let you know that I can do what I say, so... you just stay here honestly, stay one night, and wait until tomorrow to leave."

"Why do you have to let us stay here?" Logan suddenly asked, he didn't understand. "Does this do you any good? Or does what you want to do have something to do with us staying here?"

"Because Laura needs to feel like a family! Logan, you do too."

Kevin said seriously to Logan.

Now Logan actually has the idea of ​​​​wanting to die. He carries a bullet made of Adamantium alloy with him in order to one day send this bullet into his head.

Simply solving the Alkali Group cannot truly solve Logan's crisis. He needs to feel more things, feel the existence of family and relatives...that is, Laura, in order to have the motivation to live.

Logan was stunned, and he looked at Kevin with an even more incomprehensible expression.

Because he couldn't understand what Kevin said.

They are not relatives of Kevin, and Kevin said he wanted their help, but until now, Kevin has not said what he wants to do.

On the contrary, they have been helping Logan and the others avoid being tracked by the Alkali Group.

Logan is willing to let Kevin stay by his side because his beastly instincts cannot sense the malice in Kevin.

Charles, who can sense the emotions of others, did not feel the malice in Kevin.

But that doesn't mean Kevin has to think about them.

Logan originally thought so, but now that he looked at Kevin's serious eyes, he felt that he couldn't understand this young man.

What is his purpose?

Why does he care so much about Logan and the others, and Laura?

Logan was about to ask again, but Kevin had no intention of continuing to argue with him on this matter.

Looking at the black security guard who was left alive in the distance, Kevin said directly to Logan:

"If you are really so worried, then I will help you solve this trouble. You don't have to wait for me for dinner. You can eat first."

"Wait, what are you going to do?"

"I said, I'll solve your trouble."

"You haven't told me yet what exactly do you want us to help you with!"

Logan asked finally, and Kevin just waved to him with his back:

"I'll tell you when I get back."

As he spoke, he grabbed the black man he had left alive and disappeared into the darkness.

And when Kevin left, Caliban approached Logan and said:

"I can probably know a little bit about his purpose."

Logan looked at him.

Caliban continued:

"I asked him before what he wanted to do with you, and he said he wanted to find the Phoenix Girl... But the question is, hasn't the Phoenix Girl been dead for twenty years?"

"It's twenty-two years...wait, he's looking for Qin? How old is he this year?"

After realizing that Kevin's purpose was to find Jean Grey, Logan suddenly had a rather ridiculous suspicion.

"Twenty-three? Or twenty-four? He looks very young, but he shouldn't be more than thirty years old."

Caliban thought back to Kevin's face and answered.

Kevin's age after time travel is actually close to thirty, but due to his improved physical fitness and good image management, he now looks no different from a young man in his mid-twenties.

Caliban can only judge Kevin's age based on his performance and conversation.


Logan reminisces about the past.

Jean Gray died in 2007, but in fact in 2006, Jean Gray took the initiative to sacrifice herself in order to save the X-Men and her party.

At that time everyone thought she was dead.

Unexpectedly, she came back to life in the end, and was used by Magneto, so Logan had to kill her himself.

Between the time Jean Gray faked her death and disappeared in 2006, and reappeared in 2007, no one knew what she had gone through, and no one knew where she had gone.

What if she left her child behind during this period...

No, no, no, no matter how hard you say it, this is impossible.

As soon as Logan thought of similar conjectures, he quickly shook his head to get these ridiculous thoughts out of his mind.

After all, it was outrageous to say that Qin had a child within a year.

Moreover, even if Kevin is really related to Qin, they are not necessarily related by blood. Maybe Kevin's relatives have received help from Qin, or he himself has some grudges with Qin.

Logan was deep in thought. Caliban also thought of something and asked Logan in surprise:

"You suspect Kevin is—"

"No, I don't suspect anything. Okay, we should go back now."

Logan interrupted Caliban's question and was about to go back, but before leaving, he glanced at the 'body' of X24 on the ground and said:

"...But before we go back, we have to deal with this guy first."

"How to deal with it?"


Logan walked up to X24, put his fist on X24's head, and aimed it at his eyes.


The steel claw popped out and penetrated X24's head accurately.

Caliban couldn't bear it and looked away, muttering to himself:

"...I feel like I might not be able to eat tonight."

Logan ignored him. He stabbed X24 on the head several more times to make sure that he would never come back to life. Then he said to Caliban:

"Stop hanging around and find some strong rope."

X24 is a clone with the same abilities as Logan, and Logan knows very well how strong his self-healing ability was when he was young.

So he was not at ease just by handling it this way.

He was going to tie the guy up with ropes and bury him in the ground.

Logan felt that even if his former self could be resurrected after such operations, at least he would not be able to climb out of the earth in a short period of time.

"X24... Well, forget it, he's almost dead anyway."

Kevin, who left with the only surviving security member, suddenly remembered that he had left X24 with Logan.

For a moment, after you leave, the story will develop along the original movie route.

But after thinking that in order to ensure that X24 could not recover in a short time, Kevin used his ability to crush his head and gained five skill points, Kevin felt relieved again.

Something else can lie.

Skill points don't.

As long as you make certain changes to your destiny, you will gain corresponding skill points.

Five skill points, which is more than when Kevin killed the little villain Donald, proves that Kevin has significantly changed the plot at this stage.

It is certain that X24 will never wake up in the short term, and Professor X, Charles, will not die tonight.

Moreover, Kevin believes that the Alkali Group should be in a mood to take care of Charles and Logan.

"Are you sure this is the right direction?"

Kevin lay on the passenger side and asked Paul, a black man who turned into his driver.

Paul drove the car carefully, nodded repeatedly and said:

"Yes...the nearest group branch is right here, but...are you...are you sure you want to go there...?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. Just drive your car."

Kevin said to Paul angrily.

The place he is heading to at the moment is the branch of Alkali Genetics Company closest to here.

In fact, what Logan said is right. No matter how powerful Kevin is, he can't protect everyone. There will always be times when he is too distracted to care.

In that case, wouldn't it be better to simply solve the problem from the source?

If someone poses a threat to oneself, then find a way to eliminate the threat, eliminate the crisis from the source, and protect everyone.

That’s why Kevin planned to go to Alkali Group to solve this problem from the root.

But Kevin hadn't figured out how to do it specifically.

It is indeed the simplest and most convenient way to rush in and kill all the people involved, but this way Kevin probably won't be able to stay in this world for too long.

Moreover, mutants attacking one of the largest groups in the world will also make mutants who are already in a bad situation even more hostile to humans.

Kevin could pat his butt and walk away after doing it, but mutants in this world would be persecuted because of what he did.

Kevin can't do such an irresponsible thing yet.

But it seemed that just letting the Alkali Group go was not an option. After thinking about it, Kevin suddenly thought of a good idea.

"Why did you forget this? I'm not a superhero, I'm a star!"

Getting closer to the Alkali Group, Kevin suddenly realized something.

He is not a superhero or a super villain at all. He actually does not have to do anything that heroes and villains would do.

Kevin is perfectly capable of doing what he is good at.

Manipulate public opinion.

If you want to talk about what the world of black robes taught Kevin, then Kevin can definitely say that it is to manipulate public opinion.

Kevin is good at attacking his opponents by publishing ‘rumors’ on the Internet and then using his public relations team to confirm the ‘rumors’.

Lokomotiv once suffered from public controversy over "match-fixing" and was eventually kicked out of the seven-man team by Kevin.

Kevin also contributed to the promotion of the movie and the promotion of his time with Starlight.

So he's very good at that.

And it is completely possible to replicate similar things in this world.

What is the most powerful thing that Alkali Group has done? That is to add their genetically modified products to the plants they grow.

Use these genetic products to achieve physical castration of mutants.

It doesn't matter if you do it quietly, no one knows about it anyway.

But if this matter comes to light...

Mutant lives matter! !

"Interesting, I suddenly understood what to do."

Licking the corners of his mouth, Kevin had an evil expression on his face. He glanced at the black security guard next to him and made a decision in his mind.

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