Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 164 Video Production

‘Voice of Freedom’ is the most popular live broadcast website in the United States today.

Of course, it can also be said to be the most popular live streaming website in the world.

Because large-scale pictures can be posted on it within the rules and regulations, it is loved by many netizens around the world.

In addition to some videos recording daily life and more technical videos.

Many people will also post some 'scandals', 'scandals' and other messy news videos about local celebrities on it.

Even in many cases, these news are considered mainstream.

And celebrities here not only refer to celebrities, but also politicians and wealthy businessmen, people who can be found on the Internet.

Normally, because the scale here is very high, there won’t be any particularly eye-catching videos.

But it seems different today.

A user with the ID name "Expose Alkali Conspiracy" posted a 40-minute video on the website.

The content of the video is simple but exciting. It is the story of a handsome young man who, with the help of his 'friends', quietly sneaked into the Alkali Group branch.

At the beginning of the video, the man introduced himself:

" name is last name, just Kevin. As you can see, I am currently at the Alkali Group, Kani City Branch...

"And what I want to do to expose the Alkali Group, their deepest secrets!"

The man faced the camera, his face pale and his voice trembling.

He was hiding in a dark corner, and from time to time he would poke the camera out of the corner and quietly observe everything outside.

Judging from the footage captured by the camera, it is currently unclear whether the man named Kevin is within the Alkali Group.

Because the corridor outside was pure white, occasionally a few armed security personnel walked by, and it was impossible to tell whether they were actors hired by others or real security personnel of the Alkali Group.

The man seemed to understand this, and he continued:

"I know, you may not believe what I am going to say next, but I still want to say it! Do you know the genetic food developed by Alkali?

"I think you must know, not only know, you must have eaten their food, canned food, drinks, instant products...

“Alkali’s food has penetrated into thousands of households. Not only that, they have also established cooperation with many countries and listed their food as a necessity in every country. But do you know? It is this kind of food that is slowly growing in popularity. Slowly 'kill' mutants!"

When the man said this, he suddenly became very excited. He gritted his teeth, his eyes full of sadness and anger, and said:

"Twenty-five years... There have been no new mutants born for twenty-five years, and the mutants that once existed have also disappeared for various reasons, and there is no trace anymore. Do you think this is a coincidence?

"No! This is not! This is the conspiracy of the Alkali Group! They are using this method to eliminate mutants! This is how to achieve the 'genocide' of mutants!

"I'm not being alarmist, they are really doing such a thing! And today, with the help of my friends, I will sneak in here, find relevant evidence, and expose their conspiracy!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, a black security guard wearing an armed uniform approached not far away. He looked nervous and vaguely frightened, and whispered to the man:

"That...Kay...Kevin...I've...finished are now..."

"Thank you, Paul, my friend, if I can do this successfully, you... will become a hero to all mutants!"

Kevin whispered and excitedly said to the black security guard, and then he faced the camera again:

"...Paul is the security team leader of the Alkali Group. He is a good friend of mine. It was him who told me what the Alkali Group was doing, so I had the courage to come here to expose the truth.

"And now, we are going to the office of the head of the branch of the Alkali Group to find evidence that proves all this!"

Kevin said, he carefully hid the camera, and then nodded to Paul, indicating that he could lead him away.

There was struggle in Paul's eyes.

It can be seen that he actually resisted doing such a thing, but probably out of his own sense of justice and sympathy for the mutants who were being persecuted, Paul turned around resolutely and led Kevin through Al Inside the Cali Group.

Through the footage captured by the camera while the two were walking, and the occasional conversations heard by security personnel and staff, it was confirmed that they were indeed in the Alkali Group.

After about twenty minutes of hiding and walking like this, the two passed through the ventilation ducts of the Alkali Group and arrived at an office.

This seemed to be the office of an Alkali Group executive. From the fence above the ventilation duct, you could see a man in a brown suit making work arrangements on the phone.

Someone recognized his identity.

He is the general manager of the Alkali Group’s Kani City area.

If the people we met before were all actors, and the things seen in the picture were also prepared in advance, then the appearance of the person in charge was enough to prove the authenticity of the video content.

At least these two 'warriors' are indeed within the Alkali Group.

The person in charge seemed to be the target of the two.

They waited patiently in the ventilation duct for a long time. After the person in charge in a brown suit left temporarily, Kevin removed the shield from the ventilation duct and prepared to go down.


His friend Paul suddenly stopped him, looking very hesitant: "How about... let's just forget it...?"

"Paul, I know that once this matter is revealed, you will definitely not be able to keep your job, but you don't want to do it in the first place, right? In this case, then we might as well expose the Alkali Group before you leave. Things to do!"


"No but, I'm going down! Wish me luck."

Kevin made a sign of the cross in front of him, nimbly came down from the ventilation duct, and began to search for the documents he was looking for in the office.

But obviously, it is impossible for normal people to find such important documents that are related to the life and death of the company.

Kevin searched for a long time but could not find the relevant documents. He only found a special hidden compartment and a safe behind the mural in the office.

The safe has a password lock, and according to normal methods, it cannot be opened unless you know the password and how to open it.

But when Kevin saw it, he suddenly laughed and said to the camera:

"If you were an ordinary person, you might not be able to do anything when faced with a locked safe, but I... am actually a mutant."

Kevin said this, and then he put his hand on the safe. Without any special movement, he saw the combination lock on the safe turning by itself.

In just a few seconds, with a click, the safe opened.

The files in the safe are also presented to the audience watching the video.

Kevin held it in his hand as if he had found a treasure. He quickly opened the file and read every word on it word by word.

In the end, Kevin got what he wanted.

A report on the improvement of genetic crops and plans to continue cultivating crops to achieve the complete eradication of mutants.

In addition to these shocking documents, Kevin also found documents related to the "Weapon X Project" that were only mentioned but not explained in detail.

It said that the Alkali Group seems to be conducting special human experiments, and the subjects of the experiments are children...

Kevin didn't watch much, because the sound of conversation came from the video, and the sound was heard just outside the door.

It's the head of that group branch. He's back and right at the door!

After hearing this, Kevin hurriedly took out his mobile phone to take pictures of the documents above. Then he hurriedly packed up the documents, put the safe back, and then returned to the ventilation duct along the original path.

At the moment when he returned to the ventilation duct, the person in charge of the group just pushed the door open and entered.

Kevin and his friend Paul both breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

The two then returned along the same route, and with the help of Paul, the 'conspirator', they successfully left the Alkali Group branch.

“...I believe everyone has seen the documents I just photographed. Although these cannot be conclusive evidence, it must be able to confirm that the Alkali Group is indeed doing some ulterior things.

"I will continue to investigate, especially the "Weapon X Project" mentioned in the previous documents! As for this video... I will post it online soon. I know that doing so will definitely put me in danger, but I I can’t stand that the Alkali Group continues to hide this matter!

"If I don't announce it now and wait until they find out that the safe has been compromised, it will be too late! So... viewers who watch this video, I hope you can wish me good luck and hope that we can meet again, if I am still alive in the future if……"

Kevin says this at the end of the video, and that's the end of the video.

And although this podcaster named Kevin posted the video late at night and early in the morning, by the time the video ended, it had already received tens of thousands of views.

By early morning, there were hundreds of thousands of plays, and the number was still growing.

This thing is obviously very strange. Although there is no push, it can get so many views in a short period of time.

But few people who have watched the video care about these details.

They only care about whether the Alkali Group has done these things, and whether what the young man named Kevin said is true.

On the Internet, related incidents are gradually fermenting...and becoming more and more intense as time goes by.

While the turmoil continued on the Internet, Kevin, who had been busy all night, returned to the manor refreshed.

In fact, normally, just "investigating" something in one night is not enough for Kevin to publish the video and trigger a heated discussion on the Internet.

But Kevin has the black technology given by Raccoon Rocket.

A hacking device capable of breaking into any low-level network.

Kevin had previously prepared a false identity for himself online and a bank card full of money, thanks to Rocket's black technology.

Rocket's black technology may encounter opponents on Earth in the Marvel world. Jarvis created by Tony is an advanced artificial intelligence. It is not easy to deal with Rocket's casual black technology.

But in the X-Men world where the development of science and technology has taken a slight detour and is completely leaning towards biological aspects, Rocket's black technology is dimensionality reduction.

Find a website, invade the backend, and push your videos to everyone's homepage.

It won't be long before the 'truth' captured by Kevin will spread throughout the streets.

And the video cannot be deleted now. The Alkali Group must be very busy.

But Kevin said, don't worry, this is just an appetizer.

A mere video is not enough to devastate the Alkali Group.

He has more methods that he has not yet used.

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