Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 275 Call for help!

The reason why the ability of the backtracking went out of control is unknown.

But the ghost guessed that this might be related to the mental illness of the backtracking.

"...He... is there something wrong here?"

After seeing the backtracking ability erupt with his own eyes, and listening to the flashback and the ghost talking about the backtracking, Barry asked the ghost in astonishment.

Out of courtesy, Barry did not directly say that the backtracking might be mentally ill, but pointed to his head.

The ghost explained:

"We abandoned superhumans have some physical defects, and before the backtracking ability can shuttle parallel worlds, he was not even considered a superhuman..."

Before the parallel worlds intersected, the backtracking itself did not have superpowers at all.

If it were not for the fact that he was injected with compound No. 5, the situation of "chatting with oneself" would only be regarded as mental illness.

In fact, the backtracking was treated in this way before.

It was not until the parallel universes intersected with each other that the backtracking discovered that he could exchange things from another universe with things from this universe.

This ability is also garbage in a strict sense.

Exchange items, and can only exchange isotopes in parallel worlds, which seems to be useless no matter how you look at it.

Moreover, the exchange may also cause time confusion, such as the superhumans who were transferred with Suhui, and many of them have not come yet, and it is unknown to which time they have been transferred.

The flaw is so obvious that if it is not for escaping, Ghost will definitely not choose to let Suhui use his ability.

And now, Suhui's ability is still problematic.

"Well, since Suhui is the root of everything, can't we just find him directly?"

"The question is how to find him?" Ghost recalled the scene he saw in the flashback memory, "The room where Suhui is located has been blocked, and now we can't even tell up, down, left, and right."

Before, Ghost could still try to find a way out by rushing in one direction.

But now, the spatial interweaving may become more serious, and Ghost dare not continue to find the way in this way, let alone find people.

"Don't worry... Don't worry, I'll find a way... I'll find a way..."

Barry, who was also helpless, paced back and forth muttering.

The spatial disorder, Barry's speed could not be brought into play.

The main reason is that his ability consumes a lot of calories. It's okay for a short time, but if it takes a long time, his physical strength will not be replenished, and he may starve to death here before he finds a way out.

Therefore, the ability cannot be used casually.

Of course, Barry can also choose to find a place with a long straight road and run at the fastest speed to see if he can trigger the bowl of time and go back to the past before they enter the cruise ship through the bowl of time.

But the structure inside the cruise ship is interconnected. Because it has been abandoned for a long time, many places are blocked, and it is extremely difficult to find a straight and long route.

Barry can only give up the idea of ​​going back to the past for the time being.

Maybe when he is really desperate, Barry will think of going back to the past to find a way out.

But it is definitely not now.

Click, click.

Just when everyone was at a loss, crisp footsteps suddenly came from outside the cabin.

Everyone shut up instantly, including the narrator who was still trying to tear off the tape on his mouth with "mumble" just now, and stopped struggling and stared at the door.

"Is there anyone else in this cabin?"

Barry, who heard the footsteps, spoke in a very low voice, with his mouth opening and closing in an exaggerated way, so that people could know what he was saying through lip reading and the faint sound.

The ghost and the flashback shook their heads almost in sync.

Apart from them and the flashback, no one else would come to this cabin.

And it was still late at night, and apart from those who wanted to come here for an 'exploration', there would be almost no one else.

"Could it be the flashback?"

The flashback also asked in a low voice.

Perhaps the flashback, who had returned to normal, was looking for someone in the cruise ship.

"I'll go out and see..."

The ghost, the only one among the crowd who could come in and out at will, asked to go out and see the situation.

The others did not refuse, and letting the ghost go out to see was better than opening the door to observe the situation outside.

Communicating with everyone with his eyes, the ghost nodded slightly, found a hidden corner, and sneaked out from the ground.

But after only a few seconds, the ghost rushed back quickly.

She was horrified, subconsciously covered her mouth, and shook her head at Barry and others, as if she had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.

Just after the ghost made this reaction, the footsteps outside suddenly stopped.

Stopped outside the cabin where they were hiding!

Dong, Dong, Dong.

Then there was a knock on the door, and the ghost's head shook faster.

The amplitude of the shaking made people worry that she would throw her head out.

An inexplicable atmosphere of horror appeared in the cabin.

Barry swallowed and covered his mouth to prevent himself from making a sound. Flashback even closed his eyes and looked like he was sleeping.

And the horror was more than that.

When the knock on the door sounded, a strange sound mixed with multiple voices came from outside the door.

The voice said:

"Help... me..."


Barry took a deep breath.

At that moment, he felt that he had suddenly run from the world of superheroes to some terrifying and strange spiritual world!

What scared him even more was that if the ghost hadn't been shaking his head to tell him not to open the door, he would have gone out to see if someone was really asking for help after hearing someone asking for help!

Now there was something outside the door, and Barry didn't dare to ask the ghost what she saw. He could only stare at the door with his eyes wide open, not daring to make a sound.

Dong Dong Dong Dong——


The knocking sound suddenly became more and more urgent, and the thing outside the door was banging on the door frantically with the momentum of not giving up until the door was broken.

Looking at the strength of the banging, it didn't look like someone asking for help, but rather like a robber who was about to break into the door.

Even if the cabin door was not made of metal, the door might have been broken open by something outside.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The knocking sound gradually weakened.

Perhaps thinking that there was no one here, the thing outside the door finally stopped knocking on the door, and left from the door with the sound of "click click".

When the thing left, no one dared to make a sound.

A few minutes later, the ghost quietly poked his head outside and confirmed that the thing had left, then he sat down in the air with a trembling voice:

"F**K, I was scared to death!"

"What did you see just now?"

After being safe, Barry asked immediately.

The ghost recalled what he had seen just now, and explained with a trembling voice:

"A...a thing that only appears in horror movies! I...I can't describe it..."

Before the ghost finished speaking, Flashback came over, covering everyone with his hands as much as possible, using his ability to reproduce the ghost's memory.

Then Barry saw what the ghost saw.

It was indeed something that was difficult to describe in words.

"Fuck...what the hell is this?!"

Kevin, who felt the existence of life through the "mist thread", couldn't help but swear after seeing the "life" he felt.

Standing in front of Kevin was a monster.

A monster that was not easy to describe.

From the outside, the thing looked like a person, but its body was bloated and its head was as big as three people's heads added together.

The eyes, nose, and ears were all mixed together as if they were not carefully designed, and there were several limbs on the body that were different from others.

It was just like a human-shaped meat ball that was forcibly spliced ​​together!

To be honest, for a moment Kevin thought he had run into the set of a horror game!

Even though Kevin was strong, he was scared by this thing.

This is not an expression, but a description. Kevin was really scared and jumped up.

Think about it, in the dim cabin, or in the middle of the night when the sun has already set, suddenly encountering such a monster, anyone would be scared.

"What the hell is this?"

Kevin calmed down and tried to approach the monster in front of him.

He tied up the monster in front of him with mist silk thread and squatted beside it for analysis and inspection.

"It has a physical body, and its strength is not strong. It can only say "help", but it seems that it has no self-awareness... and why is the clothes on its body so fitting...?"

The monster was wearing clothes that looked a bit like casual clothes, but unlike ordinary casual clothes, this casual clothes had a lot of sleeves.

Each of the monster's extra arms and legs was covered with corresponding sleeves and trouser legs. Kevin did not find any obvious stitching marks on those sleeves and trouser legs, proving that they were integrated with the clothes worn by the monster.

"Huh? What is this?"

While inspecting the monster's body, Kevin suddenly found something in its pocket.

He frowned and took those things out. Kevin found that it was a wallet.

The wallet was very thick, like many wallets stacked together, and some places were stuck together.

Kevin used a little force to open the sticky parts and found some US dollars and a driver's license.

Taking out those US dollars, Kevin found that the patterns on the US dollars were a little distorted and overlapped, and the feel was not the normal feel of coins. It felt like holding a stack of paper in his hand.

The same is true for the driver's license. Most of the patterns on it are a little blurry, but fortunately, the photo and name of the owner of the driver's license can be barely seen.

Jack Wilson, from Ohio, should be 21 years old according to the date of birth above.

The guy in the photo is a blond white man with a high nose bridge and blue eyes, and he looks pretty good.

I just don't know why his driver's license is on this monster.

No, Kevin is not unaware, he just doesn't want to think about it.

"...It seems that this place is much more dangerous than I thought."

Putting down the wallet and driver's license, Kevin put the wallet back on the monster and sighed to himself.

Obviously, the monster in front of Kevin is the white guy in the photo, but he... or they are no longer the same person.

Through overlapping space, they became monsters that merged together, lost their reason, and acted only by instinct to seek help.

But unfortunately no one could save them.

Including Kevin.

All Kevin could do was put his finger on the monster's forehead to let it go.

Sending away the individual who was once called 'Jack', Kevin's expression was very serious.

He underestimated the danger of interlaced space.

He thought that the collision of parallel worlds would only make the interior of a certain space complicated. Although this was indeed the case, the environment in the abandoned cruise ship, which was not very complicated, became interconnected, as if there was no way to go anywhere.

But the real danger is not this.

The real danger comes from the overlap of isotopes in different worlds!

For example, the unlucky Jack in front of him.

He became like this because he overlapped and intertwined with many places in parallel worlds, and all of him merged into one, but not completely merged.

In an instant, he collided and overlapped with so many of his own thoughts, shattering his spirit and consciousness. Countless bodies overlapped on one person, causing him to become a monster with a weird posture.

Kevin didn't know if this was an accidental case.

But he didn't dare to gamble.

He had to find a way to solve this matter as soon as possible.

And to solve the crisis now, either find the source of all this, or find a way to stabilize this space.

Prevent it from spreading or overlapping.

Kevin himself would definitely not find a solution.

But it doesn't matter, someone should have a way.

With his eyes flickering, Kevin suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Faced with a problem that he could not solve, Kevin finally made a decision that went against his ancestors.

Ask for help!

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