Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 281 The Divinity of the God of Mist (6,000 words)

To be honest, Kevin didn't really want to call himself the God of Fog.

After the initial novelty wore off, Kevin felt an inexplicable sense of shame when calling himself that in public.

But there was no other way. He had used this name on a whim at first, and now he had to continue using it in order to show his skills smoothly.

Anyway, just treat it as a moment of youth and frivolity. Everyone has a moment of naivety.

With his superb acting skills, Kevin did not show any discomfort in front of the camera.

He was like an elegant British gentleman, taking off his cap and saluting everyone.

But the cap in his hand and the sunglasses on his face destroyed the mood.

The motherland didn't care whether Kevin was the Deep Sea or the God of Fog. He only cared about one thing.

Looking at Maeve who was sitting not far away with angry eyes, and even looking at Ashley a few more times, Homelander seemed to understand something and said angrily:

"Meve! And Ashley! You actually teamed up to deceive me!!"

Maeve ignored Homelander, she also looked at Kevin in a daze.

On the contrary, Ashley panicked instantly and kept explaining:

"What? No... No no no, it's not like that..."

"Not what? Didn't you say that Shenhai is dead?! Then who is standing here now!!"

"Shenhai... Shenhai is really dead! I... I don't know who he is, Homelander, you have to believe me!"

Ashley almost knelt down to Homelander.

If Homelander was sure that the guy who looked like Shenhai in front of him was related to Ashley, then Ashley would definitely be dead.

For her own life, Ashley had to distance herself from this matter.

And, she really didn't know who this person was, and it had nothing to do with this matter!

"Okay, Homelander, don't take it out on ordinary people. That will only make you look too narrow-minded. How about being a man and facing me?"

At the critical moment, Kevin saved Ashley's life.

He stood in the center of the hearing and made a sound to attract Homelander's attention.

Homelander turned his attention to Kevin again, his facial muscles trembling, and asked with suppressed anger:

"You... are the God of Mist? Did you kill Newman?"


"Ryan, did you take him away too?"

"Obviously, I shouldn't have deliberately hidden what I did."

Kevin admitted it generously, and then smiled:

"But these things should have nothing to do with today's hearing, Homelander, how about you sit back and let's continue today's hearing?"

"No need to continue! I'll eliminate you, the super villain first!!"

Homelander's anger could no longer be suppressed, he roared at Kevin, and the scarlet ray shot straight at Kevin's chest!

Just like he did to the deep sea of ​​this world before, he wanted to make a big hole in Kevin in front of him!

However, Kevin just snapped his fingers lightly, and the heat vision emitted by Homelander was refracted and twisted again, flying towards him.


But this time Homelander reacted.

Seeing his heat vision coming at him like a boomerang, Homelander quickly dodged to the side, and the scarlet ray went straight to the ordinary people behind him!

Seeing that those ordinary people were about to be cut by Homelander's heat vision, suddenly, a portal formed by blue sparks appeared where the heat vision was about to fall.

The portal appeared, connecting to Homelander's direction.

The heat vision passed through the portal, flew out from Homelander's direction, and landed on him again.

Bang! !

Homelander was once again knocked away by his own heat vision, and this encounter finally made him regain some sanity.

He barely got up from the ground and stared at Kevin:

"You are not the Deep Sea..."

"Uh-huh, didn't I say that before?"

Kevin was not interested in taking over the 'legacy' of the Deep Sea of ​​this world. It would be better to say that the Deep Sea of ​​this world has no legacy to take over. Instead, there are more messes and scandals left behind.

He couldn't let people associate him with the Deep Sea of ​​this world.

And then again, it is impossible for anyone to force Kevin to be regarded as the dead Deep Sea after seeing him use so many abilities.

For example, the Homelander now, he has determined that the person in front of him is definitely not the Deep Sea.

But just as Kevin thought so, he heard the Homelander say again:

"You are not the Deep Sea I know... You... I understand... It's you... The person who appeared in my dream is you!?"

The Homelander finally remembered the nightmare he had been having recently.

He also remembered the real reason why he killed the Deep Sea of ​​this world.

It was because he dreamed that the Deep Sea caused his death that the Homelander took action against the Deep Sea of ​​this world.

Originally, the Homelander thought it was just a dream.

But now, when the man in the nightmare appeared in front of him, the people of Homeland realized that it might not be a dream.

But some special omen.

"Oh? Interesting, a dream? I haven't thought about this..."

Hearing what Homelander said, Kevin also understood why Homelander in this world didn't know him, but still deviated from the original route.

Obviously, it was the overlap of parallel worlds that allowed Homelander to receive some information about himself in the parallel world in the form of dreams.

This information drove Homelander to do things that deviated from the route, so he killed Shenhai.

But even if he knew the reason now, Kevin wouldn't care.

He shook his head and waved his right hand to Homelander. Countless dark blue ropes appeared from the void, wrapped around Homelander's limbs and waist, and fixed him firmly in place.

The scarlet chain created by it should be called the dark blue chain, which can easily lock most people whose physical strength and magic strength are lower than Kevin.

So except for Superman and some guys who claim to be gods, almost no one can break free from Kevin's chains.

Including Homelander in front of him.

"Okay, Homelander, I think we have said enough nonsense. Now let's get back to the beginning... Ms. Mallory, please send out the video you were going to play before. We want everyone to see what Homelander did."

Kevin said politely to Mallory.

Mallory stared at him, but still opened the video as Kevin said.

"Do you think the hearing can continue?"

But at this time, Storm suddenly spoke:

"I don't think the public will accept the verdict of a hearing presided over by a super villain."

"Oh, you may not have the right to say this, and besides... did I allow you to speak?"

Storm suddenly spoke, and Kevin remembered that he had forgotten her.

Without hesitation, Kevin used the 'deep blue chain' to bind Storm.

When Storm heard Kevin finish this sentence, she also realized what Kevin was going to do to her, and she used her ability without thinking.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the hearing room, and the dark purple lightning was caught by Storm and shot towards Kevin.

But unfortunately, even the Homelander could not penetrate the mirror defense set by Kevin, so how could Storm cross the defense and attack Kevin?

So of course, the flash point was blocked by the mirror.

Storm followed the footsteps of the Homelander.

In order to prevent the Homelander and Storm from being too noisy, Kevin also sealed their mouths with chains.

The hearing room was completely quiet now.

"Okay, let's continue now. Where were we just now? Oh, right, reading out the crimes of Homelander, right? Then please, Ms. Mallory."

Kevin turned sideways and made room for Mallory.

But Mallory did not step forward. Instead, she sighed and stared at Kevin and said:

"If you do this, the hearing can't continue. Storm is right. They will not agree with the hearing results involving super villains."

"What does this have to do with me?"


"I just came here to find an excuse to get rid of Homelander and Storm. Whether others agree with this result or not has nothing to do with me. You just need to continue reading out the crimes of Homelander."

Kevin said indifferently.

He did not hesitate to tell Mallory his plan in front of the camera, which made Mallory gasp.

Mallory could see that when it comes to ignoring laws and regulations, Homelander might be inferior. The visitor from another world in front of him is a master in this regard.

"…I would like to continue, but…the nearby police should have rushed here, and this hearing cannot continue."

Although she knew that Kevin was a lunatic who ignored the law, Mallory didn't care.

If Kevin could really get rid of Homelander and Storm, she Mallory would not care what kind of person Kevin was.

But the problem is that Kevin didn't seem to have much chance to continue.

The nearby police, and even the army stationed here, are probably rushing here. Even if Kevin is not afraid of them at that time, the hearing will definitely end here after the fight.

Mallory's guess is not wrong, at least from her point of view.

But Kevin was not anxious about it at all, but laughed and pointed to the entrance:

"You mean them?"

Just after he finished speaking, the door of the hearing room was suddenly opened, and a group of police shouted "Put down your weapons and raise your hands" and rushed in.

Mallory sighed when she saw this, thinking that this hearing would end here, but after waiting for a while, she found something wrong.

These policemen... they looked around blankly, looking for Kevin's figure, as if they didn't see Kevin.

"What's going on...?"

Mallory didn't understand what Kevin did, and didn't understand why these policemen didn't seem to see them.

Kevin smiled mysteriously at Mallory, tapped the ground with his right foot, and saw the whole room began to change.

The floor was pulled away from the ground, forming a new ground under everyone's feet.

The walls and windows were moving, and in the blink of an eye, new and identical buildings were separated, as if they were copied.

In just two or three seconds, the entire hearing site had risen high into the sky, and the surrounding scenes were fantastic and strange, as if this hearing was completely isolated from the world.

Mallory rubbed his eyes in disbelief, including the Homelander and Storm who were bound in place, and other people who were included in the mirror space, all widened their eyes.

For those who had never seen such a scene, everything they saw was like a hallucination caused by taking drugs.

But this hallucination was extremely real, so real that it drove people crazy!

Seeing that Mallory and the others were all shocked by the scene they created, Kevin sighed and took the video from Mallory:

"It seems better for me to do it, you go sit down."

As he said that, Kevin came to the front of the camera and raised the video recorder in his hand.

Now, everyone at the hearing has been included in the mirror space, including these reporters.

Although the mirror space and the real world are two spaces, and they both have the ability to isolate signals, Kevin opened a "back door" for these reporters, allowing their cameras to connect to the TV station's signal and operate normally.

This is also natural. Kevin wants more people to "recognize" himself and improve the skills behind the skill tree. Naturally, it is impossible to isolate their signals.

Therefore, everyone who is listening to the live broadcast of this hearing can see Kevin's actions.

"Well, since Ms. Mallory doesn't want to come, then I'll come."

Kevin said, and turned on the recorder in his hand.

"Then let's start from here. I think everyone should still remember Flight 37? Well, you should remember it. After all, it hasn't been long since this incident, and Ms. Mallory just mentioned the truth about Flight 37. I believe everyone will have a general impression.

"And here is the evidence of the truth about Flight 37. "

When Kevin said this, the video in his hand began to play.

In the video, the person recording was a man in a suit. He cried and said, 'Homelander and Maeve are going to abandon us', while turning the camera to the aisle of the plane.

Near the door of the plane, Homelander and Maeve were pulling each other, and their voices were faintly heard in the video.

Maeve wanted Homelander to take a child away, at least to ensure the child's life.

But Homelander rejected Maeve's proposal on the grounds that the child would tell others what they did on the plane, and used thermal vision to drive away those who still wanted to move forward.

After that, Homelander pulled Maeve away from the plane, and the person who filmed the video said, 'Please tell my family that I love them', and then it stopped abruptly.

At this time, Kevin also asked Maeve:

"Queen Maeve, what happened in this video is true and correct, right?"


Maeve didn't give an answer immediately. She first looked at Homelander and met his eyes. Finally, she suddenly smiled with relief and nodded slowly and firmly to Kevin:

"It's true. "

"Very good, he watched the passengers on the plane die without saving them. If it weren't for Homelander destroying the control console of the plane, Flight 37 would not have crashed into the sea, killing all 123 people on board.

"For this reason alone, I can sentence Homelander to death!"

Kevin said loudly.

As he spoke, the ground around Homelander suddenly separated from the surrounding ground, and the separated ground held Homelander alone on it.


The sound of wooden boards colliding sounded, and a wall made of wooden boards fell around Homelander, completely covering him, leaving only a gap where he could be seen.

All the audience here can tell that the wooden boards that made up the wall that trapped Homelander were the wooden boards on the ground.

In this special space, these wooden boards are suspended in the air in violation of the laws of physics, forming a cage.

"In addition, Homelander has committed many crimes such as forcing women, murdering Vice President Madeline, and cruelly killing criminals who are not guilty of death.

"Several crimes are punished together, and the death penalty will be executed now!"

"Wait--! ? "

When he heard that Kevin was going to execute Homelander on the spot, Mallory, who was in shock, came to his senses immediately and reached out to Kevin to stop him.

Even if Homelander was guilty, he should not be executed by a terrorist who was nominally a "super villain". That would make the laws of this country completely empty talk.

But Kevin didn't care about that at all.

After confirming Homelander's crime, he clenched his right fist, and the spikes that trapped Homelander shot out one after another, just like the Iron Maiden who punished witches in the Middle Ages, piercing Homelander who was bound in it.

No Countless spikes pierced Homelander's body, and his blood flowed out of the wooden board.

The bound Homelander stared wide-eyed, whether because of pain or fear, his eyes were full of disbelief, as if he didn't believe that he would die here so easily.

Such a miserable death, painful and embarrassing.

A meaningless death.

After executing Homelander, Kevin immediately looked at Storm.

"Next, read out Storm's crimes. Storm, whose real name is Clara Reisinger, is the wife of Frederick Vought, the founder of the Vought Group. She is now 101 years old.

"She participated in Nazi activities and was deeply influenced by Nazi ideology. She has extremely high racial discrimination and believes that everyone except white people should die.

"Trying to create a superhuman army and want superhumans to rule the world, so she became the head of the Sagebrush Center and tried to create more superhumans...

"Human experiments, killing innocent people, in your more than 100 years of life, the people who died in your hands may fill the entire Vought Building, right?"

Kevin stared at Storm with a smile, which made Storm have a bad premonition.

She struggled hard, mumbling some unclear words, while thunder and lightning flashed on her body, trying to break free from Kevin's restraints.

But Kevin didn't give her a chance to speak.

Just like Homelander just now, Kevin's right hand fell, and also sealed the storm in a square box.

"So I believe you should have no objection to my sentencing you to death now. Of course, even if you have an objection, you should reject it. I will not accept it."


The deformed buildings completely enveloped the storm. They kept squeezing and compressing towards the center. Then a creepy scream came, which made people shudder.

Everything Kevin did was recorded by the camera and seen by Mallory.

From the beginning of Kevin's execution of Homelander and Storm, she has been in a daze and has not recovered until now.

But Kevin did not care about the reactions of the crowd.

Because just after he executed Homelander and Storm, the icon he had been brewing finally took shape!

The icon is a gray mist with a vague figure in it.

Its name is-

The God of Mist.

"... It's really the God of Mist. Tsk, he should have called himself the God of the Sea... No, he should have called himself God."

Kevin muttered in his heart.

The icon generated by the skill tree is indeed related to the God of Mist created by Kevin himself.

This made Kevin regret it very much.

If he had said that he was the god of the sea, or God Jehovah, or even the Eastern Heavenly Dao, would he have taken off directly now?

But who could have thought that something he created on a whim would affect his future path?

There is no manual for this broken skill tree. If Kevin had known that the future path was related to cognition, how could he be so casual!

The only good news now is that there are two more blurred skill icons next to the skill of the God of Mist, and there are lines extending backwards, proving that this is not the limit and Kevin's potential has not been nailed down.

Otherwise, if he really becomes this useless God of Mist in the future, Kevin will really want to cry without tears.

The skill icon appears, and Kevin's purpose of coming to this world is also achieved.

The next step is to end the whole incident.

Mallory and the people at the hearing were all stagnant for a long time after Kevin executed Homelander and Storm.

Kevin's actions today not only scared them, but also made the country's judicial procedures meaningless.

It can be expected that more people like Kevin will emerge in the future, imitating his approach to "lynch" certain people.

Kevin does need to be responsible for this, but he is not too worried.

Powerful superhumans like Homelander and Storm are dead, and the Vought Group will be completely turbulent and collapsed because of what happened today.

Without Vought behind the scenes, the world is much safer.

Even if some self-proclaimed righteous lynchers appear, I believe that people in this world can deal with them.

Now is the time to wrap up.

"Okay, Homelander and Storm are dead, and my work is done. Next, you can continue your hearing. I won't bother you. I'm leaving."

Stop when you are ahead.

Kevin, who has achieved his goal, has no intention of staying at the hearing.

He smiled at the camera and Mallory, drew a portal and turned away.

After he left, the hearing site, which had transformed into a fantasy space, slowly returned to its original state.

The flying floor fell back to the ground, and the cracked wall was restored and healed.

The bodies of Homelander and Storm, who were executed privately by Kevin, were also revealed to everyone.

Including in the camera.

The police outside the mirror space met with the people in the hearing room who were covered by Kevin in the mirror space. They saw the two bodies on the ground that were once called Homelander and Storm. Their throats moved, and then some people began to vomit.

Someone started, and the vomiting sound began to continue.

Gradually, the hearing site was filled with a strange smell mixed with rotten food and stomach acid.

Mallory did not vomit. He looked at the two bodies on the ground and the camera running on the side, sighed deeply, and casually threw the remaining documents in his hand on the table.

None of them thought that Homelander would die in this way.

Even more, they never thought that today's hearing would end in such a bloody way.

But now all this is no longer important.

The important thing is that the Vought Group is really finished this time.

Homelander is dead, and with the evidence given by Kevin, no one in the world can help them.

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