
Only the Marvel Universe has its own variant, but there is actually another possibility.

Kevin closed his eyes slightly and stopped to think.

He took his thoughts back and continued to sit on the 'Ice Throne' he created, eyes closed as if asleep.

In the space and time he was in, time seemed to have stopped, and everything was motionless.

Only the blue light band still flowing in the timeline proves that time here still exists.

Under the flowing blue light, Kevin's body continued to grow.

It didn't take long for his body to change from that of a boy to that of a young man.

When his body grew into the shape of a young man, Kevin's growth stopped. He still closed his eyes and sat motionless on the throne, holding on to the timeline.

It's like being dead.

An unknown amount of time passed like this, and finally, in front of his eyes, a vertical crack in space suddenly appeared.

Then, a transparent, pale, dead-like arm reached out and grabbed Kevin's collar!

The arm appeared suddenly, but it moved slowly.

As if deliberately giving Kevin time to react, he slowly and little by little moved closer to Kevin.

But what's strange is that Kevin didn't react at all.

That hand is getting closer and closer to Kevin, getting closer...

But when the arm was about to approach Kevin, suddenly a figure appeared in front of Kevin!

Blue uniform, red cloak, and a curvy figure.

It's Supergirl Kara!

She stood in front of Kevin as if she had been waiting here for a long time, and grabbed the pale arm with one hand:

"Isn't it a little bad to disturb other people's sleep?"

Kara asked with a smile.

It was clearly a void without air, but it could convey her voice.

The hand was grabbed by Kara, who seemed to be stunned for a moment and did not move for a long time.

But soon the hand retracted.

Feeling the power coming from the pale arm, Kara's expression changed slightly.

As Supergirl, she is still exposed to the sun on the earth, and she also has the Kryptonian life secret code in her body. Her strength is not comparable to that of Superman, but it is not much different.

Propelling a planet like Earth may be a little off.

But there is definitely no problem in pushing the moon!

Such a powerful force could not stop the arm from retracting!

However, this also aroused Kara's competitive spirit. She stared hard, grabbed the pale arm, and tried to pull it out of the space crack.

But the pale arm didn't want to wrestle with Kara.

Minding its own business, it slowly but steadily shrank back.

"Damn it!"

Kara held her arm tightly, but was unable to stop her arm from retracting. Until then, another hand stretched out from Kara's side and also fell on the pale arm.

"let me help you."

Superman Clark's steady voice appeared in Kara's ears, and the two Kryptonians competed with the pale arm.

And it seems to be paying off.

The pale arm retracted a little slower.

But it was only a little slower.

However, Kara and Clark did not show any anxiety. They had achieved their goals by coming here at this moment.

That is delaying time.


The sound of glass colliding in the void.

The mirror space spread out in an instant, covering the entire void with Kevin sitting on the throne as the center.

Then a series of golden rune sticks fell from above.

They fixed the space crack that the pale arm was about to retract, and not only that, they also opened it a little.

The crack became much larger than before. From the perspective of Kara and Clark, a hazy human shape could be vaguely seen.

Kara and Clark once again burst out with Kryptonian power, and even briefly let the arm stay for a while.

But before the two of them could continue to exert force, they pulled the arm out.

From the crack in space, another arm stretched out.

The arm was equally pale, but instead of trying to separate Kara and Clark's hands, it spread its palms.

A green kryptonite appeared in the palm of his hand.

Kara: "!?"

Clark: "!!"

The appearance of Kryptonite caused the strength of the two Kryptonians to decline rapidly, and they were no longer able to prevent the 'escape' of their arms.

"Okay, let it go."

Suddenly, Gu Yi appeared in the distance.

She smiled at Kara and Clark and motioned for them to leave.

Kara and Clark did as they were told, and left quickly before their strength was weakened to its lowest point.

Ancient One also started to cast spells while the two left.

She was performing tedious and complicated hand seals with her hands, and as she moved, the rune magic wands that had just been inserted into the space rift also emitted a dazzling light.


The sound of glass breaking was particularly obvious, and the space hidden by the pale arm was also expanded by the magic wand on it!

The phantom inside the space became more and more obvious, and the two pale arms seemed to know that they could not change the outcome of exposure, so they stayed and stopped shrinking back.

In the end, the shadow within the rift was finally exposed to everyone.

And Gu Yi also took this opportunity to use the scarlet chain to wrap around the figure in the crack and drag it directly into the void!

At this moment, the owner of the pale arm was finally exposed to everyone.

The heroes sent by Ancient One also saw the appearance of the pale arm.

"... It feels a bit like a mummy."

Star-Lord, wearing a helmet, commented on it.

Rocket, standing on the shoulder of Groot, looked at him and retorted:

"Is it more appropriate to say that he is a mummy?"

"It is not strong at all." Drax said: "I thought it would be a very strong opponent..."

There was some disappointment in his tone.

Drax was quite excited when he heard that he would fight with a strong man at the level of the multiverse.

But who knew that in the end, he would face a dry guy who looked like a corpse.

The Guardians of the Galaxy chatted and joked as usual, without any tension.

Annie, who was used to them, ignored it.

She stood beside Ancient One, looked at the mummy below, and then looked at Kevin who was still sitting on the throne with his eyes closed, not knowing what he was doing. She took a deep breath and asked Ancient One:

"Master Ancient One, is this our final enemy?"

"Yes, but not."

Ancient One said with a complicated expression.

"Please!" Rocket couldn't help it: "Don't play dumb at this time! Yes is yes, no is no! Give me a definite answer, okay!"

Ancient One didn't look at Rocket, still staring at the pale mummy, whispering:

"I said yes because he is indeed the person Kevin is on guard against, and I said no... because he is dead, and there is only his body here."

"You want to say we are fighting a dead person?!"

Star-Lord's eyes widened under the mask, and the red eyes on the mask were brighter.

He thought Ancient One was joking.

But unfortunately, at such a critical moment, Ancient One never joked.

"You are right, we are indeed fighting a 'dead person'."

Ancient One said in a flat tone.

After that, without waiting for Star-Lord to ask, she waved her hands, and everyone present was covered with a layer of golden magic shield.

The magic shield is like the most close-fitting clothes, tightly attached to everyone's body.

This shield can strengthen everyone's defense and save everyone's life at a critical moment.

When Ancient One cast this defensive magic, it proved that the decisive battle... had begun.

No need for Ancient One to explain.

The heroes on the X-Men side took the first step.

Shockwave Alex was the first to act. He stepped forward, gathered the scarlet energy in his chest, and aimed at the mummy in front of him to activate his ability.

The red energy turned into a thick ray and hit the mummy directly, almost completely engulfing it!

But soon everyone found something wrong.

Alex's scarlet energy not only failed to cause damage to the mummy, but also seemed to replenish the opponent's energy. There was even a little redness on the pale arm of the mummy.

"Alex! Stop!!"

Charles ordered immediately.

But what he got was Alex's painful response:

"No... No Charles! My ability... can't be turned off!!"

Charles' face changed when he heard this, and he quickly looked at Ancient One.

Ancient One immediately raised his hand and created a portal in front of Alex, cutting off the energy connection between Alex and the mummy.

The next second, Alex half-knelt painfully on the temporary ground, gasping for breath.

Alex's ability is the same as his brother Cyclops's.

Both connect to another space full of energy and release the energy inside.

In other words, Alex's ability is actually to create an open door between reality and that space.

Alex is that door.

Therefore, when the door cannot be closed, the energy inside will continue to flow out.

Just now, Alex didn't know why he couldn't close the "door" on the other side, which caused the energy to overflow continuously and provide energy to the mummy.

This is obviously the mummy's fault.

But Alex can't do it, which doesn't mean that others can't do it.

Superman and Supergirl, the cousins, looked at each other and released their heat vision at the same time.

Two identical rays fell on the chest of the mummy from two angles.

But soon Superman and Supergirl stopped again.

Because their heat vision was also absorbed by the mummy.

Not only did it fail to cause harm to the enemy, but it also became a helper to the enemy.

"... Black Emperor."

Charles, who was observing this scene, silently uttered a person's name.

That was the enemy that the X-Men faced when they were first formed, the Black Emperor.

The ability of the Black Emperor is that he can absorb all energy for his own use, whether it is kinetic energy or other abilities, or even nuclear energy, he can absorb it.

Therefore, Charles and his team's battle with the Black Emperor was very difficult.

If the Black Emperor's helmet that blocked his psychic ability had not been taken off by Magneto in the end, it would still be unknown who would win the battle.

And now, Charles felt that he was facing another Black Emperor.

A Black Emperor who would not be controlled by the mind and seemed to have no weaknesses.

"Energy attack doesn't work?"

Gu Yi frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

She looked at Kevin sitting on the throne and thought a lot in an instant.

After a little hesitation, Gu manipulated the mirror space to infinitely increase the distance between Kevin and the mummy.

Her behavior obviously angered the mummy, which suddenly opened its shriveled eyes, its pupils dark without any white, and stared at Gu Yi.

"He... He opened his eyes!"

Star-Lord was startled.

Nothing is more terrifying than the resurrection of the 'dead', especially when this dead person seems to be quite powerful.

Annie also became nervous, and she asked for the advice of Ancient One:

"Master Ancient One, what should we do now?"



"Delay time... This is the only thing we can do now."

Ancient One said calmly.

It was only after knowing that the mummy in front of him could absorb all energy that Ancient One vaguely understood what Kevin wanted to do by gathering them together.

Kevin didn't want them to defeat the mummy, and they didn't have the strength to defeat it.

The reason why Kevin gathered everyone was to let everyone help him delay time.

Ancient One didn't know what Kevin was going to do during this period, but she believed that Kevin should not do meaningless things.

So now what they have to do is very clear.


Delay as long as possible.

When everyone realized what they should do, the next thing was much simpler. It was nothing more than a righteous group fight.

Since energy attacks didn't work, they just played close combat.

Wolverine Logan was the first to attack.

Magneto King Eric cooperated with him. Eric controlled Wolverine's body and threw him at the mummy like a cannonball.

The steel claws in Logan's hand popped out and stabbed the mummy hard!

Logan's claws were made of adamantium, and even now they were blessed by the magic of the Ancient One. Normally, even weapons made of adamantium should not be able to withstand Logan's claws.

But the mummy was obviously unusual.

Logan's adamantium was inserted into the opponent's body, but it couldn't even break the surface of the skin.

The others were not surprised to see this.

They just looked more solemn, staring at the mummy, and whispered about how to deal with the mummy.

At present, the mummy seems to have only a few instincts, and even if it is attacked, it seems that it will not fight back.

If so, maybe everyone does not need to think about defeating him, just think about how to seal him.

As for sealing...

This kind of thing really needs a wizard.

The others were about to go to Ancient One to discuss, but what everyone did not expect was that Logan, who was originally waving his claws to try to break the skin of the mummy, suddenly flew backwards!

Some people saw that before Logan flew backwards, the mummy's eyes without any whites lightly swept Logan, and then Logan flew away at high speed as if he was hit by a train.

Logan flew out very fast. If Magneto had not used his ability to catch Logan with his quick eyes and hands, Logan would probably fly directly out of the mirror space.

But although Logan was safe and sound, everyone's mood became worse and worse.

The mummy fought back!

This proved that their previous conjecture was incorrect. This guy did not act simply by instinct.

And what everyone did not expect was still to come.

After knocking Logan away, the mummy's eyes moved, its head tilted slightly to the side, and suddenly opened its mouth, making a dry and unpleasant sound:

"You, want, to, stop, me?"

He paused for a moment, as if he was not used to speaking.

Among the people who heard this, several people took a breath of cold air.

It is already quite outrageous that a dead person can move and fight back.

Now the other party can actually speak, which is even more outrageous!

Whose dead person can move and speak? !

If he can move and speak, can he still be called a 'dead person'? !

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