Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 318 Differences

"He he he...he spoke!!"

When someone saw the corpse speak, they let out a sharp scream.

No one looked at who was screaming, after all, everyone was in the same mood now.

The skinny mummy without consciousness and self just now was able to block the energy attacks of others and invalidate Logan's adamantium.

So what kind of power does the corpse that now has self-awareness and seems to be "alive" have?

Everyone present was a "master" who had fought with many strong men, so when the corpse came back to life, everyone felt a sense of crisis.

"What the hell is this!?"

Logan stood firm again, staring at the mummy in front of him, expressing the common doubts in everyone's heart.

Some people looked at Gu Yi, and some people stared at the mummy.

Gu Yi opened his mouth slightly to answer, and saw the mummy suddenly turned around and looked at Kevin who was sitting on the throne in the distance with his eyes closed.

"Just these people, can they stop me!?"

He spoke more and more fluently, except that his dry and hoarse voice was still unpleasant, his speaking speed was not much different from that of an ordinary person.

It seemed that he was completely "alive" at this moment.

"Hey!" Star-Lord was not happy to hear this. He flew down from above, got closer to the mummy, pointed his guns at him and said:

"What do you mean by 'just these people'? Do you know who we are!? We are Ian and the Guardians! We have even fought Thanos and the gods, so why are we afraid of you, a mummy?!"

Star-Lord said, and raised his hand to shoot at the mummy.

But the mummy didn't react. He just raised his hand, glanced at Star-Lord, and then continued to say to Kevin:

"I thought you would have some preparations, but I didn't expect... In the end, I overestimated you."

"Hey, hey, hey, did you listen to me..."

Seeing that the mummy ignored him, Star-Lord pulled the trigger unwillingly.

But after just firing two shots, he felt something was wrong with his body.


Gamora suddenly shouted at Star-Lord, who looked at her in confusion, then looked down at his body, only to find that his body was actually disintegrating and dissipating like dust.

"Oh... This is not fun..."

Muttering to himself, Star-Lord completely turned into smoke and dust and dissipated into the void.


Gamora cried out in pain as she saw her lover disappear in front of her.

Then she looked at the mummy angrily, drew out the long sword in her hand that was enchanted by Ancient One, and slashed straight at the mummy:

"Give Peter back!!!"

"Gamora, calm down!"

Seeing Gamora rushing forward without any reason, Nebula followed her and tried to pull Gamora back.

But it was too late.

The mummy didn't even look at Gamora this time. When Gamora was about to approach him within a certain range, Gamora's body, like Star-Lord, turned into a puff of brown smoke and dissipated in the void.

Nebula, who was closest to her, only had time to grab a handful of dust that had not yet disappeared, and was stunned.

The two people turned into dust silently, which stunned everyone present.

Ancient One was also slightly startled, but she reacted the fastest. When Gamora was also dissipated, Ancient One waved his hands in front of his chest, and a green light lit up in the middle of her heart.

The Eye of Agamotto opened, and the Time Stone tried to reverse time and save the person who turned into ashes.

But the mummy in the distance raised his hand at this time and pointed at Ancient One at the back of the crowd.


The Time Stone shattered immediately, and the entire Eye of Agamotto was also completely destroyed.

Even the Ancient One himself was shaken as if he had suffered a severe injury. His body suddenly became transparent, and dense cracks appeared on the surface of his skin.

Unable to defeat.

This is not an opponent that everyone can defeat.

Not to mention gathering all the hero teams in the multiverse together, even if the strongest people in the entire universe, whether they are righteous heroes or super villains, are gathered here, they are definitely not the opponents of this mummy.

Just as the Supreme Sorcerer Wen Yi said to Kevin before.

The mummy is already an existence beyond the current dimension. Even if he has not completely transcended this American comic universe, he is definitely not an existence that can be defeated by others who are still in this dimension.

The Ancient One also understood this.

She looked at the broken body and smiled helplessly.

Then she waved her hands and sent some superheroes with ordinary physical fitness away from this void.

The X-Men were the first group of people to be sent back. Except for Magneto, Storm and Logan, everyone else was sent back to their original world by the Ancient One.

In the DC Universe's Justice League, the two Batmen were sent away by the Ancient One at the same time, leaving only those who were not ordinary people.

All the people in the Black Robe World and the Guardians of the Galaxy stayed.

Except for Rocket, their physical fitness was almost the same as that of Kryptonians after the magic bonus. Although they were still serving food in front of the mummy, at least they could delay for a while.

After doing all this, the Ancient One looked at Kevin for the last time:

"... I hope your choice is right."

After saying that, the Ancient One also dissipated like smoke and dust, leaving only the mirror space maintained by magic, still remaining in this void.


When Supergirl saw the action of Ancient One and the scene of Ancient One disappearing, she immediately called Superman's name.

Superman and Kara looked at each other, and then they flew to the mummy in the center at the same time!

The two figures collided with the mummy like a meteor.

The mummy stubbornly resisted the power of Superman and Supergirl, wrestled with the two Kryptonians, and mocked them.

"Haha, Superman? Supergirl?"

He smiled ugly, made an unpleasant laugh, and slowly raised his hands.

In an instant, countless green stones emerged from his skin and fell to the ground.

That was kryptonite!

He could actually create objects out of thin air!

As we all know, the weakness of Kryptonians is kryptonite. When kryptonite appears, even the most powerful Superman will become weak and gradually become like an ordinary person.

For some reason, the mummy did not use the method of making Superman and Supergirl disappear to deal with them, but used kryptonite instead.

The appearance of Kryptonite will weaken the power of the two Kryptonians... It should be so.

However, after more than ten seconds, when Superman and Supergirl still maintained their previous strength, the ugly smile on the mummy's face disappeared.

He looked at the golden magic on the two Kryptonians and sneered:

"Humph, magic..."

The last magic left by Ancient One allowed Superman and Supergirl to isolate the weakness of Kryptonite.

The mummy also discovered this after close contact with them.

But it was useless.

Since Kryptonite did not play the role it should have played, then defeat them in other ways.

The mummy slowly raised his hands and slowly moved towards the necks of Superman and Supergirl.

At such a slow speed, anyone could dodge it, let alone Superman and Supergirl, the gods of the world in DC.

But the fact is just the opposite.

The arm that seemed to be raised slowly, but in the next moment, it directly pinched the necks of Superman and Supergirl!

It felt very strange and uncomfortable.

It was as if some of the scenes in the middle were suddenly taken away!

"Uh, does it look bad...?"

Seeing that the two Kryptonians were held in the hands of the mummy, Dark Lightning murmured.

The Flash took a deep breath, took a starting position, and said to Dark Lightning:

"It's not 'looks', it's really not good! It's time to take action, Barry!"

"Okay! Barry!"

The two Barries took a starting position at the same time, and two figures, one blue and one red, brought two arcs in the void, attacking the mummy from two different directions!

Wonder Woman followed closely behind, and her speed was only a step slower than the Flashes with her demigod power.

Although the speed of Aquaman Arthur was not as fast as the two Barries, he also took a deep breath and rushed down with the silver trident in his hand.

DC's actions were like the starting gun on the field, giving everyone a signal to attack.

Everyone took action.

The Guardians of the Galaxy, who were "dead" by Star-Lord and Gamora, were the fastest team except for the DC people.

There were only three X-Men members left here, Magneto and Storm. They looked at each other and flew high into the sky towards the mummy.

Logan took a deep breath, flicked out his steel claws again, and went up to meet them.

In the end, only the people in black robes had not taken action.

It was not that they did not want to act, but they were stopped by Butcher before they acted.


Anne frowned and looked at Butcher.

Butcher pointed at Kevin in the distance and asked:

"Why don't we find a way to move him away?"

As he said that, Butcher looked at Huey.

Huey blinked and looked in the direction of Kevin and was about to act, but was soon stopped by Anne:

"Wait, have you forgotten that Kevin is now... controlling all the timelines. If he leaves now..."

"If he doesn't leave now, he will never have the chance to control these shitty timelines again in the future!"

Butcher's idea was simple. Instead of rushing up and dying stupidly, it would be better to retreat strategically and take Kevin to a safe place.

As for the collapse of the timeline, Butcher had never seen it after all, and as long as Kevin was alive, he would definitely find a way in the future.

It's better than waiting to die here!

Anne opened her mouth slightly, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Butcher ignored her and ordered Huey directly:

"Huey! Go take Kevin away!"


Huey was about to agree, but suddenly someone interrupted and said:

"I advise you not to do this."


Several people immediately turned their heads to look.

Then they saw Rocket, the little raccoon who was originally with the Guardians.

For some reason, he did not rush up with the Guardians, but came here and took down an instrument that was too big for him from his back.

He placed the instrument in front of them and said:

"Although I don't know how Kevin arranged it, I can be sure that he definitely doesn't want you to take him away."

"...What is this?"

Butcher looked Rocket up and down, then looked at the instrument Rocket took out and asked.

Rocket grinned:

"This? This is what Kevin asked me to make. We can call it... [Time Bomb]!"

"Wait, why... why do we call it a time bomb?"

Huey cooperated and asked the question that everyone was concerned about.

Rocket laughed: "Because if this thing is not used properly, it will blow up the entire timeline with us!"

Annie took a breath when she heard Rocket's words. She pointed at the [Time Bomb] with wide eyes and asked:

"Are you sure Kevin asked you to build this thing?!"

"Of course!" Rocket said confidently: "Although the main function of this thing is to assist in constraining the timeline, if it is not used properly, it will explode instantly and cause all timelines to collapse! But don't worry, it has insurance, and it won't explode under normal circumstances."

Butcher's mouth twitched again and again when he heard this.

He was silent for a while, turned to Huey and said:

"...Huey, you should go and take Kevin away."

"Okay, okay."

Seeing that Butcher seemed to be scared by himself, Rocket shrugged in boredom:

"Don't be so nervous, I promise this thing won't explode. After all, this is what Kevin asked us to do, and we don't want to die here."


Butcher still didn't quite believe it.

He looked in the direction of the mummy in the distance.

Although the multiverse team assembled by Kevin was fighting hard against the mummy, only Superman and other members of the Justice League could get close to the mummy.

All the remaining people, except Wolverine, who approached the mummy were turned into dust and drifted into the void.

Butcher could see this scene, and Rocket could see it too.

When he saw that all his stupid companions had followed Quill's footsteps, Rocket clenched his fists.

He picked up another weapon on his back, loaded it with bullets, and then shouted in Kevin's direction:

"Hey! Kevin! If we really die this time, we will curse you in another world!"

After shouting this, Rocket activated the jet on his body and flew towards the mummy with a shout.

Rocket's fearless follower, the Silver Guardians, followed in their footsteps.

The remaining black-robed people looked at each other, and finally Huey picked up the things left by Rocket and disappeared from everyone.

When he appeared again, he was already beside Kevin.

The black-robed people watched Huey put the things down, and then the eyes of the others fell on Butcher and Annie.

Annie looked at Butcher, and she turned around to face the mummy without hesitation.

With her back to Butcher, she said:

"Kevin's friends are willing to believe him, so I am willing to believe him too."


"Don't persuade me, I won't back down at the last minute."

"No, that's not what I want to say. Don't you think it's strange?"

Butcher held Annie, pointed at the mummy fighting with the Justice League, and asked:

"Why do other people turn into dust when they get close to the living dead, but the two parallel time and space 'Homelanders', and... the two people with electric lights all over their bodies are fine?"

Hearing Butcher's words, everyone in the black-robed world was stunned.

They looked towards the center of the battlefield.

Sure enough, the 'Homelanders' from another world and several others were doing their best to stop the mummy from moving forward.

They showed no signs of turning into dust.

On the contrary, the others.

Whether it was the X-Men or the powerful Captain Marvel, they all turned into dust when they got close to the mummy.

Only Wolverine was left struggling with his own strong self-healing ability.

So... why is this happening?

Annie thought in confusion.

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