Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 319 I just caught you by chance

The ability of the mummy to turn people into ashes seems to be only for the X-Men and the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Or more accurately, the people in the Marvel Universe.

Of course, Anne didn't know the difference between the Marvel Universe and the DC Universe. In her opinion, both are parallel universes and there is no distinction.

But Anne can be sure that she has definitely overlooked something?

What is it?

Anne looked at the group of people fighting the mummy, and then looked in Kevin's direction.

Or it could be said that it was the timeline restraint placed next to Kevin.

This thing seems to exist only in the Guardians of the Galaxy and the parallel universes related to them. It seems that it does not exist in the world of superheroes like Homelander.

Is it the timeline?

Anne thought about it for a long time but had no clue.

In the end, she simply didn't think about it and said to Butcher:

"It's useless to think it through now. We don't have time."


Butcher remained silent.

Anne was right. What's the use of thinking so much now?

In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks are useless.

The reason why Kevin called them here was to let them delay as much time as possible.

From this point, it can be seen that Kevin did not expect Butcher and his group to defeat the mummy.


The people of the Justice League attacked the mummy like mad dogs, making the mummy's face show some anger.

Although the attacks of the people of the Justice League were of no use to the mummy.

Not to mention that he was injured, some of the energy attacks even made his skin rounder.

But the "fruit" was close at hand, but he could not move forward at all, which still made the mummy feel a little anxious and dissatisfied.

As his ability gradually recovered, the mummy stopped entangled with this group of people.

Seeing that Superman and others were still blocking him, the mummy roared, and his arm, which had changed from "dry" to "thin", was raised in front of him smoothly.

On his right hand, round gems appeared on the back of his hand as if they were inlaid on his fingers.

Taking advantage of the impact of the roar to blow everyone away, the mummy raised his right hand, rubbed his thumb, index finger and middle finger, and snapped his fingers instantly.


The crisp sound echoed in the void, and a layer of visible impact fell on everyone close to him.

Logan, who was struggling to hold on, was the first to turn into dust.

Before turning into ashes, he showed a helpless smile, glanced at Kevin who had not woken up yet, and shook his head:

"...I really owe you."

Then he followed in the footsteps of others.

The remaining people in the Justice League, although they did not turn into ashes like Logan, their bodies were also becoming illusory, as if... they were about to cease to exist in this world.

"Damn! It's time!"

Wonder Woman Diana was the first to figure out what the power that made them illusory was: "He wanted us to not exist from the beginning-"

Before Diana finished her words, her figure disappeared first.

The remaining few people in the Justice League just understood what Diana meant, but they were already powerless to stop it from happening.

When the snap was made, they were greeted with the same ending as everyone else.

Time was reversed, back to a time period when they had never appeared here.

Even under the influence of time, they might not even remember what happened here.

So far, except for the black-robed people who had not yet participated in the team battle, all the helpers Kevin invited were killed.

"Are we the only ones left?"

Annie looked at her companions and confirmed each other's eyes.

Then she took a deep breath, and a light emanated from her body. Driven by the starlight, she landed in the middle of the route where the mummy was about to approach Kevin.

Her body was shining, like a star twinkling in the void. Annie stood in front of the mummy and said coldly:

"I won't let you get close to Kevin!"

"...Who are you? Which version of Captain Marvel is this?"

The mummy was also stunned when he saw Annie.

He looked Annie up and down for a long time, and his pure black eyes seemed to reveal great doubts.

"My name is Starlight! You bastard!"

Annie shouted out her hero's name loudly, raised both hands at the same time, and released dazzling starlight.

The light turned into rays, illuminating the entire void.

But the mummy still did not dodge, and took Annie's attack head-on. Not only that, Annie's energy seemed to have become his nourishment, making his skin more full, no longer as dry as at the beginning.

At this moment, the mummy...can no longer be called a mummy, he should be called the ragged mysterious man.

The mysterious man absorbed the energy released by Annie, felt the purest electrical energy in the energy, and frowned even deeper.

"It doesn't look like Captain Marvel... where did it come from?"

He looked at Annie in confusion, and finally shook his head: "Forget it, it doesn't matter, disappear."

The mysterious man said, and was about to snap his fingers again.

But suddenly, he found that Butcher appeared beside him at some point, holding his fingers tightly with a smile:

"You seem to kill people with this?"

"Who are you?"

Looking at Butcher, the mysterious man frowned even deeper.

Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be completely unfamiliar with Butcher and his group, and he might not even know the existence of the Black Robe Universe.

Butcher did not understand what this meant.

But he didn't need to understand.

Holding the mysterious man's finger, Butcher knew that he was definitely not the opponent of this mysterious man.

You should know that Butcher's current strength is almost the same as that of the former motherland, but even with such strength, he can't compete with the other party's two fingers!

This is simply outrageous!

Therefore, Butcher immediately judged that this was definitely not an opponent he could deal with.

But it doesn't matter, Butcher didn't want to defeat him.

He just wanted to attract this man's attention.

"Huey!!!" Butcher shouted Huey's name loudly.

Huey, who had just sent Butcher here and took Annie away, appeared next to Butcher again.

He held the mysterious man's other arm tightly with both hands and used his telepathic transmission ability with all his strength.

He was trying to move the mysterious man away from here!

Since Kevin couldn't be moved, he might as well move the mysterious man. This was Butcher's plan for Huey.

It was just because the mysterious man was too powerful, Butcher was worried that Huey would suddenly appear, and the mysterious man would directly deal with Huey first and make him disappear, so he made a feint to the east and attack the west to attract the attention of the mysterious man.

Now it seems that he has succeeded halfway!

The remaining half depends on whether Huey can move the mysterious man away!

But... after a few seconds, the mysterious man still stayed in the same place.

Butcher's face changed instantly:

"Huey, what are you doing?!"

"I... I have been trying very hard to move him away..."

Huey was sweating coldly.

He really tried very hard to move the mysterious man away, but for some reason, when he put his hand on the mysterious man, he felt that his ability seemed to disappear, and he couldn't use it at all!

"It turns out that it's a group of knockoffs..."

The mysterious man seemed to understand their nature and snorted disdainfully.

He didn't continue to look at Butcher and Huey, his body shook slightly, and the two were bounced out.

At the same time, during the bounce, the two saw the mysterious man snap his fingers again with the hand full of gems.


"…I'm really dead now."

Butterl only had time to sigh before his body broke apart, dissipating like data fragments.

The same happened to Huey. He didn't even have time to sigh before he ended up like Butcher.

Until the end, only Annie was left standing in front of Kevin, facing the mysterious man approaching him.

Fear flowed in Annie's heart.

She knew that the mysterious man was not an opponent she could deal with, and she knew that she was just like air when she stood in front of him, and she couldn't stop him even for a second.

But Annie still stood here.

Because she was a superhero and the only one who could protect Kevin now.

So even if she died like everyone else, Annie would never retreat even a step.

But having said that, Annie still hoped in her heart that Kevin would open his eyes at the last critical moment.

Just like those classic movie plots.

When the heroine was in crisis, the hero rushed to save her at the most critical moment.

Then defeat the villain and create a good story.

That's what Annie thought.

It's just a pity that reality is not a movie.

When the mysterious man walked in front of Annie and pointed at Annie with his hand full of gems, Kevin still didn't wake up.

When Annie's body dissipated like glass fragments, Kevin still closed his eyes.

With a helpless smile, Annie turned her head and stretched out her hand to Kevin before she disappeared, as if she was stroking his cheek in the air.

"You bastard... never met my expectations..."

Finally, Annie said this sentence as if complaining, and her figure also dissipated from the void.

The mysterious man who heard Annie's words raised his eyebrows and looked at Kevin sitting on the throne:

"Should I keep her? She looks like your wife... Forget it, it doesn't matter."

The mysterious man said, and walked forward step by step.

Without anyone to stop him, he was finally able to reach out to Kevin this time.

But just as his hand was about to fall on Kevin's head, the man sitting on the throne suddenly opened his eyes.

Blue light flashed through his eyes, and Kevin looked at the mysterious man who was close at hand without any emotion.

The mysterious man's pupils shrank slightly, and he subconsciously retracted his hand.

He squinted at Kevin:

"Do you still retain your self-awareness?"

The mysterious man's tone was very surprised.

He seemed to be sure that Kevin would never regain his self-awareness, so he was so arrogant just now.

But even if Kevin could retain his self-awareness now, the mysterious man was not afraid at all.

He showed pity on his pale face and said to Kevin:

"You might as well not wake up, at least that way you won't feel the pain."

"Who... are you...?"

Kevin made a sound.

His voice was hoarse and stiff, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time.

Kevin was asking about the identity of the mysterious man.

The mysterious man did not answer immediately. His eyes first fell on the timeline that Kevin was holding tightly, and followed the blue timeline to look at the "roots" farther away.

After a long time, he said to Kevin calmly:

"I am your benefactor."


"Don't be surprised. To you, I am indeed your benefactor. Otherwise, why do you think you came to this world? If it weren't for me, your soul would still be floating in the sea of ​​souls until it completely turned into nothingness. It was me. Saved you!"

The mysterious man said coldly.

Kevin was quiet for a long time before asking:

"You want to say that the person I was before time travel...was already...dead?"

"Of course! Only the souls of the dead can enter the Sea of ​​Souls, and only the souls that enter the Sea of ​​Souls have the opportunity to come to this world! I chose you!"

The mysterious man became more and more passionate and angry as he spoke. At the end of his speech, he pointed at Kevin sharply:

"I made you what you are! I made you what you are now, and now you actually want to escape your original fate?! I will never allow it!!!"

If it was really the mysterious man who allowed the dead Kevin to travel to this world, then it would not be too much to say that he was Kevin's savior.

Since it was the other party who saved Kevin and allowed Kevin to travel to this world, it is not too much for Kevin to hand himself over to the other party at the last moment.

However, Kevin also has his own questions.

"If that's the case, why didn't you tell me from the beginning?"

Kevin asked.

If the other party can really pull his soul out of that sea of ​​souls and put it into the Marvel universe, then he should also be able to talk to Kevin.

But obviously the other party didn't do this.

He kept Kevin alone and never communicated with Kevin.

If the other party had made a good deal with Kevin's soul from the beginning and made it clear that this was a deal, then Kevin might really give up resistance and give everything he had to the other party.

The mysterious man was obviously confused by Kevin's words. He was silent for a long time without giving an answer.

Finally, he found a reason that sounded reasonable and said:

" who are fully developed without any influence can meet my conditions, so I can't have contact with you, and I can't do anything to affect your growth."

The mysterious man said so.

There was something meaningful in Kevin's blue eyes.

Let's leave it at that for now.

"why me?"

Kevin finally asked.

If there really is a so-called sea of ​​souls, the number of souls in it should be beyond imagination. Why did the mysterious man choose Kevin instead of others?

Compared to the previous question, this question seemed quite simple to the mysterious man.

He answered almost without thinking:

"Because I happened to catch you."

"…What's the meaning?"

"The Sea of ​​Souls is in a higher dimension, and after I barely escaped, I only had a moment to contact the Sea of ​​Souls, so I had no choice at all. I could only catch whoever I wanted. I just I just caught you by chance."


Hearing this, Kevin was speechless for a moment.

Co-author You are drawing cards here, right?

Just grab whatever you can from the card pool, and you'll get whoever you can... If this is the case, then you don't know whether your luck is good or bad.

Speaking of bad luck, Kevin, who was supposed to be dead, was able to live a second life in another world, and with Goldfinger, the setting of a standard protagonist in a novel, this luck couldn't be better.

But if you really want to say you are lucky...

There is a guy who Kevin can't beat at all, watching him all the time, waiting for him to 'grow' and then devour him.

This luck cannot be said to be good.

All I can say is that blessings and misfortunes depend on each other.

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