Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 320 The real master finally appears

But no matter why the mysterious man brought Kevin here, since he didn't explain this to Kevin in advance, Kevin couldn't sit still and wait for death.

He no longer asked the mysterious man's purpose, but instead asked the mysterious man:

" matter what, you can't let me go, can you?"

"What do you think?"

"All right……"

Understanding the mysterious man's thoughts, Kevin took a deep breath, grasped all the timelines in his hands, and his eyes became firm.

The corners of the mysterious man's mouth raised, and he asked rather disdainfully:

"You want to resist me? Just in your current state?"

"Indeed." Kevin nodded and admitted: "I can't move now, and I can't let go of the timeline in my hands. With my hands and feet bound, I seem to have no choice but to sit back and wait for death..."

Kevin thought so and did the same.

After confirming that the multiverse was safe for the time being, Loki breathed a sigh of relief.

Loki pointed at himself.

Kevin said seriously.

Loki wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Kevin:

"Huh? Me?"

Kevin met the mysterious man's eyes, with no emotion in his pupils:

The mysterious man's eyes widened. Before he could say the word 'Loki' behind him, he felt a pain behind him.

"I know!!!"

The mysterious man is so powerful. In addition to his physical defense, which is stronger than that of Kryptonians, and his absolute magical defense, all the remaining attack methods come from the improved infinite gems in his hands.

Loki stopped and asked, "What's the matter?"

But Kevin did not give the mysterious man time to explain. He looked at the disintegrating Marvel timeline in the distance and said to Loki:

Loki felt that Kevin was looking up to him too much, and he couldn't do such a thing!

Kevin, in his teenage form, stepped on his feet and patted Loki on the shoulder, smiling and saying:

"Don't worry, I will help you when the time comes. I will sort out all the timelines first, and then exchange them with you at the critical moment."

"Once they lose their connection to the Marvel Universe, they're just a stone."

Kevin's muscles were tense, and every cell in his body was accumulating strength, as if he was going to finish the mysterious man here completely.

Now what Kevin means is that when the critical moment comes, he needs to replace Kevin and control the remaining two trees of time.

Kevin doesn't have any clues about that person now, and he doesn't even know who that person is. He only knows that that person may be very strong, very strong, stronger than anyone Loki has ever seen.

"I am sure."

Kevin quickly answered. He looked at the body sitting on the Tree of Time and whispered:

Afterwards, countless timelines passed through the restrainer, re-binding the timeline that collapsed again due to Kevin's departure.

But not like Loki.

Loki can control one of the Trees of Time, but Kevin needs to control the other two.

The mysterious man's eyes were wide open, full of incomprehension.

He looked at Kevin sitting there again and sighed softly:

"ok, I get it……"

Kevin finally shouted to Loki, while holding the trident in his hand, he raised the mysterious man high and threw it towards the void in the distance.

"But who said I was going to fight you?"

Kevin, who secretly stabbed the mysterious man in the back, raised the corner of his mouth:

"You didn't expect that, did you?"

Kevin didn't care about this, he kept moving his hands, and his hands covered with golden blood hammered the mysterious man crazily.

After a brief moment of being beaten, Kevin quickly caught the mysterious man's next punch and wrestled with him.

Seeing him behave like this, Kevin couldn't help but show some pity for him.

He said every word, and without saying a word, he would punch Kevin in the face.

At most, it is just a matter of occasionally mobilizing magic power and attaching it to the body to attack.

Turning around to look, the real Kevin appeared behind him at some point, holding a golden trident, and stabbed the trident hard into the mysterious man's back!

Kevin's eyes showed a look of 'Sure enough,' while the mysterious man's eyes were full of horror. He seemed to have no idea what was happening.

Thinking about the possible person behind the scenes, Loki thought for a long time:

Kevin grinned when he saw this and said:

"After you regain control of the timeline, help me find something... I don't know the specifics. Anyway, try to look as far back as possible in the previous timeline, the further forward the better.

The already filled body was flowing with golden blood.

Loki! ! ?

Kevin replied calmly.

At this moment, the mysterious man understood everything.

"Isn't it obvious?"

Facing the young Kevin who controlled all timelines on his behalf, Loki sighed and asked the Kevin clone beside him:

"Next, you won't be alive, right? Then it's my turn."

Even when the blood flows out, it is still emitting brilliant light.

He even borrowed the Time Management Bureau's device that can interfere with magic and superpowers, turning this place into a place where magic and superpowers are banned.

Kevin has explained to him before that in addition to the current timeline that Loki can control, there are more world lines that are outside the timeline that Loki controls.

And in such a simple and unpretentious battle, it was the mysterious man who was at a disadvantage.

The confidence in those words made Loki unable to help but believe him.

The violent magic tears the enemy's flesh and blood.

The mysterious man does not seem to be human. His body has been sublimated, and his blood is no longer red, but a beautiful golden color.

Loki himself knew how strong he was, and he could barely manage to master a tree of time.

He has never transcended the universe here and has never seen a higher level of scenery.

"Then there will be a time restrainer to help you restrain the timeline, and you don't need to control it for too long. When I get rid of the mastermind behind it, you will be free."

Time seemed to be suspended, and everything in the void stopped.

"Wait a minute, I need you to do one more thing for me."

Then he raised his right hand high, and all the colorful gems on it lit up, as if to amplify his move.

"Exactly...when...was it!?"

Finally, the mysterious man couldn't stand it anymore.



Even with Kevin's help, it would be quite difficult.

He seized the opportunity to get out of the trident's attack range. At the same time, he grabbed Kevin's trident with both hands and shouted angrily:

"You want to resist me?! Resist a person who brought you here and gave you everything!?"

Loki didn't quite understand why Kevin did what he did.

"I couldn't guarantee it before."

Therefore, the two could only fight with fists and fists.

But when the mysterious man snapped his fingers again, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

Just like the remaining people that Loki and Sylvie were preparing to deal with before.

Loki didn't understand why Kevin said this at first.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him! Now that you have an advantage, let’s expand this advantage infinitely! Until it is completely destroyed!

With that said, Loki was about to walk towards the boy and complete the handover of control of the Tree of Time.

"Then it's impossible for me to directly master three..."

However, just when Kevin was about to take action, a sigh came from nowhere.

Loki nodded, hooked his right foot, and the restraint at his foot fell on his hand.

All kinds of unreasonable questions and confusions almost burst the mysterious man's head.

This guy, I'm afraid he hasn't realized yet that all that exists here is his body.

"Damn it! Damn it!!" The mysterious man was furious and helpless.

The two abandoned all fancy fighting methods and used the most primitive, fist-to-hand hand-to-hand combat to decide the outcome.

But during the seemingly suspended time, Kevin and the mysterious man still retained their own thoughts.

Go back in time to the moment when Kevin finally returned to the Marvel world to meet Loki.

His eyes flickered slightly, recalling the previous agreement with Kevin.

And Kevin follows closely behind.

"It's very simple. It just completely isolates you from the Marvel Universe. What you have in your hand is the Infinity Stone, right? Although it seems to be the Infinity Stone that has been transformed by you, it cannot escape the scope of the Marvel Universe after all. .

When he said this, there was a mocking look on his face:

"Are you shameless?"

The mastermind.

The mysterious man who was attacked by Kevin felt the pain in his body, as well as Kevin's undisguised murderous intent and renounced anger.

After doing this, Loki said to Kevin:

"We have limited time!"

Neither the mysterious man nor Kevin could move at all.


"You are sure that you will let me come down from the Tree of Time after everything is over, right?"


The mysterious man who is arrogant in front of a group of heroes, the strong man who can wipe out people in a blink of an eye, can't beat the half-hearted 'transcendent' like Kevin.

But just like that, the mysterious man was no match for him.

"Who are you--!?"

Now that all of Kevin's helpers have been taken care of by him, only Kevin is left. Besides Kevin, who else can be the opponent of the mysterious man?

The mysterious man originally thought this until he saw the light in Kevin's eyes in front of him change from blue to green.

Kevin grinned and clenched his fists again.

"What do you want me to do after that?"

Watching Kevin and the mysterious man leave together, Loki once again grasped the timeline and used the restraints made by OB, Rocket and others to stabilize the world line of the multiverse.

But because the three universes are now almost indistinguishable from each other, and are all connected together by Kevin alone, forming the American comic multiverse, the mysterious man's infinite stones can be used anywhere.

Even compared to the mysterious man who can lift the Sea of ​​Souls, Kevin doesn't even know what the Sea of ​​Souls is.

Loki knew that everything Kevin was preparing now was to deal with the person behind the scenes who didn't know where he existed.

The mysterious man roared angrily, and his hands suddenly emitted power that was unmatched by Kevin, sending Kevin flying deeper into the void.

Completely irritated by Kevin, the mysterious man was completely red-hot.

Until he saw that all the timelines had changed from blue to green.

Painful wails sounded in the void.

"I mean, don't wait too long..."

"What exactly are you looking for?"

Loki didn't understand.

When the Tree of Time was established, that period of the sacred timeline no longer existed, so even if Loki wanted to find the story that happened during that period of the sacred timeline, he simply couldn't do it.

"Replace me at critical moments and control more of the multiverse."

Kevin said it with such certainty.

Originally, the Infinity Stones could only be used in the Marvel Universe.

"You ungrateful villain!!!"

Kevin discovered this, which brought him here.

Or even three.

"But now I'm sure that what he can 'see' is limited, and he is not invincible."

The defense that no one could break was easily broken by Kevin at this moment.

But if you want him to master three...

He suddenly erupted with a strong aura of death, and black and gray power burst out, knocking Kevin away from his body.

"I never knew that you saved me, so I don't accept what you said. Besides...the words you said were just one-sided words. With just a few words, it's like asking me to give my life to you? "

"Now that you know..."

It is no exaggeration to say that searching for something that does not exist across such a long period of time is almost more difficult than Kevin's control of all multiverses.

In terms that Loki could also understand, in addition to his Tree of Time, there are two other Trees of Time.

"During this period, I will leave a clone to help you, so that you can see everything in the 'Holy Timeline' period and the 'Kang Dynasty' period, and even things beyond..."

The mysterious man frowned when he heard this. He didn't quite understand the meaning of Kevin's words.

He said words of unknown meaning, and then stopped preventing Loki from approaching the Tree of Time.

"Are you sure you can really deal with him? If according to what you said, everything about you is in his calculations, then how can you guarantee that the conversation between the two of us is not in his calculations? "

But when Loki was about to approach the boy, Kevin stretched out his hand to stop him:

Not to be outdone, Kevin started to fight head-on with the mysterious man with blue magic flowing in his body.

Immediately afterwards, the mysterious man chased after him again. He grabbed Kevin's body and punched him in the face one after another:

"It's me! Saved! You!! Now! You! But! Do! To me like this!!!"

He raised his right hand high, and there was black and gray power flowing in his right hand, and it suddenly fell towards Kevin.

Kevin interrupted the mysterious man and asked with a smile.

This seems a little unusual?

Kevin's eyes flickered, but he showed no mercy.

It wasn't until he really saw the first thing that Loki understood why Kevin did what he did.

Switching offense and defense, Kevin punched the opponent one after another just like the mysterious man did to him just now.

"It's useless, right?"

A special space created by Kevin that is independent of the void and the three universes.

"An answer," Kevin said. "An answer about me and about him."

He had no idea when Kevin and Rocky completed the exchange! Obviously when he appeared, the person sitting in front of him was indeed Kevin!

When did he become Loki? ?

Moreover, why can Loki, who can only control the timeline of the Marvel Universe, now control the timeline of the multiverse! ?

This is totally unreasonable! !

"Use restraints!"

"I know!"

"what have you done?!"

That sigh was ethereal, and when it came out, it froze all the scenes here.

The mysterious man instantly disappeared into the endless void.

As the Ancient One said, he is just a corpse.

A soulless corpse.

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