Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 322: Starting over again

‘Wu’ was not called Wu at first.

His last name was Wu, which was his last name before he traveled through time.

After traveling through time, he was called Jerry Wu, but because he always thought of a mouse, he preferred others to call him Wu.

Over time, this Wu became ‘Wu’, which means nothing.

Wu was similar to most time travelers in novels at first.

He had a golden finger, got along well with the Marvel people, had his own friends, his own lover, and even his own... harem.

His life after traveling through time was on its way to the peak, but it was not until he became ‘eternal’ that Wu realized that everything in the universe had an end.

Acting should be done in full. The power that Kevin left for Wu when he ‘committed suicide’ was the real deal, and only his own consciousness and will remained.

“It should be.”

Kevin said righteously.

Just like the many restarts that ‘Wu’ has experienced.

Because Kevin has become the will of the world and a part of this fantasy world, in order to make Kevin's will of the world inevitable, the world has evolved into the "traveler Kevin".

Then Annie revealed his little thoughts: "... You actually want to catch a group of workers to help you manage the multiverse, and then you can go and play."

Now, to put it bluntly, Kevin is the supreme god of the entire multiverse.

When Wu didn't care about anything, his own life became the source of motivation for Wu to move forward.

Or it can be said that Wu alone has a gap with others, and gradually no one understands him, and no one really sympathizes with him.

Whether it is reality or fantasy, as long as he is still alive and still exists in a certain world, the other party has no meaning to him.


The longer time passes, the greater the gap between people.

Maybe he will change his mind in the future, but he will never do so now.

It will take a very long time to restart the multiverse again.

Other excuses are completely unnecessary.

In the meeting room of the Super Hero Association, Kevin, who had put everything back on track and told Annie everything, was accepting Annie's complaints.

"Almost, but the scale should be wider... I want to bring all the qualified heroes in the universe to the association."

What happened when she was sixteen was also a very sweet memory in her eyes at this moment.

Annie's expression did not change, she just raised her eyes slightly and glanced at Kevin.

In short -

That self was not actually himself.

Kevin lay leisurely in the main seat of the conference room, took Annie in his arms, and looked at the sky with her.

"Similar to the Hero Association?"

He was unwilling to be annihilated in the false world for him, so he tried every means to prolong his life, and at the same time tried to transcend fantasy and reach reality.

Annie was not as angry as imagined, or she was not angry at all.

But this was the simplest thing for him.

Therefore, Wu has been thinking of a way. He wants to find a way to stop the reincarnation and let everyone be with him forever.

It was probably because he saw through this that ‘Wu’ had the obsession to transcend.

He no longer hesitated, and immediately occupied the body of the fake time traveler, and started the plot in the black robe world again.

There is no such lofty ideal.

He can do whatever he wants, even if he can create a timeline that belongs to him alone.

In fact, it is not too late.

Kevin coughed dryly, and the smile on his face was a little bit unable to hold on as he defended himself:

This is Kevin's little selfishness.

"Then what do you need me to do?"

There is no reason to quarrel with a woman. Anyway, no matter what, Kevin had sex with Annie when she was sixteen after reincarnation. This is an indisputable fact.

In other words, Kevin, the time traveler who exists here at the moment, is actually similar to those variants in the Marvel world, all of which are fake and non-existent.

By the way, Annie's combat ability can also be cultivated.

"So it's my fault?"

The energy of the multiverse has all become Wu's food. Now even with Kevin's "multiverse will" existing, the recovery of this energy is extremely slow.

Except for the fact that she was pushed down by Kevin at the age of sixteen, the rest of her trajectory followed the original destiny.

Time is the cruelest thing. It will turn brothers who were as close as brothers into enemies, and lovers who love each other into strangers who hate each other.

This is his decision.

The time in the fantasy world is actually a "loop"!

Everyone else will keep going back and forth, only Kevin can choose to get out of the loop or stay in the loop.

After all, as long as the time is long enough, he can recover his previous strength and even become stronger.

Honestly find a place to lie down, travel around when you want to move, and stay at home to play games when you don't want to move.

"Then before that, take a nap."

"So this is the reason why you, a bastard, pushed me when I was sixteen?"

Gu Yi once said that he just wanted to survive.

But now, Kevin doesn't need to worry so much.

To put it simply, in Kevin's eyes, time is a line, a straight line forward, not a ring connected from beginning to end.

Kevin understands Wu's idea. If possible, no one would want to live in fantasy.

Therefore, a group of qualified workers is necessary.

But there is no way to control their thoughts.

No matter what, the multiverse has great gods like Kevin on top, but then again, you can't expect Kevin to do everything.

Kevin invited Annie.

Wu did a lot. When he first restarted, he got to know his friends and his lovers again and took risks with them again.

So now he just needs to admit his mistakes.

The last straw that broke the camel's back was that Wu discovered the upper limit of his lifespan and discovered a higher level of world at the same time.

Kevin would not be like Wu who would rather die than pursue the so-called "truth".

"That's good."

"But even though it's over, there are still some things to do."

But when Kevin woke up at the critical moment and 'saw' his soul falling from the universe again, Kevin realized.

Those absolute protagonists in the original plot gradually died and returned to nothingness under the scale of time.

She is now thinking about what Kevin said to her.

Even if he can't figure out the most important issue in his heart, even if reality is just poison to Wu, Wu has to stay in reality.

He can never come back.

The world called 'reality'.

Well, Kevin has to explain again that things are a little different from what he thought.

That's the fact.

Of course, having said that, Kevin also set several 'alarm clocks' for himself. After all, if he overslept and his plan became a mess, it would be a real loss.

Kevin's dream has always been simple.

But what Wu actually wants more is to reach reality.

During this long time, Kevin couldn't just stare at it, that would be too boring.

When everything restarts, Kevin will follow the original route, throw himself into the world of black robes, and walk the previous route again.

So the two set off and went to other universes to recruit people.

Kevin couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, you still understand me."

That's right.

So he touched the sea of ​​souls, chose Kevin, and finally fulfilled his wish.

Annie looked at him in surprise: "What's the matter?"

In this fantasy world, when everything comes to an end, it will start over again, repeating what they should do in their destiny over and over again.

But for Kevin, fantasy and reality are not that important.

Simply put, Kevin, who fell from the sky at this moment, is actually a character evolved from the fantasy world.

Although the three entangled universes have all disappeared, this extinction is only temporary.

It is the world will of the entire fantasy world.

It turns out that the so-called restart is actually a time loop.

He couldn't accept that his relatives and friends forgot about him over and over again, nor could he bear to start all over again.

With friends, with his lover.

And now...

If it weren't for the existence of "nothingness", Kevin might have realized his dream long ago, and started to travel around the world with his friends and lover.

The traces left by the multiverse in this void are still there, and it won't be long before they will "restart" again.

Originally, in Kevin's view, the so-called restart is just a new beginning after everything has disappeared, and time is still going backwards, not constantly looping.

Anne, who saw through Kevin's thoughts, rolled her eyes lightly, and then asked:

"The mastermind behind the head is gone, and there will be no other enemies. Even if there is chaos in the multiverse, I can calm it down now... So it should be over."

He didn't know how long he had lived, and his friends and lovers around him passed away one after another.

Thinking of this, Kevin suddenly understood.

So she still loves Kevin, just as she loved Kevin before reincarnation.

Until the time is close to the destruction of the multiverse.

Holding Anne's waist, Kevin said slowly:

"Although nominally speaking, I am now the...'God' of the multiverse, I can't handle everything, so I plan to form a 'Multiverse Alliance'."

She looked at Kevin with contempt, as if she was protesting silently in this way.

Therefore, Anne knew what happened in the long, long past.

Kevin wanted to take her away, and Anne was of course very happy.

"At that time... Ms. Anne, you didn't refuse, and... I said no, but you insisted on dragging me to the hotel..."

"No, you don't have to do anything, just follow me around, didn't you want to travel with me before? This time you can go anywhere you want."

So Kevin decided to take a nap.

It was the kind of sleep that had no dreams, and a lifetime passed by with a closed eye.

Anne looked at Kevin with a squinting eye.

When he realized that he would die, and when he realized that there was a real reality higher up, Wu's thoughts finally became extreme.

Looking up at the sky, Annie asked with some concern:

"So, is everything over?"

He wants to see Starlight Annie earlier and become her true first love.

Kevin said to himself after deciding everything.

In the end, Wu became extreme, and it became natural.

So if Kevin wants to reach the point where he can fabricate the timeline, he needs to regain his previous power.

When the last crack disappeared completely, the connection between reality and fantasy was cut off again, and 'Nothing' completely lost its way back.

Then he saw the end of this world.

He wanted to know if there was anything about his work in the so-called reality, and whether his existence in fantasy was accidental or destined.

But when time came to an end again, and he lost them again, Wu finally couldn't stand it anymore.

"I just don't know how long it will take to feels like a long time, and 'Nothing' took all my power away, I have to start from the beginning..."

Even if he died, he would stay in reality.

But...that was when Wu and Kevin didn't intervene.

Looking at himself falling from the sky, Kevin carefully observed him, and then found that something was a little bit wrong.

The reason why Kevin didn't take Annie with him before was that he was worried that he couldn't protect his girlfriend.

Kevin said at last.

He only needed to take Annie around, and Kevin could help her deal with any other crisis smoothly.

So, Kevin's next thing was very simple.

Kevin was silent for a moment, and said seriously: "Okay, I was wrong."

He could forcibly keep the lives of his relatives and friends, and force them to experience the restart of the universe with himself.

The first stop Kevin chose was the universe where the Guardians of the Galaxy were.

Kevin seemed to be full of ambition.

In the end, only Wu was left.

The end... is the beginning.

Then... he "woke up" his memory earlier than the original plot.

The crack gradually disappeared, and the back of "Wu" also disappeared in front of Kevin.

Kevin's dream was like this from beginning to end.

When Kevin told her about the past, he didn't just talk, he also created images so that she could understand everything.

Now that things have come to this, let's go to sleep first!


"Ms. Annie... you are slandering me!"

To put it simply, Kevin wants to manipulate the multiverse to play a play with everyone, to make everyone think that this thing has happened, and then Kevin will revive them again.

But Wu failed.

When the restart begins, everyone's fate will return to the starting point again, and by then, there will be no Wu, no Kevin, and everyone will live according to their original route.

In this way, the timeline will be closed, and this fate will be repeated over and over again even if the multiverse restarts countless times.

That was the copy that Kevin first came into contact with, and it was also the place he arrived when he first crossed.

He planned to take Annie to walk the previous road again and let Annie see the scenery he had seen.

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