Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 323 Multiverse Guard

"Establish a multiverse guard? Sorry, the whole galaxy alone is enough to keep us busy. We don't have the time or mood to do anything with the multiverse guard... Quill!!! Can you drive faster!!!"

Rocket made the above sound when he received Kevin's invitation.

Quill, who was operating the spaceship, dodged the attack of the Sovereign spaceship behind him, and did not forget to bicker with Rocket while operating:

"I'm the fastest, okay! Who can tell me why the Sovereigns can fly in the universe!!!"

While the two were bickering, Gamora couldn't help but interrupt and asked:

"I say, guys - why don't we just let Kevin do it?"

""Don't even think about it!""

Rocket and Quill shouted in unison.

"This is our own business! It has nothing to do with Kevin!"

"Yes, that's it!"

Rocket and Quill said in unison. Kevin, who was standing with Annie, blinked after hearing this:

"...To be honest, your reaction makes me a little sad."

Kevin didn't quite understand why Rocket and Quill didn't let him take action, but since they didn't want him to take action, he was happy to watch the show.

Anyway, as long as he is here, the people in the Guardians of the Galaxy will definitely be fine.

But although Kevin won't ask, there is definitely no shortage of people in the Guardians of the Galaxy who are trying to sabotage.

Drax, who was sitting in the back weapon operation position, told the truth at the critical moment:

"Actually, they are betting."

Rocket: "Hey! Drax!!"

Drax continued: "Before Kevin came, they were betting on how long it would take them to get rid of the Sovereign's spaceship."


Hearing Drax's words, Gamora was speechless immediately, and then walked around the two of them and said to Kevin:

"Kevin! Help me!"

"Oh! Don't be like this, man! I'm about to win!!" Quill begged.

But Gamora ignored his pleas.

After dodging the attack of the golden man on the Sovereign spaceship once again, Gamora could no longer bear it and roared:

"I don't want to destroy the entire spaceship because of your stupid bet!!! You idiots!! Kevin! Help!!!"

Gamora had already made such a request, so Kevin couldn't really sit back and do nothing.

Ignoring the looks that Quill and Rocket cast at him, he looked at the Sovereign spaceship outside and raised his hand slightly.

With his palm facing outward and clenched into a fist, the remote-controlled spaceship of the Sovereign exploded immediately.

Then Kevin waved his palm gently, and the golden man who was emitting rays on the spaceship fell from the outside into the spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

And he was tied up.

In just two seconds, the spaceship and the mysterious man who had just chased the Guardians of the Galaxy became Kevin's prisoners.

After doing all this, Kevin clapped his hands, put his hands on his hips and asked the Guardians of the Galaxy:

"So now... does anyone want to join my multiverse guard team?"


"... I don't want to, thank you."

In Wolverine's universe, Logan, sitting in the principal's office, decisively rejected Kevin's invitation.

Kevin was a little helpless: "Didn't we agree before that we would travel to other worlds together?"

Logan spread his hands and replied:

"Yes, it was agreed, but it didn't say that I would go to work for you, brother, you understand me, I've been tired all my life and now I just want to have a good rest, want to travel with you, and also want to relax, but what happened?"

Logan lit a cigar and took a puff:

"... I almost turned into ash... No, I have already turned into ash. To be honest, I don't want to follow you to other worlds as a firefighter."

That's the fact.

The reason why Logan wanted to go with Kevin was that he wanted to relax.

But in the end, he didn't relax at all, and instead he was "living" in the hands of Wu's corpse.

The fact that Logan didn't get angry with Kevin already showed that their friendship was deep.

Now Kevin wants to pull him over to form something...some multiverse guard team to work for free?

Don't even think about it!

"Just a name..."

Kevin muttered unwillingly: "Just a name there, we can still go out and play together at ordinary times, and I won't let you work."

"You and your girlfriend go out to play, and take me, a light bulb? Are you sure your girlfriend is willing?"


Kevin was speechless.

Logan continued to smoke, and seeing Kevin's bitter face, he couldn't help but feel helpless.

He flicked the ash into the ashtray and said to Kevin:

"I can't do it, but maybe you can try to invite Laura and the others. These young people are very energetic. Maybe they are willing to join your multiverse guard."

"I will definitely invite them, but they are just children after all, and they need you as a parent to control them."

"...I say, do you really want me to work for you?"

Logan was speechless.

Kevin grinned: "I've said it before, it's not a part-time job, it's just a nominal one..."

Staring at Kevin with empty eyes, meeting his fox-like eyes, Logan finally sighed.

He put out his cigar and said to Kevin:

"Okay, I can be a nominal one, but I'll make it clear in advance that I'm just a nominal one, and I won't really work."

"Mr. Wolverine Doesn't Want to Work"

After hearing what Logan said, Kevin couldn't help but complain in his heart.

The complaint was in quotation marks.

It has to be said that the Wolverine in front of him should be the most lazy one in the entire Marvel Universe.

In addition, those Wolverines who want to die don't count.

He only wants to be lazy and not work. He even wants to give the position of the dean of the X Academy to Rector...

I don't know who he learned this from.

Kevin firmly refused to admit that he was the one who led Logan astray. He just sighed that you, the Wolverine with thick eyebrows and big eyes, have also learned to be corrupted.

But no matter what, Kevin has also fooled Logan into his team.

As for Logan himself saying that he is only a figurehead and does not work?

Cut, Kevin doesn't believe that when the crisis of the universe's destruction really comes, Logan will lie in the back and do nothing, watching the "young people" rush to the front line.

If Logan really does this, he is not Logan.

After they agreed to join Kevin's multiverse guard, Logan lit another cigar and asked Kevin jokingly:

"By the way, when do you plan to get married?"

Kevin was stunned by Logan's question.

He scratched his head and thought:

"After the guard is successfully formed, I will invite you all to come..."

Kevin and Annie have been engaged for a long time. Now they just need to take a step further and hold a wedding ceremony, and they can become a formal couple.

Because it is his own wedding, Kevin plans to make it grand and invite all the friends and partners he knows to his world.

No, just build a headquarters in the void to coordinate the multiverse and hold the wedding there.

After all, he is now the 'God of the Multiverse', so the wedding will naturally be grander.


After going to the Guardians of the Galaxy and Wolverine, the next stop is the DC world.

When the heroes of the DC world faced Kevin's invitation, except for the old Bat, everyone else agreed without much hesitation.

This also includes Cyborg, who has just joined the Justice League.

Because compared to the Guardians of the Galaxy, who have little sense of responsibility, and Wolverine, who is planning to retire, the Justice League of the DC Universe is in its initial stage of establishment, and its sense of responsibility and justice are at their peak.

They can see the benefits that Kevin's team has brought to them.

This means that if their world encounters a major crisis that they cannot handle in the future, they can ask the Multiverse Guardians to help them fight the enemy.

So they are willing to join Kevin's Multiverse Guardians.

Kevin did not expect that the members of the DC Universe are the easiest to deal with. After confirming that the members of the Justice League of DC will join his team, Kevin threw down the wedding invitation and left, taking Annie to the next world.

Kevin's next stop is the X-Men world that he has not been to before.

That is, the timeline after the reversal of the future.

Because Charles and Eric had previously solved Apocalypse in the world of black robes, their world is now very peaceful.

Mystique stayed at the X Academy to help train mutants, and Eric went into seclusion and established a mutant retreat.

Charles sometimes went back to play chess with Eric, and the relationship between the two old friends was pretty good.

When he knew Kevin's intention, Charles agreed without much hesitation.

On the contrary, Eric put forward a condition to Kevin:

"You can let me join, but you need to prepare a place for mutants to live in seclusion for us."


Charles couldn't help frowning when he heard Eric's request.

Eric looked at him:

"Charles, we all know that as long as mutants exist in this world, our disputes with humans will never stop. Since you don't want us to destroy humans, let me take our people away from here.

"I want to find a new home for them. "

Eric said sincerely.

Eric was actually tired.

After fighting against humans for so many years, he was hostile to humans, imprisoned, and tried to integrate into the human world.

But in the end, his wife and daughter died.

He was disheartened and ready to completely destroy humans according to Apocalypse's instructions, but he ran to the black robe world inexplicably.

He was almost killed by the superheroes in the black robe world.

Sometimes Eric wondered what he had done wrong to make the world so against him?

After thinking about it, he couldn't figure it out, so Eric decided to take those mutants who were rejected by humans and find a place to live in seclusion.

He still didn't agree with Charles' ideals.

Coexisting peacefully with humans, in his opinion, this is something that will never be possible.

Charles rubbed his eyebrows and finally stopped talking.

Kevin looked at Eric and smiled at him:


"But...can you?"

Eric was stunned. He thought Kevin would negotiate with him.

Kevin repeated again:

"Of course. "

"You... don't have any other conditions?"

"No, and I will not only help you find a suitable place for mutants to live, I will also help you find your wife and daughter."


When Eric heard Kevin say this, he finally couldn't help but stand up. He widened his eyes, and asked with some excitement and disbelief:

"You...will me..."

Kevin answered seriously: "Yes, after all, I want a helper who can help me maintain the peace of the multiverse, not a thug who is hostile to humans."

Perhaps Kevin will gain Eric's loyalty by helping Eric fulfill his dream.

But this loyalty is not enough for Eric to maintain the peace of the multiverse without reservation, unless Kevin resurrects his wife and daughter.

Eric's wife and deceased daughter will become his anchor, so that Eric will no longer hate humans.

Only in this way can Eric become a superhero.

Not an anti-hero, or even a super villain.

Looking at the excited Eric, Charles was much calmer. He asked Kevin:

"Can you really do...resurrect the dead?"

He didn't have a correct understanding of Kevin's strength yet, so he asked this question.

Kevin replied: "That's about right. Anyway, I can definitely let Eric meet his wife and daughter."

Now Kevin is the incarnation of the world's will. It's just a matter of resurrecting the dead. This kind of thing is too simple for him.

Go directly to the place where the souls of the Marvel world go, take out the souls of others, and then pinch two bodies to stuff the souls in. A simple "resurrection of the dead" is achieved.

Even if he doesn't do this, Kevin simply turns the timeline and goes to the moment when Eric's wife and daughter died. Take their souls away before their souls leave, and he can also complete the resurrection operation.

There are many ways, it depends on how Eric chooses.

After confirming that the X-Men will join, Kevin threw down the invitation and discussed the time for the mutants to transfer before saying goodbye to Charles and Eric.


If you don't calculate, you don't know. After calculating, Kevin found that he has a lot of things to do next.

The establishment of the Multiverse Guard, the location and establishment of the headquarters, the assessment standards for personnel, and the current position setting of members...

Find a place for mutants to live, and maintain the timeline of the multiverse so that they can exist for a long time...

Also, the name of the Multiverse Guard must be changed, otherwise it always sounds like a third-rate team.

Finally, there is the wedding with Annie...

"Why do I feel busier and busier?"

Counting one thing after another, Kevin's face was bitter.

I originally thought that after everything was over, I would be able to usher in a completely lying life, to be a free and happy "lying god", and do whatever I want.

In the end, I still have to be busy with so many things.

But think about it, these things are trivial, with Kevin's current strength, it is not difficult to do them.

As long as there are no messy things to disturb him after doing these.

Thinking of this, Kevin was also relieved, and his frowning brows were relaxed.

"Who else haven't been invited...Oh, I remember."

Counting his invitees, Kevin remembered that he had missed something.

He took a step forward and the world suddenly changed.

In a flash, Kevin arrived at Kamar-Taj.

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