Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 88 Huh? Cosmic spirit ball?

After thinking about it, Kevin decided to use three skill points to turn on the time-stopping function first.

After all, Kevin wasn't sure how long it would take to change jobs.

And it’s not like Kevin couldn’t afford the three skill points to unlock new features.

It just so happened that the death of the locomotive gave Kevin six more skill points. Counting the skill points he had accumulated before, Kevin had a total of ten skill points saved.

Four were separated for job transfer, and three were separated to activate the time-stopping function. Kevin could still have three left as backup.

Used to point out new skills after changing jobs.

Before confirming the change of job, Kevin once again checked his current clothes in the mirror, carried the prepared backpack, and decided to set off.

There are a lot of things in Kevin's backpack, including compressed food specially made by the Walter Group, water, some things for survival in the wild, and a set of thin but very warm thermal clothing.

These things ensure that Kevin can face most of the environments he may face to the greatest extent possible.

Unless this broken skill tree is directly transported to the magma or outer space for Kevin, even if it is in the land, Kevin can dig it out bit by bit with the water in his backpack!

"Come on! This time the job transfer has really started!"

Being prepared for everything, Kevin clicked OK in the skill tree all the way, and finally started changing jobs.

When the job transfer started, Kevin's eyes suddenly turned pure white.

Pure white light enveloped Kevin's body, making it difficult for him to see anything.

When the pure white light that could blind one's eyes dissipated, the first thing that caught Kevin's eyes was a relatively prosperous square similar to a park.

In Kevin's eyes, this place looks like an ordinary square at first glance.

There are various erected pedestrian bridges, pedestrians in weird clothes coming and going, there are vendors selling things in the distance, there are trimmed green trees on both sides of the road, and there is a fountain in the middle for beautification.

Everything looks pretty normal.

Until Kevin saw the aircraft flying in the sky.


Kevin raised his head and looked at the flying machines flying back and forth in the sky that could only be seen in science fiction movies.

Look at the people on the roadside with different skin colors, some red and blue, and even people with tentacles on their heads.

Kevin just understood one thing.

"Is alien planet?!"

It took Kevin a long time to close his open mouth.

For a moment, Kevin felt that his skill tree was poisonous.

You said that I would change my profession to [Deep Sea Fighter], which is a physical profession that looks like fighting at first glance. It would be fine if you didn’t send me to some fantasy or even martial arts world to cultivate fighting skills.

Why did you throw me into a science fiction world? !

Does the profession of deep sea fighter still need to control high technology? !

Do the prerequisites require mastering any advanced alien technology? !

Or do you think that the stars and the sea are also seas, so you threw me on an alien planet?


Mentioning alien technology and aliens, and then connecting it with the word "martial arts" gave Kevin a rather bad feeling.

This world...could Ball! ?

At that moment, Kevin's cold sweat was like water from a fountain nearby, flowing uncontrollably from his head.

If it was really the Dragon Ball world, why would I change my job?

Who doesn't know that the Dragon Ball world is the most dangerous of all worlds, not to mention the planet, even the universe will be destroyed if it doesn't exist!

If this is really the Dragon Ball world, then Kevin might as well just find a place to live for the rest of his life, that way he might be able to die more decently.

"Never be a Dragon Ball, never be a Dragon Ball..."

Kevin prayed in his heart while opening the skill tree to see the prerequisites for changing jobs.

According to the reminder of the skill tree, when entering the world of job transfer, the prerequisites for job transfer will change slightly.

The original condition of "requiring the absorption of high-level energy" will be specifically changed into a special energy found in the mission world, allowing Kevin to avoid many detours and directly find the energy-containing objects required for job change.

Therefore, if this world is really the Dragon Balls, then the prerequisites for the job transfer mission may become [need to absorb the energy of the Dragon Balls].

Therefore, as long as you observe the prerequisites, you can determine the world after changing your job.

Kevin thought so and looked at the conditions for changing to a new profession.


——[Conditions for job transfer: Touch the power gem with your own hands and absorb its energy (not achieved)]

"Oh, Marvel..."

Kevin's hanging heart was finally relieved.

The Power Stone, from various works in the "Marvel" series, is one of the six rough stones in the universe.

It is said that the magical gems were born from the Big Bang and contain infinite energy in the universe. If you collect six of them, you can summon the dragon...

Oh, that's wrong. You can change anything in the universe according to your own will.

The Power Gem is one of these six infinite rough stones, and its holder will have unparalleled strength and defense.

[Deep Sea Fighter]'s job change requires power gems, which makes sense.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that through the prerequisite of the power gem, Kevin finally knows where his mission world is.

Definitely in the Marvel Universe.

And if nothing else, it should be the cinematic universe.

"Okay, okay, it's not the Dragon Balls... If it was the Dragon Balls, I would really consider committing suicide on the spot."

Kevin sighed in relief.

Although the Marvel Cinematic Universe is also very dangerous, it is far behind compared to the Dragon Ball world.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the person with the highest appearance so far should be Loki, who eventually became the God of Story. Compared with him, all observers seem to be a younger brother.

Then came Black Strange, and then came Infinite Ultron...

There may also be some out-of-standard guys like Kang the Conqueror, Infinite Thanos, the Celestials, etc., but Kevin doesn't have to worry about these people.

No need to worry at least for now.

After excluding these top experts in the universe, the rest are really not too dangerous.

Not to mention that Kevin can become the top among them, at least he can be regarded as a medium-strength player, and there is absolutely no problem in barely protecting himself.

But if you put Kevin in the Dragon Ball world...

Kevin really can't stand a world where planets are constantly exploding!

So the Marvel world is good, very good! Kevin loves the Marvel world!

"Okay, now let's sort out the information."

After understanding what kind of world he was in, Kevin felt relieved and simply found a hot spring to sit down and began to sort out the current situation.

The skill tree requires Kevin to access the Power Stone, which means that Kevin is now in the place where it is easiest to access the Power Stone.

Kevin recalled the plot of the Marvel series he had watched many years ago and concluded that this place is likely to be the Xandar planet in "Guardians of the Galaxy".

Because the Power Stone first appeared in the plot of "Guardian 1".

In other words, the entire plot of "Guardians of the Galaxy" revolves around the Power Stone.

Moreover, apart from the original planet, the only places where the Power Stone appears are the Void Land where the Collector is located, and the Xandar planet.

Especially on Xandar, the cosmic spirit ball wrapped with power gems first appeared on Xandar.

Later, after Ronan got the Power Stone, he came with the Power Stone to destroy Xandar.

In addition, among the three locations, only Xandar is the most prosperous and has the largest number of people, which is very consistent with the scene Kevin sees now.

Therefore, Kevin speculated that if nothing unexpected happens, this is Xandar.

"Well, what is the current timeline? Star-Lord has just obtained the cosmic spirit ball, or is Ronan already preparing for a large-scale attack? It shouldn't be the latter...?"

Kevin thought, raising his head to see if there was a fleet of spaceships in the sky ready to invade.

As soon as he looked up, he saw a round object falling from the human-shaped bridge above, and landed accurately on Kevin's head.


Subconsciously catching the round ball with his hand, Kevin glanced at the man in the leather jacket and the green-skinned woman who were tangled up on the overpass, then looked at the ball in his hand and fell into silence.


It's the cosmic spirit ball that hides the power gem, right?

Will I succeed now? !

Um? ?

Star-Lord, Peter Quill, feels like today is definitely not his lucky day.

I thought that I could sneak out from the predator leader Yondu and steal the cosmic spirit ball that Yondu should have won in advance. I could take the cosmic spirit ball to the seller and sell it, and get the reward before Yondu.

But who would have thought that the middleman responsible for issuing tasks and rewards would be so frightened when he heard the name of the accuser Ronan that he and the spirit ball were thrown out!

Star-Lord also didn't expect that he could frighten the middleman like this by casually saying, "When the spirit ball was snatched, Ronan the Accuser's men were also there."

And that's not all yet!

As soon as he was thrown out, Star-Lord was beaten up by a green-skinned woman, and she took away the cosmic spirit ball.

Damn it, Star-Lord originally wanted to ask her out after making money, but instead he was robbed by this hot girl? !

But let’s not talk about the question of whether this girl has a hot body or not. The mysterious ball was something that Star-Lord worked hard to get back, even at the cost of offending Ronan’s men.

It is absolutely impossible to give it up to others!

Not even this beautiful green-skinned woman!

So of course and not surprisingly, Star-Lord and this woman got into a fight.

Then during the fight, the cosmic spirit ball accidentally fell to the ground, rolled down from the rooftop, and landed on the lower platform.

The green-skinned woman was the first to get rid of Star-Lord and jumped down from the high rooftop to snatch the cosmic spirit ball.

Star-Lord followed unwillingly and jumped off the rooftop, preparing to continue fighting with the woman to get the sphere back.

As a result, he saw that the woman who was so arrogant just now was like a prey trapped in a spider's web, tied up by ropes composed of transparent water flows.

And the binding is very artistic.

Not far from the woman, a guy carrying a large backpack who looked like a space adventurer was breaking the cosmic spirit ball hard.

While breaking it, I muttered:

"...It shouldn't be. Didn't this thing open as soon as Ronan broke it? Why can't it be opened when I get it?"

"Hey! Hey! Brother!! Stop for a moment, that's my thing! I advise you to give it back to me!"

Peter Quill said, picking up the birthday gift that Yondu gave him, a pair of elemental pistols that he had used for many years, and pointed them at the 'adventurer' in front of him.

He wanted to threaten the other party to return the spirit ball to him in this way.

But the result is...

There is one more fool trapped in the water flow spider web.

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