Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 89 Entering the Interstellar Prison for the First Time

Star-Lord, Peter Quill.

Thanos' adopted daughter, Gamora...

Kevin's eyes swept over the two guys who were tied up by him, recalling the identity information of these two guys in his mind.

The two people being tied up at this moment are undoubtedly two of the protagonists of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

A male protagonist and a female protagonist met each other because of the cosmic spirit ball, and had emotional entanglements with each other. In the end, the two formed the Guardians of the Galaxy together with several others and began their 'superhero' careers in the universe.

Kevin is really not interested in the relationship between the two.

Even though these two guys have great reputations, they are the sons of gods and have the blood of gods.

A woman who is called the most dangerous woman in the universe makes it seem like everyone is afraid of her.

But putting aside those messy things, these two guys were no different from ordinary people in front of Kevin.

Peter Quill, who has not awakened the power of the gods and only has some physical fitness higher than that of ordinary people, is probably not as good as some superhumans in Kevin's world.

Not to mention Gamora, even though she has undergone some physical transformation and received strict fighting training, she is still vulnerable to Kevin, a magician who can use "water magic".

The two of them are not worth mentioning. Compared with this, it is better to understand the cosmic spirit ball in hand first.

The cosmic spirit ball in Kevin's hand contains one of the six infinity stones in the universe, the Power Stone.

That is Kevin's goal of changing jobs this time.

It stands to reason that now that the target is in hand, Kevin only needs to open the broken ball and grab the power gem inside with his hand, and the task is completed.

You can transfer jobs with peace of mind and then go back.

But it was at this point that Kevin ran into trouble.

If Kevin remembers correctly, this thing was opened by Ronan in the movie with a slight twist.

When it came to Kevin's hands, it was as solid as a sealed metal block. No matter how hard Kevin tried, it showed no sign of being opened.

Kevin even tried running water into it to open it from the inside.

But unfortunately, although this thing seems to be full of gaps, water can't get in.

I don't know what material this is made of.

"Can I only go to the collector? Tsk, but I have no money and I don't know the way..."

The only ones who can open the sphere now seem to be collectors in the Void Land.

But Kevin had just come here, he was unfamiliar with the place, and he didn’t have a single interstellar coin on him. Let alone going to the land of ignorance, he would probably have to worry about the dinner he was waiting for in this poor place.

"Hey! A kid who can play with water!"

Kevin was still struggling with the cosmic spirit ball in his hand when he heard a tugging sound coming from the side.

Turning around, Kevin saw a walking tree man.

And next to the tree man, you need to look down to see the little talking raccoon.

"calls me?"

"Of course I'm calling you. Is there anyone else here besides you who can turn water into a sexual rope to tie them up for seduction?"

The little raccoon said happily, and then without waiting for Kevin to respond, he pointed at the tied up Peter Quill and said:

"Although I don't know who you are, this guy is our prey. You'd better give him to us!"

The little raccoon looked very fierce, as if he was going to scratch Kevin's face if he didn't give it to him.

But his appearance looked a little cute to Kevin, and Kevin had no intention of fighting with them, so after the little raccoon finished speaking, Kevin let go of Star-Lord without hesitation and threw him into the small raccoon. In front of the raccoon.

"Okay, okay, here you go."

This surprised the little raccoon, and he blinked cutely:

"Wow, are you so easy to talk to?"

"Am I Groot?"

The tree man on the side interrupted.

This tree man is called Groot. He can only say three words from beginning to end, "I", "I am" and "Groot", and there will be no other order, only in order.

Use these three words to express your inner thoughts.

But so far, no one except his partner Rocket the raccoon can understand Groot the tree man.

Including Kevin.

After all, this guy is not a sea creature, and Kevin can't communicate with him.

Kevin was not in the mood to communicate with Groot, so he threw Star-Lord to them and turned around to continue fighting with the spirit ball in his hand.

Rocket and Groot were not looking for trouble. Their target was Star-Lord from the beginning, because Yondu issued a reward to capture Star-Lord.

They are the bounty hunters who accepted the reward order.

Groot had already tied up Star-Lord in a sack the moment he fell. The two of them took Star-Lord and turned away, wanting to go back to deal with Yondu.

Star-Lord was still shouting something loudly in the bag, but at this moment, Gamora, Thanos' adopted daughter, somehow pulled out the sword from her waist.

The material of the sword was very strange. After being held by Gamora, it actually cut off the rope of water flow that Kevin continuously maintained.

The water flow was blocked for a moment, and the part of the water flow that was out of Kevin's control instantly turned into ordinary water, falling on Gamora, making her body wet.

But Gamora didn't care.

The moment she fell from the air, she brandished her sword and rushed towards Kevin:

"Give me that ball!"

She said as she slashed at Kevin with her sharp sword.

The long sword gave off a cold light under the sunlight, and its sharp edge cut even debris in the air into two pieces.

Kevin didn't dare to bet on whether his skin defense could withstand the long sword made of alien technology. Seeing Gamora rushing towards him, he stepped back slightly and waved his hand. The water from the fountain not far behind him instantly gathered in the air. Stand in front of Gamora.

"Ma'am, it's very bad behavior to steal other people's things without permission."

Kevin confidently regarded the spirit ball as his own, and at the same time controlled the water flow to cover Gamora's body.

The water flow formed a sphere and enveloped Gamora's entire body, completely confining Gamora like a sealed prison.

This woman, who is known as 'the most dangerous woman in the universe', is currently being tossed around in a water balloon with a piece of clothing being washed.

Rocket, who had not gone far, turned around when he saw this scene and said to Groot and the already gagged Star-Lord:

"Did you see that if we had gone against him just now, we would have ended up like this green-skinned girl?"

"I'm Groot."

"What? No, no, no, I'm not afraid. The great and talented Rockets won't be afraid of a kid who can only play with water. I just don't think it's necessary. Do you understand? There's no need!"

The two of them walked away while chatting playfully as usual.

But at this moment, several aircraft suddenly surrounded everyone. They didn't even say hello, and released a strange yellow force field towards the rocket and the group.

The yellow force fields connected with each other to form a large transparent yellow net, which fell on Rocket and his party, binding them in mid-air.

Then, a voice sounded among the many aircraft:

"Experiment 89P13, please put down your weapons. You are now under arrest for 'crimes of endangering public safety'!"

"Oh...F**K, it's the Nova Corps..."

Hearing the warning, the controlled Rocket cursed and gave up resistance.

Not only the Rockets and the three were controlled, but even Gamora, who was controlled by Kevin with water, was also bound by the yellow light net at this moment.

Only Kevin didn’t.

But he was still surrounded by a group of aircraft. They surrounded Kevin, and the guns under the aircraft were pointed at Kevin.

Facing this scene, Kevin hid the cosmic spirit ball in his hand and put it in his bag, and raised his hands cooperatively:

"It has nothing to do with me, officers. What I just did was considered self-defense."

"Yes, sir, you are indeed acting in self-defense." Someone in the Nova Corps echoed Kevin.


"But you are suspected of illegal immigration, so please put down all weapons in your hands, prohibit the use of all abilities, and cooperate with our investigation."

Kevin: ""

The skill tree didn't set an identity for him. In this world... he was a Kuroto.

The Nova Corps is the defense force of Xandar. According to the setting, this force is the cosmic guard of the entire universe, similar to the cosmic police.

Therefore, as long as it is in the universe and within the management scope of the Nova Corps, you may see this army anywhere and at any place.

Xandar is the headquarters and base camp of the Nova Corps. It is the place with the largest number of Nova Corps.

They shoulder all the protection responsibilities of Xandar. They are the army, the medical team, and even the police.

Therefore, Kevin, a stowaway with no identity, was naturally caught by this group of 'police' and sent to prison together with Star-Lord and his group of idiots.

In fact, according to Kevin's current 'crime', he should not be locked up with Star-Lord and others.

It's just a matter of smuggling. Once you find out where you were smuggling, you can send them back.

But unfortunately, Kevin is a complete shady in this world, and the Nova Corps can't find Kevin's origin at all.

All that is known is that his body is very similar to that of humans on Earth, but because it has been modified by drugs to a certain extent, he is different from humans on Earth and cannot find his place of origin.

In addition, Kevin showed enough danger when he was in the square.

Even Gamora was easily subdued by him. The Nova Corps judged that Kevin was very dangerous and could not let him go.

So in the end, Kevin followed Star-Lord and others into Klin Prison.

It is known as the highest security prison in the universe.

"The woman with the highest security level in the universe and the most dangerous woman in the universe. I wonder if you cosmic people always like to add 'the universe' in front of your names? As if that makes you powerful."

Kevin, who went to prison with Star-Lord and others, couldn't help but complain to Star-Lord and the others when he heard these names.

Rocket walking in the middle laughed loudly when he heard this:

"Hahaha, you are right. Most of the names are just nice to say. For example, this is the most secure prison in the universe. I think it is no different from the prisons I have been to before. I bet you that I You can escape from here in less than three days!"

Rocket's words were like opening a chat box and he started chattering endlessly.

He turned his head and glanced at Star-Lord behind him, and then said:

"To be honest, if we hadn't met this boy who can play with water and this green-skinned woman, we would have captured you by now and collected you a nice reward, and you would have been killed by Yondu and his plunderers. It is impossible for them to appear in this prison if they are torn into pieces!”

"There are many people in the universe who want to kill me, including a walking tree and a talking raccoon among you."

"Wait...what's a raccoon?"

Rocket felt puzzled by the unfamiliar terms.

Star-Lord rolled his eyes:

"It's you, little fluffy thing."

"I'm not some raccoon, I am who I am!"

Rocket was dissatisfied with what Star-Lord called him, even though he was indeed a raccoon, although he didn't know it.

Star-Lord didn't bother to argue with Rocket. He looked past Rocket and looked directly at Kevin and Gamora who were walking in front.

Especially to Kevin:

"Speaking of which, you tried to open that weird sphere as soon as you came up. Do you know what is in that sphere? Why did you open it?"

"I have no obligation to answer your questions."

Kevin didn't bother to pay attention to Star-Lord.

He is still thinking about what he should do next.

Trapped in prison, Kevin is not worried because he knows that it will not be long before Rocket Raccoon leads everyone out of prison.

Kevin can leave with him then.

The problem is still with the cosmic spirit ball.

After Star-Lord regains the cosmic spirit ball, if nothing else happens, he should take it to the collector.

When the collector opens the spirit ball in a special way, will Kevin directly grab the power gem inside with his hands, or will he find something to cushion his hands first?

If you grab the power gem directly, you won't be exploded by the violent energy in the gem, right?

Kevin doesn't want to be a human firework.

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