Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 97 Lend me the Reality Stone for fun

"Okay...let's analyze it calmly. The first thing we need to determine is...who is talking?!"

Kevin looked around, trying to spot the guy talking.

But unfortunately he couldn't see anything, and even the speaking voice no longer appeared.

It was as if everything just now was just his imagination.

But Kevin was very sure that this was definitely not a hallucination or illusion. He really heard someone talking.

And if there are no accidents, the person speaking should be the observer of the "What If..." series!

The observing him? !

So I accidentally became the protagonist of an episode of the Gaiden "What If" series? !

No, no, no, that’s not right, the protagonist is not me, I should just be a variable in it, so it attracts the attention of observers...

Kevin forced himself to calm down and began to seriously think about the current situation.

If this were the main Marvel universe, then there is no doubt that the Guardians of the Galaxy would make no mistakes in protecting Xandar.

They may experience some difficulties and even temporarily lose the tree man Groot, but in the end they will definitely defeat Ronan under the dance of Star-Lord.

But... what if Ronan was replaced by Thanos?

What if it was not Ronan who attacked Xandar, but Thanos and his five black generals?

It's even possible that Thanos obtained the Power Stone...

"Can't be saved! Just wait to die! Say goodbye!!"

Kevin is not a coward, nor is he really afraid of Thanos. He just feels that he cannot be Thanos's opponent at this stage, especially Thanos with the Power Stone!

My physique may be equal to or even better than that of the people of the motherland.

But Kevin is sure.

His physique is not comparable to Thor, nor to the Hulk, let alone Thanos, who can hold down the Hulk and beat him!

Especially when beating the Hulk, Thanos didn't even use the power of the Infinity Stones!

Kevin can't even imagine how powerful Thanos will be with the power gems now that he can overpower the Hulk without using the power of the gems!

In this case, Rockets wants Kevin to go over to support Xandar?

Don't be kidding, Kevin thinks it's better to go home and return to the world of black robes.

Yes, just do it and go back!

But when it was time to go home, Kevin couldn't help but stop.

Yes, he can leave here without caring about anyone, and return to his black-robed world with peace of mind to become the vice president of Walter Group.

But what this means is that Kevin will give up this entire universe.

Thanos now has the Power Stone and follows the agreement with Ronan to destroy Xandar. Then he will start his own Infinity Stone plan.

He will get the other five Infinity Stones earlier than in the movie.

When Thanos succeeds, it will be easy to say that he will retire with success, and Kevin can still come back to this world.

But just in case...

What's the worst case scenario?

Just by looking at the current plot developments, Kevin can't tell which season of "What If" it is now.

But Kevin is somewhat interested in Thanos collecting the gems in advance.

In the If Season 1 and 2 episodes that Kevin has watched, it seems that the only episodes in which Thanos collects the gems and heads to Earth in advance are the Zombies episode in the first season and the Infinite Ultron episode.

The former Thanos gathered all the gems except the Mind Stone and descended to Wakanda, Earth, to become a zombie.

The latter simply sent a courier to Ultron and gave away the five infinity stones, thereby creating the biggest villain in the first season of the "What If" series.

Infinite Ultron!

The zombie episode was okay. Even if the earth really turned into zombies, the worst thing Kevin could do was never go to the earth again.

But if it was the episode of Infinite Ultron...

If Kevin doesn't stop Thanos and lets Thanos kill people, then this universe will become Kevin's restricted area in the future.

He absolutely cannot set foot here again.

Because Ultron will destroy all life that enters it, and destroy the universe where that life exists along with the life that enters.

Infinite Ultron does this in "What If".

"Are you going to abandon this place where you can earn skill points..."

To escape, you have to face the risk that this Marvel Universe may become a silent place of nothingness.

If you stay, you will face Thanos who holds the Power Stone.

Considering Kevin's character that has always been unwilling to take risks, the second option is definitely the one he most rejects.


After finally changing jobs, his strength was improved to a certain extent. However, after the promotion, he ran away in despair without even seeing the enemy's face. That was too bad.

Anyway, Kevin can return to the black robe world at any time. If he really can't defeat Thanos by then, it won't be too late to go back home.

Kevin's confidence lies in being able to leave the Marvel world at any time.

And since he wants to use this Marvel Universe as a copy for himself to earn skill points, Kevin will definitely face Thanos, the BOSS, in the future.

If you choose to escape this time, what will happen next?

"…no solution anymore."

Kevin walked towards the collector with a determined look on his face.

(The traveler from the unknown universe finally made up his mind to stop Thanos and prevent him from destroying Xandar)

"Yes, yes, I know, I've made up my mind, so can't you stop nagging in my ears?"

Kevin, who once again heard the observer's narration, complained speechlessly.

He cannot see the observer, nor can he sense the observer's presence, but he can hear the observer's description of him.

This is probably due to the level 1 [Heart of the Deep Sea] that Kevin had after changing jobs.

[Heart of the Deep Sea: As a son of the sea, you have the ability to communicate with the sea. In the ocean, you can feel some mysterious things, even some... unknown existences. 】

This skill is passive, and level one is the full level.

To put it simply, the specific ability increases Kevin's precision in controlling water flow and increases Kevin's affinity for aquatic creatures, and even some aquatic-like creatures.

The former is easy to understand, and the latter, from Kevin's understanding, is that he can talk to more animals.

For example, creatures such as ducks, swans, and seagulls were definitely not considered aquatic creatures before this, and Kevin could not have conversations with them.

But after awakening [Heart of the Deep Sea], he can probably communicate with any species related to the sea.

Seagulls, sea lions, seals, penguins, polar bears... well, polar bears are unlikely, but penguins are still possible.

What’s more, it enhanced some of Kevin’s inspirations.

Allowing him to hear more sounds.

Such as the occasional observer's voice.

Although Kevin always feels that if this ability comes into contact with the world of Cthulhu, he will probably die miserably...

But Marvel probably doesn’t have such a thing, so there’s no need to worry about it for the time being.

The observer's verbosity was put aside by Kevin. Anyway, this guy was just an observer before Infinite Ultron appeared.

He will not change anything, nor will he actively intervene in the story progress of the world's protagonists.

In other words, no matter what Kevin's identity is, even if he is a villain who destroys the world, observers will only observe him and will not affect what Kevin does.

Ignoring the observer, Kevin walked directly towards the Collector.

The Collector is currently chatting with a duck sitting among the ruins.

He looked at the collections he had running around and couldn't help but sigh. When he saw Kevin coming over, he was very surprised:

"Oh, you came out? I thought you would stay in the crystal and become another of my collections."

"Stop talking nonsense, I need your help now."

"Help?" Tiwan looked at Kevin strangely: "What do you need my help for? I usually don't do anything, and even if I do, the price will be very expensive."

As soon as Tiwan finished speaking, the duck beside him helped:

"You get what you pay for, kid, you have to pay something first when dealing with others, right?"

Howard the Duck…

Looking at the duck next to Tiwan, Kevin couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

According to the setting, this duck seems to come from a parallel world full of ducks in the Marvel Universe. It accidentally entered the main universe and settled down ever since.

Originally it was just a cameo role in the movie, but Kevin never thought that he would be able to communicate with him.

Looking away from Howard the Duck, Kevin ignored him, walked up to Tiwan, looked at him and said:

"What I pay is your life. What do you think of this deal?"

"Hey, boy, there are many people in the universe who want my life. This deal... I don't think it's feasible."

Tivan smiled disdainfully and ignored Kevin.

In the comics, Tivan is one of the elders of the universe and has the ability to be immortal. However, this is a comic setting and does not seem to be so powerful in the movie.

But it doesn’t matter. Regardless of whether Tivan is the founder of the universe or not, the person who killed him was not Kevin.

"Who said I wanted to kill you?"

Kevin smiled slightly, sat cross-legged in front of Tiwan, and said:

"When Thanos achieves his goal, you, me, and even half of all life in this ignorant land will not be able to escape his 'judgment'."

When Tiwan heard this, his smile instantly faded and he looked up at Kevin:

"What do you mean?"

"As one of the most well-informed people in the universe, you should have a good idea of ​​what Thanos is up to."

"This...I really don't know."

Tiwan narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression unchanged, and Kevin couldn't tell whether he was lying.

But that's not important.

"Well, if you don't know, let me tell you that Thanos wants to collect the Infinity Stones and use the power of the six Infinity Stones to complete his lifelong dream."

Kevin revealed his purpose in front of Tiwan.

Tiwan's expression remained unchanged, and he just asked:

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Stop pretending, Tivan, where do you think Thanos will go next after he obtains the Power Stone?

"The six infinite stones in the universe, their power is in the hands of Thanos, and their souls are missing. Three of the remaining four are on the earth...or the nine realms ruled by Asgard...and the only one left is …”

Having said this, Kevin raised his head and smiled at Tiwan:

"Right here with you."


"Thanos's next destination will be here. He will definitely get the Reality Stone from you. By then, do you think he will let you hold the Reality Stone? Will he let the people in the Void Land go?"

After Kevin finished speaking, the room became extremely quiet.

Tiwan looked at Kevin seriously for the first time:

"You know...a lot."

"Well, it's just a little...more than you guys."

Kevin once again used the words he used to deal with Gamora to deal with Tiwan.

Tiwan laughed, dusted himself off, and asked:

"Okay, I admit you convinced me, so what do you want to trade with me?"

"It's very simple." Kevin grinned. "Lend the Reality Stone to me. When I defeat Thanos, I will return it to you."

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