Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 98 You can COS Lantern now

The only thing that can defeat magic is magic!

In other words, the only one who can defeat the gem holder is the gem holder!

Putting aside the gap in combat power between Kevin and Thanos, with the blessing of the Power Stone, Thanos is now definitely an opponent that Kevin cannot deal with.

Going to challenge Thanos without any preparation is not called bravery, but it is called brainless.

It just so happens that Kevin is still here with the Collector, and it just so happens that the Collector still has a reality gem here.

Then Kevin might as well use the Collector's Reality Stone. Using reality to deal with power, he might be able to defeat Thanos who holds the Power Stone.

This is Kevin's plan.

But after hearing Kevin's request, Tiwan laughed out loud:

"Haha... That's interesting. Are you saying that you want to take the Reality Stone from me without giving anything? Is it a waste of money?"

"I said I was borrowing it, and I didn't say I wouldn't return it. Besides using the Reality Stone to deal with Thanos, do you think there is any other way to stop him?"

Kevin wasn't in a hurry either.

Since he didn't get the Reality Stone, he just gave it away in the past. Even if he was anxious, it was of no use. He could only feel wronged that the Silver Guardians and Xandar Xingduo had to wait for him.

"Then how can I trust you that after you borrow the gems, you will return them smoothly? You are a wanted criminal."

Devan is very distrustful of Kevin.

He didn't know Kevin, and he had never heard of Kevin before. The only information he could find was that Kevin sneaked into Xandar, was caught in prison, and then escaped.

Now Kevin, like other members of the Silver Guard, is a wanted criminal in the Nova Corps.

A person of unknown origin, a wanted fugitive, such a person wants to borrow one of the most precious collections from Tiwan.

Tiwan can only believe that there is a ghost.

"Because I don't want to offend you, and I don't want to offend Asgard." Kevin gave a prepared answer:

"The predecessor of the Reality Stone is the ether particle, which was sent to you by the Asgardians for preservation. Once the Reality Stone cannot be returned smoothly, the first people who will be unable to sit still are the Asgardians.

"And I'm going to go to the nine realms controlled by the Asgardians. With such an identity, I can't go to them."

In fact, Kevin couldn't help it.

When it comes to ways to stop Thanos, Kevin, who knows the movie world, can think of a lot of them.

How to contact the Avengers, how to find the Ancient One, Odin, or the people of Wakanda.

If nothing else works, you can contact Nick Fury's braised egghead and ask him to contact Captain Marvel.

Kevin promised that no matter how powerful Thanos is with the Power Stone, Captain Marvel should be able to stop Thanos.

If it doesn't work, you can still go to Thor, Team Shock and Thor, and the two of them working together should be able to save Xandar.

But the problem is, whether he is looking for Team Shock or the Avengers, Kevin has to go to Earth first.

The earth is not close to here. If Kevin first goes to the earth to find rescuers and then comes back to help Xandar, then he may have to go back to collect their bodies as Rocket said.

The fastest way to achieve it at present is to ask Tiwan for the Reality Stone.

Any method other than this is too late.

"You actually know this."

After hearing Kevin say the words Asgard and ether particles, Tivan finally showed a surprised expression.

These things should be considered secret even in Asgard.

Even many Asgardians don't know that the Aether Particle is the Reality Stone.

But Kevin in front of him said all this, as if he knew everything and nothing could be hidden from his eyes.

Kevin's smile remains:

"As I said, I know a lot."


Tivan was silent and looked at Kevin a little, as if he was seriously considering this matter.

After a long time, Tiwan suddenly stood up and said to Kevin:

"…Come with me."

Tiwan's actions represented his decision at the moment.

He seemed to have thought it over and decided to lend the gem to Kevin, which made Kevin relieved.

On Tivan's side, reality gems are stored differently than other collectibles.

Because this is one of the six most precious rough stones in the universe, of course it cannot be treated like an ordinary collection.

The correct way to collect is to put it in the deepest part of the collection room and store it carefully so that no one has a chance to get it.

At this moment, what Tivan took Kevin to was his most important collection room.

Even the explosion just now did not affect this place.

Bringing Kevin here, Tivan asked him to wait behind.

For a moment, Tiwan waved slightly to the top, and the surrounding machines sensed Tiwan's movements and began to operate.

The gears were running, and various collections flashed in front of Tiwan and Kevin. Not long after, a rectangular box stopped in front of them and was transported to them by the machine.

The rectangular box was made of Uru alloy, with a golden surface and black interior.

In the middle of the black, there is a red glowing line.

This is the container that stores the ether particles. The slender lines emitting red light in the black middle are the ether particles themselves.

That is, the reality gem.

Tivan moved gently, holding it in his hand like a treasure, and turned around and placed it in front of Kevin.

"This is the Reality Stone."

"It is still an ether particle..."

Kevin frowned at the box in front of him.

Before being touched by the Infinity Gauntlet, the Reality Stone had always been presented to the outside world in the form of 'etheric particles'.

If the user wants to use the power, he needs to integrate the ether particles into his body.

And this approach can cause damage to the body.

Kevin's current physique should be incomparable to that of the Asgardian protoss. He is not sure whether absorbing ether particles will cause any harm.

Moreover, even if there is no harm, after Kevin absorbs the ether particles, he cannot take it out.

How will you pay it back then?

"Hehehe, I thought you really knew everything."

The Collector laughed when he saw Kevin's embarrassed look.

Kevin's expression remained unchanged:

"I know it will turn into a gem when it comes into contact with the Infinity Gauntlet, but I don't know what to do before that."

"Well, let's not mention what the Infinity Gauntlet you are talking about is, but since you know that the Infinity Gauntlet can do this kind of thing, you should know what the Infinity Gauntlet is made of."

"...Uru alloy?"

Kevin's expression changed.

Tivan nodded:

"Yes, that's it."

The Infinity Gauntlet is made of Uru alloy, an alloy controlled by the dwarves. This alloy is very powerful. Thor's Mjolnir and Storm Ax are both made of Uru alloy.

So does the Infinity Gauntlet.

If Uru alloy is used, it may be possible to shape the ether particles.

Kevin was guessing, and Tiwan took out something and placed it in front of Kevin:

“After getting the ether particle, I have been thinking about what to do to make it appear in the most perfect appearance to the outside world, and then I thought of the Asgardian Protoss.

"The raw materials of the weapons in the hands of the gods of their tribes all come from the most powerful metals in their respective tribes, so I spent some time collecting scraps of these metals and used a little special method to create this small thing."

Tivan said, placing the things he took out on the table, side by side with the ether particles.

Kevin looked over and saw that it was a dark gold ring made of Uru alloy.

The ring is round as a whole, and the space in the middle where the gems should be stored is empty. The overall feeling is not very good-looking.

Kevin reached out to touch the ring, but Tiwan slapped it away:

"Don't move yet. First, let me confirm again. You are sure you will return it, right?"

"I said, I will definitely pay it back, otherwise you will not let me go, and the Asgardian protoss who have been watching here will not let me go either."

Kevin knew very well that Asgard, Heimdall, the guardian of Asgard who could see any corner of the universe, must be watching here.

If Kevin doesn't return the Reality Stone, he will definitely report it to Odin.

When the time comes, Kevin will face the group of Avengers headed by Thor.

Although Kevin is not sure whether Asgard, which is now controlled by Loki, will care about this matter...

But anyway, the Reality Stone is really not of much use to Kevin. If it leaves the Marvel Universe, it can only be used as a paperweight. What's the use of Kevin taking it away?

This thing is sold at the Time Management Bureau by "pile"!

Kevin looked at Tiwan seriously, allowing him to see the sincerity in his eyes.

Tiwan quickly looked away and looked at the things on the table again.

He no longer continued to ask Kevin whether he would return the gem, but picked up the box containing the ether particles and said to Kevin at the same time:

"Put the ring on your dominant hand."

Kevin immediately picked up the ring made of Uru metal and placed it on his right index finger.

Tivan added:

"Aim the vacant spot of the gem at me."

Kevin did as he was told, making a fist with his right hand and pointing the empty space in the middle of the gem at Tiwan.

After doing this, Tiwan finally confirmed:

"Are you ready?"


As soon as Kevin finished speaking, Tiwan grabbed the hand of the ether particle storage device, twisted it violently and pulled it to both sides.

The box was opened by Tiwan with brute force, and the ether particles contained in it floated out in the form of particles.

But just as it floated into the air, the ring in Kevin's hand emitted a red light.

The light exerts an attraction on the ether particles, and those floating particles begin to converge on Kevin's ring.

The particle forming speed is very fast at first, but gradually becomes faster and faster.

The wild wind blew, and the red light filled the collector's cabin again. Kevin felt his hand vibrating. Even with his current physique, he felt that he could not control the ring in his hand.

After an unknown amount of time passed, the strong wind finally stopped, and the ring on Kevin's hand stopped vibrating.

When everything returned to calm, the ether particles originally stored in the box disappeared.

Instead, on the ring in Kevin's hand, there was a beautiful gemstone that was bright red, bright and dreamy.

This is the Reality Stone.

It belongs to Kevin for now.

"...I seem to be able to go to DC Universe COS Lantern."

Looking at the Reality Stone in his hand, Kevin whispered to himself.

Tivan ignored what Kevin said. He put down the box containing the ether particles and stared at the reality gem on Kevin's ring with excitement.

His hands were trembling, and he looked like he wanted to grab the gem, and he said excitedly:

"It's so-beautiful! This is what I want to see! This is it!!"


"Quick! Go do what you have to do! Then give the gem back to me! I can't wait to play with it!"

Tiwan looked like a crazy man who saw a beautiful woman in some short movies, which gave Kevin goosebumps all over his body.

Although he had known that Tiwan was overly persistent and passionate about collections, Kevin was still somewhat surprised by his 'love' to such an extent.

In order to prevent Tiwan from actually snatching the gems back, Kevin left Tiwan's collection room without hesitation after getting the gems.

With the Reality Stone in hand, Kevin will have the confidence to deal with Thanos later.

So what we have to do now is to find a spaceship to go to Xandar.

Find another driver by the way.

Kevin doesn't know how to fly a spaceship.

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