Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 107: hotly discussed

Chapter 107 Hot Discussion

 On this night, "The Technical Workplace" was broadcast.

Lu Yanhe was studying with everyone in the classroom when he suddenly heard a cry from someone next to him.

Lu Yanhe turned around in surprise.

 I saw Ying Wada secretly taking off one of his earphones and giving him a thumbs up.

Lu Yanhe showed doubts.

 Because he was studying in the evening, it was difficult for him to talk to Ying Hetian.

 There is a person in between.

Lu Yanhe continued to work on the problem.

 There was more and more commotion around, and everyone seemed to be secretly watching what was going on, and took out their mobile phones one after another.

Lu Yanhe ignored him and waited until the first period of evening self-study was over. As soon as the bell rang, he heard Ying Hetian say loudly: "Lu Yanhe, from today on, you are my idol, Ying Hetian! I recognize you as my idol!"

Lu Yanhe had a "what the hell" expression on his face.


 Then, Lu Yanhe knew why everyone was commotion just now.

It turned out that "Technical Work in the Workplace" was broadcast, and it happened to be the episode he participated in the recording.

Ying Hotan turned on the public broadcast and played the part where Lu Yanhe spoke.

"Some teachers said that Mr. B's boss asked Mr. A to give up the project using the opportunity to study at the headquarters. This is a very typical exchange of interests. Mr. A may not agree, but if he agrees, then It was his own decision." In the video, Lu Yanhe was not speaking according to the script given by the screenwriter. At that time, he was thinking of Xu Zijun, so he expressed this feeling, "Of course, A is an adult, he doesn't care. Whether you agree or not is your own decision. No matter what Mr. A does, he is blameless. But why should the focus of this matter be on Mr. A’s choice? Is it because B’s boss didn’t respect the established rules and used a seemingly fair exchange of benefits to make A give up a project that could have been won? What really needs our attention and discussion is this kind of explicit use It is an act that uses unfair means to interfere with normal competition but is labeled as a fair exchange of benefits, right?”


 Lu Yanhe had forgotten the original words he said.

At this time, Lu Yanhe felt something different when he heard his own voice being played from his mobile phone.

At that time, he didn’t know that Xu Zijun’s family had received money from Chu Saiying’s family. He only knew that Xu Zijun had given up his qualifications for recommendation and had a bad premonition. Under such a premonition at that time, he said these words.

 Unexpectedly, it corresponds to what happened today.

Even Li Pengfei was surprised and asked: "Lao Lu, have you known about this for a long time?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head and said, "No, I didn't know that at that time. It was when a situation like this happened during the recording of the program that I said these words."

"You said what I wanted to say but didn't know how to say it." Li Pengfei said, "Let me just say that this matter is not Xu Zijun's fault no matter how you look at it, Luo Zicheng, that idiot, kept saying fair deal to Chu Saiying That **** talks."

Li Pengfei was obviously still angry with Luo Zicheng and Chu Saiying, and looked unhappy.

Lu Yanhe looked at Xu Zijun's seat.

  She was still sitting in her seat, immersed in reading, as if the discussions around her had nothing to do with her.


Lu Yanhe’s speech on the program was intercepted, and within one night, it spread among all classes in the school.

  After the evening self-study in the second quarter, Lu Yanhe went to take the bus.

As a result, I happened to meet two girls talking in front of me, and they were talking about Lu Yanhe’s speech on the show. “Lu Yanhe is really right.”

"Yes, Xu Zijun's family has no money. Chu Saiying's family gave her 200,000 yuan to ask Xu Zijun to give up. I don't believe that Xu Zijun is willing to give up. Going to college is her own business. If her family hadn't asked her to agree, she would have done it herself. Will you agree?"

“I’ve seen her cry secretly several times before, and it must be because of this incident.”


As soon as Lu Yanhe arrived at the dormitory, Yan Liang asked about it.

Although he rarely goes to school, he is also in the class group. Tonight, almost every class student was chatting about this matter in the group, and Yan Liang also saw it.

 Lu Yanhe gave a brief explanation.

Yan Liang immediately said: "However, even if Xu Zijun was forced by her family, it was with her own consent, not counting Chu Saiying bullying her."

"It doesn't count." Lu Yanhe shook his head, "I never felt that Chu Saiying bullied her, but this matter is wrong, and it is even more wrong to blame Xu Zijun for this matter."

"What does Chu Saiying do? He can spend 200,000 yuan for a recommended quota for independent enrollment. Once this is exposed, can he still keep his quota?" Yan Liang asked curiously.

“It depends on how the school makes the decision.” Lu Yanhe said, “Either it is to carry on without changing it, or it is to cancel Chu Saiying’s deferment qualification, or to return it to Xu Zijun.”

However, he did not expect that as soon as he finished saying this, someone would appear in the class and say that the school was considering revoking Chu Saiying's independent enrollment recommendation qualification.

“It is said that today, more than fifty students wrote letters of complaint to the principal’s mailbox, and even the school forum was temporarily closed.”

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised when he logged into the school forum and found that he really couldn't get in.

 It seems that too many people were discussing this matter on the school forum, which put a lot of pressure on the school, so the forum was closed.

 There was a lot of discussion in the class group.

The group of people was so lively that they didn’t look like senior high school students preparing for exams.

 Things like fairness and justice can always easily hit young people like them.

 It doesn’t need to be about things that concern you, but you will passionately want to oppose all injustices.

Even during Lu Yanhe's live broadcast, someone mentioned in the barrage room that there were many people arguing about the recommended quota for independent admissions on their school's forum, but this matter did not attract many people's attention and quickly passed by. .


“Principal Song, this matter has caused trouble for you.”

 A pair of middle-aged men and women who looked very noble were sitting in a house with a relatively low-key and simple decoration style. They looked a little out of place, but they were very respectful when facing the owner of the house in front of them.

Principal Song gently raised his hand to indicate that they should not worry about this matter.

"No one wants to see something like this happen." Principal Song sighed, "It's just that since this incident has attracted so much attention and public opinion, the subsequent events are beyond my control. Just now we I received a notice to seriously study the matter of Chu Saiying’s recommendation. It doesn’t matter if I say it alone.”

"Principal Song, please pay more attention to this matter." The woman showed an elegant and gentle smile, "We know that this matter cannot allow you to violate principles and school regulations. If that is the case, we will be embarrassed. I’m here to ask for your help, but as long as someone in front gives up, the recommended indicators will be postponed. This is also the practice in previous years, isn’t it?”

Principal Song smiled.

"This matter has caused you trouble, and we feel sorry for it. Please accept it." The woman picked up a gift bag placed at her feet, took it to the coffee table, and pushed it towards Principal Song, "It's just a box Tea is not expensive, so please don’t refuse it.”

 (End of this chapter)

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