Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 108: I'm jealous

Chapter 108 Envy

Early in the morning, Lu Yanhe arrived at school before seven in the morning.

As soon as I arrived at the school gate, a person suddenly ran over.

Lu Yanhe was stunned.

 “Are you Lu Yanhe?” The man who ran over asked proactively.

 Lu Yanhe nodded, "Who are you?"

The man who ran over seemed not much older than him. He had a ponytail and his face was bare, except for a pair of eyes that were very bright, as bright as stars.

"I am Xu Fanxing, Xu Zijun's sister." The girl opened her eyes wide and said, "I know you and Zijun are classmates. She told me, can you please do me a favor and tell her that I Wait for her at the school gate and ask her to come out and see me."

Lu Yanhe looked at her in surprise and asked, "Why don't you just go in and find her?"

Xu Fanxing bit her lip lightly and said nothing, as if she had something unspeakable to hide.

When Lu Yanhe saw this, he didn't ask any more questions.

 “If I see her, I’ll tell her.” Lu Yanhe said.

 “Thank you.” Xu Fanxing thanked him immediately.

 Lu Yanhe arrived at the classroom and saw Xu Zijun.

Xu Zijun was sitting in his seat, still reading with his head down as usual.

 Lu Yanhe walked over.

 “Xu Zijun.”

Xu Zijun looked up at Lu Yanhe in surprise and confusion.

Other students in the class who had already arrived in the classroom also looked at them with some surprise, expressing surprise that Lu Yanhe was talking to Xu Zijun.

Lu Yanhe whispered: "I just met your sister at the school gate. Let me tell you that she is waiting for you at the school gate."

Xu Zijun was stunned for a moment, and his eyes turned red instantly.

  She nodded, lowered her head immediately, and said in a voice like a mosquito's moan, "Okay, thank you, I understand."

Lu Yanhe glanced at her hesitantly.

 Xu Zijun had no intention of getting up.

 Well, it seems that there are indeed some things between her and her sister that are unknown to outsiders.

 Have any conflicts? Or is there another problem?

In the past two days, Xu Zijun has been at the forefront of the storm. Lu Yanhe said again: "All of us support you, don't be affected by the words of one or two people."

Xu Zijun picked up the pen again and paused, lowering his head in silence, without any reaction.


Chhu Saiying still didn’t come to school today.

The Chu Saiying family paid Xu Zijun to give up his quota. There was a big fuss. Lu Yanhe originally thought that the teachers in class today would say a word or two.

Especially Lin Jue, she is a person who will comment on something no matter what happens, as long as it is something in school.

However, contrary to Lu Yanhe’s expectation, all the teachers were silent about this matter, or even kept it secret, and no one mentioned it.

 Then, before the first class in the afternoon, the head teacher Liu Qin came to the class.

“Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the recommended places for Chu Saiying and Xu Zijun, and I have heard them all.”

As soon as Liu Qin opened her mouth, the students who were still a little drowsy suddenly woke up.

"I understand that everyone has many opinions and attitudes, but this is their personal decision. As teachers, and I as the head teacher, as long as their decisions and behaviors do not violate school disciplines and rules, I can only choose to respect them. , and support." She sighed, "I hope everyone can do the same. It is already the third year of high school and time is very tight. Each of you is my student. I hope that each of you can pass the college entrance examination in the end. Get good grades in the high school entrance examination and get results that satisfy you, and don’t let other things affect your time and energy.”

Liu Qin’s words caused the class to fall into a stunned silence.

 After she left, Li Pengfei immediately came to ask Lu Yanhe. "I said, Lao Lu, what does Teacher Liu mean by this? Is she here to appease us? Tell us not to make trouble anymore?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head, "I don't know either, but I think what Teacher Liu said is right. No matter what happens, don't affect your study. I see that many students in the class have been discussing this matter in the group. Well, it was already early last night, and there were still many people talking in the group. I think such discussions are meaningless and can only be a waste of time.”

Li Pengfei looked at him sideways and said, "I'm the one who discussed it with them until the early hours of the morning."

“So, I’ll point you to you.” Lu Yanhe said, “Have you forgotten the bet you made with me? Didn’t you say that you must surpass me in the next exam?”

Li Pengfei immediately became indignant and said, "Damn, you're still talking about it! I didn't know that you, an animal, work so hard, study as hard as if you risk your life, go home after studying at night, and live-stream your studies until the early hours of the morning. "

Lu Yanhe raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why, can't you do it?"

Li Pengfei wanted to curse, "I just can't do it, why?", but, damn, this **** desire to win!

 “Who says I can’t do it!” Li Pengfei stared, “Just wait!”

Lu Yanhe raised the corners of his mouth.

 In the four classes in the afternoon, nothing happened.

 Everything is business as usual.

Lu Yanhe fell asleep after listening to the history class.

The teacher of Class 4 was really too perfunctory in his lectures. He was just following the instructions without any passion. The rhythm of his lectures was like a monk reciting sutras.

Lu Yanhe really didn’t want to listen anymore, so he started to read and take notes by himself.

 The bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Lu Yanhe felt that the whole class breathed a sigh of relief.

 It was really too bad.

 “Want to eat in the cafeteria?” Li Pengfei asked.

 “Let’s go.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

When the two of them went out from the back door of the classroom, they happened to meet Liu Qin coming over.

“Xu Zijun, come out for a moment.” Liu Qin said standing at the back door of the classroom.

Lu Yanhe looked back.

Li Pengfei asked in a low voice: "Why did Teacher Liu suddenly call Xu Zijun over?"

 Lu Yanhe: “How could I know?”

“I always feel that Teacher Liu has bad intentions.” Li Pengfei snorted, “He actually sneered at our righteous actions.”

 “Listen to what you said.” Lu Yanhe looked at Li Pengfei speechlessly.

After going downstairs, Li Pengfei looked at the huge crowds on the way to the canteen. He immediately said: "How about we go out to eat? The canteen must be overcrowded now. With you here, we will be like monkeys in the zoo again. Being watched while eating.”

Lu Yanhe: "...Okay."

 After receiving the remuneration for recording the program, Lu Yanhe’s wallet is now a little richer and less stretched.

Li Pengfei put his hand on Lu Yanhe's shoulder and said, "Lao Lu, let me ask you seriously, have you really been kidnapped?"

"What the hell?" Lu Yanhe could now ask back without changing his expression.

Li Pengfei: "What do you think, you suddenly became a college tyrant. You are obviously a top student in the grade of more than 300, but you have learned the attitude of being the first in the grade. I'm envious."

The sixth update!



 (End of this chapter)

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