Chapter 115 Tail

  After Hong Zhixing returned to the classroom, he was surrounded by a sense of uneasiness all night.

 She couldn't concentrate on reading at all, and she was always worried about how the matter would be dealt with.

 She had never realized before that the head teacher of Class 3 was such a difficult person to deal with.

Compared to her, her class teacher Yin Xiangyu is simply an incompetent waste!

Hong Zhixing recalled the scene that had just happened in his mind, and all the anger and disgust that was transformed from fear was transferred to Yin Xiangyu.

She didn't even realize that her helpless appearance was seen by her few followers, which also made them feel uneasy.

Until the evening self-study was almost over, Hong Zhixing still didn’t wait for Yin Xiangyu or her father to come to her.

 She had never felt so uneasy.

Her father is a lawyer, and she is a good student with both good character and academic performance. She has a bright future. She is not only an outstanding student in the eyes of the teachers, but also quite popular among her classmates.

 It has been a smooth journey and I have never encountered such a setback as today.

 A piece of paper was passed from the side.

Hong Zhixing took the note from her deskmate and opened it. It was a note written by Xu Linlin. It said: Are you okay?

Hong Zhixing frowned and crumpled the paper into a ball.

 Five minutes later, the first period of evening self-study get out of class ended.

Hong Zhixing’s cell phone suddenly vibrated.

 She turned on her phone and found a message from her father: I'm waiting for you at the school gate.

Hong Zhixing’s heart became tense for a moment.

She put down her phone with an ugly expression and started packing her schoolbag mechanically.

Xu Linlin came over.

"Zhixing, what did Teacher Yin say about this?" Seeing Hong Zhixing's ugly face, she became a little nervous, fearing that something would go wrong.

Hong Zhixing glanced at her and immediately knew what she was thinking.

"It's okay." She just said these two words with an indifferent expression, put on her schoolbag and left.

Xu Linlin wanted to ask something else, but Hong Zhixing didn't intend to say anything more to her, so she could only shut up in frustration.

Hong Zhixing hurriedly came to the school gate.

His father was standing at the door smoking.

“Dad.” Hong Zhixing called out timidly.

When Hong Chen saw her, he threw the cigarette **** on the ground, crushed it with the sole of his shoe, and said, "Get in the car."

 He opened the door of the car parked aside and got in the car.

Hong Zhixing also sat up.

 The atmosphere in the carriage made her extremely nervous, and her heartbeat could not help but accelerate.

 She carefully looked at her father's side face, and then cautiously called out: "Dad."

Hong Chen said expressionlessly: "This incident will not have any impact on you in the future."

Hong Zhixing immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

 “Dad, I was wrong.” She apologized immediately. If there is something, she can tell others confidently, but she dare not say it to her father.

She has been unable to fool her father since she was a child.

“You will learn from every experience and draw lessons from it.” Hong Chen said, “Since you have to deal with someone, it’s stupid to clean your hands and feet and leave so many traces to clearly give people clues.”

Hong Zhixing felt burning shame on his face.


 Liu Qin came to the classroom during the evening self-study period.

 She called Xu Zijun out first.

“The final outcome of this matter is for both parties to conduct a self-examination.”

As soon as Liu Qin finished speaking, Xu Zijun raised his head in surprise and wanted to say something else.

Liu Qin waved her hand and said, "I know that you have been wronged in this matter. I watched you grow up. I know your character. I believe that you will never do something like bullying your classmates. But this time we have no evidence, and you have been discussed by many classmates these days. I thought about it for a long time and thought that the best way to deal with it is to let this matter calm down as soon as possible and not cause other disturbances. You Now you are a senior in high school. Nothing is more precious than your time and your attention. I hope that no matter what ups and downs happen in the outside world, you can keep your concentration, focus on your studies seriously, and take the exam well. A good university is better than anything else, understand?”

Xu Zijun pursed his lips and nodded.

 “Thank you, Teacher Liu.”

"From now on, if you can avoid Hong Zhixing and the others, you can avoid them. Teacher Liu is not asking you to give in, but he hopes that you will not let these troubles interfere with your study energy. But if they are unwilling to give in, you don't have to." If you're afraid, just come to me." Liu Qin patted Xu Zijun on the shoulder, "I will protect you, just like this time."

 Xu Zijun’s eyes suddenly turned red.

 “Thank you, Teacher Liu.”

 She lowered her head and didn't know what to say.

Liu Qin said: "I won't say much else. I'm not worried about your study. I'm only worried about your concentration being distracted by these troubles, whether you can get the recommended quota, and whether you can get admission with reduced scores through independent enrollment. , this is not that important to you, you are the one who can get into Zhenhua and Yuming by relying on your own strength and working hard, you know?"

"Okay." Xu Zijun's mentality was completely calmed by Liu Qin's words, "I understand, Teacher Liu, thank you."


Liu Qin watched her return to the classroom, and then glanced at several other students in the class.

 She did not rush back to the office, but walked onto the podium after the second evening self-study class.

"Take two minutes to tell me something." Liu Qin said, "Before the self-study tonight, everyone must have heard about the fact that our classmate Xu Zijun was bullied by the classmate next door. This incident made me very angry. But at the same time, I am also very proud, because all the students in our class have a sense of justice. When Li Pengfei saw Xu Zijun being bullied, he ran over to stop him immediately. When Jiang Haitian saw Li Pengfei being slandered, he immediately returned to the classroom to ask his classmates for help. , Linyu, Chen Qin, and Lu Yanhe rushed over as soon as possible after learning about this incident and protected their classmates. I am very proud that there are so many students in my class who have a sense of justice and dare to stand up and protect themselves. classmates’ students.”

 The classmates all applauded.

Lu Yanhe did not expect that Liu Qin would show up like this.

 Thunder applause.

Lu Yanhe scratched his head in embarrassment.

Li Pengfei puffed up his chest and patted his own chest, looking proud.

"Okay, let's end this matter here. Everyone study hard. There are only a few days until the college entrance examination. If you don't advance, you will fall back. Make good use of this time and strive to improve a few more places. Maybe you can get from Progress from two books to one, from one to 211, from 211 to 985!”

 A group of students did not believe what Liu Qin said at all.

Lu Yanhe has a very strange mentality - before he traveled across time, he was just a student who had just finished the college entrance examination, but now he has the mentality of someone who has experienced it. He knew that what Liu Qin said was right, and he also knew that if he really studied hard and worked hard in the remaining time, miracles would happen. There had been such examples around him.

I don’t know how many people can really listen to it and seize this last moment to give it a try.

 (End of this chapter)

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