Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 116: change

Chapter 116 Transformation

“Well, to be honest, I originally thought that the outcome of this incident would be that Hong Zhixing would at least apologize to Xu Zijun.”

 After the evening self-study, Li Pengfei said on the way to the school gate.

"How is it possible?" Lu Yanhe never thought about it like this from the beginning. "She is in the top ten of her grade, and her father is a lawyer. There is no way he can smear her resume at such a critical time. Look at her at the beginning Regarding Xu Zijun's indiscriminate slander and attitude, Xu Zijun was originally blamed for it, but now it's good to be able to take it off. "

Li Pengfei was very angry: "Lawyers are great. Her dad is a lawyer. Although my dad is not a lawyer, can't he afford a lawyer?"

"That's not what I mean. What I mean is that Teacher Liu can handle this matter to this result, which is the best situation for Xu Zijun at the moment." Lu Yanhe said, "If it's not Xu Zijun this time, it's you, or It's Linyu, so you can try your best to make things worse, but what is the situation at Xu Zijun's family and the attitude of her parents towards her? It's not like you didn't listen to her sister. Teacher Liu must also know the situation at Xu Zijun's family. Her parents will definitely not give much support in this matter, so it would be the best way for Xu Zijun to end it as a big deal."

Li Pengfei frowned when Lu Yanhe mentioned Xu Zijun's parents.

"Damn, I forgot to give her the letter from her sister." He sighed and stopped, "Then let's go first, I'll give her the letter."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

“I only have the last train, so I won’t accompany you.”

“I know, go to hell.” Li Pengfei turned around and walked back.

 Xu Zijun lives on campus and is either in the classroom or back to his dormitory now.

Lu Yanhe walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus.

 A car drove past him.

Luo Zicheng sat in the car, glanced at him, and raised the window.

Lu Yanhe looked away, put on his headphones, and continued listening to the audio.

 The night is already very deep.

There were many students taking the last bus. When Lu Yanhe got on the bus, there were no seats and he could only stand.

Even though he was wearing headphones, some surrounding comments still reached his ears.

 “Isn’t that Lu Yanhe?”

“Why did he take the bus with us?”

 “Isn’t there a car to pick him up?”


Lu Yanhe usually leaves before the end of the first period of evening self-study get out of class or the end of the second period of evening self-study get out of class. He rarely leaves after finishing the evening self-study class.

 Otherwise, you have to catch the evening rush hour like now.

The buzz around him was like the raised windows of the car Luo Zicheng was sitting in just now. It is impossible to say that it did not have some psychological impact on Lu Yanhe.

 But he still tried his best to adjust his mentality.

 The opinions of others are completely unimportant.

 What matters is who you are and what you do.

 He has already experienced a lot of things here in less than a month since he traveled back in time.

 He became more and more familiar with the life here and Lu Yanhe's identity, and he became more and more identified with it.

 The world and life in the past seemed to have become a dream, sinking deeper into his heart. Only he knew there, and only he would think of it all when he dreamed back at midnight.

 But here, most of the time, he was occupied by the people and things here.

Especially after what happened to Xu Zijun, he once again experienced an emotional and cognitive shock. It is true that he is a time traveler, but before he came to this world, he was still just a young man who had just turned eighteen. He still had many shortcomings, shortcomings, and areas that needed improvement.     It is not enough to pass the college entrance examination and get into a good university.

 If you encounter this kind of problem in the future, how can you solve it better?

How can he gain more strength to protect what he thinks is right?

Xu Zijun's incident touched Lu Yanhe a lot, and even Li Pengfei didn't notice these touches.

Everyone subconsciously differentiates between him and Xu Zijun, and they will never think that they are similar. The former is a star artist, and the latter is an ordinary student. The former has a unique life that is different from ordinary people, and the latter has to work very hard to succeed. Break free from the shackles of birth.

However, Lu Yanhe himself knew that among so many people, the one who was in the most similar situation to him was actually Xu Zijun.

 A family that cannot provide support, an ordinary life that is unable to withstand unexpected accidents.

 He ​​told Li Pengfei that taking off the **** basin would be the best outcome for Xu Zijun. In fact, it was a pessimistic summary of his current situation.

 What else can they do?

 Having no power to protect herself, she can only endure.

However, if you have endured it once and twice, do you want to continue to endure it?

 How can we not endure it forever?


 Get more power.

 Not only the power to fight back when others provoke you, but also the power to be so powerful that others dare not provoke you!


"Hey, I'm back." Li Zhibai was lying on the sofa playing games. When he saw Lu Yanhe coming back, he said hello, "Why are you back so late today?"

“I just came back after evening self-study.” Lu Yanhe changed his shoes and yawned.

 “Will you still be broadcasting live tonight?”

“Live broadcast.” Lu Yanhe nodded, “I promised them that we will broadcast live every day.”

Li Zhibai clicked his tongue and sighed: "If I had your perseverance, I would probably be able to get into Zhenhua."

Lu Yanhe laughed.

"By the way, don't tell me. There is something I forgot to tell you yesterday. Zhou Ping'an asked us to go to the company this Saturday." Li Zhibai said.

“Including me?” Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

You know, he has been away from the group activities for a long time.

 Li Zhibai nodded and said, "Well, including you, Zhou Ping'an specifically said so."

Lu Yanhe was a little strange, or shocked.

 What is Zhou Ping'an trying to do?

He has already signed the termination agreement with him. Is there anything else that requires him to go to the company? Zhou Ping'an was obsessed with kicking him out, hoping that he would never appear in front of others again.

Lu Yanhe felt strange, so he went back to his room, started the live broadcast, continued reading and doing questions.


 On Saturday, Lu Yanhe went to the company with Yan Liang and Li Zhibai.

 The result was something he didn’t expect, including hundreds of trainees signed by the company.

  A group of people were invited to sit in a large conference room.

Lu Yanhe sat among the crowd and was confused for a moment. He didn't know what big thing was going on. It seemed like all the male idol artists signed by the company were summoned today.

Zhou Ping'an stood on the presiding stage and said with a smile: "We have gathered everyone together today because there are two very important things to announce. I would like to invite Mr. Ma to speak for everyone."

Lu Yanhe sat in the crowd, applauded along with everyone, and watched Vice President Ma in confusion as he came on stage.

 (End of this chapter)

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