Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 131: Substitution

Chapter 131 Substitution

 There was a joint letter in the class. When Liu Qin heard about it, everyone was confused.

She didn’t expect that the students in her class agreed with her on this matter, and they all wanted to change their history teacher.

 It's just that these kids are really...reckless.

 A joint letter was sent to the principal’s mailbox, leaving no room for maneuver.

Yin Xiangyu can't hold back her face and will definitely blame all problems on the students.

It is also difficult for schools to set a precedent like this - if students in other classes follow the same example and are dissatisfied with a teacher, they can change the teacher by sending a joint letter to the principal, and the whole school will be in chaos.

 Despite this, Liu Qin was happy inside.

 Because these children know how to fight for their own rights, and they also know that they need to find another teacher to improve their grades.

 In front of the principal, Liu Qin certainly gave Yin Xiangyu some face.

"Oh, these kids are really childish, reckless and ignorant." Liu Qin said in front of Yin Xiangyu, "Teacher Yin is a very experienced teacher. Everyone in the school knows that he is not blessed even though he is blessed."

 Hearing what Liu Qin said, Yin Xiangyu's face looked a little better at that time.

“Oh, Teacher Liu, I’m not telling you that, after teaching for so many years, this is the first time I’ve met students like yours.”

“It’s mainly the students in our class who are very motivated, so please forgive me.” Liu Qin said immediately, “They must also be dissatisfied with their grades in the history subject, so they did such irrational things.”

Yin Xiangyu: "Are they dissatisfied with their results? I think they have a problem with me!"

"How could it be possible?" Liu Qin added, "It's normal for one or two students to have objections to you. Which teacher can please all the students? But since you are so good, most students must have no objections to you. ”

Yin Xiangyu suddenly didn’t know how to answer this question.

 To deny it is to deny her own excellence.

 If you agree, what is this joint letter about? !

Liu Qin just let it go. As long as the matter falls on the students who are dissatisfied with their grades, it will be easy to handle. Yin Xiangyu cannot be allowed to turn this matter into a personal grudge against her by the students in Class 3. Then it will change from righteousness to A personal grudge.

Liu Qin took advantage of the situation and suggested: "Actually, Teacher Yin still has to serve as the class teacher of Class 4, which is also very hard. I feel sorry for myself. I really feel sorry for you when a student in our class does such a thing. Otherwise, let's find another history teacher." , let these brats know the difference, and then they will know how good you are."

Yin Xiangyu looked at Liu Qin in disbelief. She did not expect that Liu Qin would dare to ask for a change of history teacher at this time.


 Lu Yanhe estimates that tonight will be a sleepless night for many people in the school.

 Especially for Yin Xiangyu.

Perhaps, since she started teaching, she has never been complained jointly by students in a class about her poor performance in class. This is an unbearable shame for any teacher.

Lu Yanhe thought to himself that since things have become like this, it will probably be difficult to end peacefully.

 Actually, Yin Xiangyu ran to Class 3 and scolded her, so even if the school didn't want to change the teacher for their class, they had to change it.

 Otherwise, what will happen to the parents?

The teachers of the class running the students scold the students in the class. You will not change it. Which parents of senior high school students can be relieved.

 All the water in the cup has been drunk.

Lu Yanhe took the cup and went out to pour water. As soon as he left the room, Yan Liang and Li Zhibai came back.

It’s already half past ten in the evening.

 Yan Liang and Li Zhibai both looked very tired.

 “I practiced very late today.”

“I’m so exhausted.” Li Zhibai said, “I don’t know why I have to rehearse such a difficult dance. I haven’t learned it even after learning it for a whole day.”

Lu Yanhe knew the two of them very well and immediately asked: "Yan Liang should have learned it already, right?"

 When it comes to learning to dance, Yan Liang works harder and is more attentive than Li Zhibai.

Yan Liang said: "It's not familiar yet."

 That’s it.

Lu Yanhe glanced at Li Zhibai with disdain.

 Li Zhibai immediately exploded, "Damn, what's the look in your eyes?"

 “A look of contempt.” Lu Yanhe smiled.

Yan Liang took his mobile phone and asked: "Lao Lu, something happened in your class again? My class is busy again."

Lu Yanhe asked in surprise: "Has this matter spread again?"

"I heard that your history teacher cursed loudly in your class, and it spread." Yan Liang said, "Some students in our class posted a recording. It seems that someone secretly recorded the history teacher getting angry in your class. I heard it in the car just now, and it was quite exaggerated.”

 Lu Yanhe sighed and said: "Today our class wrote a joint letter to the principal, wanting to change the history teacher, and she got mad."

"Huh?!" The exhausted look on Li Zhibai's face was instantly wiped away, and he started gossiping, "Are you guys making trouble? You can even write a joint letter to apply for a change of teacher? Damn it, really The cows you are.”

Li Zhibai was so excited that he seemed to be wondering why he had not participated in such a thing.

Lu Yanhe said: "Then what can I do? I have never encountered a teacher who teaches so poorly. She is already in her senior year of high school. No one wants such a teacher to hold them back - especially because she deliberately behaves badly in our class. , perfunctory, but crazily jamming and making small fuss in his own class. This behavior clearly shows that he deliberately does not want us to be as good as their class. "

 “Damn, there are so many evil thoughts.” Li Zhibai was shocked.

Yan Liang said: "The school forum will probably be closed forever. So many things have happened in your class recently, and they are all big news that will blow up the forum."

“Some people have already moved to Tieba and posted a lot of posts.” Lu Yanhe said, “These days, you can’t stop others by closing a forum.”

Yan Liang asked: "Will this matter have a big impact on you?"

“It must have had an impact, but with such a fierce commotion, I guess at least the teacher must have been successfully replaced.” Lu Yanhe said, “In fact, as long as we can achieve this goal, our goal will be achieved.”

“I can’t help but wonder how bad your history teacher is.”

“Just like Li Zhibai paddling when he participated in a real estate developer’s performance.” Lu Yanhe gave an example.

Yan Liang was taken aback and stared: "Waiting like this?"

Li Zhibai said "Hey" twice and said: "Can you two avoid me when you say such things? Then I will go to my competitor's performance and I performed very hard, right?"

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang laughed.

 Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

 It’s Chenghai who’s coming. He said: "The audition results for "Golden Age" are out, Lu Yanhe, you got the role."

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe was stunned, with some inexplicable surprise, "Really?"

Chenghai nodded and said, "I heard it in Zhou Ping'an's office today."

 “Congratulations, I need a treat for this.” Li Zhibai said immediately.

Lu Yanhe laughed and said, "Who knows if I can pull it off, don't tell me too early."

Chenghai thought it was Lu Yanhe who didn't believe it, and emphasized: "I heard it all with my own ears, and you are the one who chose it."


At the same time, Zhou Ping'an asked on the phone with a sad look on his face: "Mr. Ma, what should we do? Director Luo asked Lu Yanhe by name. I tried my best to recommend Yan Liang and Cheng Hai, but they didn't succeed. Jiang Yu Qian refused to let go and recommended someone else."

Vice President Ma said nothing on the other end of the phone.

Zhou Ping'an said all kinds of melancholy and depression, but there was no pressure at all in his heart.

Anyway, Vice President Ma was always there during this audition. What could he, a small agent, do if he couldn't handle it even while he was there?

After being silent for a long time, Vice President Ma said: "Didn't you already sign a termination agreement with Lu Yanhe? Anyway, he will terminate the contract with us after he takes the college entrance examination in June. You first drag Luo Yuzhong and don't sign a performance agreement with them. If it’s delayed until June, Lu Yanhe will no longer be a contracted actor with our company.”

"Then he can still sign a contract with "Golden Age" as an individual? He can still act."

“It’s not because we asked him to act that he can act. He will have terminated his contract with us by then. Can we still restrain him?”

Zhou Ping'an was suddenly startled.

Vice President Ma may not have realized it himself, but Zhou Ping'an understood a meaning from Vice President Ma's words.

The person who really dislikes Lu Yanhe and doesn't want him to stay in the company is not Vice President Ma.

From his tone, it seemed that as long as Lu Yanhe was kicked out of the company, the rest of the matter would have nothing to do with him.

Then who asked Vice President Ma to do this?

Zhou Ping'an suppressed the question and said, "Then is this matter going to be delayed like this?"

“Just put it off, otherwise what else can we do?” Vice President Ma said, “Do you have the ability to persuade Luo Yuzhong to change his mind?”

"I don't have the ability, but if we really don't want this to happen, of course there are ways to make it impossible." After Zhou Pingan figured out Vice President Ma's true attitude towards Lu Yanhe, he felt that he could learn from this matter To mediate some benefits, "The lion opened his mouth and asked for a salary that was not worth the price to Lu Yanhe, or asked for buy one, get two free. Director Luo can use Lu Yanhe. In his new drama, it must be Chenghai and Yan Liang are also given a role. Either Luo Yuzhong really agrees to our conditions, or the matter is ruined. It's not that we don't agree with Lu Yanhe to act, it's Luo Yuzhong who refuses to agree to this condition. "

Vice President Ma pondered for a moment, then laughed and said, "It's true that you have the solution, so let's do it this way. Of course it's the best if you can mess up this matter."


Lu Yanhe waited all night, but did not wait until Zhou Pingan told him about this matter.

 No matter what, Zhou Pingan is now his agent.

 After winning a role, the manager is obliged to tell his artist the result.

Early the next morning, Lu Yanhe sent a message to Zhou Pingan: Brother Pingan, I heard that I got the role in "The Golden Age". Although my contract with the company will end in June next year, Will the company still be responsible for this matter now? Or do I need to communicate with Director Luo myself?

 Subsequently, he sent another message to Jiang Yuqian: Sister Yuqian, good morning. I heard from others that I got the role in "The Golden Age". Thank you for recommending me. I will work hard.

It’s only half past six in the morning, and Lu Yanhe doesn’t expect them to reply right away.

 After he sent the message, the bus arrived at the stop.

 He got out of the car and walked to school.

 “Classmate Lu Yanhe.” A familiar voice sounded.

Lu Yanhe looked back in surprise and saw Su Su.

 He changed into a suit and was still handsome. He looked more like a white-collar worker in the company than a teacher.

 There are few teachers who dress so meticulously in suits and ties.

 “Good morning, Teacher Su.” Lu Yanhe was even more surprised when he saw him.

 He was surprised to meet this person for three days in a row.

Su Su asked: "Do you come to school so early every day?"

“Yes.” Lu Yanhe nodded, “Teacher Su came very early too.”

"It's always good for newcomers to come early." Su Su smiled, "But it seems we are really destined."

“Huh?” Lu Yanhe looked at him doubtfully, wondering why he suddenly said that. Is it because he met him at the school gate two consecutive mornings?

Su Su said: "It seems that I might be the history teacher of your class."

  ? ? ?

Lu Yanhe's eyes widened in surprise.

"Your class did something big yesterday, and the teachers were all excited." Su Su said, "Everyone is talking about it. Now everyone knows that you applied to change the history teacher, and Teacher Yin herself refused to change it. I'll take you to class."

Lu Yanhe asked: "Then...has the school decided to change?"

"The principal will talk to Teacher Yin again today. You are in the third class of high school. At this critical time, of course it is best not to change, otherwise it will take time to adapt to the new teacher." Su Su said, "Besides, if something like this happens, , and no other history teacher is willing to take over your class. Taking over your class at this time is a direct slap in Teacher Yin’s face. She is a veteran of our school, and no one will offend her easily. "

“Teacher Su, are you willing to take it?”

"It doesn't matter whether I am willing or not. I am a newcomer. If no one is willing, I will definitely be the one to pick it up in the end." Su Su said with a smile, "Of course, privately speaking, I am also very happy. The more this kind of It’s more challenging to carry the burden when the time comes, isn’t it?”

“This is a group of senior high school students, and the performance of a subject is very important to everyone.” Lu Yanhe originally wanted to say, “We are not your test subjects to challenge yourself,” but in the end he was too embarrassed to say it directly.

Su Su seemed to understand the true meaning behind his euphemism.

"I dare to challenge, of course, because I have the strength to challenge." Su Su's gentle and elegant temperament in front of Lu Yanhe finally showed some strong confidence and aggressive attitude.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know how to answer these words.

This state between self-confidence and middle-level, he feels, is really difficult to handle.

“Teacher Su, do you think it’s wrong for us to do this?” He decided to change the topic and asked.

"From your point of view, of course it's true." Su Su said without hesitation, "In the eyes of many teachers, Teacher Yin's approach is not recognized. Some people have long said that Teacher Yin's behavior is very unkind. I As soon as I arrived at the history teaching and research group yesterday, someone mentioned this matter to me, but I didn’t expect it to break out that night.”

“I thought from your teacher’s point of view, you would think that we don’t respect our teachers.”

"There is no need to rise to this level." Su Su said, "We have all been students. Who doesn't understand how unfortunate it is to encounter a bad teacher? I admire you for having the courage to point it out."

 (End of this chapter)

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