Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 132: Learn to ask why

Chapter 132 Learn to ask why

 After returning to the classroom, Lu Yanhe thought about this incident from time to time.

Is it possible that Su Su can become their history teacher?

Soon, Zhou Ziyu, a “Personal Smartphone”, also brought the news to the class.

 As soon as he finished speaking, most of the girls in the class rioted.

 A group of people were as excited as if they had won the lottery—of course, to them, this thing might actually be as exciting as winning the lottery.

 There is also a history class today, in the first period in the afternoon.

Originally, many students were worried about having to face Yin Xiangyu again this afternoon. They were very annoyed and didn't want to face it. But now they found out that it was possible to replace Yin Xiangyu directly, and they felt instantly relieved.

 Only Zheng Meiqi was worried more rationally.

“He is so young and has no experience in teaching senior high school students, right? Now that he has come to take over our class, can he help us improve our grades?”

Zhou Ziyu immediately said: "Don't worry, Su Su was recruited from our school with a lot of money. He has a bachelor's degree in history from Zhenhua and a Ph.D. before. He was a teacher at the high school in Jiangguang and taught a class of students. But the two classes he led ranked among the top 10,000 in the province in two single subjects of history, and their results were outstanding. I heard that he came to our school just for a transition, and he is very good at it.”

As soon as Zhou Ziyu said this, everyone was stunned.

 What is the concept of the top one ten thousandth of a single subject in the province? The concept is that you may not be admitted to a certain university based on your total score, but you can be admitted into the corresponding major of this university with this single subject, which is one of the top 10,000 in the province.

When Lu Yanhe heard what Zhou Ziyu said, he realized that what he said to him in the morning was neither overconfidence nor second-rate. He just had enough ability.


“If it’s really the history of Teacher Su who came to teach our class, wouldn’t we have made a lot of money?” Chen Yi’s eyes lit up.

As the only college bully in the class who is locked in a ranking battle with Lin Yu, Chen Yi’s shortcoming is history, and she has had enough with a history teacher like Yin Xiangyu.

 Zheng Meiqi, who was behind them, was also full of surprises.


 After class in the morning, everyone went to the cafeteria to eat with anticipation, waiting for the history class in the afternoon.

Lu Yanhe and Li Pengfei were sitting on their seats. They planned to wait until the cafeteria was less crowded and after this peak period was over before going there.

The phone suddenly rang.

Lu Yanhe took a look and saw that it was Jiang Yuqian who was replying to the message he sent in the morning.

Jiang Yuqian: Come on, work hard.

  Very simple six words.

However, Jiang Yuqian has replied, but Zhou Pingan has not yet.

Lu Yanhe thought to himself, could Zhou Pingan have to pretend to be dead forever and never come back?

Based on his understanding of Zhou Pingan, Zhou Pingan would definitely not be willing to sign this drama for him now. The problem now is that director Luo Yuzhong chose him, but Zhou Ping'an doesn't want him to act. It depends on how to deal with the middle.

Lu Yanhe didn’t plan to just wait. If he keeps waiting like this, Zhou Ping'an will probably mess up this matter. But, how can Luo Yuzhong leave this role to him?

Lu Yanhe needs to plan carefully. Even if he doesn't know much about the entertainment industry, he also knows that a role in a famous director's new play may be a life-saving straw for him who has nothing now. .

Jiang Yuqian told him that the film will be filmed, and it will definitely be in the second half of next year. By then, he will have finished the college entrance examination.

We must find a way to let Luo Yuzhong know early on that he really wants to play this role and will play it no matter what. Otherwise, if Zhou Pingan gets in the way and messes up the matter, he will really have no reason to reason.


Generally speaking, at the beginning of the first class in the afternoon, most students have just woken up from their nap, their eyes are bleary, their faces have red marks that only appear after lying on the desk for a long time, and their heads are as groggy as if they were The paste is stuck.

 But, today it is different.

Almost all the students were full of curiosity to see if it was the legendary new teacher who walked into the classroom.

So, when the man in a suit appeared from the corridor outside the classroom, before he even entered the classroom, there was a burst of cheers in the classroom that almost knocked down the ceiling.

 He was brought to the classroom by Liu Qin.

 After he entered the classroom, the cheers that had just subsided began again.

 Su Su had a surprised smile on his face.

Liu Qin also smiled and pressed it with her hand to signal everyone to be more reserved. Then she said: "For some well-known reasons, the school has arranged a new history teacher for our class, Su Su. Teacher Su is Zhen Zhen." The bachelor, master and doctoral students from Hua University once brought out two students in Jiangguang who were among the top one in 10,000 students in the province in the single subject of history. Everyone should cherish Teacher Su. If you don’t understand anything or need advice, go to Teacher Su. This great **** will help you answer it.”

 The whole class cheered for the third time.

Su Su didn't have time to say the first sentence until this moment.

"Hi, everyone, I am Su Su. In the next three hundred days or so, you can trust me and follow me. The college entrance examination will be no big deal." Su Su said.

“Oh—” Li Cui’s eyes widened and he asked, “Teacher Su, can a failed player like me be saved?”

Su Su raised the corners of his mouth, smiled brightly, and said, "Why ask if there is any help at this time? It's just a dead horse treated as a living horse."

 The whole class burst into laughter.

 Su Su’s style exceeded everyone’s expectations.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Su would tease the students and joke with everyone as soon as he came up.


In the first class when Su Su met with everyone, he did not start teaching directly. Instead, he talked about how to test the history of the college entrance examination.

"History is actually one story after another, but the history test is not." Su Su got straight to the point, "Everyone memorizes historical facts and years. This is the basis, but the test does not test the intact historical facts, but each small piece of historical facts. position in the long history, so to do well in history, memorizing every knowledge point is not the key. The key is that we must understand why this period of history happened. The three words "why" are the key to doing well in history. "

"To give a simple example, why did the Anshi Rebellion break out in the Tang Dynasty? Why did the Song Dynasty become a period of prosperous commerce? Why did the Qing Dynasty establish a literary inquisition?" Su Su said, "It is difficult for us to predict the future, but we can summarize the past. To summarize, from various From various historical facts, we can reason and explore its laws and development context, and this is also the favorite question-setting idea and focus of the college entrance examination. "

When Su Su talked about this, he exuded a high-spirited, confident and calm aura, leading every student to listen.

Lu Yanhe also had a new understanding as if he was enlightened.

"So, many science students say that history is about rote memorization, but those of you who have taken these exams must know that if you can get a high score just by rote memorization, then you will get perfect scores everywhere." Su Su laughed, "Learn to ask why a period of history happened, think about history, and summarize the rules. Then you will understand history and no longer need to be afraid of exams."

Su Su is really a very charismatic teacher.

 He is very confident in his profession, and he seems to be able to talk about anything with ease.

The class passed by in a flash, and when everyone was still enjoying themselves, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Su Su clapped his hands and said, "That's it for today. Starting tomorrow, I will take you through high school history from the beginning. As I said before, trust me and follow my rhythm. Learn problem-solving thinking with a good foundation. , If the foundation is not good, three hundred days is more than enough.”

 Everyone applauded spontaneously.

 Thunder applause.

Su Su is gone.

 A group of people stare at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Li Cui stood up and said in shock: "This guy is a bit awesome."

“It is worthy of being admitted to Zhenhua University and bringing out two talented people who are one in ten thousandth in the province. One class has improved me more than I have in the past two years,” Mei Ping said.

Su Su shocked everyone so much that almost everyone couldn't help but start talking.

Lu Yanhe himself has gained a lot. When it comes to history, he has always been a bit out of his depth. He listens to audio lessons, reads books by himself, and even reads "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", but it is always fragmented, very confusing, and cannot be put together. Su Su's words "why" seemed to knock him on the head and wake him up.

 Ask before all historical events: Why did it happen?

These fragments are connected together with these reasons.

 There are really two brushes.


 However, the more popular Su Su became among the students in Class 3, the more unhappy Yin Xiangyu became.

 That joint letter from Class 3 was simply a shame and a huge insult to her.

She now regrets that she rushed to Class 3 and yelled at those students last night. She single-handedly made this incident known to everyone in the school, and everyone in the school laughed at her.

 But the matter has come to this, and she has no regret medicine to take.

Yin Xiangyu could only secretly curse the students in Class 3 for failing the exam.

 It is absolutely impossible to allow students in Class 3 to take more than Class 4 in the history subject.

 Otherwise, doesn’t it really mean that there is something wrong with her teaching?

Just as Yin Xiangyu was thinking this, Su Su opened the door and returned to the office after class.

“Oh, Xiao Su is back after class.” Another female teacher asked with a smile on her face.

 A young and handsome man came to the office. Of course they were happy.

 Except Yin Xiangyu.

"came back."

“Xiao Su met the students from Class 3? How did it feel?” someone asked again.

Yin Xiangyu stared at her laptop screen, as if she didn't care about their conversation at all, but in fact she had been listening carefully.

Su Su glanced at Yin Xiangyu who was sitting in the back, smiled, and said, "This is the first time we have met, so I can't talk about feelings. They are just a bunch of ordinary students, but they are quite enthusiastic towards me."

"Of course you are enthusiastic." The person who answered the call paused for a moment. He seemed to realize that this sentence might make Yin Xiangyu unhappy, so he tried to make up for it, "After all, there is such a young and handsome teacher."

Su Su smiled, waved his hand and said, "Stop teasing me."

"Xiao Su really needs to pay attention. You are so young and handsome. There must be some female students who are attracted to you. Don't cause anything that violates the principles." Yin Xiangyu stabbed in a sinister way.

"Haha." Su Su said immediately, "Teacher Yin, please don't make such a joke with me. It would be bad if someone takes it seriously."


 There is strife everywhere.

 However, after the changes between Xu Zijun and Hong Zhixing and the change of teachers, the atmosphere among everyone in Class Three became better than before, and there was a real sense of unity.

 Not before.

But there are still a few people who influence unity.

 One is Chu Saiying. Regarding the matter between Chu Saiying and Xu Zijun, most people are still on Xu Zijun's side. There is no way, they are all students. Compared with other things, Xu Zijun earned this recommendation indicator by relying on his usual performance. Chu Saiying got it by extension and bought it with money. For the same thing, the respect he gained was different. Same. But Chu Saiying has been very quiet since she came back. She just sits in her seat and reads a book every day, and she no longer looks down on this or that.

 The other one is Luo Zicheng. This person who refused to sign the joint letter became the only one in class three who did not sign even though Chu Saiying also signed. Everyone didn't say anything, but in their hearts they pushed him away. He was already far away, but now they didn't even want to say a word to him. They felt that he was not the same person. Luo Zicheng was unhappy and felt excluded, but he knew why he was "ignored" by everyone no matter how hard he looked for the reason.

If he had known that Yin Xiangyu would really be replaced, he would have signed the joint letter.

Luo Zicheng didn’t want to be ostracized by his classmates all the time.

 It's just that he couldn't think of any good way to resolve the current situation.

 He has never thought of any way to resolve the alienation between him and his classmates.

Luo Zicheng has never understood why he is not popular and respected by his classmates.

He is just a little more sober and rational than everyone else. Does he have to be as stupid as everyone else to gain their popularity?


With the new history teacher, there is also the National Day holiday.

Even for senior high school students, the National Day holiday is still a holiday they can enjoy.

Every teacher is afraid that students will be wild and not read during this holiday.

 So, almost every subject is assigned a lot of homework.

 They are all test papers, and you need to answer questions.

 Howlings were heard everywhere.

Lu Yanhe didn't feel too much. Anyway, he didn't plan to go anywhere else.

 It is very hard to write questions and prepare for exams, but someone like him who has experienced it once has become accustomed to it and knows that the end is actually not far away, and this boring and tedious preparation time will eventually pass.

Li Pengfei asked Lu Yanhe if he wanted to come to school to study together during the National Day holiday.

Lu Yanhe said: "I'm too lazy to go back and forth, so I'll just stay at home."

Li Pengfei sighed and said, "I feel like if I have to stay at home alone, I will definitely not be able to control myself. Alas, why can't I sit still?"

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "It's okay for me to come to school to study on my own, but I will definitely have to use my mobile phone to broadcast live."

"Live broadcast." Seeing Lu Yanhe relent, Li Pengfei's eyes immediately lit up, "I will ask the driver to pick you up then, and someone will bring us food at noon. Oh, you are still a good friend!"

Jiang Haitian was surprised when he heard Li Pengfei's words.

“Damn it, Brother Fei, since when did you love studying so much? You came here to study on your own during the National Day holiday?”

"This is called striving for excellence." Li Pengfei said very proudly, "I tell you, I don't have any other goals, just a small goal. To surpass that big idiot Luo Zicheng, let him see, just his bad results, nothing is worth it to me. Proud in front of me.”


 On the day after school on Friday, the whole floor was a little happier than usual.

Although senior high school students are destined not to go out and play during the National Day holiday, it is better than getting up early and coming home late every day. They can sleep in at home and eat the food cooked by their parents without having to go to the smelly and unpalatable canteen. .

 Because there is a holiday as soon as school is over in the afternoon, not many people participate in the evening self-study.

When Lu Yanhe and Li Pengfei came back from dinner, only one-third of the people were left in the classroom.

 Li Pengfei said: "Anyway, we have to study by ourselves in the next seven days. How about we take a rest tonight."

"I suggest you don't make such excuses for yourself. Tomorrow after tomorrow, how many tomorrows do you have to surpass Luo Zicheng? There are only three hundred days until the college entrance examination." Lu Yanhe said.

Li Pengfei: "That's right, okay, then just try your best."

 Lu Yanhe shook his head speechlessly.

Sure enough, when it was time for evening self-study, there were only a dozen people left in the classroom.

 Other people were picked up one after another by their parents after work.

Lu Yanhe studied a set of mathematics test papers in the evening, and then began to review what Su Su had taught in class these past few days.

Su Su is really a history teacher who doesn’t follow common sense.

 He turned the class into a lecture hall, the kind where questions can be asked at any time.

 It is not a random check on whether students will be in union, but a question about a certain historical event.

“Which categories of reasons do you think this kind of thing will happen?”

In fact, the core of what Su Su talked about was still the same as the exam, political factors, economic factors, cultural factors, etc., but he completely changed the method and turned the class into taking the students to decipher together, which in turn inspired everyone enthusiasm for participation.

By the time Lu Yanhe finished sorting out his notes, it was already the end of the first period of evening self-study get out of class.

Li Pengfei raised his hands, stretched, and yawned again, as if he was exhausted to the limit.

“I’m so awesome, Lao Lu, I actually memorized all the knowledge points in this chapter on politics.” Li Pengfei said.

Li Pengfei is currently majoring in politics and geography.

 Because the political examination questions are the most common, it is the easiest for him to improve his score, while geography is a task specially given to him by Teacher Lin, and he must improve by ten points compared with the last examination.

With a foundation like Li Pengfei's, there is no need to study all subjects at the same time - after all, every subject is poor, but the college entrance examination is based on the total score. Which subject is easy to get the score, you will focus on that subject first.

Lu Yanhe gave him a thumbs up and said, "Awesome."

 Li Pengfei was so happy that he said: "This is worth celebrating. Let's go to the canteen and buy you a drink."


 Linyu and Chen Qin also put down their pens and started chatting.

“Li Pengfei actually changed his gender with Lu Yanhe and started studying. Lu Yanhe is awesome.” Chen Qin watched the two people go out from the back door of the classroom and sighed.

Linyu said: "If you want to get a person who doesn't want to study to start reading, you have to find some goals for him other than reading, and he can only accomplish it by reading."

 “This target is hard to find.”

"But for Li Pengfei, there is one in our class." Linyu laughed, "Oh, I will start taking the independent enrollment exam in a month. I haven't decided which school to apply for yet, so I'm so confused."

Chen Qin: "Me too, I have a big head, and different schools have different conditions. But I really don't want to sign an agreement that requires me to enroll in that school as long as I go to the first line. I have worked hard for so long. If my luck breaks out and I get into Yuming or Zhenhua, but I can’t get into it because of this agreement, I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

"Yeah." Linyu nodded, "I think so too. I have already made a decision. I will not apply to a school that wants to sign such an agreement."

 Chen Qin thought for a while and said, "I don't think anyone in our class would choose this kind of school."

"Everyone has their own considerations, let's not worry about what others choose." After Lin Yu finished speaking, she suddenly saw Xu Zijun picking up the water cup and getting up to get water from the back of the classroom. She realized that the topic she just talked about might be hurtful and she had lost her qualifications. Xu Zijun winked at Chen Qin and told him to stop talking.

Chen Qin nodded knowingly, lowered his voice and said, "I really hope that Chu Saiying will fail the independent enrollment and not be qualified."

Linyu said: "Anyway, I have already been admitted to a prestigious Ivy League school in the United States. I have many choices, but unlike us, I can only take the college entrance examination."

 Chen Qin scratched his head and said, "Then I'll work harder and try to give our children more choices in the future."

Linyu didn't expect Chen Qin to say "our child" so suddenly.

 Her eyes widened and she looked at Chen Qin in surprise.

 Chen Qin also reacted immediately.

He looked at Linyu's suddenly red cheeks, coughed twice, and hurriedly went to get the water glass.

 “I’m going to drink some water too.”


 Only eighteen years old, just a child...

 Chen Qin came to his senses and cursed himself as a fool in his heart.

 Which girl would want to hear such words at this age?

At this time, Zhou Ziyu, who was also staying in the classroom for evening self-study, suddenly appeared beside him silently, also holding a cup in his hand.

“Hey, brother, we are still single, and you are thinking about your future children.”

Zhou Ziyu glanced at him with a faint look, whispered, and gave him a thumbs up.

Chen Qin took a deep breath and said, "Get out."

Zhou Ziyu’s gloomy expression suddenly became colorful, and she walked away laughing.

 Chen Qin: “…”

Now that Zhou Ziyu, a big mouth, knows about this matter, he won't look back and the whole class will know that he said this to Linyu, right?

 He wanted to hit his head against the wall and knock himself out.


Even though it was already a holiday, those who stayed in the classroom started the second period of evening self-study according to the bell.

As soon as the bell rang, the classroom became quiet and no one spoke anymore.

I don’t know how much time passed. Lu Yanhe was concentrating on doing the questions when he suddenly felt a figure standing next to him. He was startled. When he looked up, he found that it was Liu Qin.

 She was standing between him and Li Pengfei, watching what they were doing.

 Liu Qin smiled at him and left.

Just such a smile made Lu Yanhe feel warm in his heart.

Having gone through so many things in the past, I cannot say that the results are all satisfactory, but they are also the best results that can be obtained.

 The most important thing is that here he met teachers like Liu Qin and Lao Chen, as well as classmates like Lin Yu and Li Pengfei.

September is about to pass, and Lu Yanhe is becoming more and more familiar with this world and the life here.

 This is no longer other people’s world and other people’s lives.

Lu Yanhe lowered his head again and picked up the pen. At this moment, he felt an unprecedented sense of peace in his heart.

 No matter what happens, keep going.

 Wherever you are, keep up the good work.

 No matter what the future looks like, keep going.

 (End of this chapter)

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