Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 134: Who says you can’t make money as a learning anchor?

Chapter 134 Who says you can’t make money as a learning anchor?

 National Day holiday is celebrated across the country.

Lu Yanhe still woke up at 5:50 without any hesitation, started reading English, memorizing ancient poems, sorting out the knowledge points recorded the day before that needed to be further consolidated in memory, and then focusing on history.

If there is nothing to do in the morning, Li Zhibai usually won't get up before ten o'clock.

Yan Liang came back from his run and asked Lu Yanhe if he planned to stay in the room and read today.

 Lu Yanhe said he was going to school.

Yan Liang nodded and said, "I also have to start preparing for the exam."

 Lu Yanhe asked: “Are you going to school too?”

Yan Liang showed a hint of embarrassment, shook his head, and said, "The company arranged for me to have a tutor to prepare for the art exam. He taught me about physical appearance. Cultural classes were also arranged."

The reason why he was embarrassed was because he knew that the company had not arranged this for Lu Yanhe, and he was afraid that Lu Yanhe would feel uncomfortable after hearing this.

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "You have to take the art exam. It's best if the company arranges courses for you."

 It is definitely a lie to say that I don’t feel uncomfortable in my heart.

 But Lu Yanhe would not transfer these emotions to Yan Liang.

He also knew that this had nothing to do with favoring one over the other. He and Zhou Ping'an no longer had "each other" for a long time.

At 8:20, Lu Yanhe arrived at the gate of the community. While waiting for Li Pengfei, he also sent a message to Jiang Yuqian: Sister Yuqian, can you please give me the contact information of director Luo Yuzhong? There's something I want to tell him.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know if Jiang Yuqian would give it to him.

 But since both of them are willing to let him act in "The Golden Age", Jiang Yuqian should help him, right?

 Lu Yanhe holds such hope.


When Jiang Yuqian woke up, it was already 10:30 in the morning.

  She got off the bed, her white silk pajamas swaying as she walked, sometimes revealing a pair of long, straight, white legs.

For a while, Jiang Yuqian relied on these legs to gain popularity on the Internet. On the one hand, it was the company's operation and marketing, and on the other hand, it was because of her out-of-the-circle pictures and animated pictures that touched the hearts of some people. A pair of long legs made their hearts sway as they walked.

 She took her mobile phone and went to lie down on the sofa in the living room. When she opened it, she saw many unread messages.

One of them was posted by Lu Yanhe at 8:20 in the morning.

Jiang Yuqian frowned slightly.

Want to have the contact information of Director Luo Yuzhong?

Jiang Yuqian sighed.

Yesterday, Zhou Ping'an reported the conditions to Luo Yuzhong, which was like a lion's mouth. Regarding Lu Yanhe's appearance in "The Golden Age", Zhou Ping'an offered a salary of 800,000 yuan - which is an astronomical figure for Lu Yanhe's current status. No crew will agree because he is not worth the price. In addition, Zhou Ping'an also requested that Cheng Hai and Yan Liang be assigned a role each.

Zhou Ping'an is not crazy. He must have known that Luo Yuzhong would not agree to such an offer. It was obvious that he wanted to use this to repulse Luo Yuzhong.

Jiang Yuqian didn't even ask Lu Yanhe whether he knew about this.

It doesn't matter whether Lu Yanhe knows or not, because the decision-making power on this matter rests with Zhou Ping'an, and it's useless what Lu Yanhe says.

 Because of this incident, Jiang Yuqian herself felt that her face did not look good.

 She was the one who recommended Lu Yanhe to Director Luo Yuzhong at the beginning. Now that something like this has happened, Director Luo Yuzhong must be very angry.

Jiang Yuqian just wanted to forget about it. No matter how good Lu Yanhe is and how suitable he is for this role, with an agent like Zhou Ping'an who is not sincerely cooperative, there will still be too much trouble for the crew in the future. Jiang Yuqian didn't want to take these risks. Even if she was the heroine, she was just a junior in front of Luo Yuzhong.

She put down her phone, went to the refrigerator, and took out a bag of oatmeal and a carton of milk.

 Cook yourself some milk cereal at noon.

 Brushing her teeth, washing her face, applying facial mask... By the time she finished cleaning herself up and returned to the living room, thirty minutes had passed.

Jiang Yuqian picked up the phone again.

I don’t know why, but I have made a decision. Lu Yanhe’s knowledgeable, polite, and neither humble nor arrogant persona often comes to mind.

 Finally, she remembered Lu Yanhe's last expression on the day of the audition. The nostalgia and loss in his eyes touched her heartstrings inexplicably.

never mind.

Jiang Yuqian thought to herself, if I help him again, it would be up to him to see how successful he is in this matter.

She sent a message to Director Luo Yuzhong: Director, just now Lu Yanhe asked me for your contact information. I think he has something to say to you. I see that you admired him very much on the day of his audition. I gave him your business card. Pushed it to him.

 After sending the message, she pushed Luo Yuzhong's business card to Lu Yanhe.

 Lu Yanhe took a while to reply: Thank you, Sister Yuqian!

Jiang Yuqian thought for a while and reminded again: Do you know what conditions your agent imposed on the film studio?

Lu Yanhe: I don’t know, Sister Yuqian, Zhou Ping’an never contacted me from the beginning to the end. I know that the director chose me because I heard it from other people in the company.

Lu Yanhe: Did he impose any embarrassing conditions?

Jiang Yuqian sighed.

 Sure enough.

She sent Zhou Pingan's conditions for resigning and said: The director should be very angry. You need to contact him, explain less, apologize more, and explain it clearly when he feels better. However, if you can't change Zhou Pingan's attitude, Just stop forcing it.

 Lu Yanhe: Okay, thank you, Sister Yuqian, I understand.


 Looking at the message from Jiang Yuqian, Lu Yanhe's heart sank to the bottom.

Sure enough, Zhou Pingan had no idea of ​​letting him star in "The Golden Age" and came up with such a damaging move.

Luo Yuzhong took a fancy to Lu Yanhe and chose him to act in a play.

Zhou Ping'an and the others couldn't directly reject a great director like Luo Yuzhong, so they came up with this method.

Forcing Luo Yuzhong to give up on his own initiative.

If Jiang Yuqian hadn't told him about it, he wouldn't even know what Zhou Ping'an did.

How disgusting.

Lu Yanhe’s eyes flashed.

“Old Lu, what are you thinking about?” Li Pengfei suddenly slapped him from behind.

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe came back to his senses.

Li Pengfei said: "You didn't even respond when I called you just now."

Lu Yanhe: "I was distracted just now. What's wrong?"

Li Pengfei said: "Let me ask you, do you want some coffee? I am ordering coffee. Alas, I am so sleepy. I have been studying all morning and my head is dizzy."

 “I don’t need it, you can drink it yourself.”

Li Pengfei took his mobile phone and ordered a takeaway for himself.

“It’s almost 11:30, and it’s almost time for lunch.” Li Pengfei’s eyes lit up, “I finally felt what it means to learn with a hungry stomach. This word is really appropriate.”

Lu Yanhe looked at him and smiled silently.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor.

 Several people came over.


 The school is on vacation and not many people like them go to school to study by themselves.

 Hence, this set of footsteps was particularly obvious.

A scene that shocked Lu Yanhe and Li Pengfei appeared.

Li Luzhi walked into the classroom with two men in black suits and a plump and plainly dressed woman.

Each of them was carrying a food box in his hand.

“Oh, you’ve been studying all morning, are you tired?” Li Luzhi walked in with a smile on his face and asked.

Lu Yanhe and Li Pengfei both widened their eyes in disbelief and looked at him and the three people behind him with some confusion.

“Dad, why did you bring so many people here?” Even Li Pengfei was a little confused.

 Li Luzhi said: “I’ll bring you lunch.”

Li Pengfei swallowed his throat and said, "Even if you bring me lunch, it won't require such a big battle, right?"

Li Luzhi: "You and classmate Lu have studied so hard, so of course you have to eat well and replenish your body. Let me tell you, my father specially hired a chef to make this."

As soon as he greeted, two bodyguard-looking men in black suits behind him quickly put several desks together to form a larger square table.

 Subsequently, the middle-aged woman who looked like a nanny quickly opened the food box. What was inside was not food, but a tablecloth and cutlery.

 She spread the tablecloth and set the tableware, then took out the food and set the table.

They seemed to have received professional training. They performed the movements in one go without any pause. After finishing, they left the classroom very quickly.

Li Luzhi was the first to sit down. He looked at the two young men who were almost petrified and said, "Sit down and eat."

Li Pengfei took a deep breath and said, "Dad, fortunately there is only one classmate in the class today, Lu Yanhe, otherwise I would really lose my family."

Lu Yanhe knew that Li Pengfei was a guy. Although he always said that his family had wealth and everything would be fine, he was not a person who liked to show off his wealth in front of his classmates. He had always kept a low profile, which was completely different from Chu Saiying who liked to show off and thought she was superior to others. no the same.

Lu Yanhe sat down generously and said, "Thank you, uncle."

Li Pengfei saw Lu Yanhe sit down, and his mood eased a bit due to his father's publicity, so he sat down.

Li Luzhi was very enthusiastic about Lu Yanhe and said as soon as he opened his mouth: "It would be great if my son had become friends with you."

Li Pengfei knew what his father was going to say as soon as he heard it, and immediately interrupted with a dark face, "Dad, stop it quickly. Stop talking."

Lu Yanhe probably guessed what Li Pengfei's father wanted to say.

I guess he was overly surprised when he saw that Li Pengfei's attitude towards studying had recently changed and he started to work hard. He attributed all the changes in Li Pengfei to Lu Yanhe.

Li Luzhi said with a smile: "Okay, if you don't let me say it, I won't say it. Let's eat. This tuna sashimi is your favorite. It was specially ordered from someone. It was just caught from the sea this morning. Try it. taste."

Lu Yanhe looked at the plate of neatly arranged sashimi in front of him in shock. What shocked him was what Li Luzhi said just now, "It was just caught from the sea this morning." Yuming is not a coastal city.

Li Luzhi will definitely not brag about this sashimi. I can only say that rich people really don’t care about money if they want to eat what they want. I guess they were caught from the sea and sent directly to the plane?

 Or what?

It was sent all the way to Yuming, then sliced ​​on site and put into the food box sent to Class 3, Grade 3, No. 13 Middle School.

Li Pengfei had a great time eating.

 There are eight dishes on a table, which is too much to finish.

Li Luzhi didn’t even use his chopsticks, and just kept picking up food for Li Pengfei and Lu Yanhe.

“Eat more, this black-bone chicken soup has ginseng stewed in it. Remember to drink a bowl of soup later to replenish your body. You senior high school students work from morning to night every day. It’s too hard. Cooking an eagle is not as hard as you.”

Li Luzhi shocked Lu Yanhe every time he opened his mouth.

 But he was more shocked, and Lu Yanhe felt a little sour in his heart.

No matter how exaggerated these dishes are, Li Luzhi prepared them for his son.

Lu Yanhe missed his parents especially at this moment, his parents in the original world.

His family is very ordinary, not as rich as Li Pengfei's family, but his parents will prepare a table of food to make him happy and satisfied.

Lu Yanhe envied Li Pengfei very much.

 Because he no longer has a father who loves him so much.

"By the way, Yan He." In the span of one meal, Li Luzhi's address to Lu Yanhe had changed from "Classmate Lu" to "Yan He", "I read the information on the Internet, you are still an idol artist?"


“So are you preparing to take the art exam?”

“If I don’t take the art exam, I will take the college entrance examination.” Lu Yanhe said, “It depends on how many points I can get in the college entrance examination, and I will go to any university.”

 “Aren’t you going to be an artist in the future?”

“Let’s see the opportunity. If I have the opportunity, of course I want to continue doing it.” Lu Yanhe said.

Li Luzhi nodded and said: "I heard that you recently opened a live broadcast room. After Pengfei goes home every night, he also reads books along with your live broadcast. This model gives me some new ideas. My company has been promoting it recently. A new social software originally focused on information exchange among students, but your live broadcast made me realize that it might be possible to open up a new online study room function. "

“Online study room?” Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

"Well." Li Luzhi said, "A few days ago, didn't you take everyone to recite vocabulary every night? This is actually quite inconvenient. You live broadcast, and you can't connect with everyone. I just rely on you to speak Chinese and watch your live broadcast. Most people rely solely on their own consciousness to learn English, which is very mechanical. But if there is such an online study room and a host, add some auxiliary functions to it, such as letting people in the study room select some words from the vocabulary together. Everyone can memorize words together, and it should have a huge market among students.”

 Li Pengfei seemed to have heard about this for the first time, and he showed a shocked expression. He almost wanted to write four words clearly and clearly on his face: "Be a human being!"

Lu Yanhe laughed and said, "I don't know how many students are willing to use this online study room function, but there are definitely many teachers who are willing to use it, especially during this holiday, the teachers are eager to install a monitoring system in our homes. Let’s see if we are studying hard.”

Li Luzhi laughed.

"It seems that it can indeed be implemented." He nodded, "When this new function is developed, I would like to ask you to try it out in your live broadcast room. Of course, it is not free. I will give you a commission based on the market price. ,what do you think?"

Lu Yanhe looked at Li Luzhi in surprise, not expecting that he would get such an opportunity to make money.

 Can you really make money by running a live broadcast room for learning?

What Li Luzhi said made Lu Yanhe feel much better from Zhou Ping'an's disgusting behavior.

"Okay, of course I am willing." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "If such a function comes out, it will be much more convenient for me and my friends who follow me in the live broadcast room to learn every day, and we can also make extra money."

 Li Luzhi: “This is also inspired by you.”

Li Pengfei didn't expect that when his father came over today, he would actually bring Lu Yanhe a profitable cooperation.

 But, will Zhou Pingan give him the next step in this cooperative promotion job?

Lu Yanhe was not sure about Zhou Ping'an's attitude. This cooperative promotion is purely to make money, and it is not the kind of exposure like appearing on a show or filming a movie. Maybe Zhou Pingan will agree? If he doesn't agree, then he has no choice. After all, whether he accepts a job or not, it's all in Zhou Ping'an's hands.

 He ​​suddenly felt that it would be good to have such a termination agreement. If he could maintain the current situation until the end of the college entrance examination next year, as Qiu Ling said, he would still have many opportunities, and he would be free from the sky.


 After lunch, Li Luzhi and others packed up the things, restored the desks, and left in a hurry.

“Son, I have a dinner party tonight, so I won’t come. Aunt Zhang will come to bring you dinner, just wait.” Before leaving, Li Luzhi said.

Li Pengfei: "It's okay to send dinner, but don't make such a big move."

 “Okay, study hard.”

As soon as the others left, Li Pengfei made a face at Lu Yanhe.

 “Do you think my dad is exaggerating?”

“It’s pretty good.” Lu Yanhe said, “I envy you for having such a dad.”

Li Pengfei suddenly remembered that Lu Yanhe's parents died young and he was an orphan.

He cursed inwardly that he was mentally ill and complained about his father in front of Lu Yanhe, no matter if he was exaggerating or not.

 “I’m so sleepy.” Li Pengfei covered his round belly, “I want to sleep when I’m full, so I’ll lie down on the table and take a nap.”

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Go to sleep."

 He took out his mobile phone and reopened the chat window with Jiang Yuqian.

Apply to add Luo Yuzhong as a friend first.

Hello Director Luo, I am Lu Yanhe. As long as you are willing to let me play "The Golden Age", I will do it despite all difficulties.

 Let’s express our attitude first.

This was the only message that could be sent to Luo Yuzhong before he applied for it as a friend.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know whether Luo Yuzhong would agree to his friend application.

If you agree, it means that Luo Yuzhong definitely still prefers his role.

If you don’t agree, then Luo Yuzhong’s anger has not subsided, so he will think of other ways.

Lu Yanhe has made up his mind that this time, he will do whatever he can to retain this opportunity.

Ten minutes later, the phone rang.

 He immediately picked it up and took a look. Luo Yuzhong agreed to his friend application!

He took a long breath and immediately sent a message to Director Luo Yuzhong: Director Luo, I'm very sorry. I just heard about the conditions proposed by my agent to you. I feel very guilty for causing you so much trouble. I'm calling you now. Is it convenient for you to give me a call? I hope to be able to star in this movie. Please be sure not to take the conditions imposed by my agent to heart.

 These words have been thought over by Lu Yanhe for a long time.

How to appease Luo Yuzhong's emotions in the first place and tell him his attitude that he really wanted to act in "The Golden Age"? At the same time, he told him that the unreasonable conditions proposed by Zhou Ping'an would not be an obstacle to cooperation.

Two minutes later, Luo Yuzhong’s voice call came over.

Lu Yanhe immediately walked out of the classroom and went to the end of the corridor to answer the phone.

 “Hello, Director Luo.”

"Xiao Lu, I'm very pleased that you have this attitude." Luo Yuzhong sighed, not seeming to be angry with Lu Yanhe, "Yu Qian also mentioned to me that the relationship between you and your agent doesn't seem to be very harmonious. I think he raised these conditions out of hesitation and really wanted to talk about cooperation, so this is not the way to talk.”

 “Yes, I’m sorry.”

“You should only listen to your agent’s arrangements in this matter, right?” Luo Yuzhong said.

Lu Yanhe didn't expect Luo Yuzhong to ask this question straight to the point.

He said: "Before the college entrance examination ends next year, I have to listen to his arrangements. But after the college entrance examination, the company and I will terminate the contract. Director Luo, I heard from Sister Yuqian that your drama will be released in the second half of next year." Shoot, after the college entrance examination is over next year, I will resume my status as a free person, and then I can make my own decisions."

 This is the only thing he can come up with to convince Luo Yuzhong based on his own situation and after thinking about it for a long time.

 “Cancel the contract?”

"Well." Lu Yanhe said, "I have signed a termination agreement with the company. The agreement will take effect on the day when the college entrance examination ends next year."

Luo Yuzhong was surprised.

"If you are worried, I can give you a copy." Lu Yanhe said, "Director, I have never acted before, and I don't know where to start as an actor. To be appreciated by you is a sudden gift from fate. I opened a door. I know I must seize this opportunity. I also promise you that I will overcome all difficulties to act in this movie. As long as you are willing, the salary or other conditions may be good. Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

Luo Yuzhong was silent.

Lu Yanhe thought to himself, did he express it too much?

 Will it put too much pressure on Luo Yuzhong?

However, this is not what he can grasp now.

 He has nothing but sincerity.

Luo Yuzhong said: "Xiao Lu, let me think about it carefully and I will contact you again."

Lu Yanhe was somewhat disappointed that he did not receive a positive answer.

 But Luo Yuzhong's next words made him feel happy.

 “Take a photo of your termination agreement and send it to me.” Luo Yuzhong said.

 He was still persuaded!

 Lu Yanhe said with a bit of surprise and excitement, "Okay, I'll send it right away, thank you director!"


 Hang up the phone, Lu Yanhe looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the building, feeling like the breeze and the bright moon in his chest, and he felt so comfortable.

At this moment, he felt a numbness in the soles of his feet.

Making this phone call with Luo Yuzhong, he actually felt nervous and uneasy. On the one hand, he was full of hope, and on the other hand, he was worried about being rejected by Luo Yuzhong.

 Putting aside his reserve and directly expressing his sincere attitude toward an opportunity is something Lu Yanhe rarely does.

 Always save face, afraid of admitting one's persistence and obsession with an opportunity.

 But he has nothing now, no golden fingers, no system, no background, and no interests that can impress Luo Yuzhong.

The only thing he can do is to take the initiative to fight for an opportunity for himself like he did today.

Maybe he will succeed or he may fail, but if he doesn’t strive for it, he thinks that he will probably regret it every day in the future. Why didn’t he work harder and take more initiative?

here you go.

 He cheered himself up in his mind.

 (End of this chapter)

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