Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 135: It's on fire again

Chapter 135 It’s on fire again

This holiday, Li Zhibai went on vacation with his family, Yan Liang began to prepare for the art exam, and Lu Yanhe went to school every day to study on his own, so the chances of meeting each other were less than when there was no holiday.

 But during this holiday, Lu Yanhe finally got a little tired of studying.

 I feel bored, don’t want to read, start to feel in a daze, and can no longer study as immersively as before.

 There will always be stages like this.

Frustrated and angry, Lu Yanhe could only endure it.

At this time, Lu Yanhe was also very lucky that Li Pengfei was studying with him.

I can say a few words from time to time, chat, and even eat together. When I’m tired, I go for a walk on the playground to relieve my boredom. It’s not as boring as when I’m alone.

On the penultimate day of the holiday, Lu Yanhe suddenly received a call from Hou Jun.

 This surprised him a little.

“Director Hou, are you looking for me?” He came to the corridor.

Since they met in "Little Songs Gathering Crowds", Lu Yanhe and Hou Jun have been in and out of contact several times. Hou Jun appreciates Lu Yanhe's talent and his personality, so even if he failed to come to the rescue that time, Hou Jun still Keep in touch with him, and from time to time I will send him a few songs that I think are suitable for him and exchange music.

Lu Yanhe is a little embarrassed every time he receives such news, because he really doesn't understand music.

Hou Jun said: "There is one thing. A friend of mine heard your song "Memorial" and wanted to cover it. He asked me to help him."

After a song becomes famous by a singer, other singers will cover the song in concerts, programs or offline performances. Generally, as long as it is a commercial performance, it needs to be done seriously. Buy the copyright.

However, there was a time when this was a complete vacuum. Who cares about your copyright? I sang your songs to give you face, and you still want to sue me? Sue as you wish.

 It is much more standardized now.

Lu Yanhe said: "No problem, Director Hou, but who wants to cover it?"

"Song Linxin, a young singer." Hou Jun said, "She was on another show and wanted to cover this song. In fact, I think this song seems more suitable for girls to sing. The whole style of music is closer to the thoughts of girls. "

Lu Yanhe thought, after all, the original singer is a serious girl.

He said: "Okay, but I need to find someone to look at my contract first to see if authorizing covers requires the consent of my company. I didn't read the contract carefully when I signed it."

Hou Jun: "It shouldn't be necessary. You wrote this song yourself, and the copyright is all in your own hands. The contract you signed with your agency is a performance agency, not a copyright agency. However, you should check it out. , don’t go back and cause some contract disputes.”

 “Well, thank you, Director Hou.”

"Then I'll give you my little girl's business card." Hou Jun said, "You guys can talk among yourself."

“Director Hou, can I ask what the average price of a cover song is on the market?” Lu Yanhe asked, “I have never encountered such a situation, and I don’t understand the market.”

Hou Jun, a director who specializes in music variety shows, must know this.

Sure enough, he thought for a while and said: "If it's just a cover on a show, it's a new song. It's not that popular, and the price isn't high either. It's probably between 5,000 and 10,000."

Lu Yanhe understood, "Okay, thank you, Director Hou."

Hou Jun said: "When have you settled the matter with your agency, and come to our show again if you have a chance?"

“I’ll definitely give it a chance. Thank you, Director Hou.” Lu Yanhe said.

 Subsequently, he received Song Linxin’s business card.

He hasn’t even joined the friend yet, but his friend request has come.

It seems that Hou Jun pushed business cards from both sides.

Lu Yanhe approved Song Linxin’s friend application and said hello to her.

Song Linxin said: Hello, I am Song Linxin.

Lu Yanhe had never known who Song Linxin was before. After chatting with them, he realized that Song Linxin had just debuted not long ago.

The two chatted and then got down to business. Song Linxin asked Lu Yanhe to cover the song on the show.

 Lu Yanhe graciously agreed.

Song Linxin asked where the other person was and asked her to sign an authorization letter. Only with this authorization letter would the program allow her to sing this song on the show.

Lu Yanhe was surprised. He didn’t expect copyright protection to be so good now.

 Later, he asked Li Zhibaijia's legal counsel to look at the contents of his contract with Star Entertainment, including whether it included the copyright to represent his own songs.

 Fortunately, the contract he signed at the time was not too complicated. Indeed, as Hou Jun said, it was just a performance agent, excluding the agency for his own works.

 In the afternoon, Song Linxin and her agent Zhou Meng came to No. 13 Middle School.

 Lu Yanhe met them at the school gate.

Song Linxin looked to be about the same age as him, but after asking, he found out that she was only in her first year of college and was one year older than Lu Yanhe.

Zhou Meng took out the licensing agreement, and Lu Yanhe read it over. He didn’t have a lawyer himself, and Zhou Pingan would definitely not let the company’s legal affairs help him, so he could only read it himself.

  However, the terms of this licensing agreement are relatively simple, and there seems to be no ambiguity.

 They generously filled in the authorization fee item with 10,000 yuan.

 Lu Yanhe signed.

Zhou Meng glanced at the school behind Lu Yanhe curiously and asked, "Isn't your school on vacation?"

“Oh, no, I’m studying here.” Lu Yanhe said.

Zhou Meng was a little surprised.

Song Linxin’s eyes when looking at Lu Yanhe also changed slightly.

The two parties said nothing more, signed the authorization, and separated.

In the car, Zhou Meng said: "This Lu Yanhe is quite unexpected. He looks different from ordinary idol artists."

"He can write a song like "Memory", and once you hear it, you can tell that he is a person with a very delicate mind." Song Linxin said.

 Zhou Meng laughed and said, "You will write a better song than "Memorial" in the future."

Song Lin smiled happily.

“Since you like singing and your parents entrusted you to me, we will work hard together and strive to let more people hear you sing.” Zhou Meng said.


What Lu Yanhe didn’t expect was that he received the authorization transfer of 10,000 yuan the next day.

 The speed is so fast.

This also surprised Lu Yanhe. After all, he had never thought that he could make a fortune by licensing cover songs before.

 He is now consciously saving money every month, just to save money for himself after the college entrance examination.

After the college entrance examination, he terminated his contract with Star Entertainment, and there would be no more 3,000 yuan a month subsidy. By then, he would have to go to college, without any savings, and would be stretched thin. If he really couldn't survive, he would have no choice but to apply for a college student loan. .

  The remuneration for "Little Songs Gathering Crowds" has been received, but the remuneration for "This Technical Work in the Workplace" has not yet been received.

His current savings, including the 10,000 he just arrived, are actually only a little over 14,000.

If he had not been an artist, he might have gone to the streets to beg for food and become a beggar by now.


As soon as the National Day is over, the second monthly exam for the third grade of high school is coming as scheduled.

Yan Liang also came to take the monthly exam. He wanted to see what score he could get in the exam now.

 Exams are always liked by a small number of students and hated by most students.

 Few people can really understand the meaning of school when they go to school, even if they know it is very important, because without a personal experience, it is difficult to truly study with all their strength.

 Lu Yanhe ranked 275th in his grade last time, and he plans to get around 200th in his grade this time. According to his plan, by the end of this semester, he would be steadily promoted to around 130 in his grade. By next semester, I will be among the top 100 in my grade.

 If the improvement is too obvious, people will be too surprised and even suspect that he is cheating. In this matter, he felt it was better to proceed step by step.

This kind of thing is something he can only figure out silently, and no one can discuss it.

Li Pengfei was gearing up excitedly, looking forward to what kind of results he could get in this exam.

 In the past month, he felt that he had lost a few layers of skin due to hard work.

 The monthly exam ends in two days and is conducted exactly according to the pattern and time of the college entrance examination. After Lu Yanhe finished his exam, he didn't stay at school to study in the evening and went back directly.

Yan Liang went with him.

 “How did you do in the exam?” Yan Liang asked.

“It’s okay, how about you?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Yan Liang shook his head and said: "I haven't come to class for a long time. I have lost a lot of things and I don't know many questions at all."

“You should be able to catch up later, right?”

"It shouldn't be a big problem. My cultural score is not high. I can just attack later." Yan Liang said, "My focus now is still on the art exam. If I can't pass the art exam, everything will be in vain."

"It will definitely pass." Before Lu Yanhe had seen Yan Liang perform, he was really worried that his friend who was an idol since his debut did not have acting talent. However, at the audition of "Golden Era", Yan Liang showed a performance that surprised everyone. Talent, he thinks he must be fine.

Yan Liang: “I hope everything goes well.”

 He and Lu Yanhe were sitting in the back row of the bus, looking at the sunset and the fleeting street scene outside the window, and said: "Sometimes I envy Li Zhibai. He never has to worry about his future."

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded.


Teachers worked overtime to mark papers, and the monthly exam results were announced the next day.

 Lu Yanhe was pleasantly surprised. He did pretty well on the history test, scoring 67 points in a single subject. This was the score he got in the regular test. It seemed that the intensive study last month was very effective.

 His total score was 527 points, ranking 209th in the grade.

 “Holy shit—” Li Pengfei suddenly yelled.

 The attention of everyone in the class was attracted to him.

Li Pengfei’s whole face turned bright and he said, “Lu Yanhe, I am grade 378!”

Before Lu Yanhe could react, other students in the class said "Wow" in unison, creating an uproar.

Jiang Haitian was the first one not to believe it, and said with a smile: "Li Pengfei, I'm afraid your eyes are deceived. Can you pass the exam to Grade 378?"

Li Pengfei raised his head high and looked at the world with disdain.

"If you don't believe me, just see for yourself. Hum, let me tell you, I don't work very hard at ordinary times. I just tried hard and I immediately improved by more than 200 places." Li Pengfei looked sideways at Jiang Haitian, as if asking him, " Do you have this ability?"

Jiang Haitian gave him a **** without hesitation.

Li Pengfei smiled magnanimously and was not as knowledgeable as him.

He is filled with happiness that everyone can feel - in fact, he only passed the exam and ranked 378th in his grade. This ranking can be achieved by most people who are a little more serious in class.

 At this time, Liu Qin came in.

 She also had a smile on her face.

 Because of this exam, Class 3 ranked first in grade, surpassing the next 4 classes.

What made her happiest was that Linyu was ranked first in her grade this time, among the top ten in grade. There were four in her class, and Chen Qin entered the top ten in grade for the first time.

Liu Qin said with a smile: "Aren't you secretly hanging your head and stabbing your buttocks at home during the National Day?"

 Everyone laughs.

"It's great to see you all making full efforts to make progress." Liu Qin said, "I have seen the results of each of you. Everyone is working hard to improve themselves. Some are in the same grade. The rankings have improved greatly. Although some people have not improved much in rankings, their scores have improved. I am very happy that you are all studying hard. "

“Teacher Liu, I would like to ask, how did our class do on the history test?” Mei Ping raised her hand and asked.

"Well, it's still not ideal, sixth grade." Liu Qin said, "But now that Teacher Su is here, with him here, I believe that if you study with him, you will definitely make progress quickly. Everyone, please work hard. Don’t be discouraged, you know?”

 “Okay.” Mei Ping was quite disappointed.

Liu Qin said: "There is another thing. I have carefully analyzed our class's math scores, especially the small scores. Our class lost a lot of points in geometry, especially in For the students who are in the top 100 of the grade, they lost more points than the average in geometry. From now on, I will specially select a type of question in the evening self-study and explain it to you. Everyone has to do one thing, sort out these few questions. In this exam, which question type loses the most points and which question type has been completely won, so that when I talk about the question type that loses the most points, everyone will look up and listen, and there is no need to listen to the question type that has already been won. , learn your own. Now is the senior year of high school, time is very tight, everyone must take the initiative to learn. This initiative does not mean working **** the questions, but taking the initiative to discover where you are lacking, where you are embarrassed, and where you can give your points. Speaking of which, our teachers will analyze it again. We are dealing with students from two classes in one class. It is inevitable that there will be omissions. You are the ones who know yourself best. "

Lu Yanhe is actually quite good at mathematics. In these two exams, he actually did all the questions, but selectively left some questions blank and did not write the answers.

 Including this test, he scored 112 points in the math test, which was a specially calculated score.

 He felt that his class had really met several good teachers, and the previous bad one had also been replaced.

 They are all experienced teachers who have the skills to lead students to improve their scores.

Just as he was thinking about it, Liu Qin walked over to him.

“Lu Yanhe, you did well in the math test this time. You scored 112 points, which is the highest among all subjects.” Liu Qin said.

Lu Yanhe also had to say: "I still failed in a few multiple-choice questions, and I was confused about the answer to the last fill-in-the-blank question. I just wrote the root number two, but I didn't expect that I got it right."

Liu Qin laughed: "Let me tell you, why did you improve so quickly this time?"

“I’m working hard to get 112 on my strength next time,” Lu Yanhe said.

Liu Qin nodded: "Your study situation is very good now, so you must take advantage of it."

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded.


After entering October, Li Zhibai suddenly became busy.

Zhou Ping'an gave him a permanent role in a variety show. In addition, it seems that the fourth quarter of every year is a period of intensive commercial performance.

There are also more and more business performances coming to Li Zhibai.

Li Zhi stayed away from the dormitory every three days.

Not to mention Yan Liang, as long as he doesn't have a job, he is preparing for the art exam with his teacher. He has a lot to prepare, and most of the time he even sleeps in the company. Lu Yanhe found that he often came back from late evening self-study, the room was dark and there was no one.

This feeling... If he hadn't experienced that period of time in September when they were together almost every night, he wouldn't be uncomfortable with it. I'm really a little uncomfortable now. It's not a good feeling to have no one in the house after I come back.

The temperature also dropped suddenly as the night passed.

 When Lu Yanhe got up in the morning, he was shivering from the cold and quickly put on thick clothes.

As the weather cools down, there are more fallen leaves on the road.

Lu Yanhe wore headphones and stepped on the fallen leaves that fell on the bus stop. The leaves shattered under his feet. This is an experience that can only be had after autumn begins.

He thought about when he was a child, his mother held her hand and often deliberately stepped on the withered leaves. He had forgotten why he did that. He only remembered that every time he stepped on it, he let go of his mother's hand and stepped on it with great interest. After a while, he looked up again and found his mother waiting for him in front, so he ran over and held his mother's hand again.

 I don’t know if they are doing well now.

 “Lu Yanhe.” He heard someone calling his name.

 Lu Yanhe looked back.

Chen Siqi got out of her car and walked over with a schoolbag on her back and a carton of milk in her hand.

She had her hair tied in a ponytail, and the sun had not yet risen. The clear morning light lit up her milky-white cheeks with a hint of crimson.

Her appearance is a kind of upright and smart beauty. If she didn't speak, in fact, she should have the kind of generous appearance that many elders would like.

 “You came very early today.” Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Siqi: "I heard that your class won first place in the whole grade this time. It's amazing. Yin Xiangyu must be very angry, right?"

"I don't care whether she is angry or not, it has nothing to do with me. What about you? How did you do in the exam this time?" Lu Yanhe asked.

"It's not bad. I'm in the top 100. Xu Zijun refused to give me the answers for this exam. Alas." Chen Siqi said, "I was quite nervous at first. I was worried that I would fail the exam. If I failed, Liu Wei'an would definitely not I missed this opportunity and told my dad about our scandal, saying that I must have regressed because of my puppy love."

"Then if you make progress this time, her little plan will be defeated." Lu Yanhe said.

 “Yes.” Chen Siqi nodded, with a bit of pride and excitement in his eyes.

 Two people walked into the school gate together.

“Is that person sitting at the door early in the morning waiting for the bookstore to open?” Chen Siqi asked suddenly.

Lu Yanhe followed Chen Siqi's gaze and saw a person sitting on the steps of a bookstore next to the school entrance.

 Chen Siqi didn't know her, but Lu Yanhe did.

That was the woman who came to see Su Su that night, his ex-girlfriend, Yuan Yi.

 She appears again.

Lu Yanhe didn't know how Su Su dealt with her that day. There was a National Day holiday in between, and he only saw her for the second time today.

However, when Lu Yanhe looked over, Yuan Yi happened to look up. As soon as the two people's eyes made contact, Yuan Yi's face glowed with surprise.

"It's you!" Yuan Yi stood up immediately and ran towards him.

 Lu Yanhe had to stop at the school gate.

Chen Siqi asked in surprise: "Do you know her? Is she here to wait for you?"

Lu Yanhe didn’t expect that he would say these four words: “It’s a long story.”

Yuan Yi ran up to them, stared at Lu Yanhe alone, with bright eyes, and asked, "You are Su Su's student, right?"

"Hello." Lu Yanhe said, "What do you want from me?"

“Su Su doesn’t reply to my calls or messages. Tell him that if he keeps ignoring me, I won’t give up. I will keep pestering him.”

Yuan Yi almost said the most mind-numbing words with the most innocent eyes and tone.

Lu Yanhe has already seen how crazy the woman in front of him is.

He looked at her hesitantly and said, "Teacher Su is just my teacher. I'm not familiar with him. It's impossible for me to tell him these things. You can find him yourself."

Yuan Yi's eyes became fierce in an instant.

She rushed in front of Lu Yanhe, as if Lu Yanhe had hurt her viciously, so she wanted to vent his anger back harshly.

"Are you teaming up with him to fool me? I know, you must be his favorite student, why can't you say these things to him? Aren't you his student?" Yuan Yi rushed to Lu Yanhe's door aggressively In front of him, it seemed that he would be knocked to the ground in the next second.

 Lu Yanhe had to take a step back.

"Please keep your distance from me. If you are going crazy, don't show it in front of me." He frowned, with obvious disgust on his face.

 No matter what happened between Yuan Yi and Su Su, it had nothing to do with him. Yuan Yi did such a thing, which affected him and hurt innocent people.

Just when Yuan Yi was about to say something more, Chen Siqi suddenly stepped forward, raised his hand and pushed Yuan Yi on the shoulder, pushing her away from Lu Yanhe.

"You think he's a man, and you're embarrassed to do something to you, right?" Chen Siqi shook her head and looked at Yuan Yi irritably, "What about Su Su Su Su, no matter who he is, if you have anything to do with him, just go to him in person. What's the point of looking for his students? I'm warning you, don't go crazy in front of our school. If you go crazy again, I will call the police and say you are sneaking around in front of our school."

Chen Siqi opened his mouth to threaten her.

When doing this kind of thing, Chen Siqi has a big-sister attitude about her. She is very familiar with it and does not feel unfamiliar at all.

Yuan Yi looked at Chen Siqi and then at Lu Yanhe. Suddenly his eyes turned red and tears fell down.

She smiled sourly at Chen Siqi, and her fierce voice returned to a strange gentleness.

 “Little girl, do you like him?”

Chen Siqi didn't expect that the man would give such a reaction just after he threatened him.

 Her expression was full of bewilderment.

Yuan Yi shook his head in despair and said, "It's okay if you like, but don't get too deep, otherwise you will only be hurt. These men are so cruel."

After she finished speaking, she took a deep look at the two of them, seemed to have lost her mood to continue pestering Lu Yanhe, and turned around to leave.

She left, but left a lot of embarrassment for Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi.


Chen Siqi and him looked at each other and immediately moved away from each other.

“There’s something wrong with that person. I don’t like you. Don’t get me wrong.” Chen Siqi said first.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "She seems to be a little mentally disturbed."

The eyes of each other met each other for a while, and then looked away. They said don't get me wrong, but they were still embarrassed and uncomfortable.

 “Who is Su Su?” Chen Siqi had nothing to say, so she asked about this person.

 “Our new history teacher.”

“Oh, you’re the male teacher who comes to school in a suit every day, right?” Chen Siqi obviously knew him, but she didn’t know his name was Su Su.


“He is very handsome and many girls in our class like him.”


Chen Siqi glanced at him and said, "After he came to teach your class, did the number of female fans in your class decrease?"

 Lu Yanhe: “…There are no fans of mine in our class.”

 “Really?” Chen Siqi was not really curious.

Having nothing to talk about all the way, we finally reached the entrance of the corridor where we could separate.



Lu Yanhe still couldn't hold it back and looked back at the girl's back.

 She always walks as proudly as a swan, never lowering her head, exposing her slender neck.

The velvet hair shines with youthful and graceful atmosphere under the dim light.

Lu Yanhe thought to himself, Chen Siqi must like him a little bit, right?

It’s impossible not to like it at all, right?

There are some thoughts in my mind.


During the history class, Lu Yanhe looked at Su Su and became distracted several times, thinking about him and Yuan Yi.

 What kind of past do the two of them have?

 Why does Yuan Yi keep pestering Su Su?

Lu Yanhe is actually not a very gossipy person. If it weren't for Yuan Yi appearing in this way several times, he would not be curious about this matter.

After class, Su Su packed up his things and was about to leave the classroom when he suddenly said: "Lu Yanhe, come with me."

Lu Yanhe looked at Su Su suspiciously.

 He followed Su Su out of the classroom.

Su Su was waiting for him at the front door.

The two of them walked along the corridor for a while before Su Su stopped and asked, "Did you have anything to say to me in class just now?"

Lu Yanhe was shocked. He didn't expect Su Su to be so sharp.

"It has something to do with the woman who came to see you that day." Lu Yanhe thought for a while and felt that he had nothing to hide, so he said directly, "She came again this morning, waiting for you at the school gate, and I was recognized by her. , they were blocked at the school gate."

Su Su looked surprised.

 He was stunned for a few seconds, and then showed a helpless smile that was slightly apologetic.

"This matter has caused you so much trouble." Su Su said, "I'm sorry, because of my own personal affairs, I have caused you all this trouble."

 “It’s okay.” Lu Yanhe shook his head.

Su Su: "I will resolve this matter as soon as possible."

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "Teacher Su, is this why you called me out?"

"Yeah." Su Su nodded, "I thought you had something else to ask me, but you were too embarrassed to ask me. But I didn't expect you were too embarrassed to ask me because this matter has something to do with me."

 He had another wry smile on his face.

Lu Yanhe shook his head, "Teacher Su, I just don't know if telling you this will make you feel very distressed. In fact, it doesn't cause much trouble to me. You are a teacher I admire very much. Your history class is really good." I did very well. To be honest, I think history is the most difficult among the three liberal arts subjects. It requires the highest foundation and logical analysis ability.”

Su Su: "You study very seriously. I was a little surprised before. Why are you so serious, but your grades and rankings are not very satisfactory? After talking to Teacher Liu, I found out that it turns out that not long after you started working hard, you were not very good before." Come to school."

Lu Yanhe lowered his head and smiled sheepishly.

“But at your current pace, you can definitely make it in time.” Su Su asked, “Do you want to take the Zhenhua or Yuming exam?”

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe looked at Su Su in surprise.

Su Su laughed and said, "Didn't you start a live broadcast? I followed it too. The target is Zhenhua or Yuming."

Lu Yanhe once again felt the shame of falling off his horse—even though he had not actually worn a vest.

Su Su: "You are very ambitious. I admire you very much. You work harder than the average student. If you need my help, please come to me at any time. I will be happy to help you."

Lu Yanhe: "Okay, thank you, Teacher Su."

“If you have nothing else to do, let’s go back to the classroom.” Su Su said to him.

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded, turned around and went back.


As soon as Lu Yanhe returned to the classroom, Li Pengfei came over and asked, "What did Teacher Su ask you to do?"

"Ask me...about opening a live broadcast room." Lu Yanhe hid Yuan Yi's matter. He also knew that it would be bad for Su Su if this matter spread. "Now I really regret it. Why did I do it in the first place?" Give the live broadcast room such a name.”

Li Pengfei smiled happily and said, "What's the point? It's just a slogan anyway. Is it possible that some people really take it seriously?"

 This is just a small episode.

 In the next few days, Lu Yanhe never saw Yuan Yi at school again.

Time flies very quickly in the two-point-one-line rhythm of life and study. As soon as you open your eyes, you start studying, and as soon as you close your eyes, you sleep seriously.

 Never get enough sleep, always give yourself a dose of chicken blood.

 By the end of October, two things happened.

First of all, director Luo Yuzhong came to contact Lu Yanhe. He promised to give Lu Yanhe this opportunity. He would wait until Lu Yanhe terminated his contract with Star Entertainment before signing a contract with him, and the role would be left to him.

 Secondly, Song Linxin, who previously bought the cover rights, sang "Memorial" on the "Songs to Respond" program. After rearrangement and interpretation, the song became popular overnight.

 These two incidents had a great impact on Lu Yanhe.

 Winning the opportunity to star in "Golden Age" gave Lu Yanhe reassurance.

 This is the first time in this world that he has won a valuable opportunity on his own.

The popularity of "Memory" also brought him attention again as the original singer. His triple identity as lyricist, composer, and original singer was mentioned by many music bloggers. Song Linxin also mentioned in an interview that he is very Appreciate Lu Yanhe's musical talent. This is a very delicate and moving song. The version she sang dealt with the melancholy and nostalgia of adolescence more delicately, which is a different style. Lu Yanhe's singing is more youthful and wanton.

This incident made Zhou Pingan very angry.

 Finally, Lu Yanhe’s enthusiasm was suppressed some time ago, and now it’s getting popular again.

 (End of this chapter)

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